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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
25 Sep 17
The regular Autumn offer on Disney DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray goes live today and includes the more recent releases of Beauty & The Beast Live Action, Moana, Finding Dory etc.


Cheapest place to buy is - 2 Disney Blu-Ray for £13.50, 2 Disney DVD for £10.80, 2 Disney 3D Blu-Ray £16.20 prices are delivered price using code SIGNUP10 @ with cashback also available through Topcashback.

Will update with prices & links to Amazon, Zavvi, HMV, Tesco Disney Multi-Buy as they go live.

Unlike Amazon there is free delivery for everyone at zoom although it also has to be said they don't have the same extensive range of Disney Blu-Ray's and DVD's on offer but still seems to be the cheapest around for them. HOWEVER if the limited edition slip cases are important to you I would order from another retailer rather than zoom as they never seem to send slip cased editions despite showing them in the pictures.

However the following retailers are also offering the following Disney Multi-Buy Offers (will update post when other retailers offers are live as thought it made more sense to have them all in one post rather than separate posts for each):

Amazon - link for DVD's in offer:…A3Y

Link for Blu-Rays for Amazon courtesy of thecomesandgoes :…JNU

Link for 3D Blu-Rays in Offer from Amazon:…MNY

2 DVD for £12.00
2 Blu-Ray for £15.00
2 3D Blu-Ray for £18.00
NOTE: Delivery only free for Prime Members or orders over £20 for Non-Prime.

Zavvi (free delivery) - Cashback available from both Quidco and Topcashback.
Link for Offer Page:…_id

2 DVD for £12
2 Blu-Ray for £15
2 3D Blu-Ray for £18
Zavvi are also offering 2 Disney Steelbooks for £18 (thanks to BristolBillyBob for reminding me about it as slipped my mind to mention that various 3D steelbooks were included in zavvi's offer):

HMV (free delivery online) - Cashback available from both Quidco and Topcashback
Link for Offer Page:…for
2 DVD for £12
2 Blu-Ray for £15
2 3D Blu-Ray for £18

Tesco (limited selection on their website but more available in store):
2 DVD for £12
2 Blu-Ray for £15

ASDA in-store prices courtesy of kylmej
2 for £12 DVD
2 for £15 Blu-Ray
2 for £18 3D Blu-Ray.

The 2 for £8 DVD's that mackem1966 mentions in their comment are the Disney B list titles not the latest releases but may still be of interest to people.

Sainsbury's - I can't find any info at the moment on their offer but would assume it would be the same as Amazon, Asda, Tesco, Zavvi and HMV seeing as it seems to be standard pricing and zoom is the cheapest due to the discount code.
All comments (53)
25 Sep 17 #1
So much effort has gone into this post,thank you op much deserved heat added.
dealchaser888 to malm
25 Sep 17 #6
absolutely, many thanks to OP
tiggerloveslife to malm
25 Sep 17 #9

You are most welcome, glad to have been of some help :smiley_cat:
25 Sep 17 #2
Heat. Compared to other Blu Ray prices this might seem a bit meh, but for Disney, which are rarely discounted quickly and hold value well, this is a good deal for their most recent titles. I'll be picking up a couple for pay day tomorrow so thanks for the heads up! :smile:

PS. Moana and Zootropolis would be my recommendations, since you ask. :wink:
25 Sep 17 #3
Worth noting that Zavvi also have steelbooks at 2 for £18, as I know some people are into those. Given most are 3D, bear in mind that's an option at the same price if that sort of thing excites you - if nothing else, they'll probably hold more resale value.…659
tiggerloveslife to BristolBillyBob
25 Sep 17 #8
Added info to description...knew there was something that slipped my mind when posting at some godless hour during the
25 Sep 17 #4
Thanks, i've managed to get Moana and The Good Dinosaur. Great price for two disney DVDs
25 Sep 17 #5
Asda have 2 Disney dvds for £8
tiggerloveslife to mackem1966
25 Sep 17 #7
Ok can add that in but just want to check that it is the most recent releases that the other retailers are offering e.g. Beauty & The Beast Live Action, Moana etc.

Only thing is that Asda don't offer Entertainment Home Delivery any more and was trying to list all those that were available for direct Home Delivery :wink:
kylemj to mackem1966
25 Sep 17 #10
The 2 for £8 is Disneys B list titles.

The offer in Asda for which same titles as above is 2 for £12 DVD, 2 for £15 Br and 2 for £18 3D Br
tiggerloveslife to kylemj
25 Sep 17 #11
Ah thanks for the update...did wonder if that was the case but don't have an Asda that I could check in but will add the Asda instore prices to the description :wink:
25 Sep 17 #12
Link to Amazon page -…JNU
tiggerloveslife to thecomesandgoes
25 Sep 17 #13
Thank you...will add to description at last...not sure why but no matter where I looked I couldn't seem to find a main landing page for the Amazon offer.
25 Sep 17 #14
I wouldn't order from Zavvi, especially if you want the limited edition slip cases as I got the villain Robin Hood slipcase blu ray a couple of years ago and the condition it turned up in was disgusting. I then got a batman movie trilogy from them that came in a slipcase, and when it turned it looked like someone had been booting it around.
25 Sep 17 #15
Yeh, the blurays i have ordered from zavvi before, all arrived without slipcases, i reckon there packing department takes them off so they fit in the packaging they send them out in.
26 Sep 17 #16
Big Hero 6 isn't there :-(
Dude1971 to Dude1971
26 Sep 17 #17
Wait, it's on zoom but not Amazon!
26 Sep 17 #18
Damn, came for the MCU and/or Star Wars.......
26 Sep 17 #19
I got 2 bluerays for £13.50 with code
26 Sep 17 #20
Thank goodness! The SIGNUP10 code actually worked for once this time!, got. Myself Zootropolis and Moana both on 3d Blu-Ray for just £16.20.
Thanks tiggerloveslife.

Heat added.
BristolBillyBob to SimyJo
26 Sep 17 #21
Good choice. :smile:
26 Sep 17 #22
The Amazon promo page has some that aren't currently available in the promo, so make sure you check the price at checkout.

For example, the 3D Blu Ray of the original animated B&TB with the slip case is showing on the page, but the discount doesn't apply.

I chatted with Amazon CS and they said that it needs to be sold and fulfilled by Amazon (which B&TB wasn't). I'd assumed that was the case, but it doesn't state it on the promo page. You'd think they'd have some system that only showed available items, but there we go.
26 Sep 17 #23
Wish this would include other Disney films like the Marvel ones, Star wars
Grantos1 to drewbles82
26 Sep 17 #24
Last year at Christmas HMV were doing a similar Disney dvd/blu ray deal that had the Marvel titles in it
drewbles82 to Grantos1
26 Sep 17 #25
Good thing i can wait. Not bought any since Civil War
26 Sep 17 #26
Ordered from zoom, 2 dvds for £10.80. Thanks for taking the time to create such a detailed post, I had never heard of zoom until now.
tiggerloveslife to frizzyhead
27 Sep 17 #29
You're welcome..glad to have been of help...I've found zoom to be quite good to deal with and have bought quite a bit from them...they quite often have really good special offers although it also has to be said their range is not as extensive as other retailers but always worth checking prices with them before buying elsewhere :wink:
27 Sep 17 #27
Are HMV quite good for including the advertised slipcases, please? Never ordered from them, but they're the only ones showing the two I want with slipcases.
tiggerloveslife to BristolBillyBob
27 Sep 17 #30

Honestly can't tell you as haven't ordered any yet and not 100% sure if I will yet as although I'd like Moana and Beauty and the Beast don't think my finances can quite stretch to them at the mo...damn Christmas coming up and people who have birthday's at this time of year...shouldn't be

In saying that it really does seem to be a real hit or miss situation regarding slipcases...know all the ones I bought from zoom last time came without them despite showing them in the pictures on the website....mind you had the same thing last time this offer was on with Amazon...they showed the 3D live action jungle book with the slipcase but when it arrived there was no slipcase :disappointed:

Guess the only way to really guarantee getting the slipcases and in a good condition is to buy from a bricks and mortar store e.g. HMV on the high street, Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's....
27 Sep 17 #28
Yeh, can guys who have ordered let us know if any came with slipcases and where you ordered from, cheers
27 Sep 17 #31
Trouble is Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's.... never do 2 for 18 on there 3D titles in store :disappointed:
BristolBillyBob to Daytrader
27 Sep 17 #32
Fopp in Bristol are doing this promotion too, but same deal; not on the 3D ones.

I ordered Beauty And The Beast 3D and Inside Out 3D from Amazon yesterday and both came this morning with slipcases. :smile:
tiggerloveslife to BristolBillyBob
29 Sep 17 #36
Whey hey...success on the slipcase front :party:

Seriously though thanks for the update so people who are looking for the slipcases know where to order from :wink:
BristolBillyBob to tiggerloveslife
29 Sep 17 #38
I've got two more on the way today. :blush: I'll report back!
28 Sep 17 #33
Not about Disney but if anyone interested have for sale brand new sealed 3D Blu ray steelbook of King Arthur £20 + p&p
28 Sep 17 #34
Thanks for sharing.
tiggerloveslife to MadSpecialised
29 Sep 17 #35
You are most welcome...glad to have been of help :smiley_cat:
29 Sep 17 #37
Asda Bedminster in Bristol had the promotion, but it didn't appear to be for 3D blu rays, in case anyone was making a special trip.
30 Sep 17 #40
I also got my zoom order today, interestingly Brave 3D and Lion King 3D came with slipcases, despite the pictures showing that they didn't. Live BATB 3D also came with one, however Tangled 3D didn't - although the picture didn't suggest it would have one. Does seem quite random.
30 Sep 17 #41
Little Mermaid from Amazon arrived with slipcase and, rather charmingly, a Disney Movie Rewards card. Oh, the nostalgia... *wipes away tear*
30 Sep 17 #42
Thank OP, my BATB live action and Tangled arrived from Zoom today, both have slipcases ☺
tiggerloveslife to DonkeyLover
30 Sep 17 #39
Glad to have been of help but got to say that is unusual for zoom and useful to last couple of times this offer has been on people were complaining about the lack of slipcases.
1 Oct 17 #43
Final order from this spate... Pete's Dragon live action arrived with slipcase as advertised.

On a side note, the extras on the Little Mermaid blu ray are great, well worth delving into. Don't miss the DVD extras sub menu either, some really interesting stuff in there. The mock-up of the Little Mermaid ride that was developed but never saw the light of day is really fun.
tiggerloveslife to BristolBillyBob
1 Oct 17 #44
HUGE thanks to you for keeping us all updated as much appreciated...never thought to look at the extras on the Little Mermaid Blu-Ray and the Little Mermaid ride sounds interesting as remember sitting through the "live" show with my sister many years ago at Disney and I'm sure there was some mention about the Little Mermaid ride coming soon then....
4 Oct 17 #45
Update, Amazon order arrived today, Beauty & The Beast 3D 2017 arrived with slipcase, Moana 3D did not.
5 Oct 17 #46
@tiggerloveslife Just want to say thanks for this, Really helpful!
tiggerloveslife to goonertillidie
5 Oct 17 #47
You are most welcome, glad to have been of help :smiley_cat:
5 Oct 17 #48
Thank you. :thumbsup:
5 Oct 17 #49
thats christmas sorted for my nieces :smile:
5 Oct 17 #50
Got a few missing ones this time round

2017 Beauty & The Beast and Moana from Tesco for £6 after vouchers

then from Zoom I ordered 2017 Petes Dragon, sword and the stone, Big Hero 6 and 2016 Jungle Book for £27. Happy with that

need a few more which are in Amazons 3 for £20 then it's mainly the Marvel ones I need so hoping for another BOGOF on those soon
5 Oct 17 #51
Do Disney not do 4K blurays yet ? Heat for effort and some great bargins.
BristolBillyBob to Edged
5 Oct 17 #52
I suspect they're ultimately nudging people towards their online streaming platform, DisneyLife? I wouldn't be surprised if you saw 4K on there first. Or they're just waiting to launch some kind of Strontium Edition or something after a suitable waiting period? :thumbsup:
8 Oct 17 #53
What is a reasonably priced Blu Ray player these days? I have a PS3 in one room.. that basically just does that, but could do with something else too.
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