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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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18 Sep 17
Deal: £659 upfront on a 1 month EE contract at £13.99 (or Vodafone at £14.50).
Go through Quidco and get cashback (currently tracking at £50 for me, with maybe another £25 to come + £15 as I registered as a new customer - still waiting for confirmation on all that, of course).
Get someone to refer you to Quidco and you can take another £10.

SIM only gives you 250 / 500Mb, but just go to Unshackled and grab yourself one (or use your current one).

I have done this and £50 it is already tracking through Quidco after about 30 mins .

So - should make this £572.99 after cashback paid!

Latest comments (63)
21 Sep 17 #63
I know offer is there for my mates etc
20 Sep 17 #55
So looks like the phone locks to the first network.
There's also a risk of having a credit check and quidco not paying cashback.
louisp131 to mspychala
20 Sep 17 #58
Pretty sure that credit checks are pretty common for all mobile contracts (even sim only), so unless you are ordering multiple phones/ contracts or additional credit cards I don't see how that is a problem (unless you are applying for something important in the next few months).

The quidco point is fair though, although you could probably try complaining or similar about it (although I tend to stick to topcashback so am not certain of that.
The.Lone.Ranger to mspychala
21 Sep 17 #62
Where did you get this information from? Given no one has actually received an iPhone 8 from CPW, do you have a link where they have stated this?
20 Sep 17 #61
You also.need to be registered for internet banking, registered for cashback extras and then have this offer available.
20 Sep 17 #60
20 Sep 17 #59
Do you know Halifax bank via online banking or the app are offering £50 cashback on EE direct debits setup before 16/10/17.

You have to pay two D/D before 16/12/17...

Another way to get the iPhone cheaper... HOPE THIS HELPS
18 Sep 17 #19
these cpw iphones will lock to the first sim inserted right?
dheydl to mkh93
19 Sep 17 #22
For many people a phone will be their sole computer and they won't think of it as a cheap adjunct to a tablet and/or laptop.
The.Lone.Ranger to dheydl
19 Sep 17 #32
Does the phone come with the SIM inserted or could you put your own SIM in so it is locked to that one? Is Apple's price £699 so a saving without quidco?
Besford to dheydl
19 Sep 17 #40
Is that how you justify Apple madness? £673!!!!....for a phone!!!!!! Completely bonkers!
dheydl to Besford
19 Sep 17 #48
Who’s justifying? Some people think of nothing spending £00s on a meal or a bottle of plonk that will end up flushed away. It’s what you get out of it that matters.

You think they are idiots for spending that much on a phone. They think you are an idiot for even questioning it. Such a fascinating discussion.
Besford to dheydl
20 Sep 17 #52
But I'm right and 'they're' wrong! :wink:
gavin1 to mkh93
19 Sep 17 #33
Yes and unless its changed EE you had to be on EE for at least 6 months, or reached the end of the contracts minimum terms *which ever was the shorted) before EE will unlock it. I half reacall there a £9 charge too on EE.

O2 may be better as they will unlock immediately if asked so saving you extra months rental and an admin fee if you don't intend to stay on EE after the unlock..
mkh93 to gavin1
19 Sep 17 #39
Just had a webchat with CPW agent, these Iphones are UNLOCKED and will remain unlocked,32028517-52TYd.jpg
gavin1 to mkh93
20 Sep 17 #53
I hope your right, I've just had a lot of experience of CPW sales staff being shall we say " economical" with the truth to get a sale...
The.Lone.Ranger to gavin1
20 Sep 17 #54
I web chatted with them too and took a screenshot. If it turns out that the phone is not unlocked, they can have it back. I can't see the quidco being paid though. I've only done a one month contract (£15) but the cashback is tracking at £50.
louisp131 to The.Lone.Ranger
20 Sep 17 #57
Surely you could just insert a sim on your desired network, then try the included one or bin it (as the allowance is low)?
18 Sep 17 #3
Wonder how many of these will sell? Looks so dated already.
Arold to OrribleHarry
19 Sep 17 #45
And it'll look pretty much the same in a few years, working perfectly and still worth a lot of money. Yours will probably have given up the ghost and be worth next to nothing. My wife's still using an iPhone 4 after 5 or 6 years; you'd think it was a new phone, to look at it or use it.
OrribleHarry to Arold
19 Sep 17 #50
For one you have no idea what kind of phone I own and two, iPhones resale is no better than other flagships any more.
Too many people thinking the future will continue to be like the past, life just isn't like that.
You do know the updated screen in the new IPhone X are made by Samsung right? Even Apple have acknowledged the superior quality of Samsung OLED.
louisp131 to OrribleHarry
20 Sep 17 #56
First part I agree with, although Sony seem to be trying to remain in the past (although I kind of like the design). Resale is a difficult topic as LG and to some extent Samsung phones tend to drop a couple of £100 below the original rrp after a few months which does affect resale.

The last part less so, I don't think Apple have at any point in time stated that Samsung oleds are better than anything else (other than maybe older iPhone displays). It boils down to them needing Samsung due to the limited production capabilities of other brands (although Apple investing in LG's oled business may change this in the future).

I also agree with iOS being in need of a revamp, but I am relatively new (around 10 months total use) to iOS (I tend to switch phones every 6 months), so am not bored with it yet, although equally a large portion don't want it to change. I also liked windows phone, minus the lack of apps (If they improved it and built a 1020 with bettter audio, battery and such, I would go back(shame it is dead)).

P.s apologies for any mistakes, even a 7 plus is too small for me to type on.

Although this is a good deal to me, providing the cash back doesn't get declined( although then again, it is still just below the rrp)
19 Sep 17 #42
Crazy to think Apple sell over 220 million iPhones a year.
OrribleHarry to sm-1991
19 Sep 17 #51
It's mainly down to the low resolution LCD screen and appearance that hasn't changed in three iterations. As for iOS it hasn't changed in appearance since launch in 2007 its looking really really dated, which is such a shame as a few years back it was the best, sadly others innovation has now overtaken Apple.

I personally loved Windows mobile as it was so fresh and clean compared to everything else I was really disappointed Microsoft didn't push app development to make it a success.

I've had four iPhones, two windows and three Android. Windows was my favourite followed but now Android then iOS.
19 Sep 17 #49
How on earth can anyone say this looks dated? Is it because it has a bezel on the top and bottom? There's bigger things to worry about with a phone.

Honestly the A11 CPU looks like an absolute monster and I am considering this myself next year. (Current Xiaomi user)
19 Sep 17 #47
Why do people devote so much of their time just hating Apple? When I see a product I don't like I just keep scrolling, not spend my time trying to persuade everyone else not to like it. Do these people really have nothing better to do with their lives?
18 Sep 17 #9
OK - just got two order updates:
8:54pm - "Order accepted and successfully processed"
8:56pm - "Unfortunately, on this occasion we have been unable to continue with your request for a purchase and the order has now been cancelled."

I'll call the customer service team tomorrow...
ReadyPlayerOne to ReadyPlayerOne
19 Sep 17 #46
Update: Called CWH today. They told me to reorder. Done and all gone through smoothly this time. :smile:
Cash back tracking at £50 as before but will (hopefully) track higher once progressed.
18 Sep 17 #10
Dated iphone 8 no deal, looks the same as all the others
OrribleHarry to Ts1899
18 Sep 17 #13
Even got an LCD a "new flagship"
Hunkerdown to Ts1899
19 Sep 17 #24
It took Courage to keep the design the same for 4 years running. :grin:
chenzz to Hunkerdown
19 Sep 17 #25
i thought the 8 has glass back instead of metal.
it's too early to jump to conclusions before you see it in person.
ashman33 to Ts1899
19 Sep 17 #30
It does compared to even their own iPhone X. It's an odd lineup now as they have the 7 so why bother going to the 8 ? Isn't the phone what in the past would have been a 7S?
Arold to Ts1899
19 Sep 17 #44
You choose your phone on LOOKS? Unbelievable.
19 Sep 17 #43
No love for the 128GB storage option, what madness is this? On the iPhone 7 you had the option of 32, 128 and 256GB. Thats' a decent lineup in my opinion. I guess its their policy for everyone to get the more expensive options. For that reason i'm sticking to what i got. I like Apple but there's a limit.
19 Sep 17 #41
Android master race
19 Sep 17 #38
The best part of this deal is that your username reminded me of how ruddy good ReadyPlayerOne was to read!!

Now to look into Spielberg's movie progress!
19 Sep 17 #37
The phone looks so old, even these chinese andriod phones look much nicer than this.

However on the other other hand, iphone x looks amazing
18 Sep 17 #16
Well I've just done this on a 8 Plus. See what happens. I'm expecting it to get cancelled but maybe it might leaks through the cracks. On the 8 plus you could save £101 (£75 cashback + £26 on up front). So £698 vs £799.
ReadyPlayerOne to tj200
18 Sep 17 #18
Keep us posted!
tj200 to ReadyPlayerOne
19 Sep 17 #36
So I got an email this morning saying that my order had been accepted and I would receive my iPhone Friday. See what happens today, if they are going to cancel it they will probably do it today.

No brainer for me, saving £401 (£101 this deal + £300 for my 6S plus). £400 over 2 years with my all you can eat three sim comes to £34.60 a month.
19 Sep 17 #35
19 Sep 17 #34
When my iPhone 6s dies other than battery replacement. I think I'm joining the android community. There's nothing left to stay. You just pay an extremely premium price for technology apple drip feed to you.
19 Sep 17 #31
Apple fanboys won't buy an 8 , it's dead in the water with the X on the horizon . The shame of owning an 8 , the humiliation of having to keep your phone hidden , while smug X owners openly flaunt their latest possession .
19 Sep 17 #26
I am waiting for IPhone X
rhodyate to sam_of_london
19 Sep 17 #27
which one - 64gb or 256gb
sam_of_london to rhodyate
19 Sep 17 #28
256gb :grin:
rhodyate to sam_of_london
19 Sep 17 #29
Nice thats the one I'm getting, good luck on your pre order mate.
19 Sep 17 #23
an iPhone for less than 1k..... HOT!
19 Sep 17 #21
£673 for ANY smartphone???!!! You'd have to be demented - but no doubt many will be!
18 Sep 17 #20
Fast charging, you'll need to buy a fast charger separately. Doesn't come in the box, it's a feature that requires the user to buy an apple fast charger.
18 Sep 17 #17
Can't wait for the IPhone X and see all the tech that no other company came up with, yerh three years ago
18 Sep 17 #15
Quidco seems to be declining most of my recent claims...
18 Sep 17 #12
Bluetooth 5 and wireless charging. But yeah, £150 more than an iPhone 7.
chigger1 to LOL_is_stupid
18 Sep 17 #14
Yup agree, not worth upgrading from iPhone 7.
18 Sep 17 #11
Didn't know there was an 8. Must change my HUKD handle to ripvanwinkle
18 Sep 17 #8
New customer with Quidco.
Paid upfront on credit card.
18 Sep 17 #7
Registered as a new customer to what? Quidco or carphone warehouse?

Also could you pay the up front cost on credit card or did it need to be by direct debit?
18 Sep 17 #5
Where did you get £100 from? You can't just add sign up bonuses to the amount of cashback and as you said it only tracked at £50 - have you even enquired if it's eligible for the £75? Misleading title
ReadyPlayerOne to supermandem
18 Sep 17 #6
It's eligible for the £75 plus sign up bonus, plus referral, too. So... £100. But, to be fair, even at £659-£50+£13.99 it's still a BAR-GAIN!
18 Sep 17 #1
Lol apple ......
Mrepg to Riley007
18 Sep 17 #2
Roflmao your audio latency!
steluca5 to Mrepg
18 Sep 17 #4
Woah woah woah....this is a family website.
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