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16 Sep 17
Glacier White PS4 Pro Destiny 2 Game and Expansion Pass Bundle
+ Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
+ NOW TV 2 Months Entertainment Pass


@ Game

Latest comments (40)
19 Sep 17 #38
Umm where’s the expansion pass, I don’t see it mentioned on the packaging anywhere, and I don’t want to open Destiny, as I may well sell it?
Futurefreak to TacticalTimbo
21 Sep 17 #40
Seems it should be separate in the main box. They missed mine and I cant get in touch with them
16 Sep 17 #19
Careful about buying it online, the morons didn't put the expansion pass in the box! Live chat, phone chat and their Twitter just do not respond.
rafalution2 to Exu
16 Sep 17 #21
It should be inside the game case. They haven't given me my now tv code still.
BeneCog to rafalution2
16 Sep 17 #24
Hi Rafa,

You should have received an email from 'MyDownloads' or '[email protected]' that has your NowTV activation code inside.


Exu to rafalution2
17 Sep 17 #31
Was it in yours? I haven't opened it yet because i intend to sell the game on but the game case and console box don't mention the expansion pass in the contents at all.

So I looked up a British unboxing video to check, it's meant to come in a little box separate from the console package. Finally got through to Game support and they said they'd send one out.
Futurefreak to Exu
21 Sep 17 #39
How did you get through to them? Mine is missing too. Been trying live chat, Twitter, and phone since bloody Tuesday now and can’t get through
16 Sep 17 #20
Do we really expect a price reduction in ps4 pro when Xbox X is launched. I mean ps4 pro is already much cheaper than Xbox X so will they really reduce the price. I really want to jump on this but want to know honest opinions about this?
BeneCog to killstreak
16 Sep 17 #22
I can't see the price getting much better than this, barring some Black Friday/Cyber Monday madness. You're getting 2 games + 2 Destiny 2 expansion passes + 2 months NowTV Entertainment package for £10.00 more than the standard PS4 Pro price.
Chasloyal to killstreak
18 Sep 17 #37
Yeah the Pro is that fair bit cheaper but it's a year older too, pre orders of the X have been far stronger than anyone anticipated and that definitely includes Sony so it's as good as nailed on they will react accordingly.

There's quite a few rumours on various gaming commentators' channels I've seen on YouTube saying MS will bundle a code for Forza 7 on the Freddie Freeman's and some indie title too for all day one/early X adopters which if true makes buying the machine that wee bit more attractive and thus encourage those sat on the fence which equates to more sales.

Any surge in Xbone sales which if X pre order numbers are to be taken on face value is definitely going to happen will trigger a Sony response. Both the Pro and Slim will get a price drop before Christmas to take the wind out of the MS sails, Sony would be 'ball watching' not to do something.

If you want to save a few quid be patient for a bit longer but if you're not patient go for it :grin:
18 Sep 17 #36
Man I saw this last night while scanning the deals on hukd, so much heat would've been mine, but alas I'm just too lazy :joy:
17 Sep 17 #35
I went in today to see if this worked in store and it did.. without issue :smile: I reserved one but didn't collect as I got lost looking at the plethora of 4k TV sets to choose from! :s
17 Sep 17 #32
Anyone know if this is available in store?
Futurefreak to ze1ceman
17 Sep 17 #33
Doubtful as it doesn't seem to show up on their website except via the link here....
BeneCog to ze1ceman
17 Sep 17 #34
No, it isn't available in-store, based on my experience. My local GAME only had the Glacier White PS4 Pro Destiny 2 and Expansion Pass Bundle for £349.99 without the additional Uncharted game and NOWTV pass.
17 Sep 17 #27
Is it worth getting this bundle on a 1080p tv
BeneCog to 123KS
17 Sep 17 #28
Hi @123KS

Personally, I bought it to go with my 1080p Sony TV.

The prevailing wisdom amongst the reviewers seems to be:

Buy it if you don't have a PS4 yet, as you'll be future-proofed, should you upgrade to a 4K, HDR TV.
Don't buy it if you already have a PS4, as the benefits are not *cough* game-changing.

Hope that helps!
123KS to BeneCog
17 Sep 17 #30
Thanks, I do hv a PS4 already.
17 Sep 17 #29
looks like its online only otherwise id go to store and get it
16 Sep 17 #25
im very gutted i ordered this yesterday as i wanted the pro, and they didnt have this deal on at the time i ordered it so ive missed out on a free game :disappointed:
Bergy10 to Antonyb91
17 Sep 17 #26
Then either cancel the order or refuse delivery if it hasn't arrived yet. If you already bought it then just return it. If it's open (I don't know their returns policy with regards to opened items) then just buy this on top and when it arrives just return the first order using the unopened box. Easy
16 Sep 17 #23
Good luck getting Destiny working on this console. Got one myself and had to get rid of Destiny
16 Sep 17 #4
Posted already
BeneCog to moshixmoshi
16 Sep 17 #18

This is a valid post, as that deal expired at the end of National Video Games day and customers weren't able to add the offer to their basket. They are now able to add this to their basket.

Voted hot like fire!
16 Sep 17 #9
My local argos has these up for £89. Someone tip ex out the 3 at the front, but I'm sure i heard it's a legal contract they must honour.
Mathaeus to DudleyGuy
16 Sep 17 #17
Really? I'll take tip ex with next time I go shopping then.. everything will be 99p :smile:
16 Sep 17 #16
THIs was just a deal for National Video Games Day, expired on 12/9/17
16 Sep 17 #15
Fifa and cod bundles coming up before Christmas, not much else to say.
16 Sep 17 #14
Anyone know a good ps plus deal ?
16 Sep 17 #11
These 1TB or 500GB?₩
Rhythmm to Nufcno9
16 Sep 17 #12
Nufcno9 to Rhythmm
16 Sep 17 #13
2 brand new games and latest model for £350 heat from me
16 Sep 17 #10
This was posted the other day as has already been mentioned a couple of times but still a blinding deal.

Much scope to get a good 70 quid back too by selling the games on if you don't fancy them, but I disagree with this being as good as it gets before Christmas because I'm convinced the Xbone X launch will trigger Sony to drop the Pro by a bit, most likely around Black Friday.

To be honest though if this was grey or silver I'd have snapped it up the other month when it first appeared minus the Uncharted 'standalone' DLC and Now TV but it's not so not for me.
16 Sep 17 #3
I doubt it would get any better than this for a long time, Christmas is around the corner so expect higher prices. I don't play games anymore but I want to play re7 with psvr one last time. Worth buying or not that is the question.
Just.Wondering to MR1123
16 Sep 17 #8

Agreed, I'm very tempted with a Pro, but only at the right price, as i have a nice gaming PC, looking forward to the price war.
16 Sep 17 #7
Good deal so heat, but unless you are really desperate I'd wait for PS5 or see how's Xbox X turns out
16 Sep 17 #6
Already posted
16 Sep 17 #5
Xbox X releases in November, which means the much speculated PS4 Pro price reduction will happen at or just before Christmas.
Any PS4 Pro purchase I would recommend waiting until you see Sony's re$pon$e to the Microsoft launch.
16 Sep 17 #1
Hmmm is the Destiny 2 expansion pass code, like a season pass for future story dlc?
bryngreen to Just.Wondering
16 Sep 17 #2
Exactly that, I believe it's 2 upcoming dlcs
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