Been after a Moto C or E and a few days now and found this deal on Amazon France. €88 for the black and gold (gold is OOS currently, but arriving back in stock on 10th Sept). Shipping is €5.69, so total is €93.69. At today's visa exchange rate, assuming you go for a 0% commission card, this works out as £86.42.
Pretty good deal for a 16GB dual SIM if you ask me, given that Moto C (not the plus version) 8GB single SIM from argos was £70 a few days ago and attracted a lot of warmth.
6 Sep 17#12
On the Moto site for the C plus under specifications it says RAM 1GB/2GB
How do you know it's the 2gb version?? Also this will be my daughter's 1st mobile phone...worth it??
5 Sep 17#10
(actually went for the E after TCB and using the code...prefer it has a physical button on the front)
5 Sep 17#9
That's wicked, it says it doesn't work on the website - glad it did for you, I'll be getting the C plus too then! :-)
5 Sep 17#7
Actually, scratch that, I've just tried and it's not valid on the C or C plus :-(
Well they've lost my custom as I was going to buy it from them tonight!
gulz to Dude1971
5 Sep 17#8
Actually, it does work on C Plus. I just ordered it for £89.95. Will be cancelling my amazon france order now. Thanks
There's also 5% TCB
dealcatcherer to gulz
6 Sep 17#11
TCB, just a word of warning, I purchased mine 29th of march, cashback just confirmed last week... Taking ages.
5 Sep 17#6
And Motorola insist they are the only people that sell it as a 2GB variant, Argos only sell the 1GB version
5 Sep 17#3
The 2GB version is available direct from Motorola, £10 off currently so only £90
gulz to Dude1971
5 Sep 17#4
Not sure where you see £90, I see C Plus as £99.95 on motorola direct
Only get this phone for the large battery. It's very basic and almost devoid of sensors, it doesn't even have a proximity or ambient light sensor. Those are 2 incredibly basic and cheap components that are very rarely omitted unless the phone is below the £25 mark.
There is only 1GB RAM on the UK and European variants too.
Opening post
Pretty good deal for a 16GB dual SIM if you ask me, given that Moto C (not the plus version) 8GB single SIM from argos was £70 a few days ago and attracted a lot of warmth.
How do you know it's the 2gb version??
Also this will be my daughter's 1st mobile phone...worth it??
Well they've lost my custom as I was going to buy it from them tonight!
There's also 5% TCB
There is only 1GB RAM on the UK and European variants too.