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 Nintendo Switch with 2 games - £299.99 @ GAME
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Nintendo Switch with 2 games - £299.99 @ GAME

£299.99 GAME24 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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24 Sep 17
Was after a Nintendo Switch for my lad for xmas. Hearing they might be in short fall for xmas so ordered one now.

Nintendo Switch - Neon Red/Neon Blue with LEGO and Worlds Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition £299.99
All comments (99)
24 Sep 17 #1
Not very expensive games but well worth it none the less.
24 Sep 17 #2
My sons both want one of these for xmas, can they share one or would they need one each?? Clueless with computer games!!!
benfisher1991 to hayleylm09
24 Sep 17 #3
They can share. You can have multiple accounts.

Having two would allow them the play games together though and they'll fight over one haha
UltimatePhoenix to hayleylm09
24 Sep 17 #4
Just buy two consoles, be good havin to use both screens at once just bad on the pocket
24 Sep 17 #5
not bad at all. heat.
24 Sep 17 #6
Good deal for those that don't want to tackle the 20% off code at Very

I've gone with the Very deal personally with Zelda, but it could be another month yet for delivery
sneakyduck to Borntooslow
24 Sep 17 #7
me too! mine arrives early October. bought it three weeks ago, I think. everything else I bought came next day, which is a bit daft as I can't really do anything with the games and accessories apart from pretend.
kos1c to sneakyduck
24 Sep 17 #8
Open your hand add a couple of marbles or dice. Softly close your hand so the items can freely move about but won't fall out.

Then shake that hand, there just helped you pretend you have HD rumble. :face_with_monocle:
UltimatePhoenix to kos1c
24 Sep 17 #9
Sounds alot more than a rumble mate :thinking: think you need move into phone conversations :wink:
sneakyduck to kos1c
24 Sep 17 #12
graigddu1 to Borntooslow
24 Sep 17 #11
What is the very 20% off deal,can't seem to find that for electrical?
sneakyduck to graigddu1
24 Sep 17 #13
24 Sep 17 #10
Got a Switch for my two girls for Christmas from Amazon with the last £25 off promo (its not for me, honest!). Have had a cheeky "test" to make sure it works ok...

Now keeping an eye open for deals on the games...
24 Sep 17 #14
Thanks,much appreciated
24 Sep 17 #15
Bit.......need one for Xmas, and not going through the crap of running round last min when they are all sold out! Cheers OP!
24 Sep 17 #16
Had a look at the very 20% off deal on new credit account but very are only offering 10% on electrical,am I missing something?
sneakyduck to graigddu1
24 Sep 17 #17
Switch isn't in Electrical. definitely works, as I've bought about £600 worth of kit.
graigddu1 to sneakyduck
24 Sep 17 #18
Yes worked it out in the end but thanks for the post,
Shouldn't operate heavy machinery or computers while taking man flu medicine,
ZeroEx to sneakyduck
24 Sep 17 #21
sneakyduck to ZeroEx
24 Sep 17 #27
I got 20% off mine, with a 2DS XL and games to boot.
graigddu1 to sneakyduck
24 Sep 17 #25
Yes worked for me also got a xbox one under the 20%
24 Sep 17 #19
How much will the games sell for cause I’m tempted to get it?
24 Sep 17 #20
I am tempted but it’s the cost of games that always strifles Nintendo.
24 Sep 17 #22
3 months warranty wasted:(
24 Sep 17 #23
Been a gamer since I had an Amstrad when I was a kid. Hand on heart, I can say that the switch is one of my favourite consoles of all time already

Not the cheapest console, but worth every penny
washer010 to squibski
24 Sep 17 #30
Green screen baby!
Quietus to washer010
24 Sep 17 #36
Me too. I recall the 'fun' of forty-five minutes of screechy loading, only to see "Read Error B", and wanting to throw it out the window. :grin:
washer010 to Quietus
24 Sep 17 #40
Remember trying to hold play and fast forward a little to speed up loading :laughing:
violentj to squibski
24 Sep 17 #33
i find it awful,tiny little controllers only donald trump would find comfortable,i genuinely prefer wiiu.
my kids however love it.
24 Sep 17 #24
I've already got Very account and the wife so wasnt an option. Worth noting if you dont order for a wile they always send you discount codes or money off offers.
24 Sep 17 #26
Almost had a heart attack that this was gonna be two AAA games. I got an "as new" Switch off E-Bay like half an hour ago for £190, but I think I made the right choice now I've seen the games.

Cool deal for those interested in them though.
benjammin316 to shaneo632
24 Sep 17 #37
Had a look at the sold listings, couldn't see the one you got, that's a great price tho...
24 Sep 17 #28
Both games are worth around £25 each so makes the console cost £250, which is as cheap as it's been on other deals for the console only ( think they have expired now ) have voted hot, but will say that although pricey still, zelda and MARIO kart are absolute must buys for the switch if you can afford them
24 Sep 17 #29
I’ve been soo impressed by this little machine ... totally hooked on it at the moment
24 Sep 17 #31
I found either this one or a similar one a week or so ago to help someone with finding a switch bundle in discussions. Wish I posted it now :blush: heat added though
24 Sep 17 #32
Any idea if this will be available in store? I am passing by one tomorrow morning
Istanbul_Kop to peakinsbub
24 Sep 17 #34
No guarantees, GAME in store pricing borders on criminal. Wish it could all be the same. It's a joke when they can't even price match themselves.
24 Sep 17 #35
I’ve had my switch a couple of weeks now with the very 20% off deal and i’m totally hooked, brilliant console, also received pokken tournament Friday which I’ve been playing all night.

This is a great deal and Rayman is a brilliant game, if you’ve not played this Rayman game it’s worth every penny.

Heat from me
24 Sep 17 #38
The switch is simply the best console ever. Monthly cycle.
24 Sep 17 #39
Just bought one tonight, neon switch with physical mario odyssey for £293. :face_with_monocle:
argos mess up code.
25 Sep 17 #41
As others have said, not the best games, but that's still a great deal for a fantastic console. Heat!
25 Sep 17 #42
tempted but dont want Lego so still feeling this is too expensive for me at the moment
25 Sep 17 #43
Which code?
25 Sep 17 #44
not bad deal got mine with the £25 off code from amazon which im still happy about. Not played my PS4 since this has shown up. Vey very impressed with that this can do for the size of the console. Loving zelda so far and mario kart looking forward to super mario oddessey
25 Sep 17 #45
People that “bought” the £90 minecraft Xbox one from Argos got a discount code from Argos as an apology for cancelling the orders.

25 Sep 17 #46
Is this worth getting if we already have a wii U? How much better is it to warrant the purchase?
25 Sep 17 #47
Great price, hoping it's this price come Friday when I get paid! Being able to play LA Noire, FIFA and WWE 2k on a handheld sounds amazing. Hope there's more AAA game support.
25 Sep 17 #48
Great find. I paid £280 for just the console.
25 Sep 17 #49
I bought the Zelda Bundle with Neon Red/Blue

Mine is listed as "before 31/10/2017"

Luckily a £60+ saving means I don't mind waiting.

Mobile site says they have stock, while the desktop site shows it as a preorder
25 Sep 17 #50
I got some silicon grips from Asda for £8. It makes holding the switch much more comfortable. Holding the individual joy con is more comfortable too

I found the 3DS XL to be very uncomfortable at times tbh
25 Sep 17 #51
That's assuming you want both these games though. It's just Game shifting copies of games that aren't selling IMO which is going to be the norm around Christmas; if you want a console in the rush you will be forced into bundles with games you don't want. Glad I got in with the £25 off code at Tesco Direct the other week for my lad.
25 Sep 17 #52
I'm struggling to justify getting this for my kids when they already have a Wii U.
Apart from Mario Odyssey all the other main titles are the same games from the U.
I understand that it's fully portable, but i have no interest in that.
Think i'll wait till the kids break the Wii U :persevere:
25 Sep 17 #53
There are so many differences between the two I don't think you can consider whether you need it based on already owning a Wii U. If you're still getting plenty of use from the Wii U then fair enough but the Switch is a totally different console.

First of all the Switch uses cartridges and not discs so there is no use for Wii U games on the Switch (and yet no word from Nintendo on Virtual Console or whether your current purchases can be transferred to any Switch VC). As you know you need to keep the Wii U Gamepad within a certain distance to your Wii U console in order to use it. You don't have that problem with the Switch so it is perfect for picking up and playing anywhere you like.

At the moment i'd say the Wii U has a better games catalogue but the Switch has only been out for a few months and it is already starting to pick up support. For example, Fifa 18 is out on Friday (EA shunned Wii U), Bethesda has announced a few games and theres a great looking Mario game out end of next month. The did port Mario Kart 8 but it had all the DLC included, Zelda is absolutely fantastic and Splatoon 2 is apparently great too (not had chance to play it for any great length of time yet).

So...short answer...i'd say it is absolutely worth purchasing.
25 Sep 17 #54
Ok so not really clued up on these, but my lad has a DS and enjoys playing it. Would this be a worthy upgrade? What does his do that the DS doesn’t?
25 Sep 17 #55
these games are ideal for my 6 year old who has already asked for lego world but not sure to bite at this price or wait and hope it comes down a little more before Christmas, but then it may not and then stock may be limited. DECISIONS lol
25 Sep 17 #56
Let the kids keep abusing the wii u and treat yourself to the switch as it's a awesome device to play whilst the family or wifey use the tv
25 Sep 17 #57
I take both my Switch and DS when i'm out and about for any long period. I don't think if your lad had a Switch they'd not want to know their DS anymore. DS has so many awesome titles and in about a years time the Switch will i'm sure be incredibly well supported.

We don't appear to have the same supply issues in the UK which the US has seen but if it was me, i'd not wait too long because with Super Mario Odyssey out next month (plus Skyrim etc) there might be a holiday shortage for the Switch unless production is significantly ramped up.
25 Sep 17 #58
Not had a DS and only recently invested in a switch ( i have a PS4 also ) and if you can afford the console cost and the typically high cost for the games for him( usually around £45-50
25 Sep 17 #59
If you mean the big Nintendo exclusives then I wish you luck on that one.
25 Sep 17 #60
Just bit the bullet gonna get doom game after selling both these games.
25 Sep 17 #61
It is bizarre that we've managed to avoid most of the severe shortages that the Americans and Japanese have had. In Japan you need to wait in a line for hours to get a raffle ticket that might win you the chance of being able to buy one. It's insane.
25 Sep 17 #62
Cex prices.

lego worlds
WeSell for£28.00WeBuy for cash£16.00WeBuy for voucher£19.00

Rayman Legends
WeSell for£30.00WeBuy for cash£14.00WeBuy for voucher£20.00

So you can get £39 voulchers or £30 cash
25 Sep 17 #63
Pah, peasant! I had the colour screen on mine*.

(*admittedly we bought ours second hand, but I didn't care)
25 Sep 17 #64
As you may know, the WiiU already plays Zelda Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8. At the moment, only the promise of Mario Odyssey and the option to play away from the TV are any reasons to spend the extra money.

That, and having A Shiny New Thing to play with instead of an older console.
25 Sep 17 #65
Hey, me too! CPC 464 or 646, can't remember which. Used to play the crap out of Bomb Jack.
25 Sep 17 #66
Glad you mentioned that.....I was speaking to someone in Game the other day, and it seems the company has been split, and the online and retail sides are now independently owned, and they are not aligned on pricing.
25 Sep 17 #67
Congrats on getting a switches B*tches, and welcome to the club, those that now own a Switch, hope you come to love it, those who are sitting the the fence, what are you doing, buy one
25 Sep 17 #68
Ughhhh why do these deals keep popping up for me to see. Every so often I see a deal on a Switch and then get really tempted to buy one. Takes me weeks to talk myself out of it each time!

Must... not... buy!
25 Sep 17 #69
Does anyone know if the games are hard copies with covers or download codes?
25 Sep 17 #70
Doesn't support Wii or Wii U games. Perhaps they called it The Switch, because you have to switch all the games you've bought previously. Thanks Nintendo, but I don't want to buy them all again. If I "switch", it will be to a Playstation or X-Box.
25 Sep 17 #71
Ok thank you for the info. Graphically is the switch better?
25 Sep 17 #72
They both have a graphical output of 1080p but the Switch has superior hardware and performs better. Nintendo never likes to go into detail about hardware and the capabilities of their consoles.
25 Sep 17 #73
Can these be used like the Wii u as a family console...
25 Sep 17 #74
25 Sep 17 #75
Yep, even more so i'd say. You've got handy controllers (Joy-cons) attached to the side which you can use. You can put it on the main TV to play or you can undock it and play that way.
25 Sep 17 #76
I ordered today before 3pm said next day delivery but it’s 7pm now no dispatch email yet anyone dealt with them and know how they work.?

update lol as I was writing this I got a dispatch email.
25 Sep 17 #77
Anyone know if the 'free' games are retail boxed versions?
26 Sep 17 #78
Thats what i am trying to find out lol no one knows.
26 Sep 17 #79
Yes the games are retail boxed versions.
26 Sep 17 #80
Serious Q, why is this deal getting so much heat?
26 Sep 17 #81
Yep boxed retail
26 Sep 17 #82
Yes I can second that I got this deal sold both games for £25 each preordered doom for £39.99 so I have switch with doom when it’s released all in £289.99 bargain.
26 Sep 17 #83
I really should have bought the grey controller Switch for £255 from Tesco when I had the chance..
27 Sep 17 #84
where did you get em sold for £25?!
Pspvita to nja1
27 Sep 17 #86
27 Sep 17 #85
My son is mario mad and wants a switch for Christmas. Do you think I’ll get a better deal on amazon prime day or should I just buy this now? Are there better bundles with Mario. Thanks for any answers. I’m not tech minded and we only have a very old wii so not at all up to date with prices etc
27 Sep 17 #87
Actual bundles dont really exist for the switch as this point unfortunately. There's a Mario Odyssey bundle coming out end October but unless you want the red joycons it comes with there's not really a saving there. Although maybe your son might appreciate that as a Mario fan?32103439-xaiWL.jpg
Pspvita to slayermatt
27 Sep 17 #94
Can't wait for my Doom preorder to arrive.
27 Sep 17 #88
Can anyone who bought this deal tell me if this is refurb or preowned ? Just it says new on product but when u go into description each item says mint? Tried contacting game live chat about an hr ago but still waiting
27 Sep 17 #89
Hi i got mine yesterday and i can confirm its brand new.
27 Sep 17 #90
Mine just arrived. Cracking deal! And i got £6 reward points so ill use that to get the mario game they want
27 Sep 17 #91
I started a little later with the NES, but i couldn't agree more that this is one of my favourite consoles since the N64.. I've pretty much gone through every console..

NES, SNES, Megadrive, Gameboy , GBA, Dreamcast, Playstation 1 2 3, N64, Xbox 360 one, wii, and of course the switch :nerd:

And hands down that Zelda is probably 1 of the best games ive ever played so get that too!
classygear to WowLookAtMe
30 Sep 17 #97
Don't know whether this is national or not but just bought the switch neon with lego world and Mariokart 8 and the official case for £317.04 from Game in Worthing.

They didn't have Rayman in stock but took £27.99 off the price selling me Mariokart for £44.99. Since it was a game they wanted and they got the official case for FREE thought that was a great deal.
27 Sep 17 #92
Thank you. I’ll take a look at that one
27 Sep 17 #93
Went for the Very deal ordered the console, Zelda and Mario Odyssey for £305 with Topcashback of £17.
28 Sep 17 #95
i would not bother using game, ordered this yesterday had the order confirmation saying it is out for delivery but no tracking information. all morning on twitter facebook game online and there phone line I have been trying to get through but customer service is poor. 74 people on chat for an hour no movement, been on the phone half hour no1 answers so if you have a problem you have no support so praying it arrives with no troubles. will not be using game again after this
xrchris400 to punch16
2 Oct 17 #98
Got this deal along with MK8 and have to say that Rayman is a good game and MK8 has been brilliant. The whole family have been using it all weekend which never happens with our XBONE

Great console that is incredibly versatile
Pspvita to punch16
2 Oct 17 #99
Loving my console put a glass screen on it and a 200gb micro sd card waiting for doom.
29 Sep 17 #96
We just got a message scheduling delivery from DPD after the order was processed. No tracking unformation on initial order.
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