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 FIFA 18 PC - £35.14 (£36.99 BEFORE FB Discount) @ CDKeys
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FIFA 18 PC - £35.14 (£36.99 BEFORE FB Discount) @ CDKeys

£36.99 CDKeys27 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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27 Sep 17
Been looking at Fifa for PC ready for a boys gaming session this weekend and CDKeys appears to have the cheapest so far. You NEED to log into the CDKeys account and get the FB Code from here:…96/
27 Sep 17 #1
Still waiting for a decent console edition price.
My son is going crazy because I haven't ordered one yet...
darthvader666uk to ForestGrump
27 Sep 17 #2
I thought PC version was expensive but console version are insanely priced! I think they know people will pay it :?
RunningSquid to darthvader666uk
27 Sep 17 #4
Yeah man. Year after year they get more expensive and only a little bit changes. Vote with your wallet.
tsimehC to RunningSquid
27 Sep 17 #5
Changes this year are quite significant enough for me to purchase it (skipped FIFA 17). Got digital for ~£53 (two PS4s) so good enough for me. A handful of people boycotting the game will do no damage to the sales - FIFA 17 was truly awful but it sold the most ever for a sports title.

I know I'll get my money's worth just through gaming nights on local multiplayer.

I know the feeling! I just got digital in the end otherwise would've gone for the £220 GAME bundle and flogged off everything minus FIFA 18.
darthvader666uk to tsimehC
27 Sep 17 #6
Buying a PS4 and selling it all off except the game works out cheaper than just buying it outright? Its almost like buying a Razor as its generally cheaper to buy the razor again instead of individual blades :thinking:

thats all sorts of madness
sanandreasgangstar to ForestGrump
27 Sep 17 #3
hang in there until Friday as there might be some in-store offers. Not worth paying an extra £20-30 to get the game early.
27 Sep 17 #7
Not a bad price considering the cost of the console versions.

TBH if your a football fan I would give PES a go this year, its £20 atm through CDKEYS (see the other offer on here) and plays a hell of a lot better and can be readily patched to have all licences (check out…po/ for starters - you download the option file and save it to a specified path and that's it.). The PC port of FIFA this year seems glitchy as hell for me if the demo is anything to go by so I'm not confident.

I'm not a PES fanboy or anything and will be buying FIFA on the PS4 because that's what all my mates play, but going back to FIFA after playing PES this year is not very pleasant. FIFA is an OK game in its own right but feels very arcadey in comparison.


Decent deal OP :smile:
tsimehC to ripkord
27 Sep 17 #8
Funny you say that. I was a PES player from PS1 to PS3 and always wanted an arcadey-feel to the game and now FIFA has become that, it's suddenly a bad thing.

I tried PES 2017 last year and it didn't feel right at all. Players float around and the servers were pretty terrible at match-making. MyClub just feels like Konami trying to play catch up with EA rather than do their own thing.

Heard PES 2018 fixed these things though but I'll wait a bit to see how things shape up with the servers. Never forget the "establishing communications" fiasco.

It's a standard thing to do it with bundles. Plenty of users do it here, I'm pretty sure of that. Just take a look at the threads and see how many discuss trade-in values and where to sell the console or game.
28 Sep 17 #9
Disgustingly cold on PC
darthvader666uk to LJames96
28 Sep 17 #10
I know it will come down I expect in a few weeks and PC games are getting a little more expsensive these days :thinking:
LJames96 to darthvader666uk
28 Sep 17 #16
Yeah that's true mate. FIFA on PC is awful unless you only play offline. Too many issues that they seem to ignore such as Alt-Tabbing out of the game gives you an automatic loss for example
darthvader666uk to LJames96
29 Sep 17 #17
Oh wow when did this happen with alt-tabbing? I use to do it in FIFA 17 albeit a little stuttery :thinking:
LJames96 to darthvader666uk
29 Sep 17 #18
Online I should mention, even things such as a notification can do it too. If anything interrupted the game, it would cause a loss.

And that was meant to be their way of preventing cheating on PC...
darthvader666uk to LJames96
29 Sep 17 #19
oh wow, thats just rubbish. I mean, couldnt they use Battlefield's punkbuster?
LJames96 to darthvader666uk
29 Sep 17 #20
Doesn't make as much £££ as console versions so they don't care
28 Sep 17 #11
Cheaper through a korean vpn via origin, just wished they'd allow gifting via the korean store, get someone with origin access's 10% off to gift it you to, bringing it down to that magical 30 :disappointed:
28 Sep 17 #12
Or go through scdkey for it at 36.16 and go through quidco for 8% cashback bringing it down to 33.75, that's relying on quidco but don't see a issue coming up

OP i'm not discrediting your deal but it was 35.99 a few days earlier, just giving people the info if they want it slightly cheaper.
darthvader666uk to ando
28 Sep 17 #13
All Good, this is a deal site :smile:

Though I have honestly never heard of scdkey before. CDKeys can also do Quidco too..Assuming it works :smile:
ando to darthvader666uk
28 Sep 17 #14
only 29p cashback with quidco though for cdkeys, scdkey are pretty well known…com
darthvader666uk to ando
28 Sep 17 #15
This is true ha!

Hoesntly never heard of scdkey, Will have to check them out! I usually do the CDKeys, GmG, G2A (though they recently been having issues). Then down to Games Planet, HRK and All Key Shop :smile:
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