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 (PS4) Bloodborne / Shadow of Mordor GOTY / Mad Max £6.16 @ PSN Store USA
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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1 Sep 17
7.99 in $
All comments (85)
1 Sep 17 #1
Bloodborne at any price is a good deal, at £6.16 it's an absolute steal! The more I think of it the more I'm sure it's my favourite game of this generation! A must try for anyone, even if you didn't get on with demons souls/dark souls!
freedomspark to parasitemol
1 Sep 17 #7
Top of ps4 exclusives list for sure. £6 to play the best game of the generation is absolutely ridiculous
dave859 to parasitemol
1 Sep 17 #15
Second that, I didn't really get on well with any of the others but enjoyed bloodborne so much I've played though it 3 times. It's certainly one of the best games I've played in years and it's rare for me too complete a game and play it again straight after.
Spark to parasitemol
2 Sep 17 #24
I thought it was one of the worst games I've ever played but everyone is different.
BubaMan to Spark
2 Sep 17 #26
It's one of those games you're supposed to like...
Difficult is fine, I'm not averse to games with a steep curve... but being forced to replay the last 30 minutes every time you die is just plain irritating.
It just artificially inflates the game's play time with monotonous grind.

I know I'm massively in the minority on this one but I've got comfy in today's gaming world where failure is punished with a maximum of 5 minutes replay.
Bure11 to BubaMan
2 Sep 17 #29
Although it's true you can have go replay 30 mins if you die. That's IF you don't unlock the shortcuts on the way and feel the need to kill EVERYTHING. There's so many times in the game you'll die, and it's a straight 2 minute run back to the boss or spot you died at.

Each area is actually really small, and smaller with a shortcut and there's really no need to kill everything each time. As a first timer I can understand that issue but once you're used to the game it's non existent.
BubaMan to Bure11
2 Sep 17 #30
I'll give it another go for a fiver - perhaps I'll read a guide this time :relaxed:
Bure11 to BubaMan
2 Sep 17 #33
‌ :joy: A guide helps a lot. Especially at the start.

How far did you get? If you remember
BubaMan to Bure11
2 Sep 17 #35
Not far - there was a couple of werewolves on a bridge I think...
It took ages because of the resets and then it sent me nearly back to the start when I died there.
‌ :rage: Cue a gamepad-shaped dent in the wall and a storm off to Game to trade it in :blush:
Djplonker to BubaMan
2 Sep 17 #36
I think you missed a lamp (checkpoint)

If you try it again I would watch some combat tips for begginers videos on youtube it will help break bad habits that other games have tought you.

I tried darks souls 1 at launch and spent soo much time getting no where and gave up 50 hours in, ds2 comes out and same happens again get half way through and gave up.
Bloodborne releases and me and my infinite wisdom decide this is the one.

Finished bloodborne went right out after the credits were finished and bought dark souls 2 for ps4.
a few weeks later and I finish that too, shortly after I thought damn I never finished dark souls so I fire up the ps3 and didn't want to stop playing it until it was done and it's now one of my favourite games ever.

Tldr: I had to play multiple souls games before "I got it" and everything clicked, if you can get past that barrier you can look forward to 4 or 5 of the best games ever.
Spark to BubaMan
2 Sep 17 #31
Exactly. I'm also of the belief that if a game is going for punishing levels of difficulty then it needs to be technically immaculate. Losing a boss fight because the camera decided to get lost behind a wall half way through just isn't cricket.

I have zero respect for From Software and I think most people just bother with their games for the sense of online kudos tbh.
Djplonker to BubaMan
2 Sep 17 #34
Pro tip for souls games:

Don't kill everything all of the time, if you die to a boss it's ok to run past everything to get back there.

Also grinding is only a thing to get more bloodvials unless you don't understand how to play the game and if its the latter grinding to make your character op for the area will take a long time and you will hit a point where being over leveled will not help anymore.

Trust me once everything clicks and you break down "the wall" you will love the things you hated about the game.
parasitemol to BubaMan
2 Sep 17 #38
I'm not sure if I agree with supposed to like :dizzy_face: ...then again I don't die that often in these games anymore, there is a learning curve and once you "get it" there's a rhythm to each encounter that's just glorious, thrilling and ultimately rewarding.

I remember playing demons souls back on the ps3... it took me from 2011-2015 to complete, I kept giving up on it with the same frustrations you're quoting there but then all of a sudden it just "clicked" and when it did I was addicted, finished that, dark souls 1, dark souls 2, dark souls 3 and then Bloodborne.

I had previously bought Bloodborne on launch and hated it but upon going back post completion of the souls games I adored it. Such such such a good game, my only problem is Blood Vial farming, I much prefer the Estus Flask model within the Dark Souls games.

You should give it a blast again at this price you may surprise yourself :grin:
BubaMan to parasitemol
2 Sep 17 #39
As said above, I'm giving it another go for a fiver...
I just need to finish The Witcher GOTY, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Dragon Age Inquisition, Shadow of Mordor GOTY, God War III, Mad Max, The Evil Within, Batman Return to Arkham and 4 Lego games 1st so I should get to it by tomorrow afternoon :wink:

That list is just what I'm planning to play... I've got a load of platformers, racers, puzzle games, bargain basement games, barely-played VR games, games I should go back to and a truck load of PS Plus stuff.
I think I have a problem... Not enough time off from work & family commitments :nerd:
parasitemol to BubaMan
2 Sep 17 #40
Haha, missed that comment :blush: ... you need to stop finding all these good deals man! That's your prob! You've got some good games to get your a** through there though! Make sure you get the Tresspasser dlc though when you're playing Dragon Age :grin:
parasitemol to Spark
2 Sep 17 #37
I get you, I feel the same way about Grand Theft Auto games.

I'll disagree about the camera though, I've not had any problems with it the way I did in Nioh and The Last Guardian :sunglasses:
1 Sep 17 #2
Really didn't like bloodborne but can see why folk liked It. Great price.
1 Sep 17 #3
Shadow of Mordor was £4.69 last time it was on sale on PSN US. Still a good price, but if you're not going to play it right away it might be worth waiting.
1 Sep 17 #4
Can't be bothered with US account faff, especially as it's so easy on the Switch, I'll hang on, hope it'll drop in UK. Heat for the discovery though.
grilli to alexmurphy01
2 Sep 17 #25
faff? mate its literally registering a few details on a website.

me too, i had mine since ps3 registered in texas, but last time i used it they started adding tax, so changed it to florida and its fine now. must have been some changes to the tax states pay
1 Sep 17 #5
In the title :stuck_out_tongue:
1 Sep 17 #6
1 Sep 17 #8
Brilliant, heat from me as I have 2 discounted $10 vouchers to spend
1 Sep 17 #9
Very hot, just a shame it's not the EU store, I have so much credit, so I'm not going to buy some more just for the US store
1 Sep 17 #10
A lot of people on here will be savvy enough to buy PCGamesupply credit when it's on sale, making these effectively £4.5 each :muscle:
Jonnyblock to silvercondor
1 Sep 17 #17
How does that work?
silvercondor to Jonnyblock
1 Sep 17 #23
The price varies a little with the exchange rate, but the recent sale was $10 of credit for £5.33. You only need to use 80% of that for an $8 game, so that's effectively £4.26. Even better!
1 Sep 17 #11
Thanks, just got $10 from PCgamesupply and I am downloading Bloodborn now, hope it's as good as peeps on here say it is.. Mad Max is a steal to, one of my all time games, highly recommended to anyone thinking of buying it..
1 Sep 17 #12
Came to $8.63 in total, 0.64 was added for tax? Have USA psn always done that, I have not noticed before..
Bure11 to malnuman
1 Sep 17 #13
Not that I know of man. I guess it might depend on the state you use?
dave859 to malnuman
1 Sep 17 #14
You've got to put a fake address in that doesn't pay tax.
malnuman to dave859
1 Sep 17 #16
Thanks, blimey i have had this usa addy since my PS3 days, never took any notice before. Will have to see what state it's in and change it.
1 Sep 17 #18
Do U.S copies work with UK Dlc? I have the bloodborne dlc on my UK account and been meaning to pick up a copy of the base game for a while now
BuzzDuraband to EvilPengy
1 Sep 17 #19
No. PlayStation DLC/Games are region locked
Bure11 to EvilPengy
1 Sep 17 #20
No. Dlc isn't region free so had to be linked to the same region the game is from
bombproofduck to EvilPengy
1 Sep 17 #21
I believe they don't, game and DLC must be from the same region
edit: damn I'm slow
Bure11 to bombproofduck
1 Sep 17 #22
Your help is still appreciated :smile:
2 Sep 17 #27
Is this also on the Canada store? I have $10 on my CA account. How much is Bloodborne on there?
BubaMan to superfreddy
2 Sep 17 #28
$12 CAD
2 Sep 17 #32
Anyone know if UK game saves are compatible with US games then as I know DLC isn’t? I had Mad Max on disc but sold it after completing the game but I was only a few trophies away from Platinum so for the sake of a few quid wouldn’t mind picking it up as it’s a great game in all fairness
2 Sep 17 #41
Ah yeah that's right near the start, no place to give up! After the first two bosses (past the graveyard) it really picks up and you get the hang of it more. So yeah, get a guide up to walk you through the area (there's a big shortcut there that helps a lot) and you might enjoy it more :grin:

Plus there's co-op if you ever need it.

But I'd say finish the Witcher first! That's an experience of a lifetime
2 Sep 17 #42
I plan to... when I can get a go on my own PS4... Currenly watching the nipper play Tearaway Unfolded :angry:
I wouldn't mind but I paid full price for it at release and only now that it's free, she wants to play :rage:
2 Sep 17 #43
When I played Bloodborne it was at launch so it's possible the camera bugs have been fixed since then. They were a real issue when the game first came out though.

The camera on The Last Guardian is just atrocious. Maybe it's a Japanese developer thing, I know there are definitely issues with player camera control in Japan.
2 Sep 17 #44
Hi guys bit new to using the US PSN Store. Help please.

I made a us account fine (price shows up in $) but when checking out, PayPal doesn't work and when using my credit card, it asks for address etc.

Should I just get a pre paid card instead?

2 Sep 17 #45
You can't use a UK card or PayPal account (and a US PayPal account is nearly impossible too).
You need to get US PSN credit from CDKeys, etc or more often on here (as they frequently do offers ) PCGameSupply and then redeem the code on your account.…D2G
2 Sep 17 #46
Thanks Pal!
2 Sep 17 #47
great games and prices.
2 Sep 17 #48
Predictably, I see you're still cranking out the same old crap about this game. You still refuse to believe anything other than that the millions upon millions of people who love and adore Bloodborne are all wrong and that you know better. Keep going Spark. Keep enjoying your handholdy games that lead you to the end without you needing to be any good or ever change your blinkered world view!

Everyone else.. getting Bloodborne at this price is indeed a steal for one of the best games this generation.
2 Sep 17 #49
Well I played bloodborne at launch and I didn't have any camera problems?..the reason people play from software games is and level design is up there with the best..
2 Sep 17 #50
Only problems I experienced at Launch was 45 second after death reloads....
2 Sep 17 #51
I will thanks because that's what a modern AAA game should be. The days of Jet Set Willy and Ninja Gaiden are over. I can't be held solely responsible if you and a few others don't want to accept that.

And incidentally, this game wouldn't be so utterly dreadful if it wasn't such an ugly, bug-ridden and broken mess. It is one of the worst of this generation IMHO and only rose to popularity because people see playing it for more than a few hours as some sort of rite of passage and think it earns them bragging rights online. It's not just me who feels that way either so let's not pretend that it is.
2 Sep 17 #52
No it isn't.
2 Sep 17 #53
Bloodborne is pretty much the perfect game. Can't believe anyone would describe it as a buggy mess.
2 Sep 17 #54
How can we buy it from us psn store if we have a uk account. Is there any trick? I have some credit left in my psn wallet :ninja:
2 Sep 17 #55
You can't - you need a US account, topped up with US credit:…505

Credit can be found from Amazon or if you wait, another PCGameSupply deal will pop up on here at some point.
2 Sep 17 #56
3 Sep 17 #57
Thanks man.
3 Sep 17 #58
This just really happened didn't it? You just tried telling everyone what games should be. Amazing. Truly amazing.

It doesn't matter how many times you're told - you still think you somehow have the gift of understanding this game (and gaming in general) in a way that others can't, over and above the millions of experienced gamers who've played Bloodborne through several times over..

..even though you haven't seen any of it past the first few bosses :grin:

Are you next going to tell everyone that War & Peace is a bad book and should be rewritten as a ten page novella with accompanying cartoons because you struggled through the opening paragraph?
3 Sep 17 #59
How would you know? You haven't played most of it.
3 Sep 17 #60
‌ :grin:‌ :grin:‌ :grin:‌ :grin:

You cannot be f'ing serious.
3 Sep 17 #61
Yes because I realised very early on what the game was and refused to waste anymore of my time on that garbage? Do I really need to have played every single iteration of FIFA to know what FIFA is?

And seriously, did you just compare this rubbish to War and Peace? Because I honestly don't know how to respond to something like that.
3 Sep 17 #62
Wouldn't it be great if critics shared your opinion....crap game so I didn't play it...1 out of got to bonfire then did ya.....and you wouldn't have noticed the great level design after half hours play
3 Sep 17 #63
Lol you've dissed a game that scored 92/100 on metacritic, did you even leave Central Yharnam?
3 Sep 17 #64
So? Other people do it every day to GTA and CoD. Modern Warfare has a 94 score on Metacritic.

The ridiculous score this game has simply says more about modern games journalists than anything else.
3 Sep 17 #65
got enough time to faff around posting a comment though?
3 Sep 17 #66
You'll never have to time to play it all and you really want too?
3 Sep 17 #67
Mostly... yeah.
I think I need to ban myself from this site for a few months :wink:
3 Sep 17 #68
For shadow of mordor well worth the price bloodborne not really dark souls 3 is a definite better game
4 Sep 17 #69
And Modern Warfare is a fantastic game. GTA (past 3, anyway) isn't for me but I can absolutely understand why people love it. And what makes me even more of an open-minded person than you is that I respect the views of all who say it is and don't try to tell them that it isn't.

Spark: A person who has never made a game in their life thinks they have an opinion that overrides critics, games journalism in general, the happy and devoted mass audience this game has found and of course the majority of posting members in the HUKD community on top. You can't understand that people can like different things. To make it even worse, you insist that all modern AAA games should be the same. And just to top it off, unlike everyone else in this paragraph.. haven't even played it past the opening stages!‌ :joy:
4 Sep 17 #70
S/he got as far as Father Gascoigne I believe. Yes, I know :joy:

Every time a Bloodborne deal gets posted, Spark pops up to tell everyone they're all wrong about this game and how it isn't any good. Their argument amounts to nothing more than "because I say so" like a stompy-footed child in a playground.
4 Sep 17 #71
Well I hated the game at first, i couldn't get anywhere but went back to it months later with a different approach and ended up playing it every night for a month and completing it. Getting to father Gascoigne and beating him is probably the hardest part of the whole game, if leveling up is done right everything from then on is pretty easy as souls type games go.
4 Sep 17 #72
You clearly haven't done all the chalice dungeons
4 Sep 17 #73
No haven't done much of that, heard some of the bosses are unbelievable hard. Will probably go back to bloodborne and try the dungeons when I'm finished with nioh.
4 Sep 17 #74
Watchdog of the Old Lords.. not the first time, but the second time around. I ****ing hate that dog!

Most of the boss fights not just in Bloodborne but all the Souls games seem doable once you figure out the attack patterns. This wasn't the case with the watchdog on the second time around, which just felt entirely unfair no matter what you do.
4 Sep 17 #75
The defiled chalice is the definition of brutal
4 Sep 17 #76
Plugging my own video but this worked great for watchdog for me -

Amygdala after the dog gave me nightmares :disappointed:
4 Sep 17 #77
Well, that video has convinced me I don't ever want to play Bloodborne :joy:
4 Sep 17 #78
Very nicely done. I didn't see any of his attack that charges right across the room though, that's what always struck me as unfair. Several times I recorded him giving me damage when he clearly hadn't hit me!

Either way, I'm glad I know that he's died at least twice now between us :wink:
5 Sep 17 #79
Is the cheapest way to get $10 at pcgamessupply at the moment then?
5 Sep 17 #80
Good, save your sanity :joy:
5 Sep 17 #81
Yeah apart from me messing up towards the end the strategy worked pretty well!

The hitboxes in BB are pretty bad at times, this being a perfect example. It has its flaws but nothing beats the satisfaction from killing a bitch like this :grin:
5 Sep 17 #82
Demon's Souls is the only game I've ever given up on, but it's like a thorn in my side. I will go back to it. Some day!
schnide to silvercondor
5 Sep 17 #83
Defeating that game is joy and satisfaction that I've rarely replicated - unless it's Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne, of course.

Do it! It's so worth it once you have.
5 Sep 17 #84
I got to a big giant dude, possibly blind? Had to make my way down a mountainside/cliffside while being shot at by flying manta ray thingies, while also fighting these brutal skeleton dudes, then had to fight through a cave to get to the boss. Not sure if I was missing a checkpoint or a shortcut or something :thinking:
5 Sep 17 #85
One of the big things I love about these games is the ability to push out further at the boundaries of the world and discover new things, knowing that you might not be ready to tackle them the first time you discover them. That all sounds about right but it's more than possible that area was just too damn hard when you got there. If so, head somewhere else, level up, improve your gear and come back later.

This isn't a game where you'll get checkpointed (far from it!) but I think you probably know that. It's not a conventional game in that sense and you're constantly playing against your ability to learn and be patient, rather than be saved by the developer deciding how well you've done.

And that's another thing I love about these games. They don't care if you don't see the endings unless you've earned them.
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