Fishing Planet® is a unique and highly realistic online first-person multiplayer fishing simulator. The combination of unique graphics, realistic game physics and, most importantly, fish with artificial intelligence for completely lifelike behavior make this a true-to-life fishing simulator that can help you improve your actual angling skills!
Key features: * 72+ species of fish, each with its unique behavior and AI * 12 scenic waterways with multiple locations, various climatic conditions * Thousands of tackle combinations with unique physical and hydrodynamic properties, realistic tackle behavior and damage based on actual simulation physics * Superb dynamic water graphics with ripples and surface that changes depending on wind, current and depth * Weather – day/night alternation, change of seasons, different weather conditions * Multiplayer capacity – online Tournaments and Competitions with personal and team scores, system of achievements, leader boards and top-player lists
In-game purchases optional
1 player Network Players 2-64 12GB minimum save size DUALSHOCK®4 Vibration Function HD Video Output 720p,1080i,1080p
Latest comments (61)
19 Sep 17#61
It'll be a small mackerel if this is any good.
19 Sep 17#60
I've watched the trailer and I'm hook line and sinker for this but I'll need to try not to play this to much or it will cause CARPal Tunnel syndrome. Boooooooo!
19 Sep 17#59
I'll have to tuna in for some more of these brill deals.. :ninja:
19 Sep 17#58
Stop trying to lure me in
19 Sep 17#57
This game is off the hook!
19 Sep 17#56
Can someone let me know if this is any good or not please. The tench-ion is killing me!
19 Sep 17#55
Sounds Brill
18 Sep 17#54
Haven't had the tackle out since we got married
18 Sep 17#53
Hmmmm not sure if I should download this or watch last nights Catch of the day?
18 Sep 17#52
Not really sure how to eel about this one.
18 Sep 17#51
I suppose we should put every other F2P game on here. Cold.
18 Sep 17#50
This looks pretty good to me.........Fish
18 Sep 17#47
looks a bit carp to me.
horsepills to sunnyhot
18 Sep 17#49
Why is everyone repeating the same fish puns? I've haddock with these people
18 Sep 17#48
Gameplay is horrendous, the menu system is made overly difficult. Heat given though as it was free and I had a go
18 Sep 17#46
18 Sep 17#45
Hilarious stuff
18 Sep 17#44
18 Sep 17#43
Time and a plaice for this deal.
18 Sep 17#42
Is this the game the SNP use to pick a leader......Sturgeon v Salmon(d)
18 Sep 17#41
I'm going to have to mullet over. Bored of Cod so this just might reel me in.
Looks a good catch being free, 12 giga-bites makes me feel tench looking at the scale of the game!
One sec there's a knock at the door......
.....its ok was only a dorsals-person. Seemed bubbly, but was talking pollocks.
Anyways let's dive back in. Was bit easy, my little gill completed it in just a few hours. Though She was under a bit of pier pressure as we were all watchin sat in a roe, perched on the edge of the sofa. I took the op-perch-tuna-ty to smoke a reef.
It made the bass sound much better. Anyways have to go, my angel will be lake for school before the ofishals batter me, also being a sole trader I need to get back too.
Lastly brill pun intended! :astonished:
I reeled this game in over two weeks ago when they loaded up the lake, caught a trophy.
Most will be time cosuming like all F2P games and if you going to put real money into it you might as well just go fishing.
I bet you all thought there would be anoth pun in this post, grow
I'm going back in the lake now. BOOM
18 Sep 17#37
Knowing which bait to use is about half the challenge, luckily I consider myself to be a master ...
18 Sep 17#36
These fish puns are a load of carp IMO.
18 Sep 17#23
"12GB minimum save size" - BLIMEY!
Master_Yoda to uk786
18 Sep 17#35
Maybe the business model is to take 12GB of everyone's PS4 hard drives and then secretly sell the space as online cloud data storage or something lol. They're luring us all in and everyone is taking the bait.
18 Sep 17#34
Too many fish puns, I need to get out of this plaice
18 Sep 17#33
I used to love Action Bass on the ps1 so I'll give this a go :smile:
18 Sep 17#32
F2P games come with microtransactions. You don't want to open up that can of worms.
18 Sep 17#31
God, all these fish puns are making me feel really eel.
18 Sep 17#30
It's free, so I'm downloading just for the halibut
18 Sep 17#29
Phishing for jokes in a virtual sea
18 Sep 17#28
Anyone know if i should complete SEGA Bass Fishing before playing this?
Had a go at this but didn't really HOOK me, so deleted.
18 Sep 17#24
Cod be tempted to give this a go
18 Sep 17#22
joined PSN Solely for this
18 Sep 17#21
Thanks for this!
Just started getting my kids into Fishing and now we can do it in the warm and dry of our games room rather than freezing our plums off in the cold and wet English weather.
18 Sep 17#20
I may get this... I'm going to mullet over first...
18 Sep 17#19
The price of the DLC is rifishulous!
18 Sep 17#18
Oh pollocks, Dont let this one get away.
18 Sep 17#17
Fish puns? This ain’t the PLAICE for that
18 Sep 17#15
Is this for reel?
18 Sep 17#14
Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish using a free simulator and You get to offload the problem and keep the fish for yourself. #WINWIN (Ancient Chinese Proverb)
18 Sep 17#13
Give it ago, you might pike it.
18 Sep 17#12
Batter than playing CoD.
18 Sep 17#11
If this is free to play the post is a red herring
18 Sep 17#9
If anyone posts a decent pun please let minnow.
Dyslexic_Dog to mehmeh
18 Sep 17#10
Ok, but I've not seen one yet. :grin:
18 Sep 17#8
Ok, I've taken the bait and given it a try, I think it's very reelistic and I may actually be hooked now!
18 Sep 17#7
If this is free to play then it's not really a deal.
18 Sep 17#6
Played this a week or two ago. Deleted it after 10 or 15 minutes
18 Sep 17#5
Sounds like a load of codswallop.
18 Sep 17#4
Not sure whether to bite on this one
Could be click bait
18 Sep 17#2
I'm not too sure to give this a Try or Not... Sounds a bit Fishy to me!
Opening post
Key features:
* 72+ species of fish, each with its unique behavior and AI
* 12 scenic waterways with multiple locations, various climatic conditions
* Thousands of tackle combinations with unique physical and hydrodynamic properties, realistic tackle behavior and damage based on actual simulation physics
* Superb dynamic water graphics with ripples and surface that changes depending on wind, current and depth
* Weather – day/night alternation, change of seasons, different weather conditions
* Multiplayer capacity – online Tournaments and Competitions with personal and team scores, system of achievements, leader boards and top-player lists
In-game purchases optional
1 player
Network Players 2-64
12GB minimum save size
DUALSHOCK®4 Vibration Function
HD Video Output 720p,1080i,1080p
Latest comments (61)
Most will be time cosuming like all F2P games and if you going to put real money into it you might as well just go fishing.
I bet you all thought there would be anoth pun in this post, grow
I'm going back in the lake now. BOOM
Yeh good luck
Just started getting my kids into Fishing and now we can do it in the warm and dry of our games room rather than freezing our plums off in the cold and wet English weather.
Could be click bait