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 iPad Pro 9.7 32GB Gold £399.99 @ BTShop
4.5 stars +464

iPad Pro 9.7 32GB Gold £399.99 @ BTShop

£399.99 BT Shop28 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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28 Sep 17
only a few left
£119.01 cheaper than Argos
Latest comments (49)
28 Sep 17 #10
This is last year’s iPad. I know, it’s probably absolutely fine (I mean I had an Air 2 for 3 years) but £400 on an already obsolete/clearance model is a lot especially for a ‘Pro’ product - I would highly recommend the new 10.5” iPad Pro for the many improvements if that’s your intention. More money but you get 64GB base storage, 120Hz display, a slightly bigger, sharper display, faster CPU and 4GB RAM.

If you do want this older model you can usually find them for £270-300 on eBay, etc.
amour3k to plewis00
28 Sep 17 #27
The 10.5" iPad Pro on eBay for £270-£300, would that be 'new' though? (as in 'unused'?).

Or ... thanx. :-)
plewis00 to amour3k
28 Sep 17 #32
Well no, I said the older model (this 9.7” one) is £270-300 and you can probably find it lightly used. The 10.5” is substantially more but justifiably worth the extra if you are a ‘Pro’ and buying this for business or prosumer use. My point is/was I don’t think an EOL device is worth £400.
teepee1 to plewis00
1 Oct 17 #48
If its a new.machine its not EOL. Newer models dont automatically mean EOL on existing models.
plewis00 to teepee1
1 Oct 17 #49
Sorry - bad choice of words. ‘Discontinued’ then. It will be supported a little longer but Apple don’t continue selling it direct like they do with the iPhone 7 and 6s.
29 Sep 17 #42
It says there is one left, but every time I try and order it, it gets to the end of the process and tells me that the item is no longer available. I've tried about five times, each time with the same result. Bah!
feed_me_chocs to bigblockofcheese
29 Sep 17 #45

Sorry to say I did say exactly this in the third comment after the OP’s post. I doubt anyone got one.
rugbyboyroy to feed_me_chocs
29 Sep 17 #46
If you are not in it don’t win it.
Is that not the second time you have missed out with BT shop ?
Did you not receive an email from them ?
The previous offer I managed to get 2 Pro’s.
I must agree with you is bad that you put in all your details only to find out they are out of stock.
Better Luck next time......Black Friday is not that far away
feed_me_chocs to rugbyboyroy
29 Sep 17 #47
It would have been for someone else in the family if I’d tried, but as I was messed about last time....

I’ve already got a 128MB Pro fortunately.
28 Sep 17 #35
Could someone say how this compares to buying a Galaxy Tab S2 - or is this comparing apples and oranges? My hudl has died and I'm wondering what to get instead.
Darius to Grrrrrrrrrrr
29 Sep 17 #44
I would choose iPad all day long - not even close for build quality and longevity and battery life. I had many android tablets including the Galaxy Tab S. the iPad Pro or even the air 2 are excellent and will not disappoint.
29 Sep 17 #43
OOS expire ?
28 Sep 17 #2
Great price then I saw 32gb. Few apps, a movie and 50 pictures then start the cycle of deleting to make space. Hot for the price though
Ka11ran to musssy
28 Sep 17 #13
You don’t need to download your C(P)ORN. You can stream it directly, subjective if you’re 18 and over :grin:‌ :grin:‌ :grin:‌ :raised_hand:‌ :raised_hand:‌ :lipstick:‌ :relaxed:‌ :popcorn:
musssy to Ka11ran
28 Sep 17 #18
Guilty :raised_hand:
Ka11ran to musssy
28 Sep 17 #22
‌ :laughing:‌ :laughing:‌ :laughing:‌ :laughing:
Candystore to musssy
28 Sep 17 #20
I’ve got a 16gb iPad Air with over 50 apps, loads of magazines, books, over 150 pictures and I’ve still got 5gb free
SoCal to Candystore
28 Sep 17 #28
I have a similar iPad but with mind I have 3gb free, 3gb of apps, photos etc but ‘other’ comes to 10gb And I have no idea what the heck ‘other’ is.
Candystore to SoCal
28 Sep 17 #29
Go to Settings > General > IPad Storage.
SoCal to Candystore
28 Sep 17 #33
Cheers, just did that and it looks other’ is system so I presume that’s IOS 11... that’s a lot for a 16gb machine... pity Apple charge an arm and a leg for gb.. especially when memory is so cheap nowadays.
Candystore to SoCal
28 Sep 17 #34
It will List how much each app is using so you dance delete any apps you don’t use
SoCal to Candystore
28 Sep 17 #36
Only have 3gb on everything, thats my apps, photos, etc... just IOS killing me..32120847-1C54Z.jpgI will get one with bigger memory next time. :grin:‌ :grin:
musssy to Candystore
28 Sep 17 #31
I download movies to watch on the train or when I travel. I might a spoilt, but I like to watch my movies in HD. Plus I have a few apps which are more than 2/3gb each. So just those few apps and and a few movies I'm hitting 15/20gb
amour3k to musssy
28 Sep 17 #41

Tell me about it?. :-(

64GB+ as standard minimum ... lol. :-D
28 Sep 17 #8
Still can't get my head around why anybody would buy one
alu355 to Turret
28 Sep 17 #9
Which tablet would you buy instead?
Turret to alu355
28 Sep 17 #11
I'm a Android user but I do own an iPad too. I'm just unsure why anybody would pay the extra for the Pro.
boomish to Turret
28 Sep 17 #40
It’s on a different level to a standard iPad, our daughter who’s an artist has one & says it’s the best digital drawing tablet out there, the resolution with the Apple Pencil is amazing.
iEimis to Turret
28 Sep 17 #12
It's like saying no idea why someone would prefer coffee over tea.
Turret to iEimis
28 Sep 17 #15
Nothing alike
mcormack to iEimis
28 Sep 17 #25
Ridiculous analogy!
28 Sep 17 #39
Sorry just realised this is the pro I got normal 9.7 ipad the new one 128gb for £389. Ignore me
28 Sep 17 #38
Was a proper seller not a 1 off. Ace eleectronics or something close to that
28 Sep 17 #37
I just got a sealed one off a seller on eBay 128gb Black 9.7 £389. Spot on sealed etc. Better deals to be had than this and this is 32gb
28 Sep 17 #23
Amazon £398
rugbyboyroy to djw1cked
28 Sep 17 #30
Funny Greentech seem to have 2 prices the other being £414
BTW ........BT TCB 2% better than nothing
28 Sep 17 #26
People don't seem to moan so much about 32GB in a phone which is more likely to require streaming access via 4G rather than WiFi so I think 32GB is less of an issue in a tablet as they are much more likely to be used at home where you will have WiFi.
Moaners gonna moan.
28 Sep 17 #24
If you rely 100% on cloud services/streamed media then this is fine.

For anyone else, 32gb is a pittance and despite the price I would highly avoid it.
28 Sep 17 #21
Cold not samsung
28 Sep 17 #16
After iOS and apps will be left with 20GB even with cloud storage, its not leaving much storage space.
Good price though.
iEimis to deany76
28 Sep 17 #19
To be honest, with new file system on iOS 10.2 and new image/video format on iOS11 things don't take up as much storage space anymore and with all the streaming services available 32GB is just perfect for me. Got nearly 7GB of storage back after updating to iOS11 on my iPhone.
28 Sep 17 #17
Oh Baby ! Great post OP
28 Sep 17 #14
I went to the apple shop today and had a look at the 10.5. And imo it's the perfect size iPad.
28 Sep 17 #7
28 Sep 17 #1
Good price for a great tablet, just a shame it's not 4gb RAM as 12.9.
rugbyboyroy to iEimis
28 Sep 17 #6

IEimis .........they can be had for an additional £369.01.....or approx 4 to 5 years time at that price
28 Sep 17 #5
That’s not the Pro at £339.99, so not comparable
28 Sep 17 #4
£339 from AO guys, was close to buying this then spotted AO price

My bad this isn’t the pro version.
28 Sep 17 #3
I’ll wait for someone else to buy first. Last time I registered newly on the BT shop website because it showed they had stock of this, then I found that in spite of this it then wouldn’t let me check out because they had none. Great way of harvesting email addresses! :rage:
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