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 MSI Codex i5 8GB 1TB GTX1050TI Gaming PC - Black £619.99 @ Argos
4 stars +375

MSI Codex i5 8GB 1TB GTX1050TI Gaming PC - Black £619.99 @ Argos

£619.99 Argos22 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
22 Sep 17
I think this is a good deal.

The MSI Codex is the best choice for both entry level and professional gamers. It equips the 6th Generation Intel processors and the latest NVIDIA GeForce graphics cards, which provides the MSI Codex with extraordinary performance. With the large options for upgrading the MSI Codex we hand over an evolvable gaming weapon to gamers.

Built in is an MSI graphics card that will get you the best graphics in games. MSI cards are custom made and are built to game to ensure that gamers get the best with MSI Codex 3.
CPU and Memory:

Intel Core i5 quad core.
Processor speed 3GHz.

Dedicated graphics.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050Ti with 4GB memory.
Interfaces and connectivity:

6 x USB 2.0 ports.
1 HDMI port.
Wireless/Wi-Fi enabled.
Operating system and software:

Microsoft Windows 10.
General features:
Size H45.5, W50, D19.5cm.
Weight 10.3kg.
EAN: 4719072525316
All comments (35)
22 Sep 17 #1
Better deals to be had over at AWD IT, unless of course you neeeeeeeeed to have a badge like the MSI one on the front of course...
DJSyko to api182
22 Sep 17 #4
Really? could you link me to some that are comparable to this and cheaper please. I cant seem to find any.
hanpan999 to DJSyko
22 Sep 17 #5
Bestdealsever87 to hanpan999
22 Sep 17 #7
This is without the OS and WiFi. With both the price goes up
hanpan999 to Bestdealsever87
22 Sep 17 #9
Let's be honest, who pays £70 for Windows 10 nowadays. I bought a genuine key off Ebay for like £7 last year and it's never failed me. And the wifi adapter would only be £14 for 300mbps, so overall this PC would equivalent in price to the one you have linked.
DJSyko to hanpan999
22 Sep 17 #10
Thats fair enough. But how will the quality of the parts compare, this msi rig seems a safer option imo.
hanpan999 to DJSyko
22 Sep 17 #12
To be honest, I have never owned an MSI product so I wouldn't really know.

The thing I DO like about the AWD-IT system is that it specifies the exact components (brand/model etc) of each component that goes into the build (not always ALL of the information, but it at least gives a clear enough picture), so you know what you're getting. But with the MSI PC it kind of seems a bit hazy with regard to the components used. I mean, Argos doesn't even tell you anything more than the processor being a 6th gen i5 (could be a 6400, 6500, 6600 or 6600k !). The AWD-IT system also seems to have a 3 year warranty, which is promising.

To put it simply, I wouldn't be so afraid about buying from a non-mainstream company when it comes to pre-built systems. As long as you get a decent warranty and components, there's not much more you can ask for.

EDIT - formatting
DJSyko to hanpan999
22 Sep 17 #13
That is a fair point, i guess all i am trying to say is this is still good deal imo, especially for someones first gaming PC. No messing around with parts etc. Just plug in and play basically with barely any extra added cost if you were to buy all parts separately and build it yourself.
hanpan999 to DJSyko
22 Sep 17 #15
Yeah it's decent, but the PCs I've linked are even better deals. They're both prebuilt so there's no difference in that regard, and installing Windows is dead easy.
DJSyko to hanpan999
22 Sep 17 #8
I would say the deals are similar but not necessarily better, they are not exactly cheaper either. The argos deal comes with windows 10 and wifi.
strange to hanpan999
25 Sep 17 #35
but no os with this so add that into price.
api182 to DJSyko
22 Sep 17 #17…tml

Miles better, get onto eBay or Amazon for an OEM Windows 10 Product license for less than £8 and you're away!
1gratefulgraham to api182
22 Sep 17 #18
true, I got Win 10 pro key for a fiver off amazon, through... '' my first build, they provide links and after support if needed... I aint got a clue about PC stuff and it worked easy, well happy
22 Sep 17 #2
no mention of any storage
Oneday77 to Maniek133
22 Sep 17 #3
Pretty sure a 1TB GTX 1050 doesn't exist. So I'd guess a 1TB drive for storage.
22 Sep 17 #6
Also, it should be noted that a 1060 of either kind is a massive upgrade from a 1050 ti (they usually sell for £60+ more).
22 Sep 17 #11
Also, I'm not sure if it's frowned upon if I discuss buying Windows keys off eBay. If it is, sorry. I can remove my comment.
22 Sep 17 #14
A similar set up on amazon and currys but with the 1060 is going for £900+.
22 Sep 17 #16
Wish the case was sold separately. And not exactly a bad deal as a prebuilt (but of course building one is definitely the way to go if possible).
22 Sep 17 #19
I'm looking for something for my son to play planet coaster can anyone point me in the right direction?
22 Sep 17 #20
£558 with 10% if you have that cancellation code, makes this a pretty reasonable price for the spec.
22 Sep 17 #21
Just wondering.. . How would this compare to the Xbox Scorpio that's coming out
Glynevans101 to chrisredmayne
22 Sep 17 #22
I would like to know this as well, if they're both outputting at 4K then the resolution isn't going to differ - could this compete with a dedicated console if played through the same TV? I know you can't do the same things on the Xbox, Photoshop etc, I am always struggling to see why one would purchase this, a 4K monitor and all that. I imagine that most people who do this might already have a 4K TV as well.
PhattyHUKD to chrisredmayne
23 Sep 17 #26
Would depend on a game by game basis. For the most part, you'll get much better frame rates on this prebuilt PC than you will on a XBX or PS4 Pro for that matter, but you'll struggle with 1440p or 2160p (4K) with a 1050Ti.
For 1080p/60FPS, the 1050Ti is a good card though and I don't doubt that this system, regardless of what i5 is in it will be able to hit that target.

Really can't recommend this pre built PC though. There's better prebuilts posted in the topic and there's much better deals to be had if you build your own with a better specced PC costing more around £500-550 that way.
For example:…D9W
That not only incorporates a better graphics card, but also gives you room to upgrade comfortably in the future as the the motherboard allows you to not only overclock, but also it will be supported for the next 3-4 years.
gummby to PhattyHUKD
23 Sep 17 #27
That pre built part costs closer to £600. For some reason UK partpicker pick up Zotac 1060 card at £212 when it is actually £256 on Amazon. Bang for buck fine but power supply at 400 watt is too low for me. Computers with no SSD drive annoy me now. Of course it does lack windows and requires time and effort to put together. It can take 5-6 hours to build a pc properly. Installation/drivers/windows/ new bios etc. If I build my own PC I always pick parts with a view to future upgrades. So 600w to 700w power supply allows this.

However at this price point for MSI you get what you pay for at £619.99 The 1060 vs 1050ti is a big jump. No mention of what the power supply on the MSI build is. Ebay shows HD as 1tb. May also come with a keyboard.

The main advantage of pc vs xbox or play station. PC can get up to and over 60 frames per second where Xbox and PS4 are limited to 30 frames per second.This is why more serious gamers prefer pcs. Of course you can also use PCs for more work and other related stuff like browsing web. Of course if this is for someone young you may not want them on the internet. PC's also have access to a huge catalogue of games. PS4 and Xbox games can be quite expensive. 40-50 quid a pop? Unless on sale? Hmmm.
23 Sep 17 #23
The attraction of these 'higher end' pcs is rather weak given the fact that they are not equipped with a higher end graphics card, unless you want to spend near a grand and get one with 1060...whaaaallllll, I don't think.
23 Sep 17 #24
The MSI Codex is the best choice for both entry level and professional gamers.

ha ha ha ha proper sales blurb. Need to send my AMD threadripper and 1080ti back because this will meet my needs as a "pro gamer".
23 Sep 17 #25
i have the 1050ti in my media center and its a great game for medium / high @1080p/60fps
23 Sep 17 #28
So my girlfriends graphics card has failed in her current pc (its 5years old and needs replacing anyways) so is looking for a new one. She only really uses it to play sims 4 and minecraft and i play football manager andthe total war games and old games like age of empires and command and conquer will this pc be good for another 5 years or should i look at something else? Shes seen a dell in currys for £599 but i think this is alot better for £20 more but i know very little this is the dell…tml any advice would be greatly appreciated
gummby to Richie92
23 Sep 17 #30
I think 1050TI should be faster than the Rx560. Certainly lower TDP. I do like Ryzen but the I5 7400 should be slightly faster if you don't plan to overclock. On flip size you could easily replace that cpu on Ryzen with an 8 core cpu in a few years. Main downside to Dell is you are stuck with what they provide. Hard to update their PSU/Cases. Also Dell PSU will probably be only 400 watts.

The freshtech solution had a 600watt PSu and probably a case you can use a larger graphics card in future.

Looks like I provided wrong link above. Now fixed.
23 Sep 17 #29
Oh reason that Graphics card on that site is more than £212 is it is shipped from abroad and Amazon add import taxes. Hence £256.

Those old games would be fine on this. You still need a monitor.

What about this. It includes windows. Not sure about a keyboard or mouse. Branded PSU.…tml
(Fixed link.)
Beware that with Windows 10 some cd games may not work if they have cd protection.

Fresh tech site allows you to custom builds quite well. This one has a 600w power supply but only bronze rated. No idea what is in this Argos build. Better than 400 watts. Personally I like gold rated ones but this is not a high end build. (I have not used them before but they look pretty professional.

Have a play with their site.
24 Sep 17 #31
For someone completely clueless, what’s the best value gaming PC for a teenage boy? Was looking for something about half the price of this but absolutely no idea what i’m looking at! Any help via inbox gratefully received
wilsy007 to littlerascalz
25 Sep 17 #32
You won't get a decent gaming pc for less than 600.
chapchap to littlerascalz
25 Sep 17 #33
For that money second hand older tech or educate yourself and put one together yourself using older tech. If that is too hard then you are the reason why they invented consoles :smile: Cheap and easy to use for gaming.
25 Sep 17 #34
The reason you are seeing offers on Intel i5 systems is the AMD Ryzen 1600 is a much better chip for the price and they can not shift them at full RRP. No point at all in getting an locked i5 vs Ryzen.
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