This app will be useful for all adults and kids who study English, regardless of initial level of knowledge. If you know the language well, this app can become an exciting quiz, where you can check your level of knowledge on English words. If you have just started learning English, this app can become a great help to broaden your vocabulary, while audio and visual facilities can stimulate effective learning of the new material.
All comments (29)
7 Sep 17#1
Is'nt that a brittish flag of union, English for all.
Pootled to liston2
7 Sep 17#16
Would have thought it would be the English flag. One comment says it is in American English. Maybe because Americans use British instead of English.
7 Sep 17#2
Shurrup yous guys, I loves engerland
7 Sep 17#3
Is it for android only? Can't see the option to download it to my iPad. :
7 Sep 17#4
Sadly not on App Store.
7 Sep 17#5
This may be good: many British people struggle with the English language!
7 Sep 17#6
A great app to help those in the EU apply for their visas in two years.
I see your point: spelling and punctuation are not Dunny's virtues.
7 Sep 17#9
One of the review says its an American English not British
veedubjai to mikefrom82
7 Sep 17#17
7 Sep 17#10
True though
7 Sep 17#11
It's probably the least spoken language these days anyway! Roll on retirement to Gibraltar!
J_Staunton to tony211166
7 Sep 17#13
Shut up, Tony.
Oneday77 to tony211166
7 Sep 17#18
How's your Spanish?
tony211166 to Oneday77
7 Sep 17#24
Great actually
Oneday77 to tony211166
7 Sep 17#25
That'll be handy.
sola35 to Oneday77
7 Sep 17#26
what would you need Spanish for ? do you know what Gibraltar is ?
Oneday77 to sola35
7 Sep 17#27
Yes do you? I've been, know where it is and who is interested in it too. Any more questions?
sola35 to Oneday77
7 Sep 17#28
like i said why do you need to speak spanish ? and yes i live in spain most of the year thats where you to speak Spanish not gib
Oneday77 to sola35
7 Sep 17#29
7 Sep 17#12
Such w horrible rancid flag... boke!
othen to proud_pirate
7 Sep 17#14
You will have to give us a clue as to what you meant with that sentence. Was it a joke (in which case I didn't understand it) or were you genuinely struggling with writing in English (in which case I still didn't understand it)?
7 Sep 17#19
Fixed: Welcome to Wales :relaxed: Clowns to the left, jokers to the right.. Stuck in the middle with you. :blush:
7 Sep 17#21
Apparently the only app officially endorsed by the US Administration.
Opening post
If you know the language well, this app can become an exciting quiz, where you can check your level of knowledge on English words.
If you have just started learning English, this app can become a great help to broaden your vocabulary, while audio and visual facilities can stimulate effective learning of the new material.
All comments (29)
One comment says it is in American English. Maybe because Americans use British instead of English.
Roll on retirement to Gibraltar!
I've been, know where it is and who is interested in it too. Any more questions?