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 Knack 2 free on New Zealand/Australian PS Store
3 stars +164

Knack 2 free on New Zealand/Australian PS Store

Playstation PSN5 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
5 Sep 17
Grab it while you can..

You must create a New Zealand/Australian account
Latest comments (113)
10 Sep 17 #113
I quite enjoyed it :nerd:
Thanks, Soohaiil.
7 Sep 17 #106
Whoever has finished the game and used a temp email. Pass it on so we can enjoy it too.
Soohaiil to boboz21
7 Sep 17 #110
Check eBay, I saw a few accounts floating around there starting at 99p.
Westwoodo to Soohaiil
7 Sep 17 #111
People won't do that, they will get bitter because they feel they deserve it and therefore won't spend 99p on a £30 game.
dataload to Westwoodo
7 Sep 17 #112

I can't imagine anyone sharing anything with you after those two posts

How about a "please" or "I'd really appreciate it if someone.."
7 Sep 17 #108
Oh really ? I just gave the account to a friend and he's downloading it just fine.
boboz21 to Soohaiil
7 Sep 17 #109
So its still possible to get it.. Start sharing guys!
6 Sep 17 #100
Thanks again OP had this pre-ordered but it didn't arrive today so have this as a backup for tonight until my copy arrives.
Soohaiil to allen46
7 Sep 17 #105
To think it was voted cold for a little while. :stuck_out_tongue:
turniplord to Soohaiil
7 Sep 17 #107
Impossible now - They have done what they did with PT, removed the file linked to this downlaod off the Sony servers. So basically if you have it downloaded then you're fine (until they take away the licence) - however if it ins't downloaded then there is no way to actually download it anymore.
7 Sep 17 #104
This was an amazing find! I finished it already within the two days of owning it and I'll tell you this, it surely was an amazing game! Funny how they haven't revoked it, too.
6 Sep 17 #103
Have fun :grin:
6 Sep 17 #102
Great thanks, I've just booted up and it's working perfectly. No need to stay offline either. Thanks OP, you the man!
6 Sep 17 #101
Enjoy ! I've already sunk 7 hours into it lol.
6 Sep 17 #99
So far so good
6 Sep 17 #98
Downloaded at midday and been playing since on my UK account.
6 Sep 17 #96
Not sure then, I've downloaded it and gone offline just in case they revoke it.…464
Uns to dave859
6 Sep 17 #97
How's it looking? Am I safe to connect back up to ps+ after work?
6 Sep 17 #93
someone on twitter said the download is removed from your library if you need to download again it won't be there. If you've got it already installed you should be ok, if this is true you won't be able to share the account to someone else after your done.
Switchy87 to dave859
6 Sep 17 #95
is it gone?
6 Sep 17 #94
Its Still in my download list.
6 Sep 17 #92
I downloaded record and it says my trial was used any ideas
6 Sep 17 #91
If it helps I'd be happy to wait a few weeks till the account holder had finished the game completely 100% etc then the risk of them losing Knack 2 before playing it is reduced to zero. Personally I'm only interested in this anyway if Sony let us keep the game as I hate feeling rushed to play and complete something before it is removed or revoked. I think personally as it was only up for a short time and at night they might well just let it slide though on the other hand Sony can be notoriously stingy so who knows?

Also for my part I'd be happy to trade the full Humble 2K Playstation bundle in return for anyone wanting to share. Not quite the same price admittedly but a large pool of full games, some real classics, I bought it but then found I got literally all of them over the years as PS Plus games and games I bought on sale etc, so completely useless to me, Knack 2 on the other hand, that would be very useful :wink:
6 Sep 17 #89
Gutted I missed this. Not working anymore
Soohaiil to Deedie
6 Sep 17 #90
Working this morning, going to keep my PS4 disconnected until I complete the game - having an absolute blast
6 Sep 17 #88
Just tested mine and working too. Keeping that cable unplugged...
6 Sep 17 #87
Your only chance of anyone giving out their account is if they have linked to a disposable email, which means probably had to sign up for an email first and then PSN and then purchase all while it was live, and once they have already completed the game. Even then you are almost certainly out of luck.

Anyone who bought it will likely be downloading to play on their main profile, if they give the details to someone else, that other person will most likely set their console as primary and change the password so they can play on their main account, then the person who actually got it in the first place, can no longer play it. Couple that with the fact most people would have used a Google email trick to sign up to PSN to save the time setting up a new email account and you can see why the chances of someone giving away their account details are about the same as the chances of winning the lottery with a ticket found in the trash.
6 Sep 17 #86
Aww gutted I missed this! I played the demo last night and want to buy it!
6 Sep 17 #85
Mine is working too woop :grin:
6 Sep 17 #84
Stranger things have happened :grin:

Worked this morning so disconnected my PS4 from the internet and will give it a play on the weekend unless I need to go online for another reason. I'll buy Knack when it's on sale if Knack 2 is any good :stuck_out_tongue:
6 Sep 17 #83
No matter what, you still won't get it :joy:
6 Sep 17 #82
Don't see why not really, help out those of us who weren't lucky. Afterall since this deal required making a new aus account it isn't going to be anyones main account and the most anyone is risking is one game they got free anyway and an email address, which again is probably only going to be a secondary email too. Would understand the crazyness of asking a stranger for their main psn account but that isn't the case here...
6 Sep 17 #81
Only if it goes smoothly, as mentioned i kept getting error messages, yet ironically it worked perfectly after they fixed the glitch. :disappointed:
6 Sep 17 #80
no point asking. Doubt anyone would give their login details to a complete stranger.
6 Sep 17 #79
Panicked, managed to create an account and purchase this on my phone for free :joy:

Just got in and started the download
6 Sep 17 #78
Someone plz pm there account login to play this.
6 Sep 17 #77
​Took me under 2 on mobile, then signed in on ps4 and started download :sunglasses:‌ :face_with_monocle:
6 Sep 17 #76
Think it took me 3 :joy:
6 Sep 17 #75
All legit, give you the official sound track and I just got the first trophy.
6 Sep 17 #74
it takes like 5 mins to make a psn account...
6 Sep 17 #73
Still downloading, 2 hours to go. Done enough to "start" but I'll let it fully download and then pull the network cable. Fingers crossed :face_with_monocle:
6 Sep 17 #72
It just let me create an account now showing $55 ffs :rage: wasted nearly a bloody hour trying to make an account then when it finally does its full price again. :disappointed:

Please could someone who actually got it pm the account login so i haven't spent all this time for nothing...
6 Sep 17 #71
me too :disappointed:
6 Sep 17 #70
Same here
6 Sep 17 #69
6 Sep 17 #68
Loving it so far - cross between Crash Bandicoot/Jak & Daxter and God of War.
6 Sep 17 #67
Is this game any good?
6 Sep 17 #66
You bought the avatar picture and got the game "free" from what I can recall.
6 Sep 17 #65
Darn, just finished making the account, pah
6 Sep 17 #64
Wasn't Killzone priced £0.79?
6 Sep 17 #63
RIP expired says try free demo
6 Sep 17 #62
6 Sep 17 #61
Not eligible to buy this content?
6 Sep 17 #60
Content can't be selected :angry:
6 Sep 17 #59
Funny I still have my free killzone and contra games.
6 Sep 17 #58
Pre-ordered this as well! But downloading anyway! Thank you, heat
6 Sep 17 #57
Been fixed now.
5 Sep 17 #56
Sony HQ: "Great news everyone, Knack 2 is exceeding all expectations and is selling in record numbers!!..........oh"
5 Sep 17 #55
5 Sep 17 #54
Use incognito mode. I managed it doing this.
5 Sep 17 #53
this content cannot be selected :disappointed:
5 Sep 17 #52
Unable to create a psn account on my phone...
5 Sep 17 #51
Thanks. Can't get to the ps4 at the moment. Can tomorrow but will most likely be gone by then :disappointed:
5 Sep 17 #50
5 Sep 17 #49
my free recore is still playing fine...
5 Sep 17 #48
Cheers OP. Given it a go and downloading now, worst case they revoke the license like the ReCore glitch on the Windows 10 store.
5 Sep 17 #47
Got myself the Uncharted game on the Vita for 49p on launch day and Manhunt 2 on PSP for nowt at one point as well, Sony do this far too often.
5 Sep 17 #46
And now the fun begins. Will it still be there in the morning? Will Sony have banned the account? Will they have deleted my primary account and bricked my PlayStation? Fingers crossed I get to play it!
5 Sep 17 #45
5 Sep 17 #44
5 Sep 17 #43
Thanks. I will try.
5 Sep 17 #42
If you want to play and complete the game download it and take your system offline until completed. They can't remove the license if you not online.
5 Sep 17 #41
I got Killzone Shadowfall through a glitch where some small dlc unlocked the full game and Sony never took it back.
5 Sep 17 #37
Not sure whether it is because im on mobile or they have fixed it but everytime i try to add to basket or log in i get error: 800101. Suspect they fixed it as it did let me do the first part of setting up account and verify email but it errors out right after i pick a username.

Dont think im going to be able to get this at this rate :disappointed: if anyone else can still get this working could someone be kind enough to make an extra aus account and buy it (obviously not using your actual data) and pm me the relevant details...
Tireeq to ST3123
5 Sep 17 #40
I had the same issue on my phone but worked perfectly if you setup new account on the ps4. Installing now.
5 Sep 17 #34
Just stay offline once it's downloaded?
voyager123 to jimbo001
5 Sep 17 #39
You could, but its Sony and I would not be surprised if they locked your account as I have a feeling once you go back online they will know how long you player for
5 Sep 17 #38
Just started it up, switched to high framerate mode on the Pro - plays like a dream.
5 Sep 17 #31
Playing it now. I guess the game is only like 8 hours long? Maybe I can blast it before it's pulled :P
Soohaiil to Makoto
5 Sep 17 #32
12 hours long apparently.
mudstuff to Makoto
5 Sep 17 #33
​Ign reckon around 12 hours
voyager123 to Makoto
5 Sep 17 #36
That's a good point, stay up and try to finish, also if you are in the game while they lock/revoke wonder what will happen n.
5 Sep 17 #35
I used a random address from McDonald's. I don't even like McDonald's. But thank you McDonald's, I like you now but not for the food. :smile:
5 Sep 17 #30
Cheers OP, I used a random address from Google Maps at Sydney Downtown
5 Sep 17 #29
Sony always pull these errors down and take the game off you
5 Sep 17 #24
I managed to purchase with a new id, but I can't login with it in my PS4. Any ideas? Thanks
Illusionary to ubruk
5 Sep 17 #28
Create a new user account on your console.
5 Sep 17 #22
Mugs. This will be on PS+ next month
voyager123 to littlejimmy
5 Sep 17 #23
You do know its the second game and not the first?
[email protected] to voyager123
5 Sep 17 #25
Little Jimmy is making a joke, it made me smile but then I'm easily amused. :joy:
voyager123 to [email protected]
5 Sep 17 #27
Can never tell on this site if someone is joking or not some times
littlejimmy to voyager123
5 Sep 17 #26
Knack 1.. Knack 2.. It's all Knack...

Knack and PS+ is like Ying and Yang. One cannot exist without the other.
5 Sep 17 #21
full game, mjust used address from McDonalds, Sydney airport.
5 Sep 17 #11
Worked for me on my New Zealand, thanks :smile: Hope it's not just a 60 minute trial!
voyager123 to jamiedb
5 Sep 17 #15
It will be revoked they aren't going to give a £30 game away for free, a misprice maybe as they have before, but this will be revoked as they always are, especially as it seems to be posted a few places online
Soohaiil to voyager123
5 Sep 17 #18
Perhaps, I'd say set the account as primary and then keep it signed out after downloading - maybe it can bypass it.
voyager123 to Soohaiil
5 Sep 17 #20
Doesn't work that way, this has happened before the game will stay there but it will be locked and you will have to pay to unlock it, but it will saved any progress before it gets locked.

But as I said their is that one in thousand chance they won't. But as a few places have posted this online it won't take Sony long to do something
5 Sep 17 #19
Nice, downloading, see if I actually get to play it before they pull it
5 Sep 17 #7
Showing 29.99
voyager123 to jimbo001
5 Sep 17 #10
Maybe try reading the post first, its not for this country but even so its only the demo
Soohaiil to voyager123
5 Sep 17 #12
Its not the demo, it comes with a seperate download for the soundtrack
voyager123 to Soohaiil
5 Sep 17 #17
Noticed that, but as said it will be revoked, but will let it download just in case of that one in thousand chance, but no one should get there hopes up
5 Sep 17 #16
Yep, it has worked fine, thanks! It only takes a minute to create a new Austrlaian ID that you guys can use as I did.
5 Sep 17 #14
any worries setting up your account, select Australia, and just put the postcode in as 3000
5 Sep 17 #13
Showing as the full game for me. You need to sign out of your UK PSN account otherwise when you click the link you'll be redirected to the UK site.
5 Sep 17 #9
Guys, you obviously can't use your UK accounts
5 Sep 17 #8
Demo only as that's all that downloaded for me and even if it wasn't it would be revoked just like when this has happened before
5 Sep 17 #6
5 Sep 17 #5
It's become free before the first one.
5 Sep 17 #3
How can you download it if it's new Zealand or Australia and we in the U.K. Please
Soohaiil to toadette
5 Sep 17 #4
By making a New Zealand account lol
5 Sep 17 #1
I can only see the demo that's on there.
I stand corrected,it wouldn't work on my iPad,had to do it on my console,full game and soundtrack,fingers crossed
Soohaiil to pauladam3954
5 Sep 17 #2
I've linked to the full game, I'm downloading it as we speak. :smile:
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