Just been to Morrisons in Morley and was surprised to see they have 5ltr kegs of shipyard pale ale on offer for £13. Works out at £1.62 a pint for 8 pints. Ideal for a party. Really nice tasting ale.
Store worker said it was a nationwide offer. Hopefully this of use to someone
16 Sep 17#12
been recently to usa and beers is there wank, everything goes light type, bud lite, coors lite, and so on, tastes like gassy water,
16 Sep 17#11
czech budwiser is much better for the same price,
15 Sep 17#9
The irony of taking the picture whilst sat in the drivers seat. Dont drink and drive :innocent:
CHEWBAG_JACK to lynsaydyson
15 Sep 17#10
It would have never fit in the cup holder(embarrassed)
15 Sep 17#7
These kegs are a pain, you have to keep opening and shutting a pressure valve as well as the tap, if you forget, next time you come back...flat as a witches..panck
jonnylinacre to poppy1sa
15 Sep 17#8
That is true. Slurp the gallon in one sitting.
15 Sep 17#5
15 Sep 17#4
Had a pint of this in spoons last eek - quite liked it
15 Sep 17#2
It is nice. Im sure this is 5%+ in the pub?
fedex1401 to coyote
15 Sep 17#3
It might be. I believe the alcohol content can differ between ales sold on trade and off.:{
jeczap to fedex1401
15 Sep 17#6
15 Sep 17#1
Actually works out at £1.48 per pint. 5 litres = 8.8 pints. Even better.
Opening post
Store worker said it was a nationwide offer. Hopefully this of use to someone