The FINAL FANTASY® IX Digital Edition includes the original custom theme designed by Toshiyuki Itahana and eight key characters avatars.
At last, the hugely popular FINAL FANTASY® IX arrives on the PlayStation®4 system with additional features: trophies, game boosters such as high speed and no encounter modes autosave and high-definition!
The Tantalus Theatre Troupe visits the Kingdom of Alexandria to help celebrate Princess Garnet’s birthday. However, the troupe is actually a group of thieves and their real intension is to kidnap the princess! Meanwhile, a young black mage called Vivi arrives to watch their performance but is at a loss when he realises that he only has a forged ticket…
In a picture book-like world of fantasy, Zidane the thief, Princess Garnet and Vivi get tangled up in an emotional and magnificent crystal adventure!
Price valid throught 26/09.
Latest comments (63)
19 Sep 17#32
Sorry, but the price is absurd! I'm pretty certain when we got the Final Fantasy VII port on PS4, it was reduced to £7.99. But if S-E is going to continue to sell their digtal titles at £16.99 then I will have to hold out - They did it with Star Ocean 3: Till The End of Time recently as well.
I've wanted this for years as Final Fantasy IX is my favourite game of all time - However! This version is awful!!! To put it simply, the boarders both left and right break the immersion of the game. Also, weirdly when you save the game and reload, you don't resume infront of the Save Moogle, but it loads the game fron the point you enetered the area...
ventis86 to Mickey_Money
19 Sep 17#36
It's a shame the borders can't be helped. One of the best things about using the vita is that you can't stretch the screen as much as you want to replay the ps classics
Prepel to Mickey_Money
19 Sep 17#37
This is because you are choosing 'Continue' instead of 'Load'. Saving the game will not create a 'Continue' spot in many places - you have to use the correct method to resume.
I am currently playing through this version on android - cloud save lets you load it up on Kodi box if you want the big screen experience.
ZeroBlitz to Mickey_Money
19 Sep 17#42
Square-Enix have always priced Final Fantasy games like this - because it's their most popular series that continues to sell year after year. The PS4 FFVII remaster was the same as this. I had to wait like a year for a half price sale.
PS1 games were made to be rendered in 240p. They've obviously done some work on them already but there's only so much you can do without completely remaking every single bit of art. 240p to 1080p scaling is a monumental difference.
adam0812 to ZeroBlitz
20 Sep 17#58
The original art was much higher res, I think the problem is that some of the assets simply don't exist…612
UltimatePhoenix to adam0812
27 Sep 17#62
That reminds me of the first time I played resident evil on the Gamecube and I was amazed at the graphics then, might of took some loading but the Gamecube was one small powerful console
adam0812 to UltimatePhoenix
28 Sep 17#63
I could be wrong but I believe those backgrounds are 900p and are the exact same as those used in the HD remakes, hence why they look a little more pixelated by todays standard.
20 Sep 17#56
Remote play with Vita is another plus to owning this. It should also look lovely on that screen.
StrifeyWolf to RickDoyle
21 Sep 17#60
Just buy the PS1 version for your Vita, then you can stretch it and not have to deal with the horrible black bars.
Also you will be able to take it anywhere!
RickDoyle to StrifeyWolf
21 Sep 17#61
19 Sep 17#23
£17 is steep if you don't have ps plus, still a brilliant game though but I think i'll wait until this drops in price a bit.
RickDoyle to totneschap
20 Sep 17#57
I wouldn't hold your breath mate. I reckon it won't go below a tenner for years, if at all.
totneschap to RickDoyle
20 Sep 17#59
FF7 has dropped below £10 a few times so I'm sure this one will....eventually
19 Sep 17#13
As a heads up...
The FINAL FANTASY® IX Digital Edition includes the original custom theme designed by Toshiyuki Itahana and eight key characters avatars.
dreadzone101 to BuzzDuraband
20 Sep 17#55
19 Sep 17#54
Please don't tempt me into buying this. I really look forward to playing more of the PS1 original on my Panasonic TX-G10 TV, the way its meant to be played. I already have the Steam version and i have barely played it, so i won't be buying this one,
19 Sep 17#53
Well. Someone has 1000 jumps trophy
19 Sep 17#52
I loved this game. I'm abit scared to go near it and ruin it for myself as I've done with so many other fondly remembered games! They're never how you remember them! Kweh!
19 Sep 17#33
Cold. You can get this for £3.75 in the steam autumn sale in a few weeks.
BuzzDuraband to Al7777
19 Sep 17#34
It's all time low on Steam is £7.99 so I'll be seriously impressed. Whilst we're in conversation, do you have a guide for playing PC games on PlayStation 4? I'd imagine it'll help a ton of people out.
TIA :smile:
Al7777 to BuzzDuraband
19 Sep 17#51
Final fantasy VII and VIII took 3 months after release to reach £4.99 so you shouldn't be impressed. As for a guide (not sure if your autistic or "trying" to be clever), if you don't have a PC that can run a ps1 game I have no idea how you became a editor working on an ancient toaster. Steam is now compatible with the ps4 controller and you can link steam to your tv. The pc version of ffIX is the best version, source - games radar.
"The definitive version: Final Fantasy 9 (PC) Like Final Fantasy 8, there aren't a ton of options available if you want to replay this fondly remembered classic. The best way right now is with the PC version, which includes a handful of boosters and cheat options, along with high-def cutscenes and character models. The pre-rendered backgrounds are still the same and look a bit blurry and washed out when compared to the newly-updated 3D models, but you'd get that regardless of the version you played. Even so, the core gameplay and plot have aged considerably well, and the PC version is a solid port.
What about the rest? The PC port also appeared on mobile devices with touch-specific controls and a condensed UI layout. While I prefer the PC's controller compatibility, the mobile version is a pretty good version if you prefer to use your tablet. If you want to play the original game, you can download it to your PS3 or Vita through PSN, but like FF8, it doesn't include any of the additions provided by the updated release."
L :poop:
dusktilldawn to Al7777
19 Sep 17#35
Since when has steam been compatible with PlayStation 4. This is a PS4 post, stay on topic.
19 Sep 17#50
Freya in HD?
Sign me up!
19 Sep 17#49
Dont have a ps4 but I have this on android. Still my favourite final fantasy game. If they ever did a remake it would be amazing.
19 Sep 17#48
So now I own it on the PS4, IPhone, PS and steam... your move square
19 Sep 17#47
I'll just play my old disc... not too fussed about upgraded graphics..... heat for deal tho
19 Sep 17#16
There's a trophy for scoring 1000 in the skipping minigame. Good luck, plat hunters!
Pacman786 to stevenjameshyde
19 Sep 17#39
Hold my beer while I get Chuck Norris to arrive, he'll then hold mine and your beer while you do the skipping for both me and Chuck.
Best get them platinums or else B.A. Baracus will be invited to the party.
UltimatePhoenix to Pacman786
19 Sep 17#40
Holy moly :astonished:
ventis86 to stevenjameshyde
19 Sep 17#41
Did it when I was 14, surely that means it's easy, right?
stevenjameshyde to ventis86
19 Sep 17#44
Now try it again with unavoidable HDMI lag
UltimatePhoenix to ventis86
19 Sep 17#46
Turbo controller :thumbsup:
19 Sep 17#45
Hardly a deal?
19 Sep 17#43
heat! now we just need FF8.
19 Sep 17#38
Hmm they couldn't have done something with the blurry backgrounds?
19 Sep 17#31
Oh man, the next 5 hours before I get home are going to kill me! I'm so happy right now. The price is terrible but have my heat!!!!!!!
19 Sep 17#27
Could someone let us know how it looks on the PS4?
UltimatePhoenix to roryharvey1
19 Sep 17#30
19 Sep 17#29
Oh my I loved the FFVII theme since release, now I love this FFIX theme, olde English theme song from the game
19 Sep 17#26
Will this look like crap on a big screen?
Prepel to RickDoyle
19 Sep 17#28
No. 'HD' models and hand drawn backgrounds.
19 Sep 17#25
I'm so happy about this, it has made my day. My first FF game and my favourite.
19 Sep 17#24
Is this getting a disc release as well?
19 Sep 17#21
Best one. I'm tempted but surely "No encounter" mode means its going to be impossible to level up/beat the game later on?
UltimatePhoenix to CBK
19 Sep 17#22
Its only a button press, FFVII had it, can switch it on n off easily, its for the long walks through forests n dungeons
19 Sep 17#20
Best versions of FF games I to XII a useful site if you're looking for the best experience but unsure which platform to buy the game on. comprehensive reasoning behind each suggestion with Pros/Cons for each platform
19 Sep 17#19
To this day my fave FF game. Have some heat.
19 Sep 17#18
I have lost count of the amount of ports of this I have purchased and will continue to purchase. So much love
19 Sep 17#11
This any different to the version that works on PS3?
UltimatePhoenix to Bilj
19 Sep 17#12
Most likely upscaled with trophies like FFVII
BuzzDuraband to Bilj
19 Sep 17#15
The PlayStation 4 version of the 2000-release Final Fantasy features:
High-definition movies and character models
Auto-save functionality
Seven optional booster features, including high speed mode and no encounter mode, the Master All Abilities booster, which will allow players to automatically master equipped weapons and gear, as well as features to maximize character levels, magic stone counts and gil
PlayStation 4 trophy support, share functionality and remote play with the PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system
catt466 to BuzzDuraband
19 Sep 17#17
Thank you, I will buy because of this.
19 Sep 17#14
Annoying, I bought this on PS Vita but sold the Vita before I got into it. Doesn't count as cross-buy (someone said Vita was PS1 version while PS4 is PC version?!) :disappointed: Not sure I want to purchase again at the moment!
19 Sep 17#10
Nice, Zidane, loved this but they skipped Leonhart!! Card game was really good!!
19 Sep 17#9
£13.59 for me and i'm on PS+
19 Sep 17#8
The game gets older, the price gets higher! Great game though.
19 Sep 17#3
You might want to update your price. No idea where you got £9.59 from :joy:
BuzzDuraband to CoffeMan
19 Sep 17#7
Wishful thinking? :grin:
19 Sep 17#6
I may have bitten at 9.59, I think I'll wait. It's bound to be on sale in a couple of months.
19 Sep 17#5
This is the best FF they have ever done!
19 Sep 17#4
Ahh, if only my Vita save would be compatible...
19 Sep 17#1
It says 13.59 for me. Full price 16.99 :thinking:
BuzzDuraband to Moonmonkeys
19 Sep 17#2
Head went dead - my apologies. Rectified and put the kettle on :smile: Cheers.
Opening post
Launch trailer...…LIc
The FINAL FANTASY® IX Digital Edition includes the original custom theme designed by Toshiyuki Itahana and eight key characters avatars.
At last, the hugely popular FINAL FANTASY® IX arrives on the PlayStation®4 system with additional features: trophies, game boosters such as high speed and no encounter modes autosave and high-definition!
The Tantalus Theatre Troupe visits the Kingdom of Alexandria to help celebrate Princess Garnet’s birthday. However, the troupe is actually a group of thieves and their real intension is to kidnap the princess! Meanwhile, a young black mage called Vivi arrives to watch their performance but is at a loss when he realises that he only has a forged ticket…
In a picture book-like world of fantasy, Zidane the thief, Princess Garnet and Vivi get tangled up in an emotional and magnificent crystal adventure!
Price valid throught 26/09.
Latest comments (63)
I've wanted this for years as Final Fantasy IX is my favourite game of all time - However! This version is awful!!!
Saving the game will not create a 'Continue' spot in many places - you have to use the correct method to resume.
I am currently playing through this version on android - cloud save lets you load it up on Kodi box if you want the big screen experience.
PS1 games were made to be rendered in 240p. They've obviously done some work on them already but there's only so much you can do without completely remaking every single bit of art. 240p to 1080p scaling is a monumental difference.
Also you will be able to take it anywhere!
The FINAL FANTASY® IX Digital Edition includes the original custom theme designed by Toshiyuki Itahana and eight key characters avatars.
TIA :smile:
"The definitive version: Final Fantasy 9 (PC) Like Final Fantasy 8, there aren't a ton of options available if you want to replay this fondly remembered classic. The best way right now is with the PC version, which includes a handful of boosters and cheat options, along with high-def cutscenes and character models. The pre-rendered backgrounds are still the same and look a bit blurry and washed out when compared to the newly-updated 3D models, but you'd get that regardless of the version you played. Even so, the core gameplay and plot have aged considerably well, and the PC version is a solid port.
What about the rest? The PC port also appeared on mobile devices with touch-specific controls and a condensed UI layout. While I prefer the PC's controller compatibility, the mobile version is a pretty good version if you prefer to use your tablet. If you want to play the original game, you can download it to your PS3 or Vita through PSN, but like FF8, it doesn't include any of the additions provided by the updated release."
L :poop:
Sign me up!
Best get them platinums or else B.A. Baracus will be invited to the party.
'HD' models and hand drawn backgrounds.
a useful site if you're looking for the best experience but unsure which platform to buy the game on. comprehensive reasoning behind each suggestion with Pros/Cons for each platform