Admittedly this may be considered an expensive toy by some, but for a UK based supplier with stock available nationwide it seems a cracking deal.
For this weekend only you can pick up the DJI Mavic Pro at £899 in-store at Maplin.
Currently on offer at John Lewis at £974 and others, so a saving of £75 and £200 off the RRP.
They also offer 6 months BNPL instore, so it's not even like you have to part with a huge amount on the day. (Just don't tell your significant other :wink: )
i have this drone and it is awesome .. have some heat!
29 Sep 17#2
Fantastic drone, is the fly more package on offer as well?
stuartbaker80 to micky316
29 Sep 17#3
No just the basic model, although the Red Spark combo is on offer £599.
jamsa59 to micky316
29 Sep 17#6
No I checked in store... Pity
29 Sep 17#4
Read the post as £89.99 and thought ... "Yeh, maybe I could swing for that ...."
stuartbaker80 to rd3d2
29 Sep 17#5
I'd have a fleet of them at that price!
29 Sep 17#7
Great drone... love it. I picked up the Fly More pack for £1040 last week. Didn't post the deal as it was an eBay seller, but they have sold over 100 units. After having bought the Phantom Vision 3 years ago, I have to say this is light years ahead.
29 Sep 17#8
Could the cold voters find me a better deal?
29 Sep 17#9
I really want the spark to drop in price. £599 for the fly more is tempting. but still a lot for something I dunno how much I am going to use, I just need one :relaxed:
Where and what do you guys do with these Mavic's to justify the extra spend?
6ixFoot1 to Slim2k
29 Sep 17#12
You don't have to use it. Just look at it every day. Knowing that you own one gives the satisfaction that's needed
29 Sep 17#10
£974 on Amazon and if you have a nus discount there's 20% off available as well!
snackbar2016 to snackbar2016
29 Sep 17#11
Actually ignore that read the email wrong!
29 Sep 17#13
Won't John Lewis price match this?
29 Sep 17#14
Silly question probably but what does the Fly More pack give you? Bigger battery?
Also do we have to register or get a license for these yet?
Is it possible to get insurance for it if its lost or damaged?
6ixFoot1 to simonprr
29 Sep 17#15
The combo gives you extra batteries and some extra accessories. More batteries give you more flying time when out so they're a must.
No need to register yet but will have to register with DJI, no personal info needed.
Can get third party insurance or use DJIs Care Refresh which allows you to have two replacements for a small (small compared to how much a replacement of a mavic would cost you)fee.
simonprr to 6ixFoot1
29 Sep 17#16
Ah I see. Cool! Thanks
I visited a reservoir the other day, would it be safe to fly the drone over it and over the overflow to get good shots of it?
The overflow is obviously open to allow water to flow in if it got too full, would this drone handle that ok and not drop as it went over it etc?
6ixFoot1 to simonprr
29 Sep 17#18
Shouldn't be a problem but you'll have to check the DJI map to see if this is in a No Fly Zone
simonprr to 6ixFoot1
29 Sep 17#19
Ahh didn't know that existed! Thanks
29 Sep 17#17
JL price matched Argos price £974 (before they dropped it to that price) will they match Maplin in store? If so I will go back and get a refund as it was only end of last week I brought mine :smile:
29 Sep 17#20
Someone's already done it!! Didn't think of looking here before lol
29 Sep 17#21
How does this compare to the Karma Drone by GoPro that I’m considering buying.
6ixFoot1 to OfficialCVG
29 Sep 17#23
Depends what you want from a drone. From my little research, the go pro camera is better but the Mavic is smaller and has much more 'drone' features.
Think the Karma comes with it's own screen on the controller too.
Johnmcl7 to OfficialCVG
1 Oct 17#34
The Mavic is much better, I originally wanted the Karma as I already wanted a GoPro5 and stabiliser so it made sense to get it with the drone and then could use the other parts when not using the drone. However even though the dropping from the sky issue has been fixed, the Karma still suffers from a shorter range, less batterylife, some hover issues and the Mavic folds up much smaller, has front/underside sensors and more sophisticated automated flying modes. I bought the Mavic and since bought the Yi 4K and a Zhiyun gimbal for use on the MTB, the latter particularly is a better option for the MTB so I don't regret the choice of Mavic at all over the Karma.
29 Sep 17#22
Scan PC have refurbished ones for £799...I got a P3 a few months back for £339 and it was like new!
29 Sep 17#24
Don't forget double nectar points, 3% cashback via Visa Offers, 4% Topcashback on-card on first £200 and potentially 10% NUS discount in-store (not sure if they'd offer it in conjunction with this though) :grin: So could be £777 plus £8ish Nectar points.
motionwerk to fpsazerbaijan
30 Sep 17#31
Went to the Maplins yesterday to ask about 10% NUS offer. No luck, only on additional full priceitems - batteries, remote, etc.
30 Sep 17#25
Heat - I have this exact model and paid £200 more! Great price!!!
30 Sep 17#26
Bought this for my hubby - always out using it!
30 Sep 17#27
Have one. Crushed it severely twice and still going after flex cable replacement done by me. Great smart features and good video quality. On the other side I think flying drones will be nearly impossible in this country in the next few years thanks to wreckless owners.
30 Sep 17#28
I looked at drones recently and decided that it will be the Mavic Fly Longer or nothing. I don't have £1400 quid so I guess it'll be nothing for now :disappointed:
30 Sep 17#29
Compared to drones which are cheap, this is on another planet. I would be using mine every day if I could. The only worry I have is that I think the government is going to crack down on them in the future.
30 Sep 17#30
Might pick one of these up for my trip to the Grand Canyon next year
JezJezJez to slliw
1 Oct 17#38
Unfortunately that's now illegal. Knowing how officious their parks guys are they'll probably shoot it out the sky :grin:
Bloody hell! There goes my motive to purchase one.
30 Sep 17#32
Got one for sale if anyone interested. 30mins use with flymore pack.
Deedie to shitas
30 Sep 17#33
How much?
1 Oct 17#35
At this point, I would wait for the mavic 2 release. The 60% quieter really will make a difference and the extra battery life isn't bad either.
1 Oct 17#36
It’s the old version hence why they’re all bringing the price down. New platinum version been launched for pre-order. Small improvements compared to old model. Still a good offer though considering the poor amount of improvements on the new version. 3 min more flying time and quieter props. eBay has fly more combos for just over £1k compared to the £1,359 RRp
1 Oct 17#37
Costco are doing the DJI Mavic pro Drone and Fly more Combo for £1,199.98 (incs Vat)
Opening post
For this weekend only you can pick up the DJI Mavic Pro at £899 in-store at Maplin.
Currently on offer at John Lewis at £974 and others, so a saving of £75 and £200 off the RRP.
They also offer 6 months BNPL instore, so it's not even like you have to part with a huge amount on the day. (Just don't tell your significant other :wink: )
Just show the link below to qualify:…/wv
All comments (39)
Where and what do you guys do with these Mavic's to justify the extra spend?
Also do we have to register or get a license for these yet?
Is it possible to get insurance for it if its lost or damaged?
No need to register yet but will have to register with DJI, no personal info needed.
Can get third party insurance or use DJIs Care Refresh which allows you to have two replacements for a small (small compared to how much a replacement of a mavic would cost you)fee.
I visited a reservoir the other day, would it be safe to fly the drone over it and over the overflow to get good shots of it?
The overflow is obviously open to allow water to flow in if it got too full, would this drone handle that ok and not drop as it went over it etc?
Think the Karma comes with it's own screen on the controller too.
Went to the Maplins yesterday to ask about 10% NUS offer. No luck, only on additional full priceitems - batteries, remote, etc.…htm