2 adults 2 kids february 11th to February 15th (2018) half term break. I've booked this for us and it's approx £500 each staying at 5 star Intercontinental Times Square. Flight times adjusted slightly to give morning flight going out and overnight coming back. Yes it will be cold, but a great price to takes the kids away... ba.com sale ENDs 26th at midnight I believe...loads of different hotels around same price
Latest comments (22)
27 Sep 17#22
Had a look on there earlier, and some of the prices don't appear to have shot up massively on Hotel + Flight packages.... only £100 - 300 ish dependant on flights/hotels.
Obviously not as cheap as they were, but perhaps still a decent price for some.
26 Sep 17#21
Only 40 mins left before this expires at midnight.
25 Sep 17#20
Booked ! Cheers Op !
Not for the dates above though.....doesn't appear to matter what dates you book ....it's still discounted !
I booked later this year.
25 Sep 17#19
See you at the intercontinental!
25 Sep 17#18
Probably gonna book this today/tomorrow before the offer ends. As mentioned above, Expedia require the full cost payable at booking, whereas BA can be secured with £300 deposit.
Got it to an average of £2200 with selecting flights to Newark with decent enough times (we have to change at Heathrow each way), and adding in a return transfer service to/from the airport to Manhatten.
Just got to decide on the hotel now, but looking like it will be the RIU Plaza or Intercontinental, both near Times Sq.
Wife has been on for ages about going to NYC, and son is also excited at prospect of doing some shopping.
I understand it will be cold in February, but it'll make a change to experience a bit of winter for once, as we dont really get them in the UK anymore!!
Well, thats it booked!!! :grin:
Staying at the Intercontinental Times Sq, flying to/from JFK airport. Price cam in a shade over £2100 for the 3 of us, which isn't too bad.
Missus is mega excited now (brownie points), and son is already planning which shops he wants to go to!! :grin:
25 Sep 17#17
Don’t forget Quidco guys, tracks around 31
25 Sep 17#16
Thanks OP....I have been looking for NY holiday for long time. Know it will be cold in Feb but can’t complain on this price
24 Sep 17#5
can we go and leave kids behind?
intime to steve10574
24 Sep 17#6
My nanny charges £20 a night, she's all yours
steve10574 to intime
24 Sep 17#15
what about the day lol
24 Sep 17#14
Also had to pay full on Expedia. Secured for £300 on ba.com.
24 Sep 17#13
I found it on Expedia but the flight times were rubbish. After adjusting times it came out at £2k for us 4.
ive been a few times and wouldn't worry which airport you fly into, all are easy enough to get to manhattan.
this is the first time we are taking kids (a surprise) and I'm sure they'll love it.
24 Sep 17#12
We are seriously considering this, as the missus has been on about visiting NYC for ages.
Prices for us are coming at around £650pp flying from Newcastle, with a change over at Heathrow.
Total prices roughly £2000 for the 3 of us (incl our 14 year old), and we have been looking at flying to Newark, as that looks easier quicker to get to Manhatten than JFK airport.
Also, Expedia prices (Flight & Hotel) coming in at a a similar rate for us as this deal, at the moment.
24 Sep 17#11
State island ferry - you walked from Times Square! Think I'll stick with subway...
24 Sep 17#10
Did the same trip (slightly different dates) two years ago. Wasn't insanely cold at all; probably about the same as the UK. Hotel is good and in a convenient location. Subway very near.
We had children of 22 months and 6 months old with us and getting around by subway is a chore, as disabled access is minimal and the lifts stink of píss, so we only used it when raining. A lot of stuff is pretty walkable - Staten Island ferry doesn't take long, for example.
24 Sep 17#9
Ahhhhh got it!
24 Sep 17#8
Still same price for me. Book flight and hotel together for savings.
24 Sep 17#7
Gone up now! Well the price I get for the return journey hugggeeeeee
23 Sep 17#4
ACE deal. V v tempted myself, but saving for house move.
23 Sep 17#3
Insanely cold in Feb
Hot deal
23 Sep 17#2
We stayed at the intercontinental in Sep 2016, nice hotel, good location, and BA upgraded our flight to economy plus on the way over. My NY survival tips, skecher go walks, 3 SIM (30 day one) and remember to get your 10% UK tourist discount at Bloomingdales and Macy's (show passport at customer service).
23 Sep 17#1
I did New York a few years ago in Feb half term and it was lovely seeing Central Park under snow. Paid a very similar price.
Opening post
Latest comments (22)
Obviously not as cheap as they were, but perhaps still a decent price for some.
Not for the dates above though.....doesn't appear to matter what dates you book ....it's still discounted !
I booked later this year.
Got it to an average of £2200 with selecting flights to Newark with decent enough times (we have to change at Heathrow each way), and adding in a return transfer service to/from the airport to Manhatten.
Just got to decide on the hotel now, but looking like it will be the RIU Plaza or Intercontinental, both near Times Sq.
Wife has been on for ages about going to NYC, and son is also excited at prospect of doing some shopping.
I understand it will be cold in February, but it'll make a change to experience a bit of winter for once, as we dont really get them in the UK anymore!!
Well, thats it booked!!! :grin:
Staying at the Intercontinental Times Sq, flying to/from JFK airport. Price cam in a shade over £2100 for the 3 of us, which isn't too bad.
Missus is mega excited now (brownie points), and son is already planning which shops he wants to go to!! :grin:
ive been a few times and wouldn't worry which airport you fly into, all are easy enough to get to manhattan.
this is the first time we are taking kids (a surprise) and I'm sure they'll love it.
Prices for us are coming at around £650pp flying from Newcastle, with a change over at Heathrow.
Total prices roughly £2000 for the 3 of us (incl our 14 year old), and we have been looking at flying to Newark, as that looks easier quicker to get to Manhatten than JFK airport.
Also, Expedia prices (Flight & Hotel) coming in at a a similar rate for us as this deal, at the moment.
We had children of 22 months and 6 months old with us and getting around by subway is a chore, as disabled access is minimal and the lifts stink of píss, so we only used it when raining. A lot of stuff is pretty walkable - Staten Island ferry doesn't take long, for example.
Hot deal
My NY survival tips, skecher go walks, 3 SIM (30 day one) and remember to get your 10% UK tourist discount at Bloomingdales and Macy's (show passport at customer service).