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Opening post
23 Sep 17
Sensible lease offer for a nice car, you can change mileage and contract term on their website depending your needs
All comments (73)
23 Sep 17 #1
Always the same joke whether it's BMW or Audi.

Well I drive a Peugeot and don't use my indicators either.
bilbob to mittromney
23 Sep 17 #4
But that's because they don't work...
morrig to mittromney
23 Sep 17 #6
It's you , thought it was.
23 Sep 17 #2
There's a better deal with Select, 3+23 at 10k miles per annum for £8294.

extra £375 for 5000 miles and you only need to stump up 3 months initial.
7day to mittromney
23 Sep 17 #3
Looks good
mittromney to 7day
23 Sep 17 #11
​Check out
lots of providers.
23 Sep 17 #5
Saw this 2 weeks ago. So tempted to go for it.
23 Sep 17 #7
I’m not against lease deals but paying that much money for a brilliant car is not worth it if you’re only allowed to average less than 100 miles a week. You’re paying good money to spend most of your time looking at it.
23 Sep 17 #8
I'll only charge you £4000 for two years to stand and look at my car. It's almost as much as 5000 miles per year.
23 Sep 17 #9
Mileage allowance is some kind of joke?

You can drive 19.3 mile per day if you drive 5 days in a week... to Admast79
23 Sep 17 #10
Even more of a joke when its a diesel. Hello DPF issues. Pointless
m5rcc to
23 Sep 17 #14
You don't own the car - not your problem.
bilbob to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #16
It often is though isn't it? Many won't cover the DPF under warranty, and even if they do, it'll only be once...
m5rcc to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #18
I have always advocated not to own any diesel unless you do 20,000 miles a year or more and/or need a very big vehicle such as a pick-up or a van and/or need to tow something.
bilbob to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #20
I agree, but that's not the point is it? A DPF failure likely WILL be a chargeable repair...
m5rcc to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #21
Of course, but equally, DPFs fail.

Generally you can expect an EGR to last 50-100k miles; an AdBlue heater to last 50k miles, a DPF to last 80-100k (before filling up with ash), turbo to last 100-150k miles depending on how much you idle it before switching it off. Let's not even get into timing chain failures on BMW M47 and Mercedes-Benz 2.1 diesels.

That's why you should not own a modern diesel car - the maintenance cost of them is astronomical, unless you are one of those that fit in the earlier criteria.
bilbob to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #22
Again, I don't disagree, but again, that's not the point! You said that a dpf failure wouldn't be the buyers concern on a brand new leased car.
I'm saying it more than likely WOULD.
m5rcc to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #25
As long as they use it correctly, it wouldn't be. In the long-term, they wouldn't need to replace the DPF as they wouldn't own the car for long enough. That is my point that you are missing.
bilbob to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #23
I know these figures are generalisations, but I sold my last Mondeo with 150k on it, with no EGR, turbo or DPF faults. And my current one has just turned 100k with the same record.
m5rcc to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #24
118luke to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #40
I can back you up with that - exactly the same here. Diesels have been much more reliable than petrols in my experience.
M5rcc tries to paint a doomsday style picture with Diesels saying they are guaranteed to fail after 50k. Nor does he accept that Diesels and Petrols share very much the same technology except a few minor details. Finally, it has been proven that new gen petrols are WORSE for the environment than an old diesel but he wont accept this either.
m5rcc to 118luke
24 Sep 17 #45
It's not that I won't accept it. Diesels are being banned. Petrols aren't. That is fact.
OrribleHarry to m5rcc
5 Oct 17 #69
It's not a fact it's just highly anticipated it's not been formally announced.

All ICE cars diesel AND petrol will be banned within 10 years.
118luke to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #39
You need to tell that to my last 5 cars that made it to 100k-150k and never suffered from a DPF failure.
Coil packs however - when they fail they can take the ECU along with them. That will cost well over what a DPF does.
FocusST to 118luke
5 Oct 17 #57
You would be better finding a brick wall and just banging your head against it. :wink:

We've ran our low mileage diesel for 10 years at no more than 8k miles a year and it's never failed on anything other than the odd bulb.

I also run a high power petrol so I'm not coming at this as a diesel only lover.

But as we know from the last thread, diesels will be banned in ALL cities by 2019 so we better run for the hills, according to some people (until the comments were deleted). :wink:‌ :grin:
118luke to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #38
Give it a rest - its getting boring now
m5rcc to 118luke
24 Sep 17 #44
Much like your GDI posts...
bilbob to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #27
Wow... got out of the wrong side of the bed or something??
Let's got through the path shall we?
You responded to a comment that DPF issues were inevitable on such a low mileage allowance on a diesel car, with this:

And I pointed out that it likely WILL be a problem, because many will NOT recognise a DPF issue as in warranty, especially on a low mileage car. This is *very* common.
And yet you seemed to want to carry on the argument by changing your point, so followed up with this:

I'm not missing a point, you didn't make it. You answered initially in the present tense. If it fails during your stewardship, then you likely will be liable for the DPF fault, that was my point. Now you seem to want to change your point by referring to the past tense.
At worst, you were wrong and trying to CYA, at best you failed to make your point, because you didn't make clear your point in the slightest.
And it doesn't matter if they use it correctly, does it? You are obviously very interested in cars, as I've seen you comment repeatedly on such posts, so you should know full well the difficulty in challenging dealers when it comes to DPF faults. Same as clutches, they just blame the way you drive, and it's extremely difficult to counter that. It usually goes down to goodwill.
m5rcc to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #28
I got out of the wrong side of bed? No - don't think so. You are trying to argue (and failing) that the problems (and solutions) I have mentioned earlier are not valid.

I suggest you take a breath or go for a walk, reflect, then come back when you've cooled down.
bilbob to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #31
What a well constructed argument you have there.
I've got better things to do with my time, I made my point.
m5rcc to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #32
m5rcc to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #29
Unless of course they have known problem, such as Ford.
123batman321 to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #30
Your wrong. You will not be liable for a dpf fault within warranty period and its extremely unlikely to knacker it in that time anyway
bilbob to 123batman321
23 Sep 17 #33

I'm afraid that blanket statement is simply not true... a simple web search will provide evidence to the contrary.
In fact, i'll save you the bother, because I know you'll come back with an unsubstantiated argument to the opposite...…44/
From that link, a BMW spokesman said: "“There may be other factors that have an impact on the car’s performance and these would be taken into consideration. It would not be sufficient for any issue to be covered by BMW without question,” he explained."
Also from there, a Vauxhall spokebod said:"Vauxhall confirmed it “does not pay under warranty” for DPF blockages because there is no defect with the vehicle."
Another link:…rs/
From there, a VW spokesbod said:
"The Warranty department has confirmed that if there is no fault on the vehicle and DPF regeneration has been unsuccessful due to the customers driving style and the
customers failure to comply with the instructions in the handbook, DPF replacement will not be paid for by warranty."
As I said, pretty every manufacturer will dispute a DPF warranty claim. And *many* fail under warranty if not maintained correctly.

And with that, I CBA anymore, I'll eave you all to argue otherwise.

m5rcc to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #34
Your exit didn't last long. You are still on here trying to argue with people. Some may say you are a troll.
bilbob to m5rcc
23 Sep 17 #35
Trolls aren't really known for constructing arguments and backing them up with evidence.
Trolls generally move their argument when needed, and fail to provide any proof of their points.
bilbob to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #36
I was under the impression that you could have a reasonable debate, but I forget where I am sometimes.
Some people are not interested in 'debate' merely in making a point. When you feel ready, go back and look at your original comment that started this. It simply didn't stand up and that's what I argued. If you feel that making a point and backing it up with evidence and quotes, (something you have failed to do on multiple occasions) then by all means call me a troll.
When I was called wrong, I replied, and again, backed it up with evidence.
You REALLY think this makes me a troll?
I remember now why I had you muted once before. You are back on mute, go ahead and rant and argue all you like.
I've made my points, and I've provided evidence. If you wish to call me out or contradict, then do it with facts.

Not just 'wot I reckon'.

This thread didn't deserve such a diversion and I apologise for being part of it.
Bertz99 to bilbob
23 Sep 17 #37
Another poster on here said to me "that sometimes you can not tell anything to someone who knows everything" and whilst this is true this following link seems to fit the issue being repeatedly demostrated:…568
m5rcc to Bertz99
24 Sep 17 #42
Oh Bertie! I don't think you are in the position to comment when you definitely go out of your way to reply and follow what I do outside HUKD.

A narcissist? I don't think so. I don't follow those traits. Donald Trump does however...
Bertz99 to m5rcc
24 Sep 17 #46
Of course you wouldn't
m5rcc to Bertz99
24 Sep 17 #47
Keep thinking Bertie. It's what you do best.
m5rcc to bilbob
24 Sep 17 #43
Why are you still here?
23 Sep 17 #12
Paying £8294 over three years for a car like this is excellent. Better than loosing about half of the car’s list price after 3 years ownership
ahenners to Ali.Balamir
23 Sep 17 #26
Except it's over 2 years this lease. Anyone buying a 420d M Sport with discount and putting 10k on it isn't going to "loose" [SIC] half of its value.
ourdave to Ali.Balamir
5 Oct 17 #55
It’s lose or losing.
Not loose or loosing.

I’d be a happier man if the world’s IT systems had ‘loosing’ set to autocorrect to ‘losing’.
‌ :blush:
jhk to ourdave
5 Oct 17 #56
I thought this was a deals site, not a spelling forum
ourdave to jhk
5 Oct 17 #66
Move over if you’re not over-taking

Loosing isn’t a word. It is an English language site, isn’t it?
M1LFHunter to ourdave
5 Oct 17 #59
Unless it is loose, of course. Looser.
moob to Ali.Balamir
5 Oct 17 #60
It's 8 grand, 8 thousand, 8000 pounds to barely drive a car for 2 years.

No one with common sense buys cars brand new off the lot these days.

Sorry, but this deal makes no sense.
CoeK to moob
5 Oct 17 #61
Do people with common sense just steal them off the lot?
moob to CoeK
5 Oct 17 #62
I doubt it, because that wouldn't be common sense.
CoeK to moob
5 Oct 17 #63
I can't think of any other way to get a new car other than buying, leasing or stealing.
moob to CoeK
5 Oct 17 #64
You could win one by taking part in a quiz show, for example.
CoeK to moob
5 Oct 17 #65
Been a long time since I watched bullseye.
23 Sep 17 #13
Very poor deal: BMW Berry Heathrow offering the same car with 8k miles for £472.48 or £19.69/net/mth less:

consumer_revenge to m5rcc
27 Sep 17 #50
I cannot see this, is it still available? Thanks
Guzzle to consumer_revenge
27 Sep 17 #51
Looks like it is, but only on pre-registered 17 plate cars in stock with delivery miles. Free metallic paint though.
Ka11ran to consumer_revenge
27 Sep 17 #52
I spoken to them. They only have automatics. The deal you’re looking at is for manual. Auto is priced at £290 with maintenance
OrribleHarry to Ka11ran
5 Oct 17 #68
Why would anyone buy a manual in 2017?

The BMW auto gearbox is awesome.
Ka11ran to OrribleHarry
6 Oct 17 #70
I didn’t say for anyone to go for the manual.. lol. I was saying, I was also interested in this deal, however, when I contacted them, they said only manual is available... as they’ve run out of autos. Furthermore, I own 3 vehicles 2 of which are manual. I quite like driving manual from time to time...
CoeK to Ka11ran
6 Oct 17 #71
I prefer manual too. Driving auto feels boring to me.
Ka11ran to CoeK
6 Oct 17 #72
Yea same :laughing: . I like the mechanism of changing gears :joy:‌ :joy: some people think it’s stupid as they’re used to auto. I find it boring too after while. Auto is nice but from the bmw I’ve own, only 1 was auto and the rest were manual. It’s preference tbh. I’d get an auto but wouldn’t mind a manual. whereas, others want auto only and no exceptions to manual. Lol
CoeK to Ka11ran
6 Oct 17 #73
My other halfs mum has an auto, because she has arthritis. In my head it is an old persons thing.
23 Sep 17 #15
Absolutely ridiculous annual mileage some people cover that in a few months
bilbob to bestbuy123
23 Sep 17 #17
This limit would last me just over 2...!
m5rcc to bestbuy123
23 Sep 17 #19
OrribleHarry to m5rcc
5 Oct 17 #67
No 42% of the population not just greater London then as it takes an entire 12months to move that far.
24 Sep 17 #41
Ffs 5k only, that's a couple of shopping trips - you'll never enjoy the car - eyes fixated on mileage count down. IMO need a minimum 20k to enjoy a car
24 Sep 17 #48
Jesus Christ get a grip you two!!!
25 Sep 17 #49
Owned loads of modern diesels bmw, Saab, vw. Never had a dpf issue. Only one egr problem on the Saab and bought the genuine replacement part on eBay and bolted it on myself at virtually no cost.
5 Oct 17 #53
"5k Annual mileage", so I can pretty much park it on my drive and look at it but not drive it. Useless!
5 Oct 17 #54
Nice deal and great price - would be tempted but having made the final payment to keep my existing car I can’t see any compelling reason to change. Part of me thinks modern cars are so good now there’s no ‘must have’ new feature - same story with smartphones and computers.

On the mileage front, I live near my offices, ride to work when the weather allows and still do 6-8k a year and I think that’s low compared to many others.
5 Oct 17 #58
The fuel consumption is so good on BMW's well, it must be, as they're always up your arse drafting they mustn't spend anything on fuel.
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