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 [Nintendo 3DS] Pokemon Silver/Gold Packaged Download Code - £8.99 - Amazon (£8.85 - Base)
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[Nintendo 3DS] Pokemon Silver/Gold Packaged Download Code - £8.99 - Amazon (£8.85 - Base)

Free Download Amazon UK6 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
6 Sep 17
Currently out of stock at Nintendo at this price. Best price around as far as I can see. No pre-order delivery charge for non Prime members (credit jco83)

Pokemon Silver Version is making its way to Virtual Console on Nintendo 3DS! This game, which debuted as a Game Boy Colour title in Japan, is being recreated into a Virtual Console version such that the screen appears just as it did on the Game Boy Colour. This game box includes a download code for Pokemon Gold Version (no game disc is included). The game must be downloaded from Nintendo e-Shop using the download code enclosed.

All comments (57)
6 Sep 17 #1
Preordered. Thanks :grin:
6 Sep 17 #2
Free p&p for preorders :wink:
BuzzDuraband to jco83
6 Sep 17 #4
I did think that but saw "Delivery at no extra cost for Prime members".

Are you sure. ARE YOU SURE? :grin:
jco83 to BuzzDuraband
6 Sep 17 #6
Yes! YES! :grin:
BuzzDuraband to jco83
6 Sep 17 #7
Just checked. You're completely correct. Well, I'll be damned :grin: Thanks.
6 Sep 17 #3
Gunna get hot in here. Best price for these (without delivery) around. Got myself Silver :thumbsup:
6 Sep 17 #5
Alternative if you don't have prime is they're £9.99 each at GAME, which is what I've gone for! Heat :innocent:

Wonder if it's just the game code or if we'll get snazzy extras like the Japan versions did..
BuzzDuraband to maizecorn
6 Sep 17 #8
We've established a £8.99 price for both Prime and none Prime members. Go... :grin:
maizecorn to BuzzDuraband
6 Sep 17 #9
Typical :joy: brb gonna cancel with GAME want my 2 pound back
6 Sep 17 #10
Optionally:£8.85 for either on Base :ninja:


BuzzDuraband to robtallica
6 Sep 17 #11
And the beat goes on... :grin:

Popped an update in bud, slapped some credit on. Cheers :smile:
6 Sep 17 #12
Will these be available on Nintendo E shop???
AndrewRunagall to UltimatePhoenix
6 Sep 17 #13
Jonnyblock to AndrewRunagall
6 Sep 17 #19
At what price though?
jco83 to Jonnyblock
6 Sep 17 #22
UltimatePhoenix to AndrewRunagall
6 Sep 17 #23
So really digital only should be cheaper cause the companies are losing money shipping a box with a code in :unamused:
AndrewRunagall to UltimatePhoenix
8 Sep 17 #40
And do you really think Nintendo uses servers for free?
UltimatePhoenix to AndrewRunagall
9 Sep 17 #41
Whats that gotta do with it been cheaper, you still access their server to download with the code in the box!!!
6 Sep 17 #14
I don't know anything about these games. Are they similar to the red, yellow and blue that were (or still are?) £6 on the eshop recently?
Which is the best one to go for?
antonio369 to Jonnyblock
6 Sep 17 #15
go for what cover pokemon you like the look of, if you really want to know which one google what different pokemon you get on each and choose what pokes you would like more :smile: i had gold when it came out so got silver this time round. they will prob release crystal soon after which is the yellow of this gen
jco83 to Jonnyblock
6 Sep 17 #17
Pokemon Gold and Silver are the 2nd generation of Pokemon games developed for the Gameboy Colour. They feature full colour [unlike the original games] and lots of new gameplay elements including a real day and night cycle, pokemon eggs, and as well as the new map it also has the map from the original games once you complete the new one
Jonnyblock to jco83
6 Sep 17 #18
So if I buy yellow for example, it's not even in colour??
jco83 to Jonnyblock
6 Sep 17 #21
The original games are Gameboy games which have some added colour when played on GBC, but not full colour. Yellow has even more colour when played on GBC as it was made with this in mind, but still not proper full colour.
The Virtual Console versions are as follows:
Red & Blue have no colour, just like originally on the GB.
Yellow has the added GBC colour.
6 Sep 17 #16
Nice so is this a new game? Do they just email a code to you so no box to open on my nephews birthday ? Do you need an sdcard on the 3ds?
jco83 to ZEbbEDY
6 Sep 17 #20
No. No. Yes :nerd:
These are 'Virtual Console' games of Gameboy Colour games. They come as a physical box containing a download code to download on 3DS family systems. All 3DS family systems come with a MicroSD card already in them, and as these are Gameboy Colour games they'll be a small download size :smile:
7 Sep 17 #24
Tbh I think £9 for a retro game is a rip off but whatever floats your boat.
yeboi to frish
7 Sep 17 #25
I think £129.99 is a rip off for a keyboard but whatever floats your boat.
UltimatePhoenix to yeboi
7 Sep 17 #26
I think £7.50 for a candle is a rip off ☺
frish to yeboi
7 Sep 17 #27
Cool, now what does that have to do with anything apart from showing that you wanted to be a stalker in order to "win" a point? I agree that £130 is a rip off for a keyboard, but I posted the deal since I was looking at mechanical keyboards at the time and that was the cheapest I could find that particular one (which I went for at the time). I'm not trying to tell people what they can or can't buy, I'm just giving feedback on my opinion towards a deal. If it were a physical copy I'd be more inclined, but when I can get more recent games for around this price, I think retro gaming would do better if it were more suitably priced. Otherwise I'd rather emulate it or just grab my copy of gold, silver or crystal I have laying around, though the battery probably need replacing in the cart :c. If you thinking otherwise then fine, but no need for petty stalking.

Though on the plus side, this will probably become pokemon bank compatible.
teh.arn to frish
7 Sep 17 #28
This is the cheapest legal way to play this game.
You would pay more than this to buy the original version.
frish to teh.arn
7 Sep 17 #30
A brief look on ebay seems to suggest that doesn't seem to be the case:
[Edit: nvm removed :D]
They do both say opened but unused, whether you believe it is up to you.

Though as stated, you may need a replacement battery and of course a console capable of playing GBC games. Personally I'd rather go for the convenience of emulation, especially since eshop games are tied to the console. I'm aware there will be happy customers and that's fine, I'm of the opinion that these things should be cheaper, at least from the e-shop. I think there can be big improvements to nintendo's online distribution.

Though even if the older carts did cost more, I still wouldn't personally consider it a deal since I would compare it's price to quality games a few years back at the same price point or retro style games/original games elsewhere for a fraction of the price.
BuzzDuraband to frish
7 Sep 17 #31
Not sure there's much room for legality in the listing bud.

mattlong37051 to BuzzDuraband
7 Sep 17 #32
I have to admit I've only just started collecting old GBA and GB games and soon learnt how much fake stuff is out there, not that I should have been surprised
UltimatePhoenix to mattlong37051
7 Sep 17 #34
I bought Super Mario World GBA years ago and came fake, easy to tell with the colour of the label but really good fakes!!
frish to BuzzDuraband
7 Sep 17 #33
My bad, I didn't check it out thoroughly and have only read about more obvious fakes. I still stand by the rest of my post though. I guess it goes to show how untrustworthy listings can be despite positive feedback.
7 Sep 17 #29
I would prefer a physical cartridge than a download code. :cry:
7 Sep 17 #35
I collected the whole collection of pokemon games and the game boy ones are really not easy to tell apart between genuine and fake on a listing.

One I even thought was genuine with my own eyes (GBA Sapphire) until I cracked open the case to check the codes on the chipboard and quickly realised it was a very good fake.

Glad to be able to resist for once on a pokemon deal as I already own both, phew!
7 Sep 17 #36
7 Sep 17 #37
Think I'll stick to playing G/S on my Android emulator and save myself £9
7 Sep 17 #38
Does this work on 2ds?
I_Swear_Ta_Jesus to Matzi2000
7 Sep 17 #39
12 Sep 17 #42
Had an email from Base saying the release date is now 15th September!
15 Sep 17 #43
Anyone know if they would send the download code by email?
21 Sep 17 #44
just got my dispatch e mail!!! hype hype hype!
22 Sep 17 #45
So Base are a pile of crap. They sent me an email yesterday to say they can't fulfil my order even though I preordered it weeks ago.

I ended up buying it in the eshop and I'm playing it now
antonio369 to oshmo8
22 Sep 17 #46
to be fair your paying £3 for an empty box. i did buy this and cant wait to get home and store the box somewhere safe so in a few years my missus can find and throw it out... but still will look nice.
oshmo8 to antonio369
22 Sep 17 #48
I forgot about that empty box... my missus will be devastated :grin:
22 Sep 17 #47
its been delivered!!!!! few more hours left yet.

always start with fire may switch it up this time
22 Sep 17 #49
Who else got crushed boxes :angry:
jco83 to westy90
25 Sep 17 #50
Amazon or Base ?
*I ordered both versions from Amazon, they came in a card A4 envelope, so they could have gotten crushed :unamused: (luckily mine hadn't been)
If mine had come damaged I would not have been happy, I would've gotten straight on to customer services, the box is after all the sole purpose of this release
westy90 to jco83
25 Sep 17 #52
Yea they came in the same A4. Iv not contacted customer services as they wont be able to replace them with not having any stock. I was a bit gutted but its just as if iv bought them off eshop as they cost the same. I guess I was unlucky
BuzzDuraband to westy90
25 Sep 17 #53
I'd still suggest contacting CS. You did recieve the items you'd ordered, but you didn't receive them in the state they should have been in. It's worth contacting them to explain the situation, they're usually really good and may discount them.
westy90 to BuzzDuraband
26 Sep 17 #55
Took your advice and contacted CS today. Because they had no stock they gave me a return-less refund so I can purchase replacements elsewhere. No quibbles :thumbsup:
jco83 to westy90
26 Sep 17 #56
Wow never heard of that before
westy90 to jco83
26 Sep 17 #57
Nah me neither

:54 PM BST Ashwin: Thanks for waiting Luke.

03:57 PM BST Ashwin: Unfortunately there is no stock available on this item sold by Amazon. In this case I can help you with the return-less refund. Will that be okay for you?

03:58 PM BST Ashwin: So that you can reorder the for the same item.

03:59 PM BST Luke Westwell: Yea ok that would be great

04:00 PM BST Ashwin: Thanks for your understanding Luke. I will process the refund right away.
jco83 to westy90
25 Sep 17 #54
It doesn't take much force to squash a gameboy cardboard box. I'd think receiving these squashed would be more common than not. Shame on Amazon for not packaging appropriately. I'm sure they would at least offer partial refund if you were happy with that. Other websites prob still have stock if not. Dunno how Amzn would deal with the code having been used though. Could always buy again from a different site then put that code in the crushed box and send it back to Amzn
25 Sep 17 #51
I edited my comment
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