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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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22 Sep 17
Argos PS4

Argos Xbox One

Free Click and Collect but add £3.95 for delivery if needed

Amazon Prime Xbox

Amazon Prime PS4

PS4 £9.85 delivered at Shopto

PS4 £9.85 delivered at

PS4 £10 delivered Tesco

Xbox One £10 delivered Tesco

Reprise your role as a supernatural assassin in Dishonored 2 - the follow up to Arkane Studio’s first-person action blockbuster and winner of more than 100 ‘Game of the Year’ awards, Dishonored. Play your way in a world where mysticism and industry collide. Will you choose to play as Empress Emily Kaldwin or the royal protector, Corvo Attano? Will you make your way through the game unseen, make full use of its brutal combat system, or use a blend of both? How will you combine your character’s unique set of powers, weapons and gadgets to eliminate your enemies? The story responds to your choices, leading to intriguing outcomes, as you play through each of the game’s hand-crafted missions.
All comments (31)
22 Sep 17 #1
Are these games actually worth it? They're cheap enough it seems... But with such an insane backlog, not sure what to think.
johnwillowlfc to prankster101
22 Sep 17 #2
I have the first one in my backlog and need to play heard good things about this one, I’ve added PS4 link delivered at shopto to description for £9.85 as cheaper than argos delivered
decbear to prankster101
22 Sep 17 #11
I loved the first and all I'll say is that I'm glad I only paid £10. It feels almost identical to the first. Not a bad thing but it retreads a lot of old ground making it feel like I'm just playing through the first again. I chose Emily to playthrough and regretted it. Purely because her warp/teleport ability whatever it's called is far inferior to corvo meaning you can't travel as far. i got about halfway and haven't continued.
But hey that's just a my crap review of it. For £10 it's definitely worth it
Crooky to decbear
22 Sep 17 #13
Thanks - loved the first one, have been dithering over picking this up at this price but I think based on this, I'll hang on until this drops a bit more. It would just end up on my pile of shame anyway!
22 Sep 17 #3
They were giving this for free as well as other games to anyone who bought a ps4 from Tesco few weeks back online
22 Sep 17 #4
Great games if you can get on with stealth games can't really run and gun them
4Real2016 to dance_with_the_reaper
22 Sep 17 #5
You don't have to play this stealthy, you can just hack everyone up if you wish, plus theres loads of weapons.
22 Sep 17 #6
The pre-owned version is £7.99 at Game, might actually grab that instead.
22 Sep 17 #7
This is the standard price for this game now. Cheap, but not really a deal.
johnwillowlfc to RickDoyle
22 Sep 17 #8
Not sure what you mean by its not really a deal, but its your opinion
RickDoyle to johnwillowlfc
22 Sep 17 #12
I just meant that the average price of this game is about £10.
I posted the same deal, but for Asda a couple of months ago and got told the same.
22 Sep 17 #9
£9.85 delivered at base on PS4 link added to description
22 Sep 17 #10
Also £10 delivered on both PS4 & Xbox One at Tesco direct Xbox Tesco linkPS4 Tesco link
22 Sep 17 #14
If you don't mind pre owned for an extra £3 you can get this along with Watch Dogs and Killzone Shadowfall.…867
22 Sep 17 #15
£10 for this game ain't bad can't seeing it drop that much on eBay £10-12 brand new :thumbsup:
22 Sep 17 #16
22 Sep 17 #17

22 Sep 17 #18
Dishonored 2 is brilliant well worth a tenner it has some of the greatest mission design ever seen in a game plus 2 characters with different powers which varies the game further. I would recommend playing stealthy as it feels more enjoyable and rewarding imo
23 Sep 17 #19
The first one is one of my favourite games of all time. The second? I'm six missions in and for whatever reason, I'm simply not enjoying it.

The chances of being discovered on a stealth playthrough feels really unfair, meaning lots of reloading and it's taken all the fun out of it for me. I doubt I'll complete it. A real shame.

Still, YMMV.
23 Sep 17 #20
decent price.... i do think this might actually be in my 'still wrapped in plastic plie of shame' on the shelf?
but hey ho, nothing beats an unplayed collection of games...... makes me feel feel all shiny and new when i finally peel that plastic wrapping off (2 years after release) :wink:
23 Sep 17 #21
one of the best games i have ever played
tsimehC to lumsdot
23 Sep 17 #25
Which sort of games have you played? I know it's a subjective topic but having beaten this game, this is far from being one of the best.
lumsdot to tsimehC
23 Sep 17 #26
Half life, episode 2 , latest tomb raiders,
Uncharted, portal etc are my favorites games
Plus earlier call of duty games.

I liked this because of the atmosphere and story, game play was good also, this is not my favorite game but one of my favorites .
You even got to go back in time to solve things in the present. It's a thinking persons kind of game
tsimehC to lumsdot
23 Sep 17 #27
Great games there, if you haven't already, give Horizon Zero Dawn a try. It touches on a few of those games and brings it together quite nicely.

That level in D2 was well-designed, Titanfall 2 had a similar level. I just didn't find the AI compelling enough to replay it for a ghost run but maybe one day...
23 Sep 17 #22
Bought this game when it was thia price couple months ago but I just never really got into it just traded it in. But I know its got a big fan base
23 Sep 17 #23
Now available on PS4 and appears to not be prime only anymore too
23 Sep 17 #24
Very good price
23 Sep 17 #28
So I posted this 3months ago for £9 and all I got was abuse. I'm glad someone got love for it this time round heat
johnwillowlfc to haterz1988
23 Sep 17 #29
I can see you did, dont let it put you off posting a deal though, ive seen very good deals go cold and some which aren’t deals at all go super hot its just this site at times
24 Sep 17 #30
How is this a deal if its more or less the same price everywhere ? :astonished:
johnwillowlfc to tallpete33
24 Sep 17 #31
The deal is for £9.49 click and collect at Argos, I added the other links to help people who cant get to an Argos or dont have one local for a little more delivered. I understand its subjective what is or isn’t a deal but you will find many deals on here which are similar were its only nominally cheaper than elsewhere but every penny helps right? Isn’t this what this sites all about?
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