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 Original Xiaomi Mi WiFi 300M Amplifier 2 £3.87 Delivered with code @ Gearbest
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
29 Sep 17
Got spotty WiFi around your home? This should help.

Use code 'GBOFUK5' at checkout to receive discounted price (must be logged in).

Main Features:
● Light weight (30g only), you can carry it and pair it with routers easily
● No need to switch the hotspot, double your WiFi signal's power
● Special USB power supply unit, the USB can be rotated 180 degree. Charging for the WiFi amplifier is so convenient
● XiaoMi WiFi 300M amplifier can upgrade automatically without any setting
● Accurately detecting the connection state and strength of signal
● Plug and play, no need to install any drive
All comments (73)
29 Sep 17 #1
£4.03 for me but ordered
befr33man to Gollywood
29 Sep 17 #3
I think it was £4.03 due to the insurance thing, it's selected by default.
Ordered two, on two separate orders. On the third one the code stopped working :).
29 Sep 17 #2
Absurdly good price. Nice little gizmo, easy to set up and works great.
EN1GMA to cannibalwombat
29 Sep 17 #7
If I've lost the packaging it came in with the QA code, then what's the next way to install it? Any instructions about please? My OH threw the packaging away :rage:
29 Sep 17 #12
Install the Mi Home app, register/log in, change server to Hong Kong, click the + button to add device and it'll find it. Easy after that.
sbirsen to The_IMF
6 Oct 17 #51
Why does it need a server to connect to?
EN1GMA to sbirsen
6 Oct 17 #53
Because the Chinese spy agencies like to tell you they are spying on you. The western agencies just bake their spying apparatus within the built in hardware and software.
29 Sep 17 #4
Ordered very good price thanks hot
29 Sep 17 #5
How have you guys even managed to get this POS to connect? I get to 90% and get a "connection time out". Same issue with most of this overrate Xiaomi trash.
rapid111111 to The_IMF
29 Sep 17 #6
It's most likely your router's firewall. Temporarily disable firewall while pairing.
Also, how dare you say Xiaomi is trash. :imp:
morrig to rapid111111
29 Sep 17 #24
How do you know if you have not been you with her.
ollie87 to rapid111111
6 Oct 17 #60
Because they are? And it's probably syphoning off data for the Chinese government.
rapid111111 to ollie87
6 Oct 17 #65
Probably not. But if they are, they are welcome to.
UK government already has. Why not China?
It's just unfair otherwise :grin:
MisterMadHatter to The_IMF
29 Sep 17 #8
Make sure you connect to the Chinese server if you haven't done so. I tried the US server and it did the same thing. Anyway, installed today and if works great at extending the WiFi signal in the house.
The_IMF to MisterMadHatter
29 Sep 17 #11
I have no idea why I keep forgetting that with every new Mi product.

MUST CHANGE SERVER TO HONG KONG!!!! And then it worked :grin:
29 Sep 17 #9
For an extra 34 pence you can have belgium registered post. So you have tracking on the item.
29 Sep 17 #10
Thanks picked one up. I recently picked up wifi extender from asda for £15 and this thing is useless. Doesn't change anything
b1g1an to cr7hg
6 Oct 17 #54
Did you make the usual mistake of putting the extender where there is no/bad signal? They have to be in a position where there is still a decent signal and they 'extend' it from there. Otherwise you're just extending nothing!
cr7hg to b1g1an
6 Oct 17 #64
I have put it in my smaller bedroom 10m from my router.. have 3 bars out of 4.. I hope this one will do the job better.
b1g1an to cr7hg
6 Oct 17 #66
If that was what you were getting before the device is probably still connected directly to the router not the extender.
cr7hg to b1g1an
6 Oct 17 #68
How do you connect it? There's no extra wifi network. Is that how those things suppose to work? I though you just plug it in and that's it..
b1g1an to cr7hg
6 Oct 17 #69
I assume you don't mean that literally as you have to connect the extender to your network but otherwise yes, your devices should connect to it with no more input after that. Some do however do have a habit of hanging on to the first thing they connect to if it's still in range however weak.
29 Sep 17 #13
Can this be used on a PS3?
29 Sep 17 #14
Damn, I paid £6-7 about 2 weeks ago.
iEimis to Jonnyblock
29 Sep 17 #17
I know how you feel, ordered another one, be rude not to at this price.
29 Sep 17 #15
Its cost me £4.21 with tracking. Thanks Op
29 Sep 17 #16
Don’t forget TCB or Quidco, every little helps :smiley_cat:
29 Sep 17 #18
Great find..ordered one for around £4. I really don't knowledge how they can
29 Sep 17 #19
Need to try one of these.. :thumbsup:
29 Sep 17 #20
I meant to say..
I don't know how they can do it at these very low prices and include postage! There can't be a lot of profit made by any of them. But that's why we're on this site!! I've had lots of Xiaomi stuff and it's brilliant. My brand of choice now.
mcek to peterszy
29 Sep 17 #22
It's all about volume. Mass production, and short haul shipping to the export hub to wait 10 days for volume discount shipping to the UK. It's the poor postman here who gets the extra workload and the royal mail won't get paid for any of the UK costs.
29 Sep 17 #21
Delivery "15 - 28 business days"; sorry but being used to Amazon Prime, that's too long.
EDIT: Bought.
mcek to Musicrab
29 Sep 17 #23
The most I've waited is 21 days, normally 15 days, been as short as 10 days, from Gearbest or Banggood.
Cheapasnowt to mcek
2 Oct 17 #47
Delivery time has got worse since I started using them a couple of years ago. Last items took a month to arrive-we'll apart from.Banggoods one which didn't arrive
29 Sep 17 #25
Oh another.
29 Sep 17 #26
Thank you!
29 Sep 17 #27
Sorry to sound stupid, where would I plug this in?
29 Sep 17 #28
29 Sep 17 #29
Bought the newer version but doesn't work with my sky q router. I've tried China server, turning on Bluetooth, resetting etc. Times out at 90%.
29 Sep 17 #30
Code expired mess
29 Sep 17 #31
err man missed out! code is expired
29 Sep 17 #32
expired but if you guys still want you can buy on ebay for like 80p more
29 Sep 17 #33
These are terrible by the way, but good for anyone who needs 10-20% of WiFi speed in the shed/garden.
30 Sep 17 #34
I ordered two a month ago, message 3 days later saying "good news - your item has shipped"

3 weeks later got this polite email:

"Unfortunately, due to an unexpected Customs delay, your parcel is currently being processed. We have approached the shipping company to expedite the issue. They have confirmed that the package can be released by October 1, 2017; it will arrive shortly after this."

As long as it's before christmas...
30 Sep 17 #35
The cheapest ever!, not bad, lol.
30 Sep 17 #36
Expired thanks
30 Sep 17 #37
How far can this thing extend?
The_IMF to ridders
30 Sep 17 #40
The range is up to 300m. It is quite an impressive range but the speed is pretty poor.

I.e. connected to my WiFi I can get around 170 down and 12 up. Connected to this even when it's in the same room I get about 7 down and 12 up.
jamiedb to The_IMF
30 Sep 17 #41
I think the 300M in the title meant Mbps. Where did you see this 300 metre range? :smile:
The_IMF to jamiedb
30 Sep 17 #42
Ha you're right. Don't I feel stupid now!

Either way range seems pretty decent. I've got two routers in my house as I have steel filled walls between main house and extension. This repeater seems to penetrate that wall somehow.
jamiedb to The_IMF
30 Sep 17 #43
Haha, don't worry, I've thought the same before :stuck_out_tongue: Good to hear! I've got two routers too but no steel filled walls so should be fine for me. My mobile keeps saying Obtaining IP Address when connecting to my room's router so thought I'd give this a try as a cheap solution.
30 Sep 17 #38
Code expired.
30 Sep 17 #39
Defo expired logged in and entered code and price goes up to : GBP£7.87 :persevere:
30 Sep 17 #44
I've installed the MI home app on iPhone but as soon as it open it closes, can anyone help?
ElBuc to FrancesGrint
1 Oct 17 #45
Yes, mine arrived today and I'm getting the same, iPhone app shows green startup screen then quits a few seconds later. Tried on iPhone 5 and iPhone SE.
ElBuc to FrancesGrint
1 Oct 17 #46
Lots of people complaining about the app not working so I guess sit tight until they release a fixed update.
ElBuc to FrancesGrint
2 Oct 17 #48
Found a workaround:…tml

It took me quite a few tries and got it to work in the end.
1. Change language on iPhone to Thai
2. Open Mi Home app
3. Double click home button and go back to change language back to English or whatever
4. Double click home button again and switch to Mi Home app
5. Go through registration process and click the Activate Account button - be sure to select 'Mainland' for country, and not USA
6. Plug in Xaiomi Wifi Amplifier 2 (or whatever it's called) next to your router
7. Select the Amplifier 2 from the list (it's quite far down on the list, so keep scrolling
8. Go through the setup procedure on iPhone. Be sure your phone, router and Amplifier 2 are all close in the same room
9. If this doesn't work, you have to access your router's admin interface and change wireless security WPA-PSK Version to WPA2. This worked for me and then once I had checked everything was happy I switched it back to WPA+WPA2 - to be honest I don't fully understand what this change does, or which one is most secure, but I am back on the one I had and everything works great.

10. My tip for getting the best signal is to plug the Xiaomi Wifi Amplifier into a portable USB charger battery, start up the Mi Home app, then select your one from the list. Next check the signal strength.

Start by putting the Xiaomi next to the router and the Mi Home app should show a low number - approx 10 or thereabouts. This means the signal between your router and the Xiaomi is very strong. Next go to where you typically have your lowest signal from your modem and check signal strength on the app. It'll tell you if it is a strong signal. If so then plug the Xiaomi into a USB socket here and then swap your wifi connection from your router to the Xiaomi, by default it will have the same name as your router with _plus at the end.

If the signal shown on the app is low then go somewhere half way between where you want it to work and your router. Keep doing this until you have a good signal from router to Xiaomi, and a good signal from Xiaomi to your phone or computer etc.

Be aware of thick solid walls, if the signal doesn't penetrate a particular wall then try positioning the Xiaomi so there is a direct line without the thick wall to the router, and also a direct line to where you want the better signal - like a V shape if you draw it on the plan of your house.

Hope this helps. I've noticed no increase in ping or speed so all the messing about with the set up was worthwhile.
4 Oct 17 #49
Received mine today. Easy to setup using the instructions by ElBuc. I downloaded the apk for android though as it didn't allow the installation on most of my android devices for some reason. Make sure to select the 'China Mainland' for country as this provides the best compatibility when configuring the device. It's normally the top selection in the list. I've found the range to be very good and speed is quite good. Also created the QR code for the wifi to make it easier to put on other devices.
6 Oct 17 #50
ordered 2 :smile: thanks Op heat added :smile:
with 2 seperate orders :smile:
6 Oct 17 #52
Excellent! Ordered another one. Need to set up the first one I bought yet. I'll probably just gift this to someone
6 Oct 17 #55
As a repeater, does this dongle make your phone log into it and receive the poorer speeds? Had a WiFi repeater that was frightfully slow and every time i went outside it logged me in and struggled with even WhatsApp messages it was that slow and wouldn't log out unless I physically did it myself or left the house.
6 Oct 17 #56
Ordered one! Thanks!
6 Oct 17 #57
Thanks OP Ordered not expired!! :smile:
6 Oct 17 #58
Ordered thanks.
6 Oct 17 #59
Ordered one myself! Don’t really need it but it’s useful to have
6 Oct 17 #61
Mine came up as £3.99
6 Oct 17 #62
I have this device and is pure crap. It hangs and keeps rebooting even with only one device. Ok for the low price but it's highly unreliable.
6 Oct 17 #63
Got it for £3.87
Worth a punt
6 Oct 17 #67
ordered one for £3.87 but cancelled it now. Don't get why you need to connect a dongle to HK servers and all this carry on.
I don't think its worth the headache, might as well pay a lil more and get something decent that doesn't have all these daft setup requirements.
6 Oct 17 #70
Just got one delivered... pretty good actually...
Ordered another... hate this site sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers OP :smile:
6 Oct 17 #71
Not expired anymore!
6 Oct 17 #72
i have one of these thats just died on me....lights up but can not connect it to my home wifi...not sure why it lost connection in the first place..but now its useless..resetting does nothing...this is my third product made by xiaomi and all have failed within 6 months...wont be buting any more from such a rubbish for me its them first and yiu will see the proboems people have with these not connecting to home wifi..
8 Oct 17 #73
Yep code is working again. Ordered at £3,87. Cheers OP
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