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 PSN (EU) Weekend Sale
4 stars +309

PSN (EU) Weekend Sale

Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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7y 27d #1
Heat, but it expires on the 18/09 at 11.59 lol. I need my friend to get rocket league! He keeps putting it off.
7y 27d #2
Looks like an awful sale. Just awful.
nerd187 to Talib
7y 27d #34
True that , they got to try alot harder than this!
7y 27d #3
Heat for the post
Crappie sale though
7y 27d #4
dead by daylight is the worst game i think ive played on ps4 probably get it cheaper on disc aswell but i wouldnt even bother with it your regret buying it i sold my copy the same day 😂
kaamuuu to nick2427
7y 27d #31

It was free this weekend on xbox and what a shamble of a game, good God.
HotdogginJNR to kaamuuu
7y 27d #44
Why do you hate it, it just has a learning curve but im absolutely destorying on it, i love it. Will gameshare it with my friend.
kaamuuu to HotdogginJNR
7y 27d #45
It's extremely glitchy, at least when I played it, I reckon it would be more fun when played with friends though
HotdogginJNR to nick2427
7y 27d #43
I actually love game, i have been on it all weekend, the free weekend.

Absolutely destorying on it, escaped many times but i mainly use the Killers and have only had a handful of people escape.
7y 27d #5
Skyrim for £25 is a sale? My word.
Funsam to OnlyJoeKing
7y 27d #42
You can buy physical copy cheaper than that, yep agree terrible sale
TeeBlackwell to OnlyJoeKing
7y 26d #46
I'm buzzing I got Skyrim from eBay for £13 without a case about 5 months ago. £25 is chuffing mental for a remaster of a 6 year old game.
7y 27d #6
Not digging those prices, tbh
7y 27d #7
Persona 5 39.99 lol..
dave859 to debesis26
7y 27d #10
It's certainly not enough saving to justify buying it.
7y 27d #8
Prey looks tempting. Slightly cheaper to buy on disc, though, if you prefer that medium.
7y 27d #9
Shocking prices just shocking....
7y 27d #11
Thanks OP FIFA 17 bargain 👍
7y 27d #12
I'm struggling to remember a 'Sale' this bad.
Daft_Aider to PurplePerson
7y 27d #14
Pretty much every single xbox sale
joanddan7 to Daft_Aider
7y 27d #15
You jest surely? I struggle to give Sony my money most months. Xbox get money off me most weeks with their cheap goodies
Daft_Aider to joanddan7
7y 27d #16
not even remotely, my experience is exactly the opposite of yours
7y 27d #13
DBD special edition can be had as a physical copy with soundtrack at Base for £17.99. Prey is also £14.99 now at most retailers for a physical copy. Great if you only buy digital, but still a hearty mark up compared to online retailers
7y 27d #17
Rocket league for £9.59 is a great little price to be honest for anyone who missed out on it being free with ps+ a few years ago. It's one of the best games of this generation for under a tenner, so although it's been cheaper, if you havn't bought it, now is the time to invest 👍
DLC to prynolfc
7y 27d #35
Im thinking of buying it. Is it worth getting the GOTY or just the base?
prynolfc to DLC
7y 27d #40
Just the base i'd say, not really much point in paying extra for the cars until you know you want to play it alot
7y 27d #18
prey was cheaper retail
dead by daylight at base
persona 5 cheaper retail

digital needs to be cheaper then retail
7y 27d #19
come on guys, be grateful at these prices, at least that PSN wallet will not take a hit this weekend!

although golf club 2 seems interesting
7y 27d #20
It always puzzles me that game publishers want less pre owned stock on retail shelves (as they get nothing from sales of second hand games) yet continue to make their digital games ridiculous in price, and it costs them nothing in production costs!

I would love to do a mass experiment and have something like Call of Duty WW2 cost £29.99 digitally, and scrap physical copies and see what happens. PC has pretty much done it and are doing just fine.
silvercondor to EmperorRosko
7y 27d #21
Yep; no manufacturing,no discs, no boxes, no manuals, no shipping, no stores taking a cut... It's completely and utterly baffling. I wonder if the small number of people blindly paying the ridiculous digital launch prices ("whales" if you like) make it worthwhile sticking with the current method.
catt466 to EmperorRosko
7y 27d #22
They have to keep digital prices high, otherwise people would not buy physical and stores would stop selling them. They would loose the whole distribution channel, would need to rely on digital alone. They don't want that.
EmperorRosko to catt466
7y 27d #23
Well DVD and Blu-ray went that way. Remember Blockbuster Videos? Or my local Global Videos? Or whatever local store you used to pick up movies from on rental.

The digital age happened.

Consoles just haven't caught up.

If gamers weren't given the choice, they'd have to go digital, just like Steam forced it on PC.

The world can't be a charity to businesses that aren't required anymore. When technology advances, we have to move on.

In 50 year's time, gamers will tell their grandchildren about discs, when they are streaming games over gigabit fibre Internet connections.
Fergmeister to EmperorRosko
7y 27d #24
I always imagine it's something to do with the selling of the consoles rather than the games. I don't think anyone makes profit on consoles, so if stores had games taken off them I don't think they would be inclined to continue selling consoles, which wouldn't do Sony any favours. Just my opinion but it seems to make sense. Either that or Sony rely on disabled and drunk people that pay £59.99 for Watch Dogs 2.
chaosprime to Fergmeister
7y 27d #25
Nintendo always make a profit on their consoles. They have every generation of I'm not mistaken.
dave859 to EmperorRosko
7y 27d #27
To be fair Microsoft did try and bring the Xbox one out as all digital hardware but people kicked off and the backlash from that E3 event made them take a new direction adding the drive and disc games.
SnakeRaiden to dave859
7y 27d #32
Thank God for the backlash. The original xbone was horrible.
electrolite77 to EmperorRosko
7y 27d #29
It's still very easy to buy CDs, vinyl, DVDs and Blu-rays. Those forms of entertainment have not gone fully digital, not even close.
electrolite77 to catt466
7y 27d #28
Exactly this. It wouldn't be good for consumers either. How often on here are games cheaper physically than digitally? Most of the time. That's because of the competition among retailers. If Consoles go digital and the only place you can buy PS games is the Sony store or the you can buy XBOX games is from MS prices won't come down. Monopolies are never good.
kreames to EmperorRosko
7y 27d #39
And loads of second hand businesses close down and then publishers push up price of digital games
EmperorRosko to kreames
7y 27d #41
Good, like I said, the world is not a charity for those businesses.

A bit like the chimney sweepers, sorry but we don't need you anymore.
7y 27d #26
Ferg is right, Sony and Microsoft at the moment still rely on retail to shift consoles which besides Nintendo don't make a profit, if retail can't profit from new and pre-owned games then they will stop stocking the consoles and that's a big problem
7y 27d #30
I bought infinite warfare cheaper last Christmas when it was only out 2 months....crap sale,the Star Wars thing was good the other day though.
7y 27d #33
Best price for Tales of Berseria in a while at least.
7y 27d #36
Not sure what everyone's complaining about @BubaMan . Persona 5 is only £22 😉
7y 27d #37
I have played it this weekend and really got into it - can't understand the criticism it's getting
7y 27d #38
FIFA price looks ok. My nephews got a PS4 today and I passed that on to my sister and they snapped it up.
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