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 Buy a 6" mega melt for 99p from 18th-24th sept @ Subway
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Buy a 6" mega melt for 99p from 18th-24th sept @ Subway

£0.99 Subway11 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Restaurants
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Opening post
11 Sep 17
Buy a mega melt sub for only 99p.
See…ons for a list of participating and NOT participating Subway stores.
Thanks to chaykin
All comments (90)
11 Sep 17 #1
National ??
11 Sep 17 #2
Where you hear about this
dazzlingstar to Switchy87
11 Sep 17 #15
Today's metro newspaper
11 Sep 17 #3
with real Bacon?
craighunter86 to urmum
11 Sep 17 #4
Space bacon
UltimatePhoenix to urmum
11 Sep 17 #13
Turkey bacon, halal
urmum to UltimatePhoenix
11 Sep 17 #16
UltimatePhoenix to urmum
11 Sep 17 #17
Haha love it
11 Sep 17 #5
subway breakfasts taste like poo though... their normal stuff is awesome but breakfasts.. with plastic bacon nasty sausages and reheated eggs are just gross.
howbord to estjaydee
11 Sep 17 #8
Totally agree, love subway for lunch but last place i would go for breakfast
Franzkill to estjaydee
11 Sep 17 #20
So do you eat a lot of poo for breakfast then
11 Sep 17 #6
Great deal but that picture of the food looks like the most inedible beige lump of carbs ever produced
rev6 to alexc100
11 Sep 17 #7
With plenty of fat too. Yum. Two please
11 Sep 17 #9
do you still have to pay for it to be toasted ? :joy:
hass123 to nicwalsall
11 Sep 17 #34
Lmao. I rarely go Subway nowadays because of that stupid toasted tax, but I can bypass it by using the Subway vouchers on
11 Sep 17 #10
vhnt been to subway since they charge extra for make it hot !
soapyd to Samluk
11 Sep 17 #11
Do they? I haven't been for a few weeks. When did this come in?
MrCollective to soapyd
11 Sep 17 #12
Sub of the day £1.99 hot or cold for me.
estjaydee to Samluk
11 Sep 17 #14
You mean like how someone would have to pay me to make this deal hot :P
11 Sep 17 #18
I didn't know to get a 6' is that cheap. Wow. This deal makes ladies day :popcorn:‌ :popcorn:‌ :popcorn:‌ :popcorn:‌ :ninja:‌ :sweat_smile:
mtuk1 to Ka11ran
12 Sep 17 #40
I take it you mean " not '? 6 Foot would be slightly too much for any lady! :joy:‌ :joy:‌ :joy:
11 Sep 17 #19
Good deal if you're ok with halal... I'm not so I won't vote either way.
Jiwani80 to dougledog396
11 Sep 17 #24
Are you for real? There is no halal bacon
dougledog396 to Jiwani80
11 Sep 17 #30
It's a very specialised area... Not many people know about it. :wink:
mtuk1 to dougledog396
12 Sep 17 #38
Another silly Daily Mail reader. There are 2500 Subway branches in the U.K. and Ireland. Fewer than 10% of them are Halal. So most of them aren't and most of them serve Bacon and Ham. So stop believing all the nonsense you read.
11 Sep 17 #21

I tried this last time they were 99p....The reality is not good
craigrathbone to coyote
11 Sep 17 #22
you'd have to pay me to eat that :persevere:
safc1967 to coyote
11 Sep 17 #36
looks manky
11 Sep 17 #23
Why turkey bacon? Haven't they got an option for pork bacon? & is it a turkey sausage too?
UltimatePhoenix to BrummyGeeza
11 Sep 17 #28
Demand from Muslims, it will be turkey sausage to which imo is better than a pork sausage but I prefer proper bacon!!
polly69 to UltimatePhoenix
11 Sep 17 #32
Are you having a laugh? Turkey sausage is better than pork in what reality is that the case, a proper English breakfast is the best in the world and i don't care about halal at all. It should be proper bacon and proper pork sausage. If the muslims dont like it that then they should choose something else, Why change what has worked for 100s of years and before the rasist comments come in its nothing to do with beliefs it has to do with perfection and i wouldn't expect them to change something thats great.
UltimatePhoenix to polly69
11 Sep 17 #33
Thats why I said IMO, ive never liked sausage thats why I prefer turkey sausage!!!
mtuk1 to BrummyGeeza
12 Sep 17 #39
Most Subway branches serve normal bacon. It's the idiotic Daily Mail crew that think they don't.
11 Sep 17 #25
Why does every subway deal on here have to turn into a debate about halal?
11 Sep 17 #26
Halal or not it is complete garbage. Save your 99p
11 Sep 17 #27
Megamelt is quality. I have it as a treat some Saturday's when I'm working.

It's actually delicious and looks a heck of a lot better than that photo someone posted.

This is one super hot deal. If it's not your thing then fair enough but if you like a good Megamelt then this is a darn scorcher.
11 Sep 17 #29
11 Sep 17 #31
what has halal got to do with this deal? So what if it is, who really cares.
11 Sep 17 #35
Pork sausages are best.
11 Sep 17 #37
If I go at breakfast, can I have them make me a regular sandwich but stick an egg on top of it?
12 Sep 17 #41
How about Daily Mail readers start reading the Guardian? May help them in the long run.
12 Sep 17 #42
Because some people are dumb and will believe anything The Sun or The Mail says.
12 Sep 17 #43
A wise person reads news from ALL sources and forms their own opinions.
The Guardian is a sad collection of pathetic liberal left wing biased hacks fresh out of `Uni` and promoted by an echo chamber of like minded weaklings with the same irrational hurt `feelings`.
LOL a news outlet that has to beg for money to keep going. They must be really good...
12 Sep 17 #44
What options is available for vegetarians
12 Sep 17 #45
See…ons for a list of participating and NOT participating Subway stores.
13 Sep 17 #46
Thanks for the list! I tried but could not get it! I think that's almost national
17 Sep 17 #47
How do you bypass it by using the voucher?
Does the voucher include heated subs too??
17 Sep 17 #48
The vouchers on that site are official Subway vouchers, show them to the cashier and they'll set the price on their system, they are also valid on heated subs and takeouts therefore avoiding the price increase. I also tell the cashie to scan the order on my subcard and claim the points on top.
18 Sep 17 #49
Is turkey sausage cheaper than pork sausage in general? I wondered if that's the reason they use it
18 Sep 17 #50
I bet it's not halal so cold from me
18 Sep 17 #51
Honestly, I don't really care either way whether or not my meat is halal. Having said that, swapping out bacon for 'turkey bacon' is a sin.

Politics aside though, 99p is a good saving on RRP, but doesn't change the fact that these breakfasts are tasteless, frozen rubbish freshly microwaved to order. I like their usual offerings, but won't be taking them up on this 'deal'.
18 Sep 17 #52
I have a problem with eating Halal without knowing. I prefer animals to be slaughtered using internationally agreed standards, not what I consider to be the inhumane methods used in Halal. I therefore want to have the choice, in the same way as Muslims want to know that the food they are eating is definitely Halal, I want the same respect given to my beliefs.

I do not want to be unwittingly eating Halal slaughtered meat just because one branch of a takeaway serves Halal meat to their largely Muslim customer base and some of that meat is then included in deliveries to non-halal branches. I would like to see non-halal branches take the same care and attention to ensure no halal slaughtered meet is sold as they do for the ones that provide halal. Is it really too much to ask to be treated fairly?
18 Sep 17 #53
Tastes like poo and will end up like poo.Eat fresh apparently ?Freshest thing I've ever seen in my local subway are the mushrooms growing on the back of the toilet door.
18 Sep 17 #54
The whole problem with the infamous British cuisine right there.
18 Sep 17 #55
Wow, came here for sandwiches and got politics instead.
18 Sep 17 #56
Kevin Bacon
18 Sep 17 #57
I care! Why torture an animal if you're going to kill it anyway. Torture it afterwards, fine, but not before. I avoid Halal outlets like the plague. And no you don't need to be a Daily Mail reader to care (as someone else suggested, even though "Daily Mail reader" is an oxymoron) you just have care at a basic level about animals.
18 Sep 17 #58
How do I redeem this offer?
18 Sep 17 #59
Why not leave the deal to be a deal.

Some will benefit some won't.

Eat what you like and how you like it, do others need to know how you like your meat.

We all have a choice so take it or leave it, don't go in to politics.

Op thanks for posting this deal
18 Sep 17 #60
He probably also believes that we will get £350m per week for the NHS
18 Sep 17 #61
You could go to one of the 1800 out of 2000 non halal subways....if bacon is so precious and traditional to you
18 Sep 17 #62
Can't complain for 99p, but for me it's poor quality tasteless food. Reminds me of something u would of picked up 15yrs ago & microwaved in a petrol station .
18 Sep 17 #63
Is there a Vegan version?
18 Sep 17 #64
Only halal and kosher vegan version
18 Sep 17 #65
A 6inch mega melt sub for only 99p but people still find something to moan and complain about, got to love the British and there complaining about almost anything and everything! :joy:
18 Sep 17 #66
But their lunch is delicious and healthy
18 Sep 17 #67
I like a bargain as much as anyone on here so I went there last time to get one. Being a Muslim I asked for a "vegetarian" one and was looked at with horror. They didnt know what to do. So they just put two eggs in there. Eggs were precooked and microwaved. Yuk!
Personally, I will pass on this for the 99p. But heat for you lot who can eat pigs.
18 Sep 17 #68
If its stunning you're complaining about, there was a BBC article outlining that 90% of Halal Abbatoirs do stun before killing the animal. But that little fact aside, do you have any idea how badly animals are treated while they are alive? But you're quite happy to ignore that cruelty and just complain about how they are killed.
Just take a moment and think about that.
18 Sep 17 #69
Another blindfolded looney lefty.Believe everything the guardian says. :joy:‌ :joy:
19 Sep 17 #70
Just got mine this morning, and they said I get a free hot drink with it too!
19 Sep 17 #71
I went into Subway and they demanded to see a voucher but I said you don't need one. I showed them this page on Hot Uk Deals where it says no voucher necessary and I finally got my Mega Melt. Did taste like rubbish but who can complain for 99p?
19 Sep 17 #72
I'm 6', I don't hear any ladies complaining. But I do have to stoop a bit to talk to them.
19 Sep 17 #73
Their website tells you which branches are Halal (turkey bacon & sausages) - if you click on the + beside the branch it's at the bottom under 'services'.

Subway findastore
19 Sep 17 #74
I’m actually not lefty at all. I’m Centre right. So there we go! :joy:
20 Sep 17 #75
I've not said anything about how badly some animals are treated while alive. Dont have to comment on all possible cases of animal cruelty just to highlight one case. Odd logic.
20 Sep 17 #76
Thanks for clearing that up maybe you can post it on twitter or sign a petition to confirm or even better go on strike
20 Sep 17 #77
Just smashed one down. It was proper lovely!
20 Sep 17 #78
Got one this morning, they weren't even advertising the deal but were doing it, also bought with a coffee total £ a free cookie for carrying their survey out on the app :smile:
21 Sep 17 #79
Odd logic is missing out/ignoring a lifetime of cruelty endured by animals to make a song and dance about a fictitious period of around 3 mins when the animal is killed unstunned when actually 90% or more of Halal Abbatoirs stun before killing anyway. Which part of the irony are you missing there?
24 Sep 17 #80
For all those that don’t like the breakfast meats and egg, you can just get the sub loaded with salad (a lot of it).

In most cases with loads of salad and dressing most sandwiches tase similar.
24 Sep 17 #81
Agree. Sadly Britain and the US (same place these days) share one thing. The home of fake journalism sponsored by interested businesses. Maybe more people here could start thinking for themselves, and doing some research to find the facts instead of swallowing everything they are force fed. I personally don't like Subway food, but that's my own opinion. Good deal for people who like subway.
24 Sep 17 #82
Had this yesterday, bland as can be, pretty awful to be honest.
dougledog396 to Krislibertine
24 Sep 17 #84
What's that got to do with it?
You created an account just to say that you cowardly saddo Hennah? :poop:
24 Sep 17 #83
Give it a rest. Old news.
24 Sep 17 #85
P*** off you waste man
24 Sep 17 #86
Says the DOG
Hennah to Hennah
24 Sep 17 #87
Stop causing hatred
24 Sep 17 #88
Bootstown to Hennah
24 Sep 17 #89
Yum Yum
24 Sep 17 #90
For 99p I figured it was worth a go but it was very disappointing. Bleeuuurgh!
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