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4 Sep 17
EDIT 6/9/17 - Now 10% cheaper with code FLOOR10 (takes 10% off ALL Floor Care) makes it now just £116.10
I have quite a few dogs including some very large hairy ones & my faithful Dyson is struggling a little at times, a friend who has the same breed of dogs that I do recommended the Miele Complete C2 Cat And Dog PowerLine, she says it does a fab job & she has a few more than me too. So was having a scout around over the weekend & found it at AO for £249, I popped it into my basket but then found it cheaper at £229 from Argos, so reserved one, but this morning I noticed that the price had dropped in my basket at AO to just £129, so have grabbed one with FREE Delivery from there instead.
It has excellent reviews across the net too & is still £229 at Argos & Curry's PLUS if the price drops anywhere else to below AO's price, it seems they price match.

I think they must be having a floor cleaning event because there are a few others that seemed to have dropped in price today too - I genuinely never realised that they price matched, I've ordered a few things from them & despite living quite rurally they've always delivered on time & offered great CS before & after (drivers were cheerful too, which is always a bonus) - will pop a few more links below

Hoover Breeze Pets TH71BR02 Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner was £149 now £48.60 with code


Numatic Henry HVR200-11 Bagged Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner now £98.10 with code

Miele Complete C3 PowerLine CC3P Bagged Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner was £239 now £152.10 with code

Vax Blade 24V TBT3V1B2 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner with up to 35 Minutes Run Time was £249 now £134.10 with code

Morphy Richards Supervac 2-in-1 732007 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner with up to 40 Minutes Run Time was £139 now £79 now £71.10 with code

Hoover Freedom Plus FD22RA Cordless Vacuum Cleaner with up to 25 Minutes Run Time was £199 now £99 now £89.10 with code

Miele Blizzard CX1 Excellence PowerLine Bagless Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner was £299 now £229 now £206.10 with code


For the Dyson Fans

Dyson V8 Absolute Cordless Vacuum Cleaner with up to 40 Minutes Run Time was £519 now £359.10

Dyson Small Ball Multifloor Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner £170.10 with code

Dyson Multi Floor Lightball MF Upright Vacuum Cleaner was £339 now £179.10 with code

Latest comments (42)
18 Sep 17 #42
Thanks. I thought about buying a separate turbo brush-head for my C3. But at 65ish each, I paid a bit more and bought this one instead(highfive) It comes with 2 brush-heads: 1 turbo and 1 airteq. :party:
10 Sep 17 #39
Any thoughts on the cheapest place to get the genuine bags/filters for the Miele? Just taken delivery of mine and it's awesome but only 1 bag supplied so I'm going to need to get some soon.
hairyboxxox to mpaxton78
10 Sep 17 #41
I have just bought the C3 which was under £150 and in the contents you should have a voucher for reduced price bags so take advantage of that. The C3 is a very capable hoover and I was surprised that it is quieter than many hoovers of this power range. The bags hold 4.5 litres which means you wont be changing it that often but the indicators will let you know when it needs doing
7 Sep 17 #35
Bought one today had henry hoover for 10 years so gonna try miele
villageidiotdan to cubbyvegas
8 Sep 17 #38
Hey Cubby, would be interested to see how you feel they compare. Our Henry is working fine, just hard work picking up cat hair on medium pile carpet.
MarkShopper to villageidiotdan
10 Sep 17 #40
Try an airo brush if you haven't already, very good for carpets and cat hair.
7 Sep 17 #37
I bought as well - many thanks for this
7 Sep 17 #36
Bought. Thanks OP. Heat
4 Sep 17 #13
I have bought the argos one which is a 1600w vs 1200w on AO. It is very good and would recommend it.
Bats586 to girafelondon
6 Sep 17 #34

Can you confirm it is definitely 1600w please? I went on Argos webchat and asked them this and this said the 1600W was a mistake and that it was only 1200W

6 Sep 17 #33
I wouldn't go bagless ever again. Miele bags and the changeable filters that come in the box are so much easier. No maintaining and cleaning the many filters after every other use like my previous Vax.
6 Sep 17 #32
Argos link is now £299
4 Sep 17 #3
£130 in Argos too…824?store=435&cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59157%7Ccid:596237456%7Cagid:30099226953%7Ctid:aud-144400486596:pla-341168416718%7Ccrid:94121996433%7Cnw:g%7Crnd:17930333354567789981%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:1o1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4vOLqpeL1gIVkjLTCh1R6QfREAQYASABEgL00_D_BwE
RedRain to hot1805
6 Sep 17 #31
£299 in link
6 Sep 17 #30
My family shed longer, and more, hair than most animals. Mainly from their heads, I hasten to add.
After a disappointing Dyson (the curved plastic part where the handle attaches broke twice) and Samsung (with a "turbo hair brush" that seized with literally a single hair), Miele (I have the C3) simply does the job.
Price of bags and filter (£20 cheapest for a filter) means it is a bit of a Ferrari in terms of upkeep cost, though...
6 Sep 17 #29
I'm thinking whether to go for the Miele or the Henry, as both look excellent options. The Miele has slightly better reviews (4.9 to 4.6), a higher dust emission class (B to C), is lighter (5.4KG to 6.9KG), and presumably cleans carpets well without the need for a separate Aero-brush like Henry (£27 extra). The Henry is cheaper (£98.10 to £116.10), uses half the electricity (620W to 1200W), and the bags hold twice the amount (9 litres v 4.5 litres).

Thinking more of those running costs, on Amazon it costs £8.73 for four Miele 4.5 litre bags and £5.99 for ten Henry 9 litre bags meaning Miele bags are seven times the price per litre. The 520W electricity difference would mean about 8p an hour extra to run the Miele presuming they are equally efficient. Hmmm...

The commercial Henry NRV200-22 is another option, with a longer cable, stronger drum and bigger wheels. £107.99 here…tic
6 Sep 17 #28
Ordered, bargain! Thanks OP
6 Sep 17 #27
Ordered AO - Quidco too. Thanks
6 Sep 17 #26
I've been waiting for the 1600w version from Amazon but it's still 2-4 weeks away. With the clampdown on high wattage I wouldn't be surprised if Amazon couldn't get more in and cancel it. So this is cheaper, good company and although 1200w it's more than powerful enough.
6 Sep 17 #25
Not sure I fancy going back to bags. How easily available are they and how much do they cost?

also, our current upright just gets my daughters long hair wrapped around the rollers which is a pain to remove. How do the heads on this deal with long hair. Do you still have to clear it out of them or is it just sucked up?

6 Sep 17 #24
Ordered for £116.10 (+TCB) - cheers!!
4 Sep 17 #2
We had a dyson that lasted 2 years, the Miele at my mums has been going 11, and we currently have 5 cats, but the Miele was also fine when we had 11. They are great, just make sure you keep up any maintenance on it and it will last years. My one just gave up after 9years, and that probably could have been fixed, but I replaced on this offer at Argos :thumbsup:
118luke to choccie32
4 Sep 17 #21
Lol - if you keep up to the maintenance on Dyson vacs they will last as long as a Miele. Videos on YouTube of fully serviced DC01 vacs still working as well as when it came out of the box.

Likewise , Miele vacs are twice as expensive as an equivalent Vax. Unless this really is over twice as good as a Vax, I'd probably just take my chances with a vax unit.
tspill to 118luke
4 Sep 17 #23
We have had Dysons and there not in the same league as our Miele. The Miele is worlds better in every respect. As for Vax, has two of those as well. Miele is not wise as good - more like ten times better.

Since we have got our Miele, I am not sure I need to try another vacuum.
4 Sep 17 #18
Hmm. Can someone assist a person who knows nothing about these vacuums. I have already ordered this:…c=1

It was £119.99 but won't arrive for a while and I can still cancel it. Is this a better product than the one in this thread? 1600w vs 1200w.

Also, the one in argos says it is 1600W, is it different to the one from AO and John Lewis which say 1200w. If the one in Argos is better I may go pick it up this afternoon.

Thanks for any help.
Feel_My_Noobies to Hangunder
4 Sep 17 #19
Would be interested in knowing the answer to this myself. My primitive brain thinks more power, better suction, less efficiency but no idea whether that's actually the case or not! :blush:
1616french to Hangunder
4 Sep 17 #22
Think the Amazon model is basically the same but more powerful and slightly heavier.
It has also increased to £129.99 on Amazon.
I ordered that one too.
4 Sep 17 #20
I've ordered the one from JL and now have seen the suction power states 1200 VS 1600 in Argos don't know what to do?!
4 Sep 17 #17
. An excellent price for this good quality powerful cleaner. Bought ours maybe 7 years ago. We were having real difficulties finding a cleaner to remove dog hairs. This machine worked perfectly and still does. Recommend it.
4 Sep 17 #16
John Lewis have price matched with a 2 year guarantee (and staff discount :wink: )
4 Sep 17 #14
From 1 September onwards, the selling of any vacuum cleaners with a higher wattage than 900 watts will be banned.

However, they will be allowed to sell whatever they currently have in their stock room. They will probably want to empty these machines out quickly.
MarkShopper to drtesseract
4 Sep 17 #15
A good chance to pick up a quality vacuum for a good price.

Yep. I note the new Henry has a 580w motor. Will save a lot of electricity across Europe over time.
4 Sep 17 #12
I wonder if these are old stock to clear as from the start of this month the new EU energy label prohibits manufacturers from making and importing vacuum cleaners with a motor that exceeds 1,600 watts. I should think there are deals to be had of the coming months as retailers start clearing there old stock.
4 Sep 17 #11
I have the C3 version and I wouldn't ever get get anything other than a Miele again after using the one I have it's ab fab, I don't have pets but I bought it last year from a great deal on here from Argos because my own hair is very long bt due to medication it falls out alot wen brushing and it has no problem with picking it up.

There are a lot of hoovers going cheap and will probably go even lower very soon due to the new law regarding the decibels of some of them, I saw an item on the tin news last week about it so keep watching the prices get lower and good luck to all those that get a great deal.
4 Sep 17 #6
I've had the miele cat and dog in the upright version and it is still going strong after 8 years, I got a 10 year warranty with it and have had to send it back twice (each time my fault) and they've been great :smile:
ScorpioJonesy to kooks65
4 Sep 17 #10
Same, got the 10 year too for about £50. Had to send it back once and it returned with new bag and filter which was worth about £25 to £30
4 Sep 17 #4
Same price at Amazon…new
wishihadadonkey to alu355
4 Sep 17 #9
That's 99p more & on a 2-4 week delivery (they've price matched JL who have just dropped their price to £129.99)
4 Sep 17 #8
Superb vacuum cleaners that can last years if taken care of.
4 Sep 17 #7
It's very good, the door on it is flimsy though, so don't let anyone rough handed open the door...
4 Sep 17 #5
I disagree. The maintenance was kept up with the dyson. It couldn't deal with the cat fur like the Miele can. The Miele was well worth the money, and I got mine for £130, I can't see the equivalent for £65, and even if they had one priced at that amount, it would be substandard. There's a reason Miele can charge more.
4 Sep 17 #1
We have a Mieie washing machine and a tumble dryer great build quality but very expensive to fix but this at £130 with Miele quality I would think would last a long time then if it goes wrong eBay it as spares
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