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 lg oled65c7v 65" tv currys 2649.00 - £2529 with code
3.5 stars +285

lg oled65c7v 65" tv currys 2649.00 - £2529 with code

£2529 Currys23 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
23 Sep 17
The price had dropped on the Lg oled65c7v.

Further reduced to £2599 with code
Also up to £70 TCB Bringing it down to £2529
5 years warranty

Use code LSTV200A for £200 discount.

B7 is available at the same price too
All comments (43)
23 Sep 17 #1
When it becomes less than £2k it's mine!! It's getting there ...
wide_dub to foxymeister
23 Sep 17 #4
Wishful thinking but i don't think it will go that low. I'm waiting for it to be at the £2500 mark. I'm so close to even snapping it up at £2649 :dizzy_face:
sparklehedgehog to wide_dub
23 Sep 17 #8
Of course it will long term. Just maybe not until the new year. All TV tech comes down in price eventually. I bought a plasma 50” HD tv in 2006 for £2500 which was by far the cheapest at the time but now that’s obscene for that tech.

Just takes time
23 Sep 17 #2
Just for anyone wondering, you can use this code on the 55” too. You just need to select the bundle with the HDMI cable which puts it over the £2000 threshold, making it £1828.
ashmac to Jim_Bob_Beers
23 Sep 17 #24
Its only £1959 with hdmi how do I get it £2000 add two
wide_dub to ashmac
23 Sep 17 #25
The c7 model is £1979 b7 is £1879.
ashmac to wide_dub
23 Sep 17 #30
Still can't get the c7 even to £2000 with hdmi cable ,and then code Says invalid
Jim_Bob_Beers to ashmac
23 Sep 17 #33

The C7 was £1979, so when you added the hdmi bundle it came to £2028 and you could use LSTV200A to take £200 off. However they’ve reduced the price now to £1879. Surely you can use LSTV100A to get it to £1779? I haven’t tried so don’t know.

UPDATE: Yes that works, so the C7 55" is same price as the B7 now. £1779
bigup to Jim_Bob_Beers
23 Sep 17 #36
Still shows £1879 for me
Jim_Bob_Beers to bigup
23 Sep 17 #39
It’s £1879, use the code I mentioned and 100% it’s £1779
23 Sep 17 #3
Ordered two for the twins Xmas presents.

Thank God we didn't have triplets! :stuck_out_tongue:
23 Sep 17 #5
Why is anyone on HotUKDeals when they can afford a £2500 tv
wide_dub to 007xico
23 Sep 17 #6
Everyone needs a bargain :stuck_out_tongue:
sparklehedgehog to 007xico
23 Sep 17 #7
For the best deal on that item?! Maybe if we all save £200 here and there we can then buy other things we desire also with the money saved elsewhere
sinister.puds to 007xico
23 Sep 17 #9
I'm sure even the queen loves a bargain :wink:
nazmanchester to 007xico
23 Sep 17 #12
buying a bargain is a addiction not a choice
ashmac to 007xico
23 Sep 17 #19
It's not a about how cheap something is but how much you save .

This is £200 so great deal
morrig to 007xico
23 Sep 17 #34
Like as the car leases for cars costing thousands and its not even yours.
23 Sep 17 #10
Everyone ok with dropping £2649 on a tv with standard 1 year warranty?

id be looking at richersounds or JL personally
mattk to bigup
23 Sep 17 #11
you get a 5 year warranty at Curry's.
Jim_Bob_Beers to bigup
23 Sep 17 #13
Currys have a 5 year guarantee!
bigup to Jim_Bob_Beers
23 Sep 17 #15
Ahh. Missed that!,
tempt to bigup
23 Sep 17 #14
5 year warranties are pointles when people upgrade TVs every couple of years.
collectorcol to tempt
23 Sep 17 #16
Older set usually makes its way upstairs to the bedroom.

Wish I had a room big enough for a 65 incher. My 55 is perfect :popcorn:
23 Sep 17 #17
Does anyone know what the price decline of last year's (B6 etc) LG OLED models were? Should we anticipate these current gen models falling much further this year?
tempt to Bobbytallant
23 Sep 17 #18
Vestel have entered the OLED market and they'll seriously undercut LG even though they are sourcing their panels from LG. Prices will drop even further.
ashmac to tempt
23 Sep 17 #21
And toshiba ,there panels are out soon ,rumour is here starting at £2000 so expect them to drop quick
Andboy to ashmac
24 Sep 17 #41
Toshiba tvs will be made by Vestel using LG OLED panels.
ashmac to Bobbytallant
23 Sep 17 #20
£1500 was there last price before stopped selling
morrig to ashmac
23 Sep 17 #35
23 Sep 17 #22
What's the refresh rate on this TV? Anyone used it for gaming?
stuellis to sinister.puds
23 Sep 17 #23
My understanding is OLED is different and from the spec it states "the screen responds over 1000 times faster than LED pixels, eliminating blur for fluid, thrilling entertainment."

Also TV's with high Hz still only accept up to a 60Hz signal (unless 3D) unlike monitors. This TV has a very low input lag which is very important for fast moving games.
23 Sep 17 #26
LSTV200A doesnt work
wide_dub to ben1974
23 Sep 17 #27
Still works for me. Has to be home delivery
23 Sep 17 #28
Won't work if you copy and paste it you need to type it in
23 Sep 17 #29
What's different between this and the OLED65B7V? Newer/older model?
23 Sep 17 #31
B7 has diff stand c7 has black Around screen where b7 is silver

Only cosmetic difference they are exactly the same
23 Sep 17 #32
Does anyone know if John Lewis do the C7 models?
23 Sep 17 #37
I am slowly building a Cinema room and would like to fit a 75 inch OLED. They are still expensive but I think OLEd prices are coming down as Sony and Panasonic are starting to produce them. This will end LG monopoly and will benefit customers
mb1357 to sam1970
24 Sep 17 #40
LG will always control the market as they are the only manufacturers of OLED panels and can charge what they wany
23 Sep 17 #38
Bought it for £2,999 literally 3 weeks ago. It's current price with the code is £350 cheaper :disappointed: Do currys refund the price difference ?
25 Sep 17 #42
65" C7 OOS so can't apply the code.
29 Sep 17 #43
Currys have dropped the price again.

LSTV200A £200 Discount
£70 Top Cash Back

Bringing it down tp £2529
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