Breville VST025 3 Slice Sandwich Toaster and Panini Maker - Brushed Stainless Steel was £34.50 now £24.50
(This is ONLY available in the very LARGEST of Tesco's stores)
FREE Click+Collect (next day*) Order by 5pm (Sunday - Friday) and collect in-store after 3pm next day.
Standard delivery (2-5 working days) £3.00
Delivery from 7am - 7pm. We'll contact you the day before delivery to confirm.
7y 25d#7
I have one of these and they're absolutely fantastic. Toasts a sandwich in about 2-3 minutes from cold, or about 30 seconds if you allow it to heat up before putting your sandwich in. I've made burgers on it before, and while it's possible, there's no drip tray for the grease, so I don't really advise doing this.
7y 25d#6
Heat! 'No bun intended' (It's okay, I'll show myself out )
7y 25d#5
Its a six slice and its out of stock.
7y 25d#4
Can check local store stock via the link on Tesco Direct. Definitely some available around and about.
7y 25d#3
Thanks. Used £21 Tesco vouchers so bargain
7y 25d#2
I have this model. £19.95 from Sainsburys few months back. Surprised it was £34 in Tesco.
We love it. Takes a hammering. Wipes clean. Delicious Panini's & toasties!
7y 25d#1
This is one of the few kitchen gadgets i've acquired that gets used every week, usually more than once. Which reminds me, lunchtime.
Opening post
(This is ONLY available in the very LARGEST of Tesco's stores)
Order by 5pm (Sunday - Friday) and collect in-store after 3pm next day.
Delivery from 7am - 7pm. We'll contact you the day before delivery to confirm.
I've made burgers on it before, and while it's possible, there's no drip tray for the grease, so I don't really advise doing this.
We love it. Takes a hammering. Wipes clean. Delicious Panini's & toasties!