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 Guaranteed Big Mac or McChicken Sandwich & Fries for £1.99
5+ stars +637

Guaranteed Big Mac or McChicken Sandwich & Fries for £1.99

£1.99 McDonalds15 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Restaurants
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15 Sep 17
All you need to do is take a pen with you to mcdonalds...

STEP 1 - Go self service screens

STEP 2 - Select 'I have a voucher' usually in top right of screen.

STEP 3 - On the next screen press 'enter code manually' which is in bottom right corner of the screen.

STEP 4 - Type in '23645714' and then enter.

STEP 5 - Proceed to choose your sandwich choice then check out and pay.

STEP 6 - When you get receipt, use your pen and scribble on ANY 5 digit numbers on the survey. Any work, the staff never check and you don't even need to do the requested survey.

STEP 7 - Hand in the ticket receipt to staff IF requested.. Sometimes they don't even ask.

STEP 8 - Tuck into your £1.99 munch

Additional information courtesy of my fred Mark..

All codes start with -236457457

Add - 45 for Quarter Pounder
Add - 14 for Big Mac or Chicken
Add - 76 for Double Cheeseburger
Add - 52 for Fillet o fish or Nuggets
Add - 38 for Big Mac/ Chicken with drink.
All comments (78)
15 Sep 17 #1
What's the pen for?
Van1973 to Moonmonkeys
15 Sep 17 #2
" When you get receipt, use your pen and scribble on .........."
veedubjai to Van1973
15 Sep 17 #3
Moonmonkeys to Van1973
15 Sep 17 #8
Why scribble anything down if that code given works?
chesterflaps to Moonmonkeys
15 Sep 17 #46
Dear lord!!
Moonmonkeys to chesterflaps
15 Sep 17 #20
Ah. I've just noticed the app just shows the first couple of steps. Didn't click to show more. I blame my young twins and lack of sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

15 Sep 17 #4
these are my favorite junk food deals ha ha,
remember the one for them special smokehouse burgers they were doing and could get them for free!

love the mcdonalds voucher dodgynes
15 Sep 17 #5
He/she is answering Moonmonkeys question :grin:
15 Sep 17 #6
Don't forget the notepad too... :smile:

15 Sep 17 #7
Cold. Food is free at greggs
davewave to Madchester
15 Sep 17 #9
Madchester to davewave
15 Sep 17 #10
download app and when signing up put in code SC17 to get free hot drink free sandwich (under £3) and a c&o pastie/sausage roll/cookie/donut
beauhiggs to Madchester
15 Sep 17 #14
You mean cold like there sausage rolls?
Madchester to beauhiggs
15 Sep 17 #16
Actually cold FREE sausage rolls, like the cold sausage rolls found at some party buffet. When you say "cold like there sausage rolls" where do you mean exactly

if you want this deal just buy a sauce for 20p get receipt (or go rummaging through the bins) and quickly do survey which takes 2 mins put code on receipt and repeat with the receipt you get for the Big Mac and fries

if you got hold of a a few receipts you could do this several times and keep receipts for when monopoly game comes back and win free food too
ssc1 to Madchester
15 Sep 17 #23
Lol. And repeat.
15 Sep 17 #11
Cold, just tried this, used 00001 on my receipt, girl at checkout took my receipt to the manager, he came over and told me my code was not legitimate and that he couldn't honor it. Then security forced me to leave the premises. I didn't even know MacDonald's employed security before today. I paid on card and wasn't issued a refund. So now im stood outside Maccys hungry and down £1.99. Wth op, you said it was guaranteed!!
honeymonster86 to michaeljb
15 Sep 17 #12
I can't tell if this is true or not....
emiratesstadium to honeymonster86
15 Sep 17 #13
It's not.

They would of given him a refund or honoured the order but telling him not to do it again.
Arold to emiratesstadium
15 Sep 17 #26
Please, please...would HAVE, not would of. Sorry to be a pedant but more and more people are making this basic mistake. It's catching.When people say "would've", it's short for would have, not would of.
sola35 to Arold
16 Sep 17 #49
would have would of, who cares we know what people mean when they say either or is it either or is it neither
JickyKlondike to sola35
16 Sep 17 #50
It's a conscious decision let's just enjoy dealing with Ronald... Or Ronnald or Ro Ro. Let's enjoy corporate cheap special secret hamburger together. :thinking:‌ :sunglasses:‌ :cry:
Arold to sola35
20 Sep 17 #73
I presume you're not in a job where accurate and precise use of language is essential - law, medicine, education... And I guess you take little pride in quality. I wouldn't employ anyone with an attitude like that.
MSH89 to Arold
16 Sep 17 #51
Behave half the population of the uk barley speak a word of English these days
Master.G to MSH89
16 Sep 17 #53
MSH89 to Master.G
16 Sep 17 #57
I'd drank 8 pints, one word wrong. I'll take that
Master.G to MSH89
16 Sep 17 #60
*drunk. Drank is the simple past - I drank eight pints yesterday. Drunk is the past participle, used for the present perfect and past perfect - I have drunk eight pints, I had drunk eight pints. :stuck_out_tongue:
sola35 to MSH89
16 Sep 17 #62
i was going to say this but thought it might be classed as you know what, anyway moving to spain soon there are more true British people living there than in britain.
luvsadealdealdeal to sola35
16 Sep 17 #63
and Britain is better off without them, mostly feral Scousers or Brummies or Mancs
sola35 to luvsadealdealdeal
16 Sep 17 #64
obviously you know nothing what so ever about spain to come out with a comment like that, and what makes you so special to call your fellow country men, you live in the south and think your special do you ?
luvsadealdealdeal to sola35
16 Sep 17 #65
I am trying to get as far away as possible from the ferals
Dejaque2k to honeymonster86
15 Sep 17 #15
It's definitely true. People wouldn't lie on the internet.
Splashmo to Dejaque2k
15 Sep 17 #31
Woof! I mean yes. For example, I am 100% not a dog.
veedubjai to honeymonster86
15 Sep 17 #17
Bit obvious don't you think, using 00001. :joy: Hell, why not use 00000, 12345, 54321, 696969, 010101, 118118, 150717, etc. :laughing: Are your bank/credit card/online pins the same? @michaeljb is an ideal ID fraudsters target. :joy:
michaeljb to veedubjai
15 Sep 17 #33
Don't be silly pin codes are only 4 digits in length, I use 0001 not 00001 :party:
michaeljb to honeymonster86
15 Sep 17 #34
Just some light hearted Friday afternoon jesting :thumbsup:
LeftResponse to michaeljb
15 Sep 17 #35
Aww no way? It wasn't TRUE?? Who would of thought! :sweat_smile:
JickyKlondike to michaeljb
15 Sep 17 #18
LeftResponse to michaeljb
15 Sep 17 #30
Get rekt. :relaxed:
xenophon to michaeljb
15 Sep 17 #40
Yes but that must of been in the US if they didn't honor it. Try it in the UK and they might honour it.
michaeljb to xenophon
15 Sep 17 #42
I wish the op would of said that, would of saved me a tonne in airfare :laughing:
15 Sep 17 #19
Who supplies the guarantee?
veedubjai to fireman1
15 Sep 17 #36
Ask JickyKlondike, he's great giving out guarantees...

15 Sep 17 #21
You have to scan the voucher in my local mcdonalds :thinking:
JickyKlondike to MrsB0911
15 Sep 17 #22
Hello Mrs B... No, it is a very inconspicuous box in bottom right hand corner of screen.. See step 3. Look very carefully next time :grin:‌ :kissing_heart:‌ :raised_hand:
15 Sep 17 #24
I got to McDonald's and they were closed.. You said this was guaranteed???
15 Sep 17 #25
Just buy an option from the saver menu at 99p, go home and do the survey and get your mac and fries next time around.
The codes are good though, thanks. Writing a false code on the receipt is an easy fraud spot, I wouldn't risk it.
15 Sep 17 #28
Or could you be like everyone and pay normal price, McDonald's is hardly expensive
118luke to bestbuy123
15 Sep 17 #27
I think you're missing the point of this website.
dz1 to bestbuy123
5 Oct 17 #78
The normal price is over double. That's a big saving.
15 Sep 17 #29
Cold because this hack means I have to physically go to McDonalds, give me a McDonald's hack that works on UberEats.
15 Sep 17 #32
The photo of the burger looks amazing and makes it look twice the size, shame what you get looks like its been in some ones back pocket £1.99 though is what they should be sold for any way lol
15 Sep 17 #37
Nom Nom! :popcorn:
15 Sep 17 #38
15 Sep 17 #39
If you have a bus ticket you can get the same for £1.99p just show your ticket easier than messing round with codes if you have ticket they last up to 10 weeks aswell.
15 Sep 17 #41
It's cold if u have to leave ur car :disappointed:
15 Sep 17 #43
Incorrect. You get the receipt at self service before you go to collect your delights from counter. Remember your pen for next step (6)to scribble down code on receipt before your mcdonalds order number gets called. :raised_hand:

cainer1 to JickyKlondike
15 Sep 17 #45
oh ok, like the man in the orthopedic shoes i stand corrected :smile:
not used the self service screens before so i didnt realise that happened,
as for the burger & fries for £1.99 with receipt survey its been going on for nearly 2 years, so i think most people are aware of it

oh and btw the receipt survey is for Bigmac & fries for £1.99
but they let you swap the Bigmac for anything in the same price bracket, so you could get
McChicken Sandwich
1/4lb'er with cheese
6 nuggets
fillet of fish
veg deluxe
ive also heard people say they can get double cheeseburger with large fries
15 Sep 17 #44
31996639-Z5E3h.jpg31996639-hzfy2.jpgAll of these codes still work as well. Big fan of the fillet o'fish & burger with drink codes.
15 Sep 17 #47
All codes start with -236457457

Add - 45 for Quarter Pounder
Add - 14 for Big Mac or Chicken
Add - 76 for Double Cheeseburger
Add - 52 for Fillet o fish or Nuggets
Add - 38 for Big Mac/ Chicken with drink.

Votes collected at your standard network rate and will all be collected and counted to decide the winner of this years XL Factor.
JickyKlondike to markl2394
15 Sep 17 #48
Thaks Mark I will add to main title. :party:
16 Sep 17 #52
Be warned, McDonalds staff are told to take the voucher from you if a voucher code has been used. I’ve seen a customer get refused at Baker Street for not having the voucher that she used in the machine and I’m not sure if saving just over £1 is worth the embarrassment of being turned away for trying to defraud a McDonalds! Whether most staff members care enough to actually check is another question though and the answer usually is “no, they don’t”
dz1 to KRyPTceltrix
5 Oct 17 #77
When i tried it a few days ago they didn't ask me for a voucher. I had a voucher just in case they asked. Now i can use it again. Also the savings are a lot more than £1. You're getting it for less than half price, so definitely worth trying.
16 Sep 17 #54
you can get a code from their survey website if you are worried about getting rejected. I now have one and have screen shot it just in case
16 Sep 17 #55
Great price. With or without voucher we all eat at MacDonalds. Why pay more for junk food!
16 Sep 17 #56
Didnt work for me they asked to see the original voucher ,reason given was vouchers can be stor spsific . But the servey trick dose work every time for me
16 Sep 17 #58
As I happen to get my coffee from there every morning, when I get to the office I simply take the survey. it takes no more than 5 mins to complete and you get your code. because I have so many, i just give them to anyone. I also give to homeless people too, if they can manage to get themselves £2 they can at least get something to eat

I personally wouldn't try the above, seems too much hassle.
16 Sep 17 #59
Yes, OP, I hope you're proud of yourself, cos I'm telling Mama!
JickyKlondike to bigpappa69
16 Sep 17 #71
I can't sleep at night fella. :worried:‌ :worried:‌ :wink:‌ :wink:
16 Sep 17 #61
General question ....Why do people say could of ...would of etc instead of would/ could HAVE ? ....of just doesn't make sense!
16 Sep 17 #66
Just used it and it works.
16 Sep 17 #67
sounds like a song by an Irish band! :smile:
Pateo to luvsadealdealdeal
16 Sep 17 #69
Definitely got psychological problems, inferiority complex :thinking: the UK will be a much improved country once you've left but I feel sorry for the other countries who are foolish enough to take you :thinking:
16 Sep 17 #68
McDonalds, Mr Ignorant :smile:
Pateo to luvsadealdealdeal
16 Sep 17 #70
Eye mus resit temptaaaatiscon 2 fyyd trolls :wink:
17 Sep 17 #72
Jeezzzzzus....... Give it a rest FFS! Your off topic again! This deal is for McDonald's! Not dictionaries or grammar etc!
28 Sep 17 #74
Cheers OP. Got the filet-ofish and fries for £1.99 earlier. They didn’t even bother to ask for the receipt, as they were so busy.
29 Sep 17 #75
Successful yesterday, however young server came over to table and demanded the voucher. I said ooh i must have thrown it in the bin and she walked away with tray to come back and say do you want to speak to my manager. called her bluff and said yes. 5 min later came back and said you can have it this time. I did forget to write on the receipt to be fair but was committed by that time to bluff it.
JickyKlondike to Mulva42
2 Oct 17 #76
Good man, stuck to yer guns. Remember biro next time hahaha :face_with_monocle:‌ :joy:
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