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 [PS4/Xbox One/PC] FIFA 18 demo launches today (12th)
4.5 stars +461

[PS4/Xbox One/PC] FIFA 18 demo launches today (12th)

Playstation PSN12 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
12 Sep 17
** Xbox One ** [Link]
** PlayStation 4 ** [Link]

Posting demos now? Well, it's just a heads up.

Cool story...
I got hammered 10-3 on FIFA 17 back in March. I uninstalled it and haven't played since <--- not a cool story.

The FIFA 18 demo launches on Xbox One, PS4 and Origin today. It can work two ways with a demo, you can either play it, enjoy it and go on to buy the full game, or you can play it, realise it's the same as last year, and the year before, and the year before that and save yourself about £50. It's win/win :smile:

I'll pop the relevant links in as they become available.

So what's included?

Kick Off Mode

Experience FIFA 18’s Real Player Motion Technology, a groundbreaking animation system that unlocks a new level of realistic, responsive, and fluid gameplay. Player Personalities give some of the biggest stars in the world the distinct traits of their real-world counterparts, Team Styles let players mimic their favourite clubs’ distinct on-field tactics, and Immersive Atmospheres bring some of the football world’s most famous stadiums to life during matches.

Plus, enjoy the brand-new broadcast overlays for LaLiga and MLS, as well as vibrant and region-specific sights and sounds that make football’s biggest stadiums come to life.

Play as one of these 12 top football clubs in Kick Off mode:

  • Manchester United
  • Manchester City
  • Real Madrid CF
  • Atlético de Madrid
  • Juventus F.C.
  • FC Bayern Munich
  • Paris Saint-Germain F.C.
  • LA Galaxy
  • Toronto FC
  • Boca Juniors
  • C.D. Guadalajara
  • Vissel Kobe

Play in one of these 4 stadiums from around the world:


With new high-res crowds, regionalized atmospheres, player banners, on-pitch graphics and more, the most immersive football experiences are brought to life in FIFA 18.

  • Santiago Bernabéu
  • La Bombonera
  • StubHub Center
  • King Fahd Stadium

The Journey: Hunter Returns

Alex Hunter is back for a second season, and rumour has it, he’s on the move. Preview the next chapter in Hunter’s story in the Demo as he goes global alongside a star-studded supporting cast featuring Cristiano Ronaldo, Antoine Griezmann, James Harden, plus new playable characters. The future is bright, and the world is talking about Hunter… but life in football isn’t always fair.
Latest comments (76)
19 Sep 17 #76
:relaxed: FIFA 18 has slayed PES this season. I've played PES since Fifa 14, and I gotta say, they (Fifa) nailed it this year.
13 Sep 17 #74
found the FIFA demo boring.
pes keepers have improved
philm87 to kcspurs
13 Sep 17 #75
Graphically though Fifa looks amazing in 4k HDR! Converting to PES this year though, just for a change as much as anything.
13 Sep 17 #73
I've converted to PES in recent years but after playing both demos I think I actually enjoy FIFA more this time out.

It's the player likenesses which PES have had nailed recently but finally players feel considerably different and not just eleven Gareth Barrys on FIFA for a change!
12 Sep 17 #6
Thats scripted fifa for you, I already know this one is going to be THROUGH THE ROOF scripting just like they always are, i'll wait for it to go on ea access i think this year
philm87 to prynolfc
12 Sep 17 #23
Just interested. Do you even know what you mean when you say that?
prynolfc to philm87
13 Sep 17 #72
No I havn't played fifa since I was a little kid, I'm not a high skill player, I'm clearly just bad on the game and stupid too. Fifa isn't scripted...
12 Sep 17 #38
Its a pity the way EA deal with lag compensation I would need to downgrade my Internet to compete.
philm87 to Greggs123
12 Sep 17 #44
How do they deal with it?
LocoMoFo9999 to Greggs123
12 Sep 17 #71
Sounds like CoD :raised_hand:
12 Sep 17 #70
xbox dl , played a game and journey one game,

ps4 still downloading
12 Sep 17 #69
Cheers Buzz. Downloading it on PS4 right now.
12 Sep 17 #68
Xbox link seems to be a bit busy for some

After clicking get it now I keep getting the the passive aggressive last few words.

Try that again
Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help.
12 Sep 17 #67
I appreciate it OP. It's a demo which typically means it's going to be free but I like to check HUKD a lot and it's like a notification when I see something like this, like with any other deal. Anyway. Free is Free
12 Sep 17 #66
Demo is live on Origin (PC)…emo
12 Sep 17 #63
Not having any luck whatsoever on Xbox. :disappointed:
REAL_DEAL to Jay080286
12 Sep 17 #64
me too,
PS4 slow but getting there
Jay080286 to REAL_DEAL
12 Sep 17 #65
It's not in the store, and it won't load on the website!
12 Sep 17 #62
7.4GB download on PS4 - seems pretty big for just a demo. Hopefully a good deal on the game comes along soon. :smile:
12 Sep 17 #61
** PlayStation 4 download page ** [Link]
12 Sep 17 #60
^^ Xbox One now live.
12 Sep 17 #59
** Xbox One page for when it goes live ** [Link]
12 Sep 17 #56
what times this out?
Retro89 to REAL_DEAL
12 Sep 17 #57
6pm is when EA announce stuff, so maybe then.
REAL_DEAL to Retro89
12 Sep 17 #58
12 Sep 17 #4
Thanks downloading. :thumbsup:
cfcshaneb to mixmixi
12 Sep 17 #54
What store I can't download it on Xbox store or psn store
mixmixi to cfcshaneb
12 Sep 17 #55
Sorry forgot to mention, that was just a heads up.
12 Sep 17 #17
How big is the Xbox one download size?
BuzzDuraband to Jay080286
12 Sep 17 #18
g7paul1 to BuzzDuraband
12 Sep 17 #27
Where did you download it from? I cannot find it on Store
BuzzDuraband to g7paul1
12 Sep 17 #28
I've stated in the OP that it launches today bud and 'I'll pop the relevant links in as they become available." :smile:
Jay080286 to BuzzDuraband
12 Sep 17 #29
Thank you. Might just have enough mobile data for it!
cfcshaneb to BuzzDuraband
12 Sep 17 #53
I can't download it on my ps4 or Xbox one
12 Sep 17 #52
What about 360?
12 Sep 17 #51
Anyone else get their copy of Pro Evo Premium Edition from SimplyGames today? :party:
12 Sep 17 #50
Ronaldo keeping it real for us 'oldies'. The highest rating in the game and he's in his 30's.

Just hoping the fatigue doesn't kick in too early and have to substitute him in every game.
12 Sep 17 #49
FIFA is one of those yearly purchases that would seem nonsensical to people who don't play it, but is great value to those who will put 100 plus hours into it.
12 Sep 17 #24
More licensed teams and stadiums in the FIFA demo than in the complete version of pes? :wink:

***hides from the PES fanboys***

heat - ill give fifa a go. No doubt ill end up buying both as usual.
chasolo to joanddan7
12 Sep 17 #31
real gamers go on gameplay buddy. fifa fan boys love the real names etc. pah
joanddan7 to chasolo
12 Sep 17 #33
To be honest buying both most years for probably at least 10 years I'd say its not always cut and dry, also for many whilst it certain elements of the actual on field play might now edge PES (and for many years recently that wasn't the case) PES suffers from depth of its modes, I think PES suits a more casual approach - dip in and out, you aren't going to get lost in a deep franchise style mode. My stance has always been different strokes for different folks.

When it comes to most things I don't consider myself a "real" gamer anyway.

In sports games I want to get into a franchise mode - NBA/Madden/NHL/Rugby... for me FIFA is winning that battle but certainly elements that PES nails and I wish it could be a hybrid.

Maybe its

Real Football fans - FIFA

Real Gamers/beardy hipsters - PES?

‌ :wink:

It certainly has always been more fashionable to say you are a PES fan for sure. Even in the dark days of the series.

Like I say I buy both every year - so I am 100% on the fence.
BuzzDuraband to joanddan7
12 Sep 17 #34
Genuinely tempted to pick up PES this year, simply so I can slide with ease into the 'beardy hipsters' category :grin:
joanddan7 to BuzzDuraband
12 Sep 17 #35

It definitely gets you bonus points from the Beardy Hipster brigade...
chrisredmayne to chasolo
12 Sep 17 #36
Don't get that real name stuff... I only play my club anyways so your not even playing with proper teams. I'd be happy with fake players
uptwisting to joanddan7
12 Sep 17 #47
Hehe, yes. but less gameplay than ET.
joanddan7 to uptwisting
12 Sep 17 #48
E.T. is a classic game..

‌ :wink:
12 Sep 17 #45
Padgey1985 to djnaff
12 Sep 17 #46
Any idea when it's available?
12 Sep 17 #7
I'll give it a go,but it's gonna have to be good to beat pro EVO for gameplay tho.
chrisredmayne to chasolo
12 Sep 17 #16
What's the best price for pes at the moment? Might just wait a few weeks as I've just got destiny but 2017 was amazing and this is getting great reviews too
philm87 to chrisredmayne
12 Sep 17 #21
Simply Games had the premium edition for £35. They should be delivering mine today (2 days early) as it was sent out yesterday first class.
mackay85 to philm87
12 Sep 17 #42
Can I pay them any other way that through PayPal? I tried too but entered my details but there was no way to avoid creating a PayPal account.
philm87 to mackay85
12 Sep 17 #43
They take credit/debit card
chasolo to chrisredmayne
12 Sep 17 #30
premium edition here mate…ps4
12 Sep 17 #39
Oh bloody great! The boy will be downloading this tonight then...only to destroy me on it an celebrate like a nutter in the living room.
red23 to ThugBasher
12 Sep 17 #41
Let him have his glory.

Little does he know you're the true winner, when you destroy his mother later that night.
12 Sep 17 #40
Is today the 12th?
12 Sep 17 #37
what time does the PSN store update?
12 Sep 17 #32
Good heads up. Technically it's a deal... But I like to be informed of such demos or betas. Otherwise I'll miss the opportunity. Not one to surf the store every week.
So heat.
12 Sep 17 #26
These new features are totally worth £45+ :joy:‌ :joy:
12 Sep 17 #25
Xbox one store? I cannot find it
12 Sep 17 #22
Cheers buzz, still on the fence over this or pro evo so will try both now that the demos are both out.
12 Sep 17 #3
I'm not keen on this new trend of free game demos becoming "deals" on here.
BuzzDuraband to john.swfc
12 Sep 17 #5
It's cool. I appreciate it's not going to appeal to everyone...I don't even play FIFA. But in fairness, I have slapped it into the 'Freebies' section.
chapchap to BuzzDuraband
12 Sep 17 #10
When i go to Deals- then Gaming why is this the first in the list? Shouldn't i have to go to freebies to see it ?

Just tried again- Deals (general) and then New and it comes up.
BuzzDuraband to chapchap
12 Sep 17 #11
It will do. It's in the 'Gaming' group. But I can assure you it's in Freebies :smile:…new
chapchap to BuzzDuraband
12 Sep 17 #13
Click on Deals and then New (don't choose gaming) and it is there listed...this isn't a Deal thoigh it is a Freebie. New menu looks rubbish and doesnt work. A step backwards...
BuzzDuraband to chapchap
12 Sep 17 #14
I know it's listed there :smile: I've just said - because it's in the gaming group. It's tagged with 'Gaming' and 'Freebies'. It shows on both pages. Has been like this for the past 8 weeks or so.
chapchap to BuzzDuraband
12 Sep 17 #20
That is 8 weeks too long then...
mixmixi to chapchap
12 Sep 17 #15
Dude you are arguing over nothing! HUKD has changed its layout and the way the categories used to be. Before you had individual categories, now you have tags! There is no actual categories anymore. They have listed the classic categories/tags in the drop down menu on top but they are actually tags and when you post a deal the site automatically picks up the tag and put your deal in other groups/categories. Nothing you can do about it excep getting on with it.
12 Sep 17 #19
Anyone know what time it is to be released?
12 Sep 17 #12
Mordhau alpha also out today, I would have been excited to try this otherwise.
12 Sep 17 #8
The demo isn't available to download yet on PS4 is it?
tsimehC to akajk12
12 Sep 17 #9
12 Sep 17 #2
Amazing deal. Have some heat :joy:‌ :joy:‌ :joy:
12 Sep 17 #1
** Xbox One ** [Link]
** PlayStation 4 ** [Link]

Posting demos now? Well, it's just a heads up.

Cool story...
I got hammered 10-3 on FIFA 17 back in March. I uninstalled it and haven't played since <--- not a cool story.

The FIFA 18 demo launches on Xbox One, PS4 and Origin today. It can work two ways with a demo, you can either play it, enjoy it and go on to buy the full game, or you can play it, realise it's the same as last year, and the year before, and the year before that and save yourself about £50. It's win/win :smile:

I'll pop the relevant links in as they become available.

So what's included?

Kick Off Mode

Experience FIFA 18’s Real Player Motion Technology, a groundbreaking animation system that unlocks a new level of realistic, responsive, and fluid gameplay. Player Personalities give some of the biggest stars in the world the distinct traits of their real-world counterparts, Team Styles let players mimic their favourite clubs’ distinct on-field tactics, and Immersive Atmospheres bring some of the football world’s most famous stadiums to life during matches.

Plus, enjoy the brand-new broadcast overlays for LaLiga and MLS, as well as vibrant and region-specific sights and sounds that make football’s biggest stadiums come to life.

Play as one of these 12 top football clubs in Kick Off mode:

  • Manchester United
  • Manchester City
  • Real Madrid CF
  • Atlético de Madrid
  • Juventus F.C.
  • FC Bayern Munich
  • Paris Saint-Germain F.C.
  • LA Galaxy
  • Toronto FC
  • Boca Juniors
  • C.D. Guadalajara
  • Vissel Kobe

Play in one of these 4 stadiums from around the world:


With new high-res crowds, regionalized atmospheres, player banners, on-pitch graphics and more, the most immersive football experiences are brought to life in FIFA 18.

  • Santiago Bernabéu
  • La Bombonera
  • StubHub Center
  • King Fahd Stadium

The Journey: Hunter Returns

Alex Hunter is back for a second season, and rumour has it, he’s on the move. Preview the next chapter in Hunter’s story in the Demo as he goes global alongside a star-studded supporting cast featuring Cristiano Ronaldo, Antoine Griezmann, James Harden, plus new playable characters. The future is bright, and the world is talking about Hunter… but life in football isn’t always fair.
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