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7 Sep 17
Probably go cold but for those not in need of too much data (some of us have Wifi most of the time before the high data users say its pointless having a phone like this with 2gb)

Network EE
Ultd mins and txts
2GB Data

Free Dex if ordered before the 14th as with other pre orders

With £10 off code comes to £866.76 which is less than £8 more over buying it sim free plus you spread out most of the cost over 2 years. Cheaper than the S8 Plus and you dont get the free DEX with that. include the cashback off quidco (£35 for EE contracts) and its cheaper than buying the phone on its own!!!)

5gb available for a total of £961 (cheaper than going for the 3gb option!)

will be ordering 1 of each myself as I dont think you will get much better
Latest comments (95)
22 Sep 17 #93
Can't transfer? What do you mean?
My sister has EE Broadband but in my name.
I Rang them up and said I want the extra 5gb because I have home Broadband with them and they put it on my account.
jh787 to jh787
22 Sep 17 #94
If you mean the mobile deal has to be through them then they're chatting crap.

Mine is through e2save. Redemption deal costing me a fiver after cashback.

They give me 2gb + the extra 5gb. 7gb total.
Moqsy to jh787
23 Sep 17 #95
They eventually gave me the extra 5gb but they said that it's not usually allowed. Probably were chatting crap, got me scared for a second lol
19 Sep 17 #90
Hi, does it come unlocked with

I spoke to customer service of, they said the phone initially its in the seal box and unlocked and when u insert first sim then it become locked to network?

Does anyone own it? Can u share experience?
Jony5deals to Mak_22
19 Sep 17 #91
Unlocked mine is. Used the we one 1st but have swapped over to my by SIM now with no issues. Can't imagine what he said woukd ever be true tbh
Moqsy to Jony5deals
22 Sep 17 #92
I just spoke to EE and they said they can't transfer. Has to be a direct contract from EE... anyone else had this, or are they fobbing me off? Lol
17 Sep 17 #89
Unlucky id say as i have ZERO tolerance for dead pixels regardless of BS acceptable parameters by maufactures, literally the first thing i do with all new phones is go to the play store and download a dead pixel test app which displays a set of different colours full screen makes it real easy to check etc otherwise its utterly pointless in doing any setup as its going straight back.
17 Sep 17 #88
Yep, not worth it, get a new one!
17 Sep 17 #85
How many dead pixels mate? You have got 14 days for replacement / refund so I would contact them tomorrow and get another one.
Jony5deals to tobtan
17 Sep 17 #87
Haven't seen any in either of ours
15 Sep 17 #83
had both of mine come an hour ago, sat on charge and ready for when I get back from work.

Ive gone for the spinigen tough armour case or however its spelt, not too expensive and always gives decent protection. I was going to go for a solid screen protector but then read with the edge ones the often arnt as good as flat screened ones so went for some normal ones instead both off amazon
adamspencer95 to Jony5deals
17 Sep 17 #86
only seems like a couple, pretty small but definately noticable and distracting

yep i'm on to them this morning :smile: in a £900 phone i would expect zero dead pixels
17 Sep 17 #84
anyone else had any issues with dead pixels or am i just incredibly unlucky
15 Sep 17 #82
Yeah they do ive had 2 DPD deliveries this week both text me around 8am with the morning 1 hour time slot including today as my Note 8 has just arrived.
15 Sep 17 #81
yeah i have done - it says ready for delivery but hasnt given a timeframe, which i think is usually given before 11am
15 Sep 17 #80
Sorry mate! Check your order number under 'My account' you should be able to track it from there
15 Sep 17 #79
lucky :disappointed:
15 Sep 17 #78
Yep - its just arrived!!
15 Sep 17 #77
has anyone had a time slot from DPD yet?
15 Sep 17 #76
Anyone got any good ideas for cases and tempered glass screen protectors for this phone? Mine is coming today too!
15 Sep 17 #75
I got a tablet , £0 upfront, 2017 samsung tablet and i get 20gb and 2 years free of bt sport for £20 a month . Is that a deal ?
14 Sep 17 #74
The one that was there doesn't work anymore so I went without, however should mean there should be no issues with quidco
14 Sep 17 #73
What is the code to get the £10 off please?
14 Sep 17 #72
Just had my text to notify me will be delivered tomorrow and I only ordered this afternoon on the EE deal
14 Sep 17 #71
I jsut got round to ordering my 2 aswell and it still states Friday DPD delivery so I would expect everyone to be getting them tomorrow
14 Sep 17 #70
I had similar when I bought from monilephonesdirect last year, was getting a free VR headset as advertised on their website but they wernt down on the official list but all went through fine as again they are under a parent company ( i think possibly CPW too)
14 Sep 17 #69
Just emailed to check what retailer we are supposed to use when claiming the free DEX since they are not on the list of official retailers participating in the offer. Here was there response:

We are a sister company of Carphone Warehouse, therefore we will be listed as Carphone Warehouse.

Hope theres no issues claiming the DEX since Carphone wharehouse is not shown on the invoice off the order.

Here is official list of retailers:…ers
14 Sep 17 #68
i did get the email but it was delayed anyway so it'll be Friday
14 Sep 17 #67
If I was to order this today, but go for the later delivery (next week Thursday), would it still count as pre order and would I be able to claim the dex? It's cause my contract finishes in October so want to get this as late as possible, but want to pre order to get the dex
14 Sep 17 #66
Went for EE contract and received a DPD email yesterday saying my phone will be here on Friday :smile:
14 Sep 17 #65
Just got the email, delivery is on Friday!
14 Sep 17 #64
Went for the EE deal but no confirm yet off the phone being dispatched for Friday delivery. Anyone else that went for EE had an email yet
14 Sep 17 #63
Email from DPD confirming Friday delivery for me(EE contract) :raised_hand:
13 Sep 17 #62
Seems other members who'd purchased the o2 deal are getting their handsets tomorrow. They've had their email confirmations from the couriers. Not received mine yet, looks like I'll have to wait till Saturday.
13 Sep 17 #61
3gb data O2 via uswitch 896 total
13 Sep 17 #60
Can anyone recommend a case for this phone?
12 Sep 17 #59
Should be unlocked mate
12 Sep 17 #58
Would these phones be locked to EE? Im looking to use a BT sim in the phone and give this Sim to the Mrs
11 Sep 17 #57
Your welcome I still need to get it ordered before they change their minds!
11 Sep 17 #56
Still waiting patiently for someone to find a similar deal but with at least 5 gb of data.
11 Sep 17 #55

Works out cheaper than the S8+ deal I was looking at.

Thanks OP
11 Sep 17 #54
The dual sim model is available on the Samsung UK website. Just debating whether to go for that sim free, or go for this with the free contract.
10 Sep 17 #53
The UK doesn't normally get the dual sim models of flagship handsets or the larger GB capacitys either as in other territories as id rather like the 256gb version of this Note 8.
10 Sep 17 #52
If only they did the dual sim model with this offer!
9 Sep 17 #51
I was referring to the post saying why not buy it SIM free at rrp and put a SIM in it.
You'll be paying an extra £10-15 a month (for same sim package) on top of the phone price.
This whole phone & contract comes in around the same as just the phone SIM free outright option.
This will be unlocked so you could use the SIM bundled with this elsewhere & get your own if you wanted to.
If anyone buys the same phone SIM free outright over taking this option must be mad.
9 Sep 17 #50
But if you need to buy extra data anyway, you'd be paying £10 extra per month regardless.
8 Sep 17 #49
Well you'd be paying a lot more then. The whole package (phone contract included) in this deal works out just (slightly) more than the sim free rrp.
So even chucking in a cheap giff gaff SIM at say £10 a month would cost you £240 more over the 2 year term.
8 Sep 17 #48
I recently used a £15 voucher on a new S8 contact and the cashback still paid pretty quickly. Obviously not promising anything but I decided to use the voucher as it's guaranteed and you could still get the cashback.
8 Sep 17 #47
Cheapest I could find anywhere... Even better as I have EE fiber so get 5gb data free.... This has to be the cheapest note8 deal out, plus the nice to have DeX... Never used previously but within hrs of the order they have confirmed everything and will be giving me a 1hr delivery slot around the launch date.... Definitely a hot from me
8 Sep 17 #46
on my order somewhere it said 'DPD Saturday' as the delivery option so i'm presuming it'll arrive on the 16th
8 Sep 17 #45
More than likely YES it will void the cashback, however cashback is never guaranteed anyway.
8 Sep 17 #44
Just to confirm the phones DO come unlocked as they are provided by and not via the mobile phone operator. In addition they are expecting stock on Friday 15th September & shipments to be done within 1hr windows the next day, not sure if they will deliver on Saturday? Shame they aren't being received by customers until the day after. But for that price difference its worth it.
8 Sep 17 #43
i actually went for the o2 offer for 3GB for £29 a month but only £200 upfront - hopefully £25 cashback from TCB - £896 total price if cashback doesnt pay out meaning an extra £1 ish per month on average
8 Sep 17 #42
If I use the £10 off code, does that not void cashback?
8 Sep 17 #41
Is this bait for the grammar police? :grin:
8 Sep 17 #40
Never mind, found it:

8 Sep 17 #39
What's the £10 off code please? I've looked and tried a few but none work. Thanks
7 Sep 17 #20
Dual SIM?
phiras to Ticklehamster
8 Sep 17 #38
7 Sep 17 #37
I want it for £600 without stupid dex. I've got gaming laptop so Note8 wont replace it. Crap deals except one- very 20% off which was decent.
7 Sep 17 #36
I just order the 5GB data deal but I forgot to use the 10£ off code. Anyone know how to claim the 10£ off after the ordered has been placed. thanks
7 Sep 17 #9
its pointless having a phone like this with 2gb
alecb to commenter14
7 Sep 17 #35
Surely it all depends on how you use the phone.
I have had a Nexus 6 for 2 years and never got anywhere near 2gb.
I rely 99% on wi-fi so horses for courses methinks.
7 Sep 17 #1
2gb data pointless. :joy:‌ :joy:
Jony5deals to matthew1888
7 Sep 17 #3
got that out the way quick :thumbsup:
ashmac to matthew1888
7 Sep 17 #4
Learn to read! op clearly stated low data ,your stating the obvious ..
matthew1888 to ashmac
7 Sep 17 #30
I was joking FFS!. :joy:‌ :joy:‌ :joy:‌ :joy:
Biggunspaul to matthew1888
7 Sep 17 #8

No you've missed the point !
hubertmm to matthew1888
7 Sep 17 #12
Nah, maybe for you but everyone has different use cases. My home, university and the tube (via the mobile networks) all have free wi-fi and that makes up the vast majority of when I need or want to be online. I've survived just fine with 500 MB these past two years.
Jony5deals to matthew1888
7 Sep 17 #22
matthew1888 to Jony5deals
7 Sep 17 #31
I'm not sure myself.
jh787 to matthew1888
7 Sep 17 #29
Got EE broadband so I get extra 5gb.

Is 7gb also pointless? Please hurry with your approval.
matthew1888 to jh787
7 Sep 17 #32
7 GB just plain stupid. Doh
jh787 to matthew1888
7 Sep 17 #34
Okay... Felicia
7 Sep 17 #33
2GB is 2048MB :joy: that's for jokers
7 Sep 17 #18
Jeez, there are some real numpties on this thread. It's not difficult to understand. This deal actually makes the overall contract price cheaper than the outright price of the phone. So for all those that are talking about data, you could consider this deal as a interest free instalment option for the phone. It's a win win for everyone. For those that require 2GB, this will serve them fine. For those that require more data, they could purchase this and then a sim only for whatever data they require, and perhaps give the 2GB data sim to a family member.
adamspencer95 to ajavaid92
7 Sep 17 #19
cheaper than sim free *assuming the cashback pays out*

never guaranteed so worse case it is £7 odd more :smile:
Biggunspaul to ajavaid92
7 Sep 17 #28
You've said everything that I couldn't be bothered to say ; )
7 Sep 17 #7
regardless of the 2GB data, its still *almost* cheaper than buying it outright, that makes it a stonking deal in my book
commenter14 to adamspencer95
7 Sep 17 #10
But most people would need to spend more on extra data. That makes it a bad deal.
adamspencer95 to commenter14
7 Sep 17 #11
but seeing as you havent paid any more than the phone is worth, even including the contract, you're in no worse a position...
commenter14 to adamspencer95
7 Sep 17 #26
But you have - you said so yourself. It's only *almost* cheaper than buying new. So you're spending extra for no useful features. Just buy it for RRP and get a Giff Gaff contract.
adamspencer95 to commenter14
7 Sep 17 #27
assuming the cashback pays out its £28 less than sim free, and i think theres a good chance of it paying out
7 Sep 17 #25
Crazy price for the phone but still a deal.
7 Sep 17 #24
2gb data will be gone by just turning the phone on.
7 Sep 17 #23
This works out cheaper than buying the phone outright, so the 2GB plan should be considered a bonus.

I'm thinking you could buy this then contact EE asking for an additional line which you can get at a discounted rate and use that additional contract on the phone. The original contract can be kept as a spare or given to someone who only needs 2GB of data.
7 Sep 17 #21
Had totally forgotten about cashback! £35 cashback added too does indeed make it cheaper than buying the phone sim free!

Dont think the UK get the dual sim version
7 Sep 17 #17
Looks like a great deal if suitable, HEAT.
7 Sep 17 #16
Very pointless with that 2gb when you work full time and don't have access to wifi
7 Sep 17 #15
im afraid its not cheaper, its a whole £7 something more
7 Sep 17 #14
For all those saying 2GB is not enough. This deal is actually cheaper than buying it outright so if you want you can get a SIM only deal as well (EE/BT sims should work fine) and you can use the 2GB SIM in a different phone :smile:
7 Sep 17 #13
if only people on HDUK could read! owell! :laughing:

I currently have 20gb a month, and rarely go over 2gb and that's even without having wifi at work any more, as said in the post, its not for everyone, if you want more data then get a contract with more data, simple
7 Sep 17 #6
whilst upfront cost is more than most, at least if you over run your 24 months before forgetting to cancel or upgrading its only £23 rather than 40+
7 Sep 17 #2
Definitely should consider this if buying sim free cash price! But what about free Dex? And also warranty?
Jony5deals to iz123456789
7 Sep 17 #5
free DEX included, its on any preorders. Warranty will be standard 2 year samsung
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