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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
1 Sep 17
The new Nokia 8 64gb Flagshjp Mobile Phone can be had Network Sim Free and early Orders will come with a Free Nokia Activité Steel Fitness smartwatch (worth £119.99 while Stocks last) from Carphone Warehouse for £499.99 (Pre Order for Free Delivery on the 13th September)/

Phone Deal and Spec here -…tml

Nokia Watch details here -…eel

All comments (98)
1 Sep 17 #1
Google stated that (among others such as Huawei and LG, IIRC) HMD Global, aka Nokia, have been working closely with them to get Oreo out on devices "before the end of the year". Nonsense around the handsets not being kept up to date is speculation. The phones run a very clean, vanilla-esque build, so it's a decent option for folks who prefer a purer android experience. Hot from me, the wearables look interesting from them too
misterleoni to CharlieBravo
1 Sep 17 #29
Whilst I don’t doubt Nokia’s intent on this one I would take it with a pinch of salt. It’s easy to say ‘we can’t prove they won’t’; but it’s surely just as easy to say ‘we can’t prove they will’, based on previous manufacturers’ empty promises about fast updates in the past. This company has never made Android devices before and has very little experience of this side of things, as well as quite a small team. I certainly wouldn’t buy this device on the basis of fast updates until it has been proven to be a reality - a few updates in the first few weeks of a device don’t count for much.

I hope what they say *is* true though, but ask yourself if this same company weren’t called Nokia and were instead selling this exact phone under the name ‘HMD Global’ - with no mention of the Finnish name - would you have the same confidence? My concern with this company is in their willingness to milk the trust people have in the name, as borne out with rather shabby devices like the new 3310, which is so obviously a cash grab as to be offensive.
1 Sep 17 #2
Let's see if it hits -1000C cold :skull_crossbones:
RadiantDuck to maj2509
1 Sep 17 #12
I think your prediction was a tad off...
1 Sep 17 #3
This is starting to become more attractive. Another £50 to £100 lower and I can see this phone moving.
1 Sep 17 #4
I don't understand the beef people have with this. Spec wise it has pretty much everything other manufacturers have. Also, so far New Nokia phones have been very quick with security updates. Might not be the best of the best but seems like a reasonable choice.
solitude to RadiantDuck
1 Sep 17 #6
Nokia have a poor track record with updates.

The phone hardware is pretty good but don't expect future versions of Android to be supported.
Agharta to solitude
1 Sep 17 #9
This is a new iteration of Nokia so how long is their track record specifically with Android phones?
solitude to Agharta
1 Sep 17 #23
It was poor with tablets for the new Nokia.
Agharta to solitude
1 Sep 17 #30
Which was released about 2 years before HMD Global started operating so a different company really.
RadiantDuck to solitude
1 Sep 17 #11
How do you come to this conclusion? Orea has just come out and no one but Google phones have it, not even all of them. These new Nokia phones only been out since nougat has been about. And all the reports I've read say that the New nokias have been getting quick monthly security updates, which my Samsung never gets.
solitude to RadiantDuck
1 Sep 17 #24
Based on the Nokia N1 tablet.
1 Sep 17 #5
Good reviews but needs to undercut OnePlus by £100 to really be attractive.
1 Sep 17 #7
[quote=Oggie]Good reviews but needs to undercut OnePlus by £100 to really be attractive.[/quote]
Perhaps you'd like Nokia to undercut DooGee, LeEco and Fisher-price too?
Oggie to 89quidyoucantgowrong
1 Sep 17 #17
And as a member of this site for years , this is why I don't post much. Not exactly necessary and instantly confrontational.
thekitkatshuffler to Oggie
1 Sep 17 #18
Life must be tough for you if you thought that was confrontational.
1 Sep 17 #8
Nokia have zero track record with updates to Android based phones.
1 Sep 17 #10
Solid build quality and one of the best specs at such a reasonable price. I would say HOT by a significant margin :grin:
1 Sep 17 #13
Not a real Nokia phone, and not a real Nokia watch...
chancooluk to TacticalTimbo
1 Sep 17 #15
It would be interesting to know why this isn't the real Nokia. It's the same people designing the phones, the software, and running the show, it's just a different factory manufacturing them.

HMD isn't just a bunch of new people that bought the rights to the Nokia brand name. The majority of the employees moved over from Microsoft, who were originally with Nokia. HMD has the rights or access to the vast majority of the Nokia patents, even those developed whilst it was part of Microsoft.

This gets heat from me. It's got great specs and excellent build quality. It's a powerful smartphone without the gimmicks.
misterleoni to chancooluk
1 Sep 17 #19
Interesting use of the word ‘majority’ since the majority of HMD staff are actually marketing execs and the like. There is next to zero original Nokia hardware specialism still at Nokia - they have moved to pastures new, such as Apple.
TacticalTimbo to chancooluk
2 Sep 17 #33
Not a lot for me to add, that hasn't already been said by others, but it's clear to see you haven't done your research. It's just a handful of Nokia suits doing their own thing, using the Nokia badge to drum up nostalgia. Nokia proper has 'zero' investment, HMD just pays them royalties.

As for their smart watches, they're not even HMD with Nokia lipstick, they were bought wholesale as the former Withings...I know cos I've got one, and they totally trashed the app, go see the reviews for yourself.
chancooluk to TacticalTimbo
2 Sep 17 #34
I completely agree. I did absolutely no research, and didn't read the wikipedia entry for HMD like you did. You are right, no talent went over to HMD from Microsoft Mobile (aka Nokia's phone business).

The creation of 4 smartphones to generally positive reviews, the mass manufacturing of those smartphones, and the sale of those smartphones through official channels (mobile networks and well regarded phone retailers) has all happened by complete chance.
misterleoni to chancooluk
2 Sep 17 #36
Very witty but there’s actually no point in it, since none of those things are indicative of hardware talent being onboard and in reality it’s highly unlikely that any great talent just sat around waiting and wasn’t snapped up by other companies. A little research proves this to be true. There’s nothing to see here that hasn’t been done by other phone startups like Wileyfox, Oneplus and the like. Nokia wants us to believe that they are back like a Phoenix rising from the ashes and you have obviously been sold on that promise. That’s fine, and I’ve no reason to *not* want that to be true; but my only point really is that you should take it with a pinch of salt - certainly initial reviews of the Nokia 8 camera aren’t great, and aren’t indicative of the ‘old guard’ from the Pureview team being drafted in.

I wish Nokia every success anyway as the more players there are in the mobile phone space the better it is for everyone.
1 Sep 17 #14
Heat just for the Nokia brand. Not sure about this phone at this price though.
1 Sep 17 #16
Not real. Not real. Must resist... Apple iPhone user since first generation.

So why do I want this so much??
1 Sep 17 #20
And you do? Feel free to forward it.
1 Sep 17 #21
bezels too big for 2017. s7 edge or g6 better option for display
misterleoni to hashemcom007
1 Sep 17 #22
Too big? I don’t get the disgust with bezels - they make devices easier to hold and use.
hashemcom007 to misterleoni
1 Sep 17 #27
Having a big phone with a small screen is the issue. not a huge issue but still for £500
misterleoni to hashemcom007
1 Sep 17 #28
It’s never been a problem before. What if you don’t like bezel-less phones? I struggle to use the S7 Edge as easily as I did the Note 4 and other devices before it. The bezels on this device are hardly offensive anyway, and it’s not exactly a small screen OR a particularly big phone as far as I can tell.
1 Sep 17 #25
I never said the deal wasn’t hot, I was just countering the impression you put about that a load of Nokia talent has come back on board at HMD. My understanding (which seems to be backed up from everything I’ve found out online, and through following various journalists in the know on Twitter), is that HMD *are* made up of many ex Nokians but these are marketing execs and other non-tech suits, and that much of the technical expertise has long since left for pastures new. Of the Pureview team only one is back at Nokia, and he is working for the Ozo team. The main man, Ari Partinen, left for Apple about three years ago, and another member of the team now works for Huawei. Even the Pureview technology is still owned exclusively by Microsoft, although HMD have bought various patents - such as the camera interface.

I quite like the look of this phone but I’m under no illusions as I think *this* Nokia lacks the expertise of even companies like Oneplus. It has the name but it isn’t the old company, and for that reason the price of this handset is possibly a little high - in a world where Oneplus were criticised for being too expensive with the OP5. This is a more expensive handset which doesn’t have better spec and it’s made by a company with a very established name but no proven track record in its present guise.
1 Sep 17 #26
Nokia like Rim have lost the battle if they lend their name to the android brand. If this phone could have the option of a sailfish os install then I'd understand it but this isn't Nokia anymore and anyone pretending it is needs to shut up. Why didn't the company who bought the name just stick theirs on
1 Sep 17 #31
Security updates are very different to receiving OS updates. I'll be glad to admit I was wrong if they support Android 8.0 and beyond though.
Agharta to solitude
1 Sep 17 #32
It's a good indication that they are on their toes though and already that's better than many established manufacturers manage.
If I was Nokia I'd focus on a clean Android and quick updates as that would put them ahead of most.
2 Sep 17 #35
So I was mulling on this last night and thought:

Argument - This is not a Nokia

Counter argument - A mini is a BMW

Argument - The watch is not Nokia

Counter argument - The original Withings watch will have shared components (Miyota?)

Argument - HMD are just marketing execs

Counter argument - Without the marketing people we wouldn't buy anything!
2 Sep 17 #37
How much could the phone be sold for on Ebay or something ?
2 Sep 17 #38
I heard a whisper from an employee,
That CPW Group, could be heading into administration.

Where would this leave me?
I really like the phone and wanted a Withings watch since the summer.

This seems a very tangible package,
But if something went wrong in first 12 months
Where am I left?

Half a Grand a lot of $$$$$

Like the old Comet Story. RIP.
zirk to nate1980
2 Sep 17 #39
Carphone Warehouse (CPW) are owned by Dixons, the same people that own Currys and PC World, CPW pulled in around £500m profits last year, most Industries in the UK wouldn't argue that with the falling £ and Brexit going on, things are going to get tougher, but I cant see Dixons Group letting CPW go down the tubes.

To answer your question your buying a Nokia who sell Worldwide and a Withings Watch (now owned by Nokia) not a solely branded UK CPW badged phone.
2 Sep 17 #40
Stupid comments.

CPW profits are falling to £400 million, down from the hoped for near £500 million.
2 Sep 17 #41
I completely agree with both of you. I wasn't being witty. Nobody with any talent from Nokia works at HMD. Your point is made and fully accepted.

It makes sense for Microsoft to keep the one thing that differentiated Nokia smartphones from the competition. Pureview cameras pushed smartphone photography forward. Not that Microsoft will ever find a meaningful use for it without licensing it out.

I disagree that Wileyfox are anything like Nokia (HMD) or OnePlus. Wileyfox merely rebrand handsets from other manufacturers (such as Cherry Mobile or Archos), or use the direct reference designs from the chipset manufacturers (such as Qualcomm) and plonk a logo on them. Nokia (HMD) and OnePlus actually design the handsets from the internals to the cosmetics.
2 Sep 17 #42
Probably for around the same price. I doubt that you would make any money from buying and selling on.
2 Sep 17 #43
This is a smoking hot deal. Great phone at that price anyway, and a decent smartwatch too.
2 Sep 17 #44
Great deal
2 Sep 17 #45
I have the impression that the majority of people posting on this site are teenagers. You can't expect much unfortunately and just have to hope they grow out of it.
2 Sep 17 #46

I heard a whisper from an employee,
That CPW Group, could be heading into administration.

Where would this leave me?
I really like the phone and wanted a Withings watch since the summer.

This seems a very tangible package,
But if something went wrong in first 12 months
Where am I left?

Half a Grand a lot of $$$$$

Like the old Comet Story. RIP.

Totally Agree,
Must be a CPW employe!

My source mentioned there stores are like ghost towns , there tariffs are deals are mediocre, and customer service........Appalling.
2 Sep 17 #47
Future looks gloomy, I'm afraid,
There stores are ghost towns,

And I don't know what's going on with there

It's an online future im afraid.

Poor tariffs and deals ,
And customer service, well absolutely appalling!

Dunstone, should concentrate on this,

I know he's out of the loop,
But give it time and it I'll slide away.

I heard a whisper from an employee,
That CPW Group, could be heading into administration.

Where would this leave me?
I really like the phone and wanted a Withings watch since the summer.

This seems a very tangible package,
But if something went wrong in first 12 months
Where am I left?

Half a Grand a lot of $$$$$

Like the old Comet Story. RIP.

Totally Agree,
Must be a CPW employe!

My source mentioned there stores are like ghost towns , there tariffs are deals are mediocre, and customer service........Appalling.
2 Sep 17 #48
So whilst everyone has been making bezels slimmer, Nokia thought hey, why don't we release a flagship phone at flagship prices but with the biggest chin ever. Similar to this guy:

2 Sep 17 #49
That's a smartwatch ??? Wow that is taking the michael
2 Sep 17 #50
Smart watches are for stupid people. £500 phone and deal is red hot, what a world we live in.
2 Sep 17 #51
What's the returns policy with carphone warehouse?
2 Sep 17 #52
2 Sep 17 #53
I'd still buy the Google pixel XL over this at its new reduced to sell out price.
2 Sep 17 #54
I'm buying one to replace my iPhone.
2 Sep 17 #55
Because everyone would rather pay £200+ for the privilege right?
2 Sep 17 #56
A flagship phone for £500 with a smart watch included? Can you show me alternative flagships I can buy please?
2 Sep 17 #57
Voted cold because the screen is too small for a five hundred quid phone.
2 Sep 17 #58
Can return unused for full refund.
2 Sep 17 #59
This has better screen ,better camera and micro SD slot to add memory . Oneplus only has more ram . Plus Oneplus is only USB 2.0 while this is usb3.1 so all USB 3.1 and quick charge capable.
2 Sep 17 #60
All the phones with slim bezels like S8 , essential ,and forthcoming IPhone 10 cost much more
2 Sep 17 #61
Cpw and currys pcworld are now one company. Hard to believe .
2 Sep 17 #62
Also HMD bought phone patents from Nokia/Microsoft.
2 Sep 17 #63
Leeco and Doggee phones are full of spyware and virus. Only brainless creatures buy phones with Virus inside. This phone is better than Oneplus 5 due to better screen ,camera ,micro SD slot , USB 3.1 and Qualcomm quick charge . Oneplus 5 only has more ram memory.
3 Sep 17 #64
Is its 5.3” IPS screen ‘better’ than the 5.5” AMOLED just because it has a higher resolution? I ask because on paper they are very different so both have pros and cons at least on paper.
The other stuff is mainly subjective depending on priorities. In other words, there is rarely a clear winner as people might have different priorities to you.
Personally speaking a 5.3” screen is a deal breaker for me.
3 Sep 17 #65
3 Sep 17 #66
Hard to believe?
Faith in purchasing.
3 Sep 17 #67
They do the smaller Withings, it's 36mm,
Really nice watch , would have loved this deal.

But dubious about reliable and taking back for issues.

And no ! I ain't Apple user.
Hard to believe?
Faith in purchasing.
3 Sep 17 #68
only a fat nerd that sits in his room 20hrs a day would say that. 99% of the android market does not have latest security update.... I'm yet to hear someone being hacked/compromised because of that
3 Sep 17 #69
buy it on CC and you are covered regardless..
besides Nokia has literally the best customer service ever.
I have their HR watch, which has apparently manufacturing fault (condensation), unfortunately cant get it replaced till autumn so they gave me either £50 voucher or a scale to pick from
Ohh and I got a free watch for participting in one of their studies

there is no such thing as virus on android.... perhaps it's you who is brainsless
3 Sep 17 #70
No such thing as Virus on Android ? Which world do you live in ? Google recently pulled hundreds of apps from its own store because of malware . Forgotten the Heart Bleed and various other malware . Many of the Chinese companies like Leeco and Doggee sell virus instead of phones.
3 Sep 17 #71
Forgotten the jelly effect on screen of Oneplus 5 which Oneplus cannot fix. Plus Virtual reality apps work better with higher resolution in the age of 4k movies and games.
3 Sep 17 #72
you clearly are arguing a point that you know jack about....
please define virus and define malware

just to save you the trouble and further embarrasement…rus
what does screen size have to do with resolution? nobody mentioned resolution at any point in the conversation.
3 Sep 17 #73
2k resolution of Nokia is better than 1080p of Oneplus 5 .
3 Sep 17 #74

you clearly are arguing a point that you know jack about....
please define virus and define malware

just to save you the trouble and further embarrasement…rus…us/…10/

Android Viruses exist .
3 Sep 17 #75
You are thick as a pudding. Define a virus and how it works
And then define what is sandboxing and what it does
3 Sep 17 #76
You mean the screen is too small for you.
3 Sep 17 #77
I found this to be a bizarre statement too.
3 Sep 17 #78
Love Nokia handsets. Owned the N8 & more recently the 1020 and the build quality on both was excellent. A Nokia running Android is a tempting proposition.
3 Sep 17 #79
I haven't seen people get this upset since I last played monopoly.
3 Sep 17 #80
G6 is selling at exact same price on cpw. S7 edge can be got for even cheaper. I chose my examples carefully. Didnt say s8
4 Sep 17 #81
You have completely lost me. You're comparing the G6 and S7, both last year's phones with last year's flagship specs, to the Nokia 8, which is a phone that uses this year's current flagship hardware. Using this logic I could say forget all of these phones, get the S6 instead, because it's cheaper.

If you were just Nokia bashing because for the sake of it, I think you and people generally need to remember people want different things from a phone. Not all phones with the latest hardware are alike. Some people prefer a larger/smaller screen, larger battery, removable battery, headphone jack, micro SD card slot, stock Android, good aftercare, etc. and they prioritise these features according to their needs. In my case I want stock Android, a large battery, micro SD card slot and a headphone jack. Everything else is a bonus. Fair enough this phone doesn't have a large battery but, to my knowledge, apart from a handful of Moto's, this is the only phone to have 3 out of my 4 requirements in the last 4-5 years at least (priority being stock Android). And obvs I'm not the only one that looks for these specific features, the same way you're not the only one after the features you want in a phone.

But that doesn't mean you can compare like-for-like in terms the cost of a phone only and nothing else, especially when you're comparing last year's phones with a phone from this year which uses the current flagship hardware at the time of me writing this, and also includes a smartwatch.

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of phone hardware should be able to see this is a good deal, regardless of whether you take it up or not. I can't see how anyone would think otherwise unless they have some bizarre bias against Nokia.
4 Sep 17 #82
It'll never completely be 100% the Nokia of old. But if they bring out phones with the features people want and at the right price point, why not?
4 Sep 17 #83
To be fair asking to undercut OnePlus, a brand known for making flagship phones on the cheap, by £100, was asking for much.
4 Sep 17 #84
It's down to you whether you prefer smaller bezels or last year's phone hardware.
4 Sep 17 #85
Dude, relax. What's it to you a phone brand makes phones people (potentially) want?
4 Sep 17 #86
A lot of those companies have also been, amongst other things, taking away headphone jacks, putting more bloat in their OS's and making batteries smaller. It all depends on what you individually look for in a phone.
4 Sep 17 #87
People no longer know how to debate opinions without being patronising or nobs to each other. It is ridiculous.
4 Sep 17 #88
Hoping that all goes well for Nokia's rebirth - i have a soft spot for them (a bit like a first Girlfriend).

Samsung need knocking off the top spot, but Nokia have a long way to go before that happens!
4 Sep 17 #89
Bezels isn't really a preference thing. within reason, the higher the ratio of screen to body the better. it shouldnt effect the way you hold the phone either. I like the phone and this is my only criticism of it. i dont understand why emotions ran so high with my comment on it. i think it was a fair comment
little_green to hashemcom007
16 Sep 17 #97
Well I have seen this in store now here my view:

Looks nice in the flesh. Silver model only one on show and it's looks good though I'm intrigued to see the copper version in flesh. Feels a nice size in hand too (personally prefer a 5.2 inch screen to 5.5 it's more manageable so 5.3 more suiting to this) dimensions quite slim sits nice In hand. Ziess branding is on the rear camera (images I'd seen online previously did not show this).
Here's what I don't really get though... The Nokia 8 was sitting directly below the Nokia 3 and next to the Nokia 6.... The Nokia 8 is more like the Nokia 3 in terms of build and looks than the Nokia 6. In fact putting the 8 and 3 next to each other it's hard to tell the difference (dual camera + branding and slightly different shade of silver). The Nokia 6 definitely feels sturdier in terms of build the body is just more... Idk...defined? The Nokia 8 seems to lack weight behind it when you pick it up that make it FEEL ...idk flagship!? Sturdy? Reliable? Maybe it's just me that likes a bit of weight behind my phone's but I just feel that metal phones that don't have weight remind me of budget phones that have immitation metal.

Im still keen to purchase this device, kinda holding out to see the copper in the flesh (if ever that happens) and also to see if a Nokia 9 is announced officially in the hope it's possibly have a build more similar to the n6. I'm confused as to why the build of n8 is more like the lower end n3 than the n6? Also need to get rid of one of my other phones before I can buy a new one.
Would be interested to know how anyone who has the decide is getting on and other people opinions on it now it's officially released
4 Sep 17 #90
Emotions didn’t run high mate, chill out.
6 Sep 17 #91
I just spoke to a sales rep and was told need to also buy £10 credit?

Also when you order online, does it tell you how many days it will take to have it delivered to a store?
6 Sep 17 #92
Your Sales Rep is talking rubbish, incorrectly trained or trying it on, these are SimFree Phones to buy outright, there is no Sim Top up required, these phones are available as Monthly Contract, Upgrade or Sim Free, there not currently on offer as a PAYGO package yet.

Its states on the Web Site, delivery will be on or around the 13th September.
FunkiestMonkey to zirk
8 Sep 17 #93
I'm not hating on this phone, but why does anyone need a more than 1080p screen on a phone screen?
9 Sep 17 #94
Wonder why cpw is only doing 2 colours to preorder and Nokia themselves is only doing one!?
13 Sep 17 #95
Total bait and switch! I made an order online through the CPW website, which had the free smart watch offer prominently displayed. I've just come from my local cpw shop, who told me that it was only for in-store preorders (the phone has only been released today). I then tell them it didn't say this on the website and to return the order immediately. They said the order was still in "fulfillment" and for a refund I have to come back tomorrow. Total waste of my time. Never again, Carphonewarehouse!
13 Sep 17 #96
yeah i found it weird that on their site it said if you purchase the phone sim free then you would still get the smartwatch but it would not appear in the basket (ie. you have no proof) & would be sent out seperately from the phone :unamused:
22 Sep 17 #98
interesting phone, would perhaps be tempted if it was £100 lower.
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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