For £6/mth you get the 500 minutes, 5,000 texts, 2GB 4G data on rollover. The one plan contract, meaning you can limit your bill to no more than £5 over the tariff price and roaming and bill capping all in the one plan. So use only 1gb one month and you'll have 3gb to use the next.
Who can get it? Need-to-knows One-month contract. Runs off the Three network. If you exceed your allowance, it's 10.24p/MB for data, 40p/min for calls to UK mobiles or landlines and 14p per text. Tethering isn't allowed with this network* You'll be credit-checked – see our Credit Scores guide.
Not a bad deal but iD is crap on customer service. Not bad for medium users!
Great app, customer service mediocre
*officially its not but iD say it uses up your allowance too quickly however they will not throw you off for tethering
Cool added not for the deal mind but for the company, stay well clear of ID Mobile when I was with them all I had was constant problems and bills that were double what I should be paying
7y 28d#3
Was with ID for two years, never had a problem with billing etc, only reason I left was the shocking signal in and around Bolton.
7y 28d#4
Avoid dealing with ID mobile unless you welcome being robbed blind and then having your credit rating reduced during the dispute.
Its not just crap customer service, its worse than incompetent, its fraudulent.
7y 28d#5
I am on the £5 tariff for do I end that and change to this deal? ID have no phone numbers to call?
Opening post
Who can get it?
One-month contract.
Runs off the Three network.
If you exceed your allowance, it's 10.24p/MB for data, 40p/min for calls to UK mobiles or landlines and 14p per text.
Tethering isn't allowed with this network*
You'll be credit-checked – see our Credit Scores guide.
Not a bad deal but iD is crap on customer service. Not bad for medium users!
Great app, customer service mediocre
*officially its not but iD say it uses up your allowance too quickly however they will not throw you off for tethering
Its not just crap customer service, its worse than incompetent, its fraudulent.