Just a heads up Rise of The Tomb Raider won't have the DLC as it's not on disc, shame as I've been looking for this game around that price but I'd rather get it new with the DLC.
mixmixi to WeskerLives
7y 26d#6
Just a heads it will have the DLC as Boomerang sends disc with all DLCs unused.
Gedfaz to mixmixi
7y 26d#8
Yup... Boomerang are great... anyDLC or anything else that comes with a new copy will be included... Had some fabulous deals off them. Great customer service too. As good as buying new. Heat added. Thanks very much
WeskerLives to mixmixi
7y 26d#10
Really, awesome thanks for the heads up
7y 26d#5
Just so I'm clear, "buy ex-rental" means it's not actually new but close to it?
mixmixi to oyeking
7y 26d#7
Boomerang sends discs out only. Discs are not being kept for long time too. What you get is in mint condition with all DLCs etc. It is just unsealed.
oyeking to mixmixi
7y 26d#9
Perfect. Thanks for the info.
how2 to mixmixi
7y 26d#16
Do the send you the CASE and Cover art work.
mixmixi to how2
7y 26d#17
They send you everything. All “As-New”.
7y 26d#11
Always seeing deals for games from Boomerang and they are good prices but why don't people subscribe? A genuine question not trying to bash this deal or anyone who isn't subscribed
I'm a subscriber myself and I pay £98 a year for as many games as I want but only 1 at a time , saves me an absolute fortune considering a new release will cost me £40+ so it pays for itself and change after 3 new games. Plus if I don't like the game I can always just send it back next day and have another with me 2 days later.
copperspock to clonereeco
7y 26d#12
I didn't even know they had a rental service (shock). That's a very decent price for 3+ month old games. I'd probably go for the £4 a month option, but my backlog will keep me busy for the foreseeable.
how2 to clonereeco
7y 26d#15
We're RICH we buy the poor rent
clonereeco to how2
7y 26d#18
Or just horders
how2 to clonereeco
7y 26d#20
You got me
clonereeco to how2
7y 26d#21
I wish I was more of a horder ...or richer , I only own 3 physical games ( GTA V, Titanfall 2 & No man's sky) and a handful of digital games , hoping to extend the collection with battlefront 2 and Spiderman and red dead redemption 2 next year
akuakuu to clonereeco
7y 26d#19
1. I like taking my times and enjoying the games 2. I want to own them and can play it again whenever I want and also support the devs since renting it none of the money goes to the game Devs only 100% of the revenue goes to the renting service
clonereeco to akuakuu
7y 26d#14
I know what you mean but you can always play at your own pace as you are pretty much guaranteed to save money as long as you play a decent amount of games. Some games I'll play for a day and return because I didn't like them but wanted to give them a go , that right there saves me money straight away and I don't have to go through the hassle of having to sell to try and make some money back. Some games I'll play for a week like I just did with Uncharted Lost Legacy, completed the single player and sent back , absolutely loved it but didn't bother with the multiplayer and some games I'll keep for a month and put a good chunk of time in to , if it's a game I know I'm going to play multiplayer for a while I'll purchase it , e,g Titanfall 2 & battlefield 1 which are a few of the games I actually own.
I understand the wanting to play them again too as I find myself in that situation sometimes , can always rent them again but that's obviously more hassle.
As far as I'm aware the Devs do get money as Boomerang has to purchase the games to rent out and I know that some of the games they have 500+ copies of , they probably do get discount though
akuakuu to clonereeco
7y 25d#22
Let's say Boomerang bought one copy and rented that same one copy to 100+ people alone that's a lot of lost potential sales that the game could have sold and benefitted the Devs
Also as for taking time with the games you still have to finish it within a certain time, I don't like being pressured I want to take my own time and play whenever I feel like it, sometimes a short game I might play a few hours one day, then play that again a few weeks later then drop and plays again whenever I feel like playing that game and I don't do finish one game at a time I play multiple different games at one time
clonereeco to akuakuu
7y 25d#23
Completely understand and agree with what you are saying , very valid points.
I do think that some rentals wouldn't have been a missed sale as for me some games I would have never even bothered to play regardless of price , but renting them I don't feel at a loss , if you know what I mean.
If you're the type of gamer that likes to play multiple games at once then I understand how you wouldn't benefit as much from renting , I personally like to play one game at a time so I can give it my full attention and hopefully be drawn to the story.
Now I see it's only me and my type of gamer than really benefits from renting through services like Boomerang :ninja:
7y 26d#13
I think wd2 has sold, thanks for that heads up though
Opening post
I'm a subscriber myself and I pay £98 a year for as many games as I want but only 1 at a time , saves me an absolute fortune considering a new release will cost me £40+ so it pays for itself and change after 3 new games. Plus if I don't like the game I can always just send it back next day and have another with me 2 days later.
2. I want to own them and can play it again whenever I want and also support the devs since renting it none of the money goes to the game Devs only 100% of the revenue goes to the renting service
I understand the wanting to play them again too as I find myself in that situation sometimes , can always rent them again but that's obviously more hassle.
As far as I'm aware the Devs do get money as Boomerang has to purchase the games to rent out and I know that some of the games they have 500+ copies of , they probably do get discount though
Also as for taking time with the games you still have to finish it within a certain time, I don't like being pressured I want to take my own time and play whenever I feel like it, sometimes a short game I might play a few hours one day, then play that again a few weeks later then drop and plays again whenever I feel like playing that game and I don't do finish one game at a time I play multiple different games at one time
I do think that some rentals wouldn't have been a missed sale as for me some games I would have never even bothered to play regardless of price , but renting them I don't feel at a loss , if you know what I mean.
If you're the type of gamer that likes to play multiple games at once then I understand how you wouldn't benefit as much from renting , I personally like to play one game at a time so I can give it my full attention and hopefully be drawn to the story.
Now I see it's only me and my type of gamer than really benefits from renting through services like Boomerang :ninja: