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 Micro SD 32GB with adapter - £3.50 instore @ Tesco (Confirmed nationwide)
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Micro SD 32GB with adapter - £3.50 instore @ Tesco (Confirmed nationwide)

Instore Tesco Direct24 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
24 Sep 17
Hey all. Was in Tesco looking for cheap microSD cards, and found these. They are marked up at £10, but scanning for £3.50.
They were in the car section of Brislington Tesco in Bristol.
All comments (69)
24 Sep 17 #1
What brand are they??
PillowDefender to vassy1
24 Sep 17 #2
Dunno if you can see the picture, but the packaging just says balance point? They also have a lifetime warranty
vassy1 to PillowDefender
24 Sep 17 #4
Couldnt get the picture enlarged in chrome. Thanks
PillowDefender to vassy1
24 Sep 17 #5
Ah, no bother mate, wasn't being funny. Just an generic brand by the looks of things, in a white, grey and green card packaging.
24 Sep 17 #3
Can you share the barcode for this please?
PillowDefender to spicyone
24 Sep 17 #6
5 906874 143131

if you need a picture let me know
24 Sep 17 #7
By the looks it“s this..…-4/
Picard123 to rejcomp
24 Sep 17 #8
Class 4? Jeezus H Christ! I thought they stopped making those in the early 2000s.

Performance is likely to be hideously slow.
cicobuff to Picard123
24 Sep 17 #9
Class 4 is absolutely fine depending on what you are utilising these cards for, to categorically state they will be 'hideously slow' is ridiculous.

Bought two this afternoon from a local Tesco for use in my PS Vita now it has customised with a SD2Vita adapter. Considering that the proprietary Vita memory card functions anywhere between equivalent of Class 2 - 6, Class 4 Micro SD will suffice for my needs.

Heat added, thanks for the heads up OP, 64GB worth of storage for my Vita for just £7. Emulation here I come.
Picard123 to cicobuff
24 Sep 17 #12
Don't be daft.

I have a Class 4 no brand card that is absolutely hopeless for recording higher bit rate video.
Oneday77 to Picard123
24 Sep 17 #14
Ehhh maybe because anyone who cares to check, knows Class 4 isn't for that type of application.
Extra storage in a phone, dashcam, Raspberry Pi, etc. all fine.

Why is it when any electronic device is posted, some one always ahs to try and state it is rubbish?

If I put petrol in my diesel car it won't go as fast as if I fill it with diesel (not fully true the engine will fail spectacularly much faster). Does that mean as a fuel for the right car it's useless?
cicobuff to Oneday77
24 Sep 17 #17
Had an argument a couple of years ago with someone on here after I had posted a deal on a Kingston 64GB Micro USB stick. They were complaining it was worthless as the write speed was slow.

They just did not seem to get that once again it was all dependent on its usage. In our car for Ford Sync it is absolutely fine, it may take slightly longer to write the MP3 files to the device, but in reading them it does the job just fine.

Just so happens this card actually also punches above its class 4 branding, unless anyone feels that speedout is not an accurate utility and that I should try something else, happy to experiment.
PillowDefender to Oneday77
24 Sep 17 #19
I agree, bought 3 of those cheap dash cams from the post the other day, works fine. £6 for the cam, and £3.50 for the memory, I'm pretty happy.
zaheer2003 to Oneday77
24 Sep 17 #20
​dashcam will kill this card in a few months,
Picard123 to Oneday77
26 Sep 17 #51
That's the dumbest analogy ever.

Why don''t you try putting strawberry jam in your diesel car and use that as an example.

Dog slow card is a dog slow card no matter what dumb analogies you use.
cicobuff to Picard123
26 Sep 17 #55
Performing perfectly fine in my PS Vita for what I am using it for, engage your brain and stop using useless comparisons, any class 4 card never claims to be suitable for writing large bitrate video files, can you not seem to understand that for £3.50 it is a bargain for anyone that has no need for such or are you just throwing your dummy in the dirt because either you are jealous you cannot get the deal yourself, or just plainly ignorant to reasoning.
Picard123 to cicobuff
26 Sep 17 #58
A PS what?? LOL. You bought one of these to play Chuckie Egg???

Get one of these - you can save your Chuckie Egg games faster! :grin:

cicobuff to Picard123
27 Sep 17 #60
Surprised you are old enough to remember Chuckie Egg, really thought with your immaturity in this thread that you were born post-Xbox 360 release.
cicobuff to Picard123
24 Sep 17 #15
Class 4 is absolutely fine depending on its usage, what a ridiculous thing to say, and besides this card performs well above its weight anyway.

Let's make it easy for you, perhaps you might learn something.......

If you were using a Class 4 card that actually has read/write speeds of a Class 4 card then you should already know that it is not suitable for recording large HD Video files.
notoriouschucky to cicobuff
24 Sep 17 #29
hey dude

does your vita have to be 'cracked' to be able to use this SD2Vita adaptor?
cicobuff to notoriouschucky
24 Sep 17 #30
If you are above 3.60 firmware currently there is no way, otherwise look up Henkaku enso for jailbreaking the Vita and enabling the gamecard slot to utilise microsd cards with an adapter.
24 Sep 17 #10
Just to add they were in the car section of Stourbridge Tesco, bought two, two left on the shelf, no price shown on shelf rod.
24 Sep 17 #11
Here are the results from Speedtest,

Given that gives UHS 3 performance of over 30MB/S write speed for a dubbed Class 4 UHS 1 class card, I think it is a veritable bargain.

Similar results from the second card I have.


Cards are branded Good RAM SDHC Class 4 UHS1
Picard123 to cicobuff
24 Sep 17 #21
LOL. Use a proper, established benchmarking tool like Crystal and ATTO, not that meaningless and unreliable 'SpeedOut' junk.
Oneday77 to Picard123
24 Sep 17 #22
‌ :cry:‌ :cry:‌ :cry:
24 Sep 17 #13
The product brand is BALANCE PAINT.
cicobuff to Malabus
24 Sep 17 #16
No, the product brand is Balance Point, the card itself inside the cardboard is actually branded Good RAM
24 Sep 17 #18
hannibalhorn to cicobuff
25 Sep 17 #35
I appreciate the effort in getting a sheet with a pattern which matches the green branding on the SD card packaging. There are some very helpful people on here and a few miserable minnies!
24 Sep 17 #23
Wow, some people seem to have got out the wrong side of bed. If you don’t like the product/deal why bother commenting and making yourself look like an ass?
24 Sep 17 #24
Can anyone test this card using H2testw?
ollyprice87 to aroundapenny
24 Sep 17 #26
Christ, for £3 what do you want?!
aroundapenny to ollyprice87
25 Sep 17 #41
Woooooooooh, calm down, I currently have alot of Raspberry Pi projects so I need to test their Read/Write speeds but also their capacity to ensure if it really is 32GB as it's a no name brand! :raised_hand:
cicobuff to aroundapenny
24 Sep 17 #28
24 Sep 17 #25
Saw the label - but no cards - at Maryhill
24 Sep 17 #27
Well about the only sense that Picard123 has spouted in this thread is that Speedout is crap.

Just tested with H2testw


Still a very impressive read speed of 38.2mb/s and at 7.77mb/s write speed still punches above its weight as a class 4 card, puts it closer to class 10 performance, in fact some class 10 cards benchmark around 8mb/s.

This card would function fine for general file storage, camera use and moderate video use, and an absolute bargain for £3.50
Picard123 to cicobuff
26 Sep 17 #50
7.77MB/s writes is still dog slow. (I'm assuming you mean MB/s rather than mb/s because the latter would be slower than watching paint dry).

This doesn't even reach U1 speeds (10MB/s).

A U3 card would write at a minimum of 30MB/s.

cicobuff to Picard123
26 Sep 17 #53
You really are quite the persistent pedant aren't you? Once again, it performs anywhere near a class 6-8 card for a card that is advertised as class 4.

Regardless of what you think of it, once again it is relative to its respective use. Now jog on and find another thread to whinge in, perhaps try the Zanussi single oven thread, complain that it is useless compared to a double oven.
Picard123 to cicobuff
26 Sep 17 #54
It's dog slow.

Just because you like wasting your life away waiting for files to copy across, doesn't mean everyone else does.
cicobuff to Picard123
26 Sep 17 #56
And you are the lord and master judge of what people should be using to transfer their data are you? If bandwidth of a device does not support faster transfer speeds then why pay more for a card that is faster, it makes little sense.

You are wasting your life away complaining in a thread on something you have no interest in, let others judge for themselves with the reported read/write times and their own respective uses.
Picard123 to cicobuff
26 Sep 17 #57
Since when does the bandwidth of the device act as a bottleneck?

It's 2017 and not 1985.
cicobuff to Picard123
27 Sep 17 #59
Any slow memory controller, SD Cards were not invented in 1985. Next thing you will be telling me you are a camera expert and that anything above a Class 4 card is essential for a point and shoot compact.
Picard123 to cicobuff
27 Sep 17 #61
Good luck with burst mode on your dog slow card.
cicobuff to Picard123
27 Sep 17 #62
Considering that I use CF in my DSLR on the extremely rare occasion that I have used burst mode I won't have a problem.
Considering I use a Lexar 64GB SDXC card in my tablet, I do not have a problem.
Considering I use a Sandisk 64GB SDXC card in my phone, I do not have a problem.
Considering I am using one of these GoodRam SDHC cards for my PS Vita, I do not have a problem.
Considering I have the intention of using the other GoodRam SDHC card in a Raspberry Pi, I do not have a problem.
Considering your problem, with all due respect I would seek professional help.
Picard123 to cicobuff
27 Sep 17 #63
Put your dog slow Chuckie Egg Micro SD card in it and see how fast it goes.... :grin:

Like I said, just because you like wasting your life away waiting for files to copy doesn't mean that everyone else does.
cicobuff to Picard123
27 Sep 17 #64
And like I said, you are wasting your time attempting to tell people what to do with their money for no reason. It makes no sense for me to spend an extra £12 on a card with a write speed of 80MBs. At £10 these were overpriced, for £3.50 a bargain for respective needs, you in particular are wasting your life away attempting to argue otherwise.

Just because you think write rates are governed by the card alone does not mean everyone else does. Just because you cannot grasp the concept of a certain tool for a certain job does not mean anyone else does.

In Picard123 next thread, why spending the extra £100 on a PS4 Pro makes perfect sense for those without HDR equipped 4K TVs or those that are not bothered with VR.
Picard123 to cicobuff
27 Sep 17 #65
7MB/s is dog slow, no matter how you look at it.

Good for MP3s and your Chuckie Egg saved games :laughing:
cicobuff to Picard123
27 Sep 17 #66
Correction, 7.7 MB/s is actually fast for a listed Class 4 card. You are spouting the same old crap now, and spamming this thread for no good reason. Welcome to the ignore list.

Picard123 to cicobuff
27 Sep 17 #67
Dog slow is dog slow.

You're the only one who can't see that.
24 Sep 17 #31
I can see myself driving around a few Tescos for this
25 Sep 17 #32
is it only in store?

anyone able to purchase it online at Tesco website? If yes, please share link?

Or anyone please confirm if they are present in West Bromwich24/7 or Birmingham 24/7 Tesco?

25 Sep 17 #33
Only just bought one of those. Goddamn it.
25 Sep 17 #34
great find, ideal for dash cam.
25 Sep 17 #36
Tried Tesco Litherland. Rubbish as usual.
25 Sep 17 #37
Voted hot, great deal for those lucky enough to find it
25 Sep 17 #38
Last one left on eBay if anyone wants…666
25 Sep 17 #39
So this isn't available on the website to orde inr or click and collect then?
cicobuff to leeparsons
25 Sep 17 #40
Instore only, obviously clearance stock.
leeparsons to cicobuff
25 Sep 17 #42
so what brand should I be looking out for them
zaheer2003 to leeparsons
25 Sep 17 #43
leeparsons to zaheer2003
26 Sep 17 #44
It never said. So a smart ass comment like that, only back fires on yourself
cicobuff to leeparsons
26 Sep 17 #45
I posted a very clear picture of this card in this very thread.
leeparsons to cicobuff
26 Sep 17 #47
You should put the name in title of thr thread. The is nothibg that matches on the website
cicobuff to leeparsons
26 Sep 17 #52
Don't tell me what to do pal after being more than helpful in this sodding thread, I have posted a pic, read and write speeds and it is NOT my thread, I am NOT the original poster.

Also you should check your spelling before posting on here, literacy can make a world of difference.
26 Sep 17 #46
None in 2 stores in Cardiff and none in Maesteg
26 Sep 17 #48
Hi all
Could any one tell me are these any good for a dash came please
thanks in advance
zaheer2003 to bingo56
26 Sep 17 #49
​no, you need high speed, long endurance
27 Sep 17 #68
27 Sep 17 #69
So before I go and I wild goose chase that make called good RAM is not appearing on the website so do you have any s ku code for the product so I can call and find out if this in stock locally?
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