Gt sport and controller for £69.99 @ Grainger games
7y 26d#20
Wait... so there is no GT mode? Buy a shoddy first car, do a few Sunday Cups to get my money up and then progress until the big boy races?
If not then I will NOT be buying this. If I wanted to play Forza I would... But GT has always been a better game in my opiion.
7y 26d#15
Have the vacuum cleaner sound engines been fixed yet?
7y 26d#10
Released: 18/10/2017 + Grainger Games + Crap Customer Service = Good luck
7y 26d#9
Ordered 1, don't know why really. I've got 4 controllers already & not really into racing sims
shasnir to candyman86
7y 26d#11
This is no sim, it has no single player mode beyond a few mini games (tutorials), No day night cycle, no dynamic weather, cars down to 170 etc.
alizi1 to shasnir
7y 26d#12
You are clearly a troll...I posted the ShopTo deal a few days ago, and you couldn't help yourself making the exact same negative comments there.
This game has become e-sports focused. If you want something else, then look elsewhere.
If you're not interested in buying the game, why bother clicking on the deal??? :thinking:
FloatingWilson to alizi1
7y 26d#13
With due respect, he has only stated his feelings about the
games lack of content. I found such opinions really helpful with with my
buying decision in the
last GT Sport thread, so others may find this information helpful on
this thread too. Knowledge shared regarding items we are purchasing is a
good thing, it's our community helping each other. It's hardly
alizi1 to FloatingWilson
7y 26d#14
I agree, but the tone of the comment made is extremely is more likely going to push someone away from buying it.
Surely if he/she was truly trying to help someone make an informed decision, you would also state the positive points...would you not?
All I'm saying is that he/she made the exact same comment, it's like it was a copy and paste...all to put people off, rather than help.
RedRain to alizi1
7y 26d#16
They have helped get off the high horse people can leave thier views all they want and they are right the game is lacking content and the poster has just saved me wasting money on this
MrCollective to RedRain
7y 26d#17
Who has helped who get off the high horse ? :thinking:
This is a racing game, the only horse's around here are in the engine.
Punctuation is your friend.
superpanda to MrCollective
7y 26d#18
It is obviously not your friend because you don't need that apostrophe in 'horses'.
MrCollective to superpanda
7y 26d#21
Well spotted. Very glad you took your time to correct me on this. Good lad
TacticalTimbo to alizi1
7y 26d#19
You are being ridiculous, why are you trying to tone police people's opinion on a product, perhaps he sees no positive points, why must every commenters opinion range neutral to positive?
simonbrown to alizi1
7y 26d#22
I found it useful to know this isn't a full Gran Turismo game.
7y 26d#5
Does anyone know if they take money on dispatch or straight away?
BuzzDuraband to derbree
7y 26d#6
"Payment on all items (including pre-orders) is taken upon the order being placed, not on dispatch."
Heat added. Awesome find. Thanks for sharing
mixmixi to BuzzDuraband
7y 26d#8
Shopto is going to get a lot of cancellations today. :ninja:
Marky264 to derbree
7y 26d#7
Cheaper again! Excellent price.
This is what I'd like to know before Cancelling with Shopto
7y 26d#4
Oh man. Just bought a new controller, would have got this if I'd seen it.
7y 26d#3
This price is pretty crazy right? The game and controller on their own are normally £45 each?
7y 26d#1
Is this just a regular controller or anything different
Opening post
If not then I will NOT be buying this. If I wanted to play Forza I would... But GT has always been a better game in my opiion.
This game has become e-sports focused. If you want something else, then look elsewhere.
If you're not interested in buying the game, why bother clicking on the deal??? :thinking:
Surely if he/she was truly trying to help someone make an informed decision, you would also state the positive points...would you not?
All I'm saying is that he/she made the exact same comment, it's like it was a copy and paste...all to put people off, rather than help.
This is a racing game, the only horse's around here are in the engine.
Punctuation is your friend.
Heat added. Awesome find. Thanks for sharing
This is what I'd like to know before Cancelling with Shopto