£18.48 if you're not in a rush for it to be delivered. Cheers OP
6 Sep 17#26
The reviews don't look very good saying the video quality is not very good outside and inside or in low light is poor.
I am looking for a discreet camera to wear that records video and sound to record a neighbour from hell. I am not interested in streaming. Can anyone who owns one of these post if quality of video and sound recording would be suitable?
Pateo to Proveright
6 Sep 17#27
This guy does very good reviews on spyCam's etc, just have a search on his blog/YouTube! techmoan.com/blo…e=5
6 Sep 17#28
Many thanks Pateo for the post and link. Very interesting.
Opening post
record to sd card or to your phone via app and even use any sim and
stream live for £20 amazing
All comments (28)
How did you get £19.97
Btw I notice the model with watch viewfinder is on as well.
Get in... pleased with myself there!!!
Coming in at £14.48 for me!
I am looking for a discreet camera to wear that records video and sound to record a neighbour from hell. I am not interested in streaming. Can anyone who owns one of these post if quality of video and sound recording would be suitable?