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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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8 Sep 17
Awesome price for a robot vacuum and a good brand - 2.5 hours of cleaning on a single charge, can switch it on remotely also just incase the evil MIL decides she wants to come over and stick her oar in (as usual) - full specs / deets below - it also gets very good reviews :smile: - 4.9/5 stars from 737

USE CODE XIAOMIVAC at checkout (must be logged in) - EDIT - new code at bottom of description will bring total down to £214.05

Xiaomi's smart home ecosystem has a new addition today! The Mi Robot Vacuum is a highly intelligent home cleaning device with 12 different sensors. The Laser Distance Sensor ( LDS ) scans its surroundings 360 degree, 1800 times per second, to map out the interiors of your house. The three processors track its movements in real-time, and the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping ( SLAM ) algorithm calculates the most efficient route for cleaning. Using the Mi Home app, you can switch on and remotely control the robot, change cleaning modes and set schedules, Additionally, a powerful Nidec brushless DC motor, a main brush with adjustable height and a 5200mAh Li-ion battery for up to 2.5 hours of cleaning.
The Mi Home app is aval on Google Play & Apple app store

UPDATE Sept 12th - NEW CODE XMIVCHK brings price down further (HK WAREHOUSE STOCK) - price now £214.05 (600 redemptions available)

Latest comments (115)
5 Oct 17 #115
Still waiting on mine and I ordered the day deal was posted
4 Oct 17 #113
Ordered when this thread appeared as hot (8th September)

Will give to the end of Friday and then give amex a ring.
s-p to jaydeeuk1
4 Oct 17 #114
4 Oct 17 #112
When did you order yours? Mine was shipped on 23rd, but no update since.
29 Sep 17 #109
Judge you.... You could you not name something so cute that works for you. :smile: We will also have to decide on a name. Thanks for the info.
jaydeeuk1 to alexus
3 Oct 17 #111
Hopefully mine will arrive this week. If not, chargeback at the ready and I'll give myself a slap.
29 Sep 17 #110
In the Mi Home app its chinese stock will only work if you set location to the chinese one (that I think is hong kong) it takes language from your phone so mines in english.
29 Sep 17 #108
Mine arrived yesterday too. Switched it on and was really impressed with how it cleaned my room. Struggling to setup it in the app though, should I set location to US or China?
16 Sep 17 #97
Heads up it looks like the new version of the Mi Robot will be released on 19th September:…-2/
purplelily to joe_h
23 Sep 17 #101
Courier or RM?

let us know how it goes. I am excited
TeaPot91 to purplelily
28 Sep 17 #102
Still not got mine yet, the Yodel tracking has said

Your parcel will be with us soon
16 September at 00:00

Was shown as Dispatched on 18th though
TeaPot91 to joe_h
29 Sep 17 #105
I ordered on 15th and dispatched 18th, exact same as you with yodel sitting waiting..
TeaPot91 to TeaPot91
29 Sep 17 #107
Sounds promising on no costs, likely they got so many orders for offering 'free shipping' it was cheaper to send a pallet to UK then post individually from there.
29 Sep 17 #106
no charges at all

The box actually had a UK address, so they must be shipping to a warehouse in the UK for further distribution.

Its so good, scheduled a clean at 9am and I got a notification telling me Mr Meeseeks had started a clean and another notification when it was finished and had made its way back to the charging dock.

(Yes I gave it a name in the app, don't judge me)
28 Sep 17 #104
Any charges i used the free uk express also when was it ordered dispatched from china? trying to guess how much longer will be waiting my guess is two days. Yodel not been updating guessing by time does will be here. I ordered Sep 12 got sent out 18th. Thank you (looking at comments you ordered on 8th need to try and be patient)Guess yours will have been dispatched before the 18th.
28 Sep 17 #103
got mines yesterday

set it up today and I love it!
22 Sep 17 #100
Instructions were in Chinese... the unit speaks Chinese!

I found this video to be helpful for setup

22 Sep 17 #99
I received this today - no customs!
14 Sep 17 #93
Ordered this, how do you go about getting it without paying a heap In customs? They've sent an e-mail advising me if I want to continue due to this.
shadwelllad to andysuds
21 Sep 17 #98
Ordered this morning. Version 2 looks good (wet mopping) but is more expensive and no release date
16 Sep 17 #96
Dhl from Hong Kong i think it was. They refunded me the order but think I'll give it another go, what option should I choose you think ? Thanks
15 Sep 17 #94
How does warranty work with these?
purplelily to TeaPot91
16 Sep 17 #95
From what people have said sounds like this is only an issue with one of the delivery options other than the cheapest e.g. express, which did you choose
13 Sep 17 #85
delivery is 30 pounds extra ? so the total cost is 244 pounds. is there any way to save on the delivery ?
sshooie to DISH1982
13 Sep 17 #91
DeafCassette to DISH1982
13 Sep 17 #92
ha haaa!! Can't stop laughing her
13 Sep 17 #90
Would any kind soul who already has this mind checking their WiFi signal strength in the network settings? Mine hovers between 21% -38% even when right beside my router. I'm on the lastest firmware. I hope it isn't an issue with the vacuum. It would disconnect occasionally when looking at the live map. Thanks!
13 Sep 17 #89
how does it do corners???
13 Sep 17 #88
Looks cool thanks O
13 Sep 17 #87
Sorted! Thank you!
13 Sep 17 #86
select china instead. it has the free del option. you can't use the 2nd code though, only the first one (XIAOMIVAC), bringing it to 221
13 Sep 17 #84
I got an air purifier from Gearbest using UK express (fairly big box) a couple of months ago, there were no customs charges and all the delivery labels on it were in English with no sign of anything from China (I didn't see a return address) with all logos covered up on the box, so presume it gets imported to some warehouse in the UK then redistributed. Maybe I just got lucky and they had one in the UK to start with
13 Sep 17 #83
I just get these for my miss.. £6.99


13 Sep 17 #82
Not sure what your understanding of crap is but we have an iRobot for many years, with my wife's words, it's the best invention ever.
13 Sep 17 #81
UK express...worried this will get picked up by customs, its not the free delivery option?
13 Sep 17 #80
Because Chinese brands have counterfeit items too, dodgy Chinese :joy:‌ :joy:‌ :joy:
13 Sep 17 #79
a bit ironic given your naysaying and doomsday predictions on almost every gearbest deal... lol
13 Sep 17 #78
i actually have one of these, picked it up in china. i must say i am massively impressed. it occasionally needs hair cleaning out of the brushes if someone in your house has long hair, but it comes with a tool that makes it very easy. the mapping and routing in it are fantastic and the app makes it easy to control and set off when i am out of the house. obviously as these things are battery powered the are not as outright powerful as a normal vacuum cleaner but they still do a very good job and if you leave it to go on a schedule it is amazing - it pulled so much dust out of our (fairly thick) carpet over the course of the first 4 or 5 runs the shade of the carpet has changed. the only thing it struggles with slighly are chairs like this: [url]http//pl…rl] where the thin horizontal legs pass under the front bumper. we either put the chairs on the table or jsut leave it as it gets the job done after a little bumping around. as to the round nature of the device, the side brush does a good job of getting material at the side and the round shape helps it when spinning in tight spaces.

when i next go back to china i am going to have lots of orders from friends and family who have seen it and think its great

sorry for the long post
12 Sep 17 #77
Round bots are terrible at tackling corners. I don't know why people still buy them.
12 Sep 17 #76
Carpet in the video has no pile to speak off. I can just imagine this trying to get over my deep piled carpets, not being able to hoover 80% of the floor because it can't move any objects or cables itself. Then seeing it's little robot arms wave frantically as gets tied up completely in a ball of mine the cat's hair and dies.

I'm willing to bet I would spend more time trying to cut hair from hair that it would spend cleaning anything.
12 Sep 17 #75
XIAOMIVAC isn't working for me. The code FOROCUPVAC seems to get it down to £221.69 from the Chinese warehouse with free shipping
12 Sep 17 #74
Thank you - Code XIAOMIVAC from China Warehouse. Got it now!
12 Sep 17 #73
If you use first code with China warehouse. Look at my post above.
12 Sep 17 #72
Is there a free shipping option?
12 Sep 17 #71
Hmm shipping problem
UK express, EU express, Europe railway priority mail.
Also 5 GBP which is quite sensible with item worth 200GBP.
Any suggestions?
12 Sep 17 #70
I had same issue used the old code with the China warehouse to get the free shipping it was $10 more about £220 paid in dollars. My thinking being I don't want the fast shipping as don't want increased chance get hit with extra tax postage costs. So that is like cheaper option really think same as was yesterday.
12 Sep 17 #69
This deal sucks
12 Sep 17 #68
Shipping Cost:£30.04

12 Sep 17 #67
I'm jealous of all you ppl who can afford it, cause I can't.
12 Sep 17 #66
No it doesn't unfortunately. It can detect obstacles etc. but it moves around the floor in a random manner, meaning it won't always clean all the floor every time but it still does a great job. For an extra £40 I'd probably go with this one as it has more features, and a longer battery time.
12 Sep 17 #65
Wonder how long they are going to take .... impatient!
12 Sep 17 #64
Hi wardi, does this map in the same way/ is it the same machine re-branded?
12 Sep 17 #63
Really nicely put
12 Sep 17 #62
Sounds likely it's the battery it's self having issues - one way or another you should be able to replace the battery.
Li-po/Li-on are typically rated for around 500 charges.
12 Sep 17 #61
Yes it does.
12 Sep 17 #60
Does the Eufy have self-mapping?

I don't know much about these robots, is there a comparison of both anywhere?

12 Sep 17 #59
Bought it over 9 months ago, great tech, now it does speak english at least lol
12 Sep 17 #58
Can we just get a gearbest section next to 'hot' new' and so on, keep them from cloggin up the main feed. (Or will HUKD loose too much commision that way?)
12 Sep 17 #57
Get a broadlink RM pro, anything with an ir or RF remote can be made to work with Alexa. My old robot vacuum did until battery went.

Think the neato has native support, maybe Dyson eye too. That's about it.
12 Sep 17 #56
I've got one too, it's great! Currently on sale too today for £175.99
12 Sep 17 #55
Grrr how to get free delivery
12 Sep 17 #54
But.. they're crap.
12 Sep 17 #53
You can buy an iRobot around this price.

From a trusted seller:…226
12 Sep 17 #52
Does anyone know if this works with Alexa? Would be great to ask for my floor to be cleaned, height of laziness!
11 Sep 17 #51
Hey, sorry for the delay. Just search for figure 8 2-prong UK power cable. I bought a white one for £2.99 including delivery. Sorted :-)
10 Sep 17 #50
Search IEC 7 or Figure 8.
10 Sep 17 #49
Ordered thanks
9 Sep 17 #48
Just watched a bunch of reviews. This isn't so much about being a great deal. It's the fact it's discounting one of the cheapest robots which is also one of the best. This one seems like the real deal.

I just bought to replace my eufy 11

For comparison here is a rebranded eufy 11 (I'm guessing looks and performs identical to mine) vs the Xiaomi

9 Sep 17 #47
I got the Robovac (at the £160 price) and love it. There is definitely a frustrating random pattern to its motion, however consistently cleans to the standard I want.
That said I'm now sold on robot vacuum and am considering this as an an upstairs one.
9 Sep 17 #46
I bought one of the headless chicken ones from Lidl for £75 and wasn't expecting much, but I leave it on for half an hour whilst I go for my paper and my living room is done when I come back and it appears to have been all over. I don't have carpet so can't vouch for carpet. Oh and by the way I send it around my bedroom twice a week brilliant for going under the bed until it finishes the program under the bed and you forget about it, flat or insufficient charge next time you need it.
9 Sep 17 #45
Once you’ve had a laser guided robot cleaner, you wouldn’t want to go back to the headless chicken Roomba style ones that just bump into everything and take ages to clean.

My Neato signature is looking a little tired and lacks the side brush that this one has. New Neatos have lithium batteries but if you want the side brush and connectivity then you’re looking at nearly three times the cost of this.

Now if it could just bring me a beer from the fridge I’d be sorted.
9 Sep 17 #44
Could you please help me out with what I would search on eBay to get a cable for it? T
9 Sep 17 #43
I had a botvac 85 and not sure if I'd buy another robot vacuum on that experience.

It worked well on the ground floor or our old house but in our new one it can't handle the dining chairs and different bumps and thresholds between areas.

One of the big problems with these robot vacuums is wear and tear. For a normal vacuum you run it for 15 minutes once a week (if you're like me). Most people run their robot multiple times (~3) per week for 30 min at a time. All that hard work makes the components wear down very quick so it's never going to last as long as a regular vacuum.

The botvac also got hair constantly wound tightly around its brush and bearings. The dirt bins on these are tiny so you need to empty them after every run or two.

If I hadn't bought the botvac before I'd be going for this. As it is, I think I'll wait a few years and see does the technology dramatically improve.
9 Sep 17 #42
Plus 58 USD for cheapest shipping :thinking:
9 Sep 17 #41
I'm mainly worried about software fully in Chinese and that I will pay big customs on top of that :disappointed:
8 Sep 17 #40
Hows the returns or warranty with these items with GB?
8 Sep 17 #15
Ordered. Been looking at this one for a long time. Have watched many hours of videos on YouTube, this is the best vacuum out there for the price and more...... . Best price I have ever seen. Hopefully won't have to pay customs.... :grin:
yubious to Firefly1369
8 Sep 17 #17
Maybe spend less time watching videos of vacuum cleaners and more time cleaning your house... You might save yourself £200 :raised_hand:
Firefly1369 to yubious
8 Sep 17 #35
Maybe your right... But hard to clean house when out at my day job.....
yubious to Firefly1369
8 Sep 17 #39
Lol fair enough, I'm just jealous I can't afford it
8 Sep 17 #38
Anyone know how this compares to the Neato botvac? Ours is about 3 years old now and although it still works lovely and can run for a couple of hours, the battery calibration is shot and if you pause it in the middle of a run it decides to return to base to recharge. Sometimes it returns to base, and 5 minutes later says it's fully charged again and it gets into a loop of charging/running for 5 mins at a time and you have to switch it off for a while. If the Xiaomi one is on a par or better I might buy one and retire the Neato to the robot spares bin :smile:
8 Sep 17 #25
Do these come with a UK plug?
xavierzzz to ridgers84
8 Sep 17 #30
I don't think so, but most of time it comes with an UK adaptor for free.
vipergrm to xavierzzz
8 Sep 17 #37
According to the Gearbest site they ship a free adaptor of the destination order. In this case you should get a free UK adapter. The power cable is just a simple 2-prong power cable which you can order off Ebay for less than £3. I'm gonna buy one anyway as I'd rather not have an adaptor plugged in. Just looks a bit untidy.
8 Sep 17 #18
This is a great price however, what is the estimated import duty cost? This could make a fair difference.
naivri to vipergrm
8 Sep 17 #21
I generally find when ordering like this if you take the free shipping it ends up without customs charges, but if you courier it, you get stung

SOURCE: Have ordered 5 or 6 items from China never paid any customs including a xiaomi phone. Ordered same phone for a mate from same place, he wanted it couriered over (no patience), ended up with a 10% customs fee before the local sorting office would release it
vipergrm to naivri
8 Sep 17 #36
Thank you. That has sort of been my experience too. I always end up paying a little customs which I don't mind but I'm as guilty as your friend. Lack of patience. I did chose the free shipping on this occasion which says 10-20 business days so if I can avoid getting stung I'll be very pleased :thumbsup:
8 Sep 17 #34
i have a robotic vacuum cleaner and i swear it is very helpful. easily saved me enough time to earn the cost.
8 Sep 17 #33
Why are most Xiaomi products listed as "original" Xiaomi.
8 Sep 17 #32
Would highly recommend. Works well.
8 Sep 17 #31
They are around about this price from too. Just type xiaomi in the search bar and i think its like the 1st item. £217 incase these sell out at GB or the code expires. :-)
8 Sep 17 #28
How good are these with carpets?
xavierzzz to JustinScot
8 Sep 17 #29
I bought one form China 5 months, used with thick carpet, works great.
8 Sep 17 #27
I've ordered something from gearbest. I need to lie down.
8 Sep 17 #12
Are these actually any good? I believed the hype with steam mops and they turned out to be crap but this is a more expensive gamble to be taking.
clare_julien to thekitkatshuffler
8 Sep 17 #26
i've used roomba for 8 years now. Fab. But save time in way dishwaher does. You still need to clear floor of toys etc and empty it. Like dishwasher you must empty/fill/put salt in etc
8 Sep 17 #24
Ordered, I am so dead, unless it is amazing! Now for a clean-the-bathroom robot please
8 Sep 17 #23
Hail our new robot overlords
8 Sep 17 #5
I have the one from Amazon that is fantastic. I've had it six months and wouldn't be without it. On a wooden floor and having a dog it's an investment for £219.…RJR
IcemintB to honeysdad
8 Sep 17 #8
I'm waiting for the price to go down ( was £167 Jun 13) ! :sunglasses:
smk77 to IcemintB
8 Sep 17 #22
Which is pretty much the same price as it is now if you convert to USD in Jun 13...Cancel Brexit and you might see that price again.
8 Sep 17 #20
bought it

missus will kill me, hoovering is my job
8 Sep 17 #19
Do these have to be permanently connected to WiFi, or do you just have to connect it to allow it to plan it's route, and then it doesn't require it anymore?
8 Sep 17 #16
Gambling on this. Hoping customs works out ok. I think this is superior to the eufy but face some risk with warranty and shipping.
8 Sep 17 #4
This one or the Robovac 11? ( both around £220)
BluCola to IcemintB
8 Sep 17 #10
I wouldn't buy any other vacuum that doesn't do mapping. If you just google some review videos, they will most likely show you how these Mi robot vacuum kind of draw the map of your house and go through every single corner. But conventional robot vacuum just keep bumping around like a headless chicken. iRobot Roomba 980 can also do mapping but it costs about four times as much.
IcemintB to BluCola
8 Sep 17 #14
that's the only thing that puts me a bit off. The Robovac 11 reviews/performance/price is really good, comparing to similar specs Robot Vacuums. The Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum specs are also really good ( 1800pa suction, 2.5H cleaning fade-free (?) ) .... decision decisions !!! :unamused:
8 Sep 17 #13
Anyone know how long the batteries last before replacement, and whether replacements are available? Thanks
8 Sep 17 #7
Can it vacuum on fitted carpet? :thinking: My whole house is fitted with carpet... :disappointed:
Jikyo to netlevi
8 Sep 17 #11
Yes it can. It depends a little bit though on how thick it is.

You can see here how it works on a fitted carpet:
8 Sep 17 #9
Havent used this product before but I've been using the Mi home app for the smart light bulbs and its horrendous to use.

The only way I could get it to work was to change the account to connect to Singapore servers and lose the English text.

Really bad app.
8 Sep 17 #6
Anyone know what the import duty (and chances) for getting this delivered would be?
8 Sep 17 #3
Have two of these and they are brilliant! The cheapest yet reliable robotic vacuum that does mapping
8 Sep 17 #2
8 Sep 17 #1
Awesome price for a robot vacuum and a good brand - 2.5 hours of cleaning on a single charge, can switch it on remotely also just incase the evil MIL decides she wants to come over and stick her oar in (as usual) - full specs / deets below - it also gets very good reviews :smile: - 4.9/5 stars from 737

USE CODE XIAOMIVAC at checkout (must be logged in) - EDIT - new code at bottom of description will bring total down to £214.05

Xiaomi's smart home ecosystem has a new addition today! The Mi Robot Vacuum is a highly intelligent home cleaning device with 12 different sensors. The Laser Distance Sensor ( LDS ) scans its surroundings 360 degree, 1800 times per second, to map out the interiors of your house. The three processors track its movements in real-time, and the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping ( SLAM ) algorithm calculates the most efficient route for cleaning. Using the Mi Home app, you can switch on and remotely control the robot, change cleaning modes and set schedules, Additionally, a powerful Nidec brushless DC motor, a main brush with adjustable height and a 5200mAh Li-ion battery for up to 2.5 hours of cleaning.
The Mi Home app is aval on Google Play & Apple app store

UPDATE Sept 12th - NEW CODE XMIVCHK brings price down further (HK WAREHOUSE STOCK) - price now £214.05 (600 redemptions available)

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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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