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26 Sep 17
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Yep they have sent out emails confirming it's running again this December - from 2nd-17th December. A great way to support your local shops, eat out on the cheap etc - and get back £5 on a £10 spend once per card, per outlet.

You might want to get you/ your partner a new Amex card + supplementary card in readiness - there are free Amex cards (Gold in year 1, BA Amex card Blue) that come with great points. Or you could go premium (for a fee) - the Amex Platinum or the BA Premium Amex card, the fees seem high but can be justified in many cases, which I hope the discussion that follows will clarify. Please ask any questions & we'll try & help out with answers.
All comments (62)
26 Sep 17 #1
Does this work with supplementary cards? I thought it was only the main cardholders.
luvsadealdealdeal to bhara
26 Sep 17 #2
works fine with supp cards - just register for the offer online first
ashleyrmcintosh to luvsadealdealdeal
26 Sep 17 #20
Thanks op!

How do you register for the offer? Couldnt see on website...
luvsadealdealdeal to ashleyrmcintosh
26 Sep 17 #21
it's a bit too soon to register but not too soon to 'get your ducks in a row' & set yourself/ partner up with a couple of cards each - that takes a bit of time to organise
bozo007 to bhara
27 Sep 17 #35
Amex is probably the only card issuer where the supplementary cards have a different number and get treated as a different account. This means the offers can be used across all cards.
S1000RR_I_WISH to bozo007
27 Sep 17 #38
Yes ... I realised this last night when I went to add a supplementary card for the missus to my account!

It told me I could not add the card to my account and that I needed to register online for it separately so I didn't bother thinking that the new card was going to have it's own credit limit etc which wasn't what I wanted! :thinking:
benasipro to bhara
27 Sep 17 #37
Can Supplementary Cardmembers take advantage of Shop Small?

Yes Supplementary Cardmembers can participate in Shop Small. They simply need to create an Online Account (if they haven't already done so) and then register their Card for the offer. Please note that the offer is linked to the Card not to the Account, so every Supplementary Card holder must follow these steps.

26 Sep 17 #3
Here's the answer to one question that might worry some people: do I have to earn megabucks to pass the Amex card approval criteria/ credit checks?

In general, they are looking for £20,000+ combined household income as declared on your application - there won't be any checks on this element - however, there may or may not be other 'credit checks' which might be as simple as checking you're on the electoral roll. Each application is assessed on its own merits. If you already hold another Amex card, you might get instantaneous approval online. Other applications sometimes need a couple of days for the credit team to assess - but this should not worry you, it happens all the time.
Babbler to luvsadealdealdeal
26 Sep 17 #24
Which card is best to go for for these deals? They seem to have quite a few!
luvsadealdealdeal to Babbler
26 Sep 17 #25
most people start with the Gold Card which is free in year 1 & gives you 20,000 free points = £200
hemp to luvsadealdealdeal
27 Sep 17 #36
I cancelled my Gold card 2 years ago, can I reply and have another year fee free?
ehosin to hemp
27 Sep 17 #51
yes. you get the first year free and the sign-up bonus as long as you haven't had a membership rewards-enrolled amex within the last 6 months. So you can re-apply for the gold and be eligible for the 20,000 points bonus (or 22,000 if you get someone to refer you :thumbsup:
Anon to hemp
1 Oct 17 #58
Yes, I understand from comments on here and elsewhere you are a new customer after 6 months. Some people get a card in their name and supplementary card in a partners name for a year, cancel then get their partner to get the card in their name and add them as the supplementary card, and just keep flipping them each year :raised_hand: . Remember cashback on TCB/Quidco or referral bonus too when signing up.
zararh to Anon
1 Oct 17 #61
Yes I got £10 from Quidco for signing up with BA amex
gonda_akos to luvsadealdealdeal
27 Sep 17 #47
Hmm, I was under the impression that the 'exchange rate' is 0.5% instead of 1%. That would be £100 worth of voucher for high-street shops. And let us not forget that as per the T&C's you need to spend £2k in the first three months to get the points.
gonda_akos to Babbler
27 Sep 17 #48
Good question. I recently applied for the Platinum Everyday Cashback as it is free (not just for a year like the Gold) and gives 5% cashback on your first £2k spend if done in the first three months. Afterwards it is 0.5%-1% in a tiered approach. If you prefer cold hard cash (back) and you are not a big spender, this looks good. If you are a bigger spender, Amex Platinum might be better. That has higher intro and normal cashback %, but also an annual fee of £25.

Gold is really good if you prefer a rewards type card as it gives 20k points in the first three months for a £2k spend. In addition, it is fee-free for the first year.

And then there are the airline cards, e.g. the BA Amex, which gives you 5k bonus Avios if you spend £1k. Plus one Avios for each pound spent.

Hope this helps.
26 Sep 17 #5
Despite owning about 7 cards none of mine are amex! Must remedy this....
26 Sep 17 #6
I love the small shop offer they run most years :-)
26 Sep 17 #7
Shame barclayard ditched Amex this year, maybe time to apply for a new card.
josh971 to Derek_Duval
26 Sep 17 #8
i'm really annoyed about this, I used their cashback card which was pretty decent
rellymr to josh971
26 Sep 17 #16
It annoyed me as well so I just got a separate Amex which I not use as the main card
dodgymix to Derek_Duval
26 Sep 17 #9
MBNA have done the same (well from next week or somat)
mspychala to dodgymix
26 Sep 17 #32
How do you know? Is that confirmed?
26 Sep 17 #10
As a small business, I don't take Amex. Their fees are 3-4 x the amount I pay for other credit cards. If you want to support local businesses, eat out / shop local and pay in another way. You don't get a fiver back, but you are doing what you think you set out to do.
gidon to graybags
26 Sep 17 #15
may i propose you try to renegotiate with amex, recently they have been offering much better rates.

it may be worth noting that amex take the hit on the £5 on this offer, so its give and take...
luvsadealdealdeal to graybags
26 Sep 17 #29
I think I'd rather support local businesses with my custom AND get £5 back every time I spend £10 with them, thanks! :smile:
26 Sep 17 #11
Thanks, I expected that date.

Fingers crossed the map has been updated properly.
Chanchi32 to y-oh-y
26 Sep 17 #4
You can work your holiday around the dates now :smile:
y-oh-y to Chanchi32
26 Sep 17 #12
No time for holidays .......................... spreadsheets to prepare.
26 Sep 17 #13
Just a heads up on One Stop shops.
They were listed on the Amex map last year, but spends were credited.
Try one anyway, maybe for stamps (?) and see if you get notification (main cardholder). Supplementary cards don't seem to get the email notifications............................... hence needing a spreadsheet to keep track. ;-)
Some good offers usually available at One Stop shops, especially in December.
26 Sep 17 #14
O god that's my life gone again to their terrible website/map!
26 Sep 17 #17
Damn. Will have cancelled my Amex card by then!
Candystore to Cheap_as_Chimps
26 Sep 17 #18
Because of the yearly fee?
Cheap_as_Chimps to Candystore
26 Sep 17 #19
Yeah :blush:
flyingflea to Cheap_as_Chimps
26 Sep 17 #22
I wouldn't worry, the yearly fee can be refunded pro rata
26 Sep 17 #23
Will this offer work with Lloyds Tsb AmeX credit cards?
I started cancelling all my MBNA credit cards never used them no offers
niknak to zararh
26 Sep 17 #26
2 years ago it worked with my Lloyds TSB Amex but last year TSB cards seemed to be excluded from the deal. Not sure if they'll be included this year or not...?
luvsadealdealdeal to niknak
26 Sep 17 #27
that's true - I suspect the same this time round
mecheekymonkey to zararh
27 Sep 17 #50
Every year since it’s come out it’s worked on my Lloyd’s Amex card. Fingers crossed again this year...
26 Sep 17 #28
Does it work with the basic card? Otherwise I'd forget to cancel it... Lol
26 Sep 17 #30
Would anyone know the website address where I can log into my TSB American Express please all the links I had saved two years ago do not work. I can not use this website as it was not issued by them the card

I have tried the following links and can not find a login page?
26 Sep 17 #31
Why link an old map? The link is for 2016.
luvsadealdealdeal to mspychala
26 Sep 17 #33
there'll be a new map along sometime soon! :smile:
26 Sep 17 #34
Ok I was going to cancel my American express Lloyd cc
27 Sep 17 #39
Tried this in a couple of shops listed last time, both didn't accept Amex. Didn't embarrass myself further. Cold
y-oh-y to paul.jacobs
27 Sep 17 #43
Sadly, the Amex map isn't very good and isn't properly updated.
I reported a few merchants who were listed a few years back and they are still listed today, despite being advised it would be looked into. A failure really as Amex customer service is normally exceptional.

The positive is, you are credited with a £5 rebate as a gesture of goodwill.
Although that's appreciative, I'd prefer a reliable map and list.
Many that are no longer on map/list still accept Amex and are valid.
Hopefully, Amex will get their act together, but I can't see it for the 2017 event as the map is still wrong! It will change as new merchants sign up, but it won't be perfect!
luvsadealdealdeal to y-oh-y
27 Sep 17 #42
and conversely, down in my neck of the woods, they have removed valid outlets from the map

LY I still tried this chain of convenience stores and it still worked fine, so I loaded up with stamps...
y-oh-y to luvsadealdealdeal
27 Sep 17 #44
I actually found out about missing merchants still being valid, via a butcher I use.
I asked the elderly guy if he had registered last year and he stated no, he couldn't be bothered signing up again. I tested it and yes, it worked. Used it on all cards.
Maybe once you've initially registered as a business, you are on their list? Equally, if a previous business once took Amex, but then stopped, they are also (sadly) still registered.
Well below normal Amex standards.
Anon to y-oh-y
1 Oct 17 #57
The map is hopeless :rage: - it includes shops that do not even exist (and haven't for years!) and doesn't include OneStop for example where they definitely do accept Amex and are included in the promo (only discovered through trial and error). It is a shame as the purpose of the promo is to encourage you to use small shops - so the map should include as many of them as possible. As you say, they did give you the £5 credit when you reported the errors (shops that don't exist were particularly lucrative as you didn't have to buy anything before complaining and getting the credit :grin: ).
hemp to paul.jacobs
27 Sep 17 #46
Email Amex and they will give you a fiver for each shop. Even better deal as you don't have to buy something overpriced. :kissing_heart:
dinglebert to paul.jacobs
27 Sep 17 #49
In which case what you do is phone Amex and they give you the £5 anyway onto the card.
27 Sep 17 #40
Managed to max out 6 oyster cards last year in London along with dining at loads of restaurants. All split across my 3 amex cards. Phenomenal deal.

Think we should get a spreadsheet going for the London shops! Amex's map is terrible... any takers..? :wink:
27 Sep 17 #41
Quick query for all you AMEX people.

Can you use Apple Pay/Android Pay (if accepted by the store) on an Amex card linked to Apple/Android Pay, even if the shop doesn't specifically accept AMEX directly?

Do Apple/Android Pay purchases linked to AMEX count towards this deal ?
Anon to ChrisUK
1 Oct 17 #56
No, the shop still needs to accept Amex to use Amex through your Apple Pay - I think in simple terms Apple Pay is copying your card details and effectively acting as the card - but still it only works if the shop accepted Amex or whichever card in the first place.
27 Sep 17 #45
Gutted - I'll be away for these 2 weeks.

With 2 Amex cards, I made £850 last year, and this year I obtained a third Amex card, too.....

I simply doubled up a lot of money by getting Oyster card top-ups at different Oyster ticket shops, and then getting a refund on those Oyster cards from transportforlondon

More by buying stocks of staples from various shops (half price and no need to bother shopping for said items in the following year)

The rest on £5 off meals out and in bars.

Also, I find it a good adventure, plotting out days out in various parts of London - a treasure hunt!
27 Sep 17 #52
Thanks for the heads up. It's always a great deal
27 Sep 17 #53
backinstock, Chanchi - I reckon we should add a few links to helpful places - not sure the best way to do this

no referrals here nor would I ever want them myself as I'd have to commit harikiri once my ID was revealed (I am possibly a Permanent Secretary without too much to do in the day except pootle on my PC)

but perhaps we could refer a few choice hfp analyses & he could in time pick up a couple of refers

best way for newbies to understand the different cards & get higher bonus? what do you think?
29 Sep 17 #54
Would anybody be kind enough to share their spreadsheet for London? :innocent:
29 Sep 17 #55
Brief analysis on the BA Amex Premium card…rd/
1 Oct 17 #59
My local pharmacy and local wine shop are not on it this year.
luvsadealdealdeal to pototea
1 Oct 17 #60
...which doesn't mean they're not in the promotion - last year there was a whole chain of convenience stores showing as missing/ not runnung the Shop Small promo - I did a test purchase and they were included after all
2 Oct 17 #62
Why it is worth paying an annual fee for a miles and points credit card (article)…rd/
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