Tesco appears to be £109, did they have a deal on that's ended?
g1hsg to Dal22
7y 26d#22
Yes, the Code has expired to it's back to £109
7y 27d#19
Same price at Currys
7y 27d#18
nice one, bought one of these 2 weeks ago from amazon, I messaged Amazon to refund the difference and they've refunded me £20 !
7y 27d#17
Amazon currently sell them for the same price.
7y 27d#16
I'm Tesco showing £109
7y 27d#15
I got the same deal from John Lewis last year for £79. Think it was November though. The OP deal is still ok if you are looking for a Kindle right now.
With Ads is no big deal. The advert is easily swiped away when you turn kindle on - no need to pay a tenner.
7y 27d#12
I saw the Tesco deal after I ordered from JL so I rang JL to cancel and they knocked £10 off the price to match the Tesco deal.
Malabus to markjcasey
7y 26d#21
That's how to do it *claps*
7y 27d#11
Why did I bother ordering from Argos -_-
Just be aware that these still have serious quality control issues.
Im currently in the exchange merry go round with Amazon to get one that doesn't have any backlight leakage from the bottom.
If you get one that looks like it has stage lighting at the bottom (loads of shadowy spots), don't settle, send it back.
thanks for that, just bought one for 79squid, nice spot
7y 27d#2
Awesome. I was waiting for that price but how to get rid of these special offers..
zajczex to pawelkarwowski
7y 27d#3
Simply write to Amazon Customer Support and kindly ask them to turn them off. Tell them its a gift to someone in Poland and they wont buy anything anyways. Sam tak zrobilem.
pawelkarwowski to zajczex
7y 27d#5
Thank you / Dzięki
Marrilyn to pawelkarwowski
7y 27d#8
well spotted. Just ordered mine from Tesco. Use code TDX-YGHR this knocks £10 off so £79 plus clubcard points. Thanks x
gmisk to zajczex
7y 27d#6
I have tried that but they still insist on paying the 10 pounds
TheGalaxy to gmisk
7y 27d#9
Go on Live Chat and try again. If they say no just connect again later to get a different person and try again. They've taken it off first time both times for me but it probably depends which customer service rep you get
gmisk to TheGalaxy
7y 27d#10
I have been on 3 times...each time they have said I need to pay
TheGalaxy to gmisk
7y 27d#14
Oh dear, I had mine changed quite a few months back so perhaps they've changed their policy since then and no longer do it
7y 27d#1
Thx. voted hot. Need to buy one this week as a birthday pressie for the father in law
Opening post
With Ads is no big deal. The advert is easily swiped away when you turn kindle on - no need to pay a tenner.
Just be aware that these still have serious quality control issues.
Im currently in the exchange merry go round with Amazon to get one that doesn't have any backlight leakage from the bottom.
If you get one that looks like it has stage lighting at the bottom (loads of shadowy spots), don't settle, send it back.
Theyve had years to sort this mess out