The HTC 10 is more than just the company's flagship smartphone for 2016. It is what will hopefully bring HTC back on its feet after years of losing precious market share. Knowing this, HTC has done its best to make the 10 as awesome as possible. The phone has the looks and specs to impress, while the software, based on Android 6.0, promises a smooth, fun user experience. Furthermore, the HTC 10 and its reinvented UltraPixel camera hope to wow us with its images and videos. Alas, the front-facing stereo speakers have been dropped, but instead, we're given dedicated woofer and tweeter, powered by individual amplifiers.
16 Sep 17#7
Why discuss the phone when it's eglobalcentral?
14 Sep 17#6
If I had a choice between this HTC & a LG V20 for around the same price, I'd take the latter - especially in your case robertfrancis1975 with that LG G2 of yours.
Use NEWARRIVAL at checkout for £8 off:…tml - The one thing that could be off-putting is the massive difference in size, although many have grown to like their larger phones:…202
Don't forget to use a credit card (or at least PayPal) if you do go for it.
13 Sep 17#4
Yes. It's the camera that seems to let the cheap Chinese mobiles down.
13 Sep 17#3
This is said to be a good solid phone and should have sold more than it did. Lg g5se or this.. I would say this one. Heat from me
fireman1 to wayners
13 Sep 17#5
My good solid phone has developed the same screen issue twice where the top 1cm of the screen fails to work. First time fair enough, some will have issues. Second time tells me phone is pretty rubbish.
13 Sep 17#2
@ eglobalcentral (funnily enough a username came up called "eglobaltheworst" when I added my ampersand :stuck_out_tongue:
And are you still obsessing over mobile phone cameras that have Optical Image Stabilisation? :stuck_out_tongue:
13 Sep 17#1
The HTC 10 is more than just the company's flagship smartphone for 2016. It is what will hopefully bring HTC back on its feet after years of losing precious market share. Knowing this, HTC has done its best to make the 10 as awesome as possible. The phone has the looks and specs to impress, while the software, based on Android 6.0, promises a smooth, fun user experience. Furthermore, the HTC 10 and its reinvented UltraPixel camera hope to wow us with its images and videos. Alas, the front-facing stereo speakers have been dropped, but instead, we're given dedicated woofer and tweeter, powered by individual amplifiers.
Opening post
Use NEWARRIVAL at checkout for £8 off:…tml -
The one thing that could be off-putting is the massive difference in size, although many have grown to like their larger phones:…202
Don't forget to use a credit card (or at least PayPal) if you do go for it.
First time fair enough, some will have issues. Second time tells me phone is pretty rubbish.
And are you still obsessing over mobile phone cameras that have Optical Image Stabilisation? :stuck_out_tongue: