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7y 25d
2801729.jpgGo through Quidco (quidco offer expires on 27th of September)and claim £2 every 4 pack which makes only 50p! Remember to pay separate for each 4 pack and keep receip.Beautiful glass with 4x440ml cans all packed in nice gift box on sale in Asda. Reduced from £4 to £2.50 now. Loads on shelves in Tamworth. Not sure if national but worth checking
Glass it self ~ £6 amazon
4 x 440ml ~ £4 asda
All comments (45)
7y 25d #1
Priced at £4, but scanned at £2.50.
Bought the last two.
7y 25d #2
Must be national... Picked one up in Weymouth today.
7y 25d #3
Happy days 😄 I'm going back for another 2 boxes 😄
7y 25d #4
can also claim £2 back via checkoutsmart/clicksnap, Hope my local has them reduced tomorrow
Gambler to natz265
7y 25d #15
Not too bothered about this offer as I prefer bottles. I stopped checking clicksnap as the beer offers seemed to dry up a long time ago.

Can't believe I've just read this deal as it's 24 bottles for £17 in Morrisons.
7y 25d #5
And 4 hrs left to get £2 cash back from checkoutsmart.
7y 25d #6
Fingers crossed Checkoutsmark refresh the deal..
7y 25d #7
724636024-1506624484.jpgWhen I said I was going back for another 2 I actually picked another 4 😉
How to claim money back guys??
foxymeister to Krissto
7y 25d #8
You'll need 4 different CheckoutSmrtaccounts and each four pack needs to be on a different receipt !!
abdi12346 to Krissto
7y 25d #9
natz265 to Krissto
7y 25d #11

you could claim via Clicksnap app (quidco) or checkoutsmart app offer is for 1 pack on both. As you went back you`ll have 2 receipts so could claim 2 lots, better than nothing.
Krissto to natz265
7y 25d #12
Claimed £4 back! Thank You 😄
natz265 to Krissto
7y 25d #35
no problem. Mine didn't have them but got my dad a 4pack for £1.50 after cashback
7y 25d #10
Just got last one at Asda Boldon to save anyone a journey, asked but none out the back either, thanks Op

Asda Boldon Colliery were displaying this at £4 so get it scanned if your unsure
7y 25d #13
Nice glass to drink awful lager out of. Got to be one of the worst tasting semi-premium lagers.
Krissto to monkeyhanger75
7y 25d #14
Saying that for me much better than Fosters, carlsberg and carling. But like you said still worth just for glass 😉
7y 25d #16
Water, Malted Barley, Sugar, Hops, Carbon Dioxide.

Why does beer need sugar added to it though? This does have alcohol in it so I'm not complaining I'd drink it and I have, it's not unpleasant but not that decent either. It's making me angry now, I paid for this and they stole some alcohol from me and replaced it with sugar!
synergy to fishmaster
7y 25d #32
I would imagine there will be very little sugar left once the yeast has fermented it into alcohol.

I would hazard a guess that they use sugar to top up the alcohol volume, rather than using more malted barley or other source that would improve taste, albeit at extra cost
7y 25d #17
OP .. "Go through Quidco (quidco offer expires on 27th of September)".

And your Deal was only Posted today? (on 28th September 2017?).

What am I missing ... :-(

Cool Deal at only £2.50 for 4 though, lol. :-)
Krissto to amour3k
7y 25d #20
Meant to be (quidco offer expires on 28th..) got mixed with dates 😉
jeczap to Krissto
7y 25d #21
That equally does not make any sense (today is the 29th) 😉
Anon to jeczap
7y 25d #22
They keep changing the end date - it has changed three times so far this week. Just check before you buy
7y 25d #18
Memories of a cheap holiday in Lanzarote. Nice beer!
Rich069 to leel246
7y 25d #34
Doubt it was this one. Amstel abroad tends to be the 5% stuff-this stuff is nothing like it unfortunately.
7y 25d #19
Clicksnap rolled over 👍
7y 25d #23
How do you clean one of these glasses?
7y 25d #24
COS quickly gone to payable, so ClickSnap should be fine.
I'll have a look late to see if they've replenished the shelves. ;-)

Not the best drink, but 4 cans and a glass for 50p? Fantastic deal.

Kids packed lunches sorted next week. 😛
7y 25d #26
Washing up liquid
7y 25d #27
As at Friday 29th midday have further opportunities for two separate purchases:

29/9 to 3/10 on Quidco ClickSnap App showing £2 back for 1 purchase of "Amstel 4pk or 6pk" "any Amstel pack in-store" at ASDA/Morrisons/Sainsbury's

4 days left ie to 3/10 on CheckoutSmart App £2 for 1 claim
7y 25d #28
Can I buy 2 packs and claim on 2 quidco accounts with the same receipt or has to be separate?
archie41 to Gambler
7y 25d #31
no, different receipts
mk-donald to Gambler
7y 25d #36
Any receipt may only be uploaded/submitted ONCE to either CheckoutSmart and/or Quidco ClickSnap (as they are linked enterprises (it's in the T&Cs)). So each account/claim needs a distinct/unique receipt.

So if you want to take advantage of offers on more than one a/c and/or site then at the till split your basket and buy the 4 packs separately on distinct receipts and submit one receipt to QCS#1 and another to QCS#2 and potentially another to CoS#1 and another to CoS#2 for 4 claims across two people and sites.

(Those rules actually apply even if claiming for different items eg say beer on CoS and cider on QCS, you can't buy both items on one receipt and submit a beer claim to CoS and a cider claim to QCS, they'll reject second claim 99% of the time. Solution is to buy CoS item on one receipt, QCS items on another receipt.).
7y 25d #29
£3.50 and no glass
7y 25d #30
Bough 4 at my local Asda and then searched for Amstel beer reviews after, well I guess the glasses are nice enough 😞

Not price marked on the shelf and wasn't at the beer isle in case it helps anyone
7y 25d #33
All that hassle for some cheap glasses that likely nobody needed. 😲
7y 25d #37
Fizzy water, cheap though
y-oh-y to random_dude
7y 25d #25
It's not great, but sadly there are worse!
You can mix it will all the free cider that's been doing the rounds. ;-)

Got another two packs tonight.
Check on top of the shelves where they keep extra stock.
7y 25d #38
reduced items doesn't qualify for cashback. So no cashback. But still great deal.
y-oh-y to natalieee
7y 25d #39
Both ClickSnap and COS have gone to payable already for the first lot.

An excellent deal. 😁
Anon to natalieee
7y 25d #41
The receipt doesn’t show it as reduced.

Which aisle are people finding these on please as just normal 4 packs in my stores so far.

Thank you
y-oh-y to Anon
7y 25d #40
No, not showing as reduced, but they were priced at £4, before scanning at just £2.50.
I found them on the end of the beer aisle, along with other boxed sets. As above, there were some above the beers where they keep stock to replenish.

Just a word of caution.
Although the first receipts were processed fine, the second lot were declined, but approved on appeal.
Although it doesn't state gift sets are excluded, that was the initial reason.
Fantastic customer care and service (as per usual) with COS.
natalieee to Anon
7y 25d #42
I tried it before(it was Fosters Rocks). The receipt didn't say it was reduced either but my cashback wasn't honoured.
Anon to natalieee
7y 25d #43
Out of interest did you resubmit/contact them? Sometimes items are rejected for no apparent reason but resubmit and they go through.
natalieee to Anon
7y 25d #44
no I didn't contact them. After trying both quidco and checkoutsmart I read the t&c and gave up.. Maybe you're right though as I've never received any official statement.
7y 24d #45
My cashback has been declined for this offer. As i did not but for £3.50. It doesn't state this in the t and c's. Its a promotional pack. Not reduced due to shelf life?
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