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 Camera & Bike Light £39.99 @ Aldi
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Camera & Bike Light £39.99 @ Aldi

£39.99 Aldi27 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
27 Sep 17
Looks like a copy of the Cycliq Fly6 rear light/camera which sells for over £100.
Available in store from Thur 28th or order online (free delivery) now.
Comes with a 3 year warranty (and online ordering means I'm less likely to lose the receipt!).
Not sure how good it is but for the price I'll give it a try and return to store if it's poor.

EDIT: Now sold out online. There should be stock in stores (but I suspect it'll sell out fairly fast).
All comments (38)
27 Sep 17 #1
No mention of weatherproofing .
LadyEleanor to rhinopaul
27 Sep 17 #4
Well, you get 3 a full years to test it out.
27 Sep 17 #2
If this connects to the frame of the bike it will be useless as the video will be like being underwater. Will need to be connected to the body to dampen vibrations.
27 Sep 17 #3
I’d be more concerned how durable it’d be in a crash, as surely that’s when you need the footage
radioactiveman to superjack
28 Sep 17 #18
The quality of your micro sd card would be much more important in this scenario. As it doesn't have in built storage, I would assume all data goes direct to the card. So a good shock proof and waterproof one is a must.
27 Sep 17 #5
CCTV generation
27 Sep 17 #6
Have the fly6 and get 7 hours. If this is anywhere near as good it’s a great deal. Good footage and 6 hour battery life I will like to see :grin:
27 Sep 17 #7
Most cyclist crashes happen from the front or side, not the rear. Helmet mounts are much better for recording 'action'.
27 Sep 17 #8
will be good to use against the cyclist jumping red lights,going down one ways the wrong way and barging pedestrians on the pavements... :wink:
Baz8755 to hooray.henry
27 Sep 17 #9
afroylnt to Baz8755
27 Sep 17 #14
Unfortunately outside Londnon Waterloo, Trolls and anyone else, stand a chance of being pole axed by a very small minority of cyclists (let's call them a*holes) going through on a red. fyi I am cyclist myself.
27 Sep 17 #10
:laughing:‌ :face_with_monocle:
27 Sep 17 #11
Manual available here…pdf
Couple of points I spotted:
Please Note: When the camera’s power reaches below 5% the camera function is disabled in favour of the rear light. The light will last approximately 1.5 hours at this point.
Please Note: The supplied 8GB micro SD card will record approximately 2 hours.
27 Sep 17 #12
No word on if it supports loop recording when the sd card is full?
craizy to Milkfloat
27 Sep 17 #13
Doesn't look like it, mines been dispatched too. See if I get along with it and an 32gb card otherwise it will go back and order a fly6 when they are cheap again.
27 Sep 17 #15
I have watched several youtube reviews of this and the basic problem with it that it seems unable to record a non-blurry licence plate.
ArthurDent1 to tawse57
28 Sep 17 #16
I can't find any online reviews - can you supply a link to some?
tawse57 to ArthurDent1
28 Sep 17 #17
Will do later on this evening.
tawse57 to tawse57
28 Sep 17 #19
If you look at any of the YouTube reviews for it in the comments there are numerous people who say that you cannot read licence plates from the video that it records. Which seems ruddy pointless here in the UK where plod look for an excuse not to investigate road rage against cyclists. You know they will use it as an excuse and, well, quite rightly.
LadyEleanor to tawse57
28 Sep 17 #21
Only just launched today! They will maybe appear on Youtube in the next few days.
tawse57 to ArthurDent1
28 Sep 17 #22
A few comments from owners here saying they own it but can't read licence plates on the video that they have recorded.

Same in the comments of this video for the Gen 3 version.

aegis to tawse57
1 Oct 17 #32
Those must have been reviews for the Fly6, not the Aldi camera since it wasn't released till the 28th.

You can quite clearly view number plates with the Aldi version. I don't know about the Fly 6.

Here's a review of the Aldi 'Maxtek' camera.

tawse57 to aegis
1 Oct 17 #33
The Aldi camera in this deal - one on sale now - looks like the Fly6.

I do not know what the Maxtek camera is. I did watch the above video. Yes, some cars you can read the licence plates but there are plenty which you can't.

Believe me, if I could buy a camera right now that showed all the licence plate regs of cars behind me I would go buy it. I want such a camera.
aegis to tawse57
3 Oct 17 #36
"Looks like the Fly6" but it isn't. It's branded Maxtek.
28 Sep 17 #20
In case anyone was on the fence, the fly6 Gen2 on amazon is now £89.98 but in the quest for youtube videos on this deal it looks like a Gen3 is coming soon.
tawse57 to craizy
28 Sep 17 #23
Both the videos I posted above are for the Gen 3 version which has been out for about a year now.
28 Sep 17 #24
I voted just for the OPs username
ArthurDent1 to mistera
28 Sep 17 #25
What? I don't understand. Where's the tea?
29 Sep 17 #26
This light is worth more than my bike.
30 Sep 17 #27
Has anyone confirmed looping video or lack thereof? I took delivery today but do t want to unpack it if it doesn't have this feature. Cheers
ArthurDent1 to trickytree1984
30 Sep 17 #28
Mine's due to arrive on Monday - I can live without looping video as my commute is less than 2 hours so I'll let you know when I've opened the pack.
1 Oct 17 #29
It doesn't loop. Not a huge problem for me. 32GB card gives 8 hrs recording so only need to remember to clear it after 8 hrs on.
1 Oct 17 #30
Just trying to get the light fitted but doesn't seem to want to stay still, I've looped it tight around the seat post and it looks ok but it wobbles about and slides down the post.

Any suggestions?
1 Oct 17 #31
Just had first run with mine.

1) It doesn't do loop recording. No big deal. You'll run out of battery before you run out of a 32GB card. (8GB is included)

2) Audio is pretty terrible. Mostly wind noise and the sound of the chain. I couldn't hear my voice recorded when I spoke normally when riding. It was better when stopped.

3) Grainy video. The Fly6 is 720p and this is 1080p (AVI MJPEG) BUT I would guess it's scaled from a lower res. It's blurry but good enough to read number plates. The sky seems over exposed in recordings and white cars 'white-out'. It splits the recording up into 5 minute chunks.

4) I fully charged it and after an hour riding it beeped to tell me it was down to 75% so I would guess it's nearer 4 hours use than 6 but we'll see. I've a 100km audax next week.

5) Warranty in manual says it's not covered for water ingress. Manufacturer's site however says it's 'Weather proof'. Not sure how they'd square those two contradictory statements. The rubber flap over the USB connection and MicroSD card slot look a bit rubbish. A bit of pvc tape might be advised to keep water out of there. It peed it down on my ride and there was no water under the flap though.

6) The velcro strap to attach it to the seatpost is cheap and cheerful with some sharp edges to rub against your leg if you've got thighs like Chris Hoy. I've swapped mine (the strap) for something better quality.

For under £40 though, I'm quite happy with it. It's there for insurance not to film a remake of 'Breaking Away'.
3 Oct 17 #34
Some reviews here; looks like it does loop recording (& may have a similar crash detection system to the Fly 6) but video quality may not be as good as the Fly6 it's imitating. I hope to give mine a try tomorrow.
tawse57 to ArthurDent1
5 Oct 17 #37
Let us know how you get on and what you think please.
3 Oct 17 #35
Why has this expired, its still available instore?
7 Oct 17 #38
Not sure why this is expired. Just picked up one in Aldi Cheadle Heath and there were about 10 left in the electronics cabinet.
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