Good selection of Aldi Christmas Hampers now available online, starting at £19.99 to £99.99
7y 24d#26
I have never been in Aldi or Lidl. I don't think I would want an Aldi hamper at Xmas, mind you last year I got a hamper from Fortnum & Mason, that was nice. I have brothers who shop at Aldi, might get them one
rachelkajese to joesmum
7y 24d#27
7y 24d#21
Aldi chicken is exactly the same as M&S chicken
7y 25d#18
Probably better to buy separately because you're paying £4.49 for a box and making no saving. That said it's pretty decent advertising as it's made me want everything in it(embarrassed)
7y 25d#17
DH worked for the largest meat supplier in the U.K. - chicken in a plastic tray, £3 Aldi, chicken in a foil tray with a blob of garlic butter on, £8 M&S
7y 25d#16
I personally have never had anything rubbish from Aldi from chicken to washing powder....Aldi all the way in our house
RuudBullit to rachelkajese
7y 24d#23
Aren't Aldi one of the supermarkets who have been using the supplier at the centre of the recent 'chickengate' scandal? (It's not a scandal unless you pair it with gate). So you probably have had rubbish, but just didn't realise it, but at least it's the same rubbish that you would have paid more for at Tesco or Sainsbury's.
rachelkajese to RuudBullit
7y 24d#25
Maybe so but either way im not bothered,its still gonna be Aldi ALL the way in our house
7y 25d#11
We got a few of these last year, but both me and the other half think they have less items and some of the others seem more expensive. We had the exquisite and several of the Christmas feast ones. Any one else bought these before and think they are smaller this year?
7y 25d#10
Surely if you shop at Aldi, it would be cheaper to just buy it in store And just package it up?doesnt seem much of a deal to me. Wouldn’t want to give this as a gift!
spanglish03 to edinburgher
7y 25d#12
Have to agree after looking, I was thinking of giving a hamper as a present Xmas gift, but after looking at these I think k to buy what you know people like and make your own would be much better quality, especially if you combine some of the shops deals on the run up to Christmas, thank you though as Ive got some ideas to include that I wouldn't of seen.
7y 25d#8
Bit late for Christmas sale...
kongked to pmaker
7y 24d#20
Bit late in life for you to attempt humour (no wonder you failed).
pmaker to kongked
7y 24d#22
Bit late in life for you to attempt humour (no wonder you failed).
7y 25d#7
Anybody remember whole cooked chickens in a long tin, i remember my wee granny getting a xmas hamper way back in the 70s and that was a staple thing in it, along with other tins of meat, and fancy mints.ha
7y 25d#6
Try your local butcher if you want real quality
thekitkatshuffler to cainniamh
7y 25d#14
I'd love to but my local butcher was closed down for breaches in food safety standards.
You do realise most supermarkets, including marks and spencer, source from the same supplier as Aldi?
jameswalker457 to mattturner756
7y 25d#9
Actually I usually find Aldi chicken, especially skinless is better.
morty to mattturner756
7y 24d#24
Some what true but the meat quality is far different.
I found this out from a friend who is manager at one of the distributers which supplies m&s, kfc, tesco they have different sections and m&s get the top quality meats people like tesco get the bottom end.
He also told me watch out for how they are wrapped in the plastic if it is not smooth has bumps or ripples avoid they are classed as faulty but places like tesco will buy them at discount
jamierichardson129 to cainniamh
7y 25d#4
I must admit I like most of the food from Aldi but the only time I bought ready cooked chicken from there it was vile. It went straight in the bin.
snappyfish to cainniamh
7y 25d#19
Everything is misleading these days, including comments on HDUK
7y 25d#1
Voted hot. Aldi is great quality and very good prices.
Opening post
Local Aldi - 5 star hygiene rating.…tml
Local butcher - 1 star hygiene rating.…tml
I found this out from a friend who is manager at one of the distributers which supplies m&s, kfc, tesco they have different sections and m&s get the top quality meats people like tesco get the bottom end.
He also told me watch out for how they are wrapped in the plastic if it is not smooth has bumps or ripples avoid they are classed as faulty but places like tesco will buy them at discount