This Open Beta Test will feature the following contents: • Player Match (Online mode) • Casual Match (Online mode) - 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3 • Ultimate Battle (Online / Offline mode) - 15 missions, 30 missions • Trial Battle (Offline mode) - 1 Route • Free Battle (Offline mode) • Tutorial
Fast Paced 2vs2 Action-Fighting Coordinate and lay waste to your rivals in fierce 2 vs 2 fighting combat iconic to the GUNDAM VERSUS series. Go all out with guns blazing and lighting fast melee in a robust selection of Offline and Online game modes.
7y 29d#4
forgot all about this.. thanks OP.. this will decide if i cancel my preorder or not.. really want tot support a gundam title, considering how many anime series i have watched over the years :).
7y 29d#3
might have a go, but when i found out this has no real single player campaign cancelled my pre-order
Opening post
• Player Match (Online mode)
• Casual Match (Online mode) - 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3
• Ultimate Battle (Online / Offline mode) - 15 missions, 30 missions
• Trial Battle (Offline mode) - 1 Route
• Free Battle (Offline mode)
• Tutorial
Fast Paced 2vs2 Action-Fighting
Coordinate and lay waste to your rivals in fierce 2 vs 2 fighting combat iconic to the GUNDAM VERSUS series. Go all out with guns blazing and lighting fast melee in a robust selection of Offline and Online game modes.