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 Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition 1TB Console pre orders open now £449.99 @ Amazon
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
20 Aug 17
Pre-order the new Xbox one special edition (scorpio) now from Amazon

Release date is the 7th November
Latest comments (201)
23 Aug 17 #201
It's back In stock
23 Aug 17 #200
Grats on answering your own question. Furthermore a console is much simpler and you don't have to worry about honing on issue if you're buying components separately or potentially get shafted buying certain prebuilds. It's cost efficient for the components it uses and it just seems like you're not the target market which is fine. I built my own PC too, but I can definitely respect anyone wanting a reasonable, simple solution. Whether enough people will go for it is yet to be seen, but companies pushing high performance is only good even if we prefer other platforms. Otherwise a failure could rely on more focus on budget hardware and less optimised graphics for PC users.
23 Aug 17 #199
It's a pity that mining has made it more difficult to get some cards.
Do you have a green energy supplier?
22 Aug 17 #198
And we come back to the CPU bottleneck for driving those high frame rates needed for the optimal VR experience. I'll never say never on this one but I think it's unlikely. We need a proper Ryzen CPU in these consoles.

Aren't MS releasing their own VR holosomething in the near future? No idea if this is relevant.
22 Aug 17 #197
Do you think Oculus will make an app for Xbox One X so we can play our new rift on it?
21 Aug 17 #196
Okay for the xbox list add battlegrounds and for the ps4 list add crash bandicoot remastered.

Its funny that you say this list is biased and can then only add one game which only has a rough 2017 release date.

It matters when there are alot of comments in this thread boasting about the lack of 4k uhd player on the pro while ignoring the xbox will only have 2 exclusive retail games during all of 2017 (halo wars 2 & forza 7) versus the 17 from the ps4 list I made which is also missing games.
21 Aug 17 #195
Why not both? :laughing:

I've pre ordered even though I have a decent gaming rig (1080Ti, 7700k Water-cooled, 850Evo etc) as I have friends that only play Xbox and I enjoy it too.

I just hope there is a 1440p option for resolution output as that is what my monitor is.

6Tflop is near a 980Ti from memory, so 5% under 1070. That should be able to drive 1440p at 60fps easily, even on ultra on BF1. Seems a decent little console for £450 from my perspective. Not sure why some are so upset with that price tag. Have a google of previous consoles (ps1, PS3, Snes etc) on their release and adjust for inflation; it may surprise you.
21 Aug 17 #194
Because derp
21 Aug 17 #193
The same could be said for Sony. But that's the benefit of diverse companies that can ride waves.

I don't care who wins what, I play PC, but the fact of the matter is PUBG isn't coming to PS anytime in the near future, which is a shame for PS players as the game is better than the usual tripe.

All consoles are underpowered and closed platforms, but MS have the capability at least to utilise their marketshare of W10 and Xbox devices to sell software.

Why people want to play 30fps locked (if you're lucky) games I have no idea.

With OneX at least people are guaranteed a solid 60fps with 1080p made better via SS.
21 Aug 17 #192
I cant post links on here hence the pm and it's the tweet on the article I wanted you to read from the gamescom rep

LOL ms wants to pay for the losses of sales from 60+mil consoles so it stays on their platform of 20mil (ish) that is a smart buisness plan.

Also microsoft has the huge amount of money not the xbox division if that was the case the xbox wouldn't have the fewest first party studios and the fewest firsty party games.
21 Aug 17 #191
That's not what I said, I said "it looks like" which it may well be. If MS pay enough there's not reason for them to allow a PS release and last I checked MS had plenty of money.

But by all means quote your Daily Mail source you PM'ed me with for others to read :wink:
21 Aug 17 #190
A year is better than "not ever getting it RIP" that you first posted.

Its also better than waiting 4 years for crackdown 3 or 3 years for cuphead.
21 Aug 17 #189
So you mean to say you have a release date for the Playstation? You'll be waiting a year, at least.
21 Aug 17 #188
Pre orders back up and working
21 Aug 17 #187
Typical microsoft making it difficult to find the truth

It's the same publishing deal as rise of the tomb raider had and will be coming to ps4....

Try doing your own research instead of repeating their usual PR nonsense
21 Aug 17 #186
but you can also use your PC to mine bitcoin/ethereum
why not put it to work for you when you're not using it? I make about 50 a month net after electricity cost by leaving my PC on. Make your hardware pay for itself!
21 Aug 17 #185
people complaining about games etc
the nintendo switch is selling better than both xbox one / ps4 pro and that only has a few games
xbox one x (microsoft) is a billion dollar company - they wont let it flop they will support it for at least 5 years as previous consoles furthermore they have more money in the bank than both nintendo and sony so the future does look good
21 Aug 17 #184
Same lol.
That said, I have pre-ordered anyway and can cancel nearer the time if need be.
21 Aug 17 #183
just bought a 1080ti from amazon with no vat for 550
12TFLOPS on overclocking? yeah I think I'll take it
XBone X is about 6TFLOPS
4K60 can only be achieved on 1080Ti. XBox will do well with 4K30, even 2K60 (which some devs are already saying they have to downscale to). As long as it's not that god awful 2K-->4K checkerboarding upscaling the PS4 pro (non 4K) dods
21 Aug 17 #182
If you come up with a good excuse PM it to me :thumbsup:
21 Aug 17 #181
Hahahahahaha, ahahahahahaha, stop it, you're killing me.
21 Aug 17 #180
There's a note saying the initial allocation has gone so I'd imagine its just getting the queue for the next batches.

Important Notice: We've sold through our initial allocation of the XBox One X Project Scorpio Edition. To be notified as soon as we have more information about stock availability, please sign up for email notifications
21 Aug 17 #179
Thanks, looks like I'll be waiting a bit then.
21 Aug 17 #178
it would be interesting to see why the project scorpio keeps coming in and out of stock to pre order is it just a glitch or are they releasing pre order stock at certain times rather than all at one time.
21 Aug 17 #177
Pre ordered not a bad price paid same amount for a gtx 1080.
21 Aug 17 #176
For those on PlayStation hoping to play the best (most fun) game I've played in years (on PC) it looks like it's RIP.

Bluehole have partnered with MS, don't think you'll be getting PUBG looking at this:…ip/

Maybe you'll get H1Z1 instead :grin:
21 Aug 17 #175
Yes, because the current consoles are bottlenecked by CPU. I'm fairly sure that whilst it's not the ideal solution that the millions $ spent on R&D and design will surpass even your opinion on whether this is problematic or not. I'd be tempted to side with MS.
21 Aug 17 #174
Does anyone really care about a 4k Bluray player? Can't remember the last time I purchased a bluray disc!

Personally, I do care about the woeful CPU which will be this machines achilles heal.
21 Aug 17 #173
RE Microsoft making you DL all 4K assets and the issue with 4K resolution on non-4K screens.

Have you completely forgotten about the ability to super-sample and the huge difference that can make to PQ?

Using SS in Oculus at 2/2.5x I get a HUGE boost over how it ships.
21 Aug 17 #172
No it's not,I bet you wouldn't notice it unless you put them side by side to compare and is graphics more important to you than gameplay?
21 Aug 17 #171
Thanks o
21 Aug 17 #170
Always fan boys on posts like these either PS or MS
21 Aug 17 #169
Surely it's about players choice and not willy waving, who has the most and supposedly biggest games? Yes, games are the whole thing you'd buy the console for but, it's the games you want to play and not quantity, that should entice you.
21 Aug 17 #168
Amazon UK pre orders up again!!!
Edit: sorry, gone again. It only lasted a few minutes....
21 Aug 17 #167
Lol, what a massively biased list! Player Unknown's Battlegrounds for one. What does it matter to you which console people buy? :stuck_out_tongue:
21 Aug 17 #166
Games released in 2017


Halo wars 2
Super luckys tale
Forza 7


Horizon zero dawn
Persona 5
Nier automata
Gravity rush 2
Kingdom hearts 1.5 & 2.5
Kingdom hearts 2.8
Tales of beseria
Dragonquest heroes 2
Wipeout collection
Final fantasy xii hd
Knack 2
Gran turismo sport
Yakuza 0
Yakuza kiwami
Everybodys golf
Parappa the rapper
Mlb 17
Nex machina

The ps4/pro might not have a 4k dvd player but the xbox/x has no games

Kind of important when buying a gaming console.
21 Aug 17 #165
Zoo Tycoon in 4k, HDR, 60 fps - only on Xbox One X!!
21 Aug 17 #164
Haha too many.
21 Aug 17 #163
Yep, ignore me. I calculated it completely wrong. It is £75 as you say. :grin:
21 Aug 17 #162
20% VAT means that the VAT element of the total price is 20/120, or 1/6. The 20% applies to the VAT-exclusive price.

Either way, I agree that the UK price isn't excessive in comparison to the US price.
21 Aug 17 #161
The PC in your link isn’t really comparable. PCgamer appear to be comparing “on paper” while also moving goalposts. The admit that they haven’t priced the OS, mouse, keyboard and freely admit that the build will be suitable for 1080p max. They even state that the GTX 1060 they chose won’t be up to the higher resolutions that the X1X will be due to limited Vram. While not double the price, the X1X will last longer than that build at £150ish less. (After buying a 6gb 1060, OS etc).

Either way, I upgraded to a 1070 earlier this year so the X1X won’t be something I’ll be buying, however, if I hadn’t had bought that card, I’d definitely be buying an X1X as it’s better value in my opinion. :smile:
21 Aug 17 #160
Personally I don't have strong feelings either way on the pricing, but I'd just point out that £75 is VAT, not £90. As for comparability with the pricing of a gaming PC, it'll be about on par - see here:…pc/ You certainly needn't be paying double for similar power!
21 Aug 17 #159
£90 of that £450 is VAT. The US will have to pay a sales tax on top so MS have actually done right by the UK and not shafted us.

The Xbox One X is incredibly great value. Really don’t get these recommendations to buy a gaming PC at twice the cost (at least) considering the power available in this thing. The price/performance ratio makes the Xbox One X much better value right now.

You also forgot to mention how that more expensive PC build will not be playing games on Ultra/High settings in 3-6 years as it too will be outdated without some kind of upgrade. :wink:
21 Aug 17 #158
Why would anyone buy one of these?

450 (~£80 more than the US price) for something thats worse than a pc (and yeah a pc might cost twice as much but it will last twice as long and be better than whatever console is released in 3 and 6 years time) and will be outdated in 12 month.

Such a shame they didnt call it the xbox one r tho :smile:
21 Aug 17 #157
So no extra charge for a limited edition model,well that makes a refreshing change.
21 Aug 17 #156
21 Aug 17 #155
So what's the price of the standard Xbox one x going to be then ?
21 Aug 17 #154
21 Aug 17 #153
Amazon's stock availability email alerts are never immediate, unfortunately.
21 Aug 17 #152
Thanks Amazon for not sending that email notifying me when it became available. Had to order from Game instead. :cry:‌ :cry:
21 Aug 17 #151
Yeah, the link from their pre-order page is misdirecting at the moment.

This is what you need, but they're sold out of the Project Scorpio Edition:…ore
21 Aug 17 #150
whenever i try to preorder on shopto, it takes me to ps4 pro slim page?
21 Aug 17 #149
For items we ship to you

If you use money in your Microsoft account, we'll charge you immediately. If you use any other payment option, we'll charge you when it ships.
21 Aug 17 #148
You dont know anything about a deal/deals and whats excellent value for money.

Quick look at nearly all your deals you posted are cold.
21 Aug 17 #147
anybody who buys this insane. 1) 4k at 30fps with a 1tb HHD = welcome to 2 minute loading screens and full hard drive after a month. microsoft making all users download all 4k assets even if you don't have a £700 decent 4k tv. 3) when I found about their focus on 4K I quit console sold my xbox one s and ps4 and bought a gaming pc . games will cost a fortune on it and I'm expecting them to increase cost of xbox live. sony now £49.99. playing overwatch on pc 200 FPS 144mhz monitor pc did cost me £1300 though.
21 Aug 17 #146
When do Microsoft store take your money ?
21 Aug 17 #145
Ive just checked again and it is available
21 Aug 17 #144
Is it me or does it keep coming in and out of stock every few minutes ?
21 Aug 17 #143
Are they. Not for me.
21 Aug 17 #142
Says unavailable for me. Got an order with Microsoft and Game, just in case :smile:
21 Aug 17 #141
On despatch
21 Aug 17 #140
Do Amazon take the money straight away or on dispatch ?
20 Aug 17 #139
Pre orders back up so this should be unexpired
20 Aug 17 #138
why expired? still available to pre order, i just pre ordered
20 Aug 17 #137
It is likely all pre orders will be project scorpio editions like the day one edition back in 2013, you may have to buy one after release, unless these are strictly limited to a certain number, this the problem when they brand something as 'limited' and don't specify what its limited to
20 Aug 17 #136
Nope, microsoft have ruled that all X games have to run on xbox one. It is just like a Pc where some games can have a higher graphics setting all be it the games that do not have the ability to do that (ie current releases excluding those that may get a patch via download later on) supposedly will have their performance tweaked in some ways even if it's a little thing like faster load times.
Also with this is mind that ALL X games have to be able to run on a xbox one, which is severely limited in it's capacity for VR means it's not likely to get the VR stuff like Sony despite the X being a more powerful machine. Unless Microsoft goes back on what it has said -but usually that's Sonys area of expertise :P
The good news is, that most powerful machine often means nothing, the console that it is easier to design the games on usually wins out and the X has meant to be such a machine (ever wondered why x companies game was so much buggier on the ps3 to the 360, because it was designed on the 360 and then ported. The other side to that is obviously it pays for a game to be designed on a less powerful console so it can be sold on that and ported to others to increase sales too which may eventually work against the X?)
20 Aug 17 #135
Might sound silly but is there anywhere to preorder the "normal" version? I don't like the green logo on the console at all.
20 Aug 17 #134
Amazon have sold out
glad i got my pre order in :smile:
20 Aug 17 #133
microsoft doesn't earn on it they only make money from selling the games
20 Aug 17 #132
People are weird. While I can never vote hot on RRP and preordering gives you an increased chance to get burned, better components cost money. People don't like the xbox one as much since it under performs compared to the ps4 or a PC, so they have another option. Options are good, and if it sells well it could mean better quality ports. I especially find it odd when people have been over hyping the switch, particularly since release where just an extra controller and 1 game would bring the whole thing to 400 quid, though at least the games aren't £60 anymore.

I won't get one, but I have nothing against the system.
20 Aug 17 #131
​Did exactly the same
20 Aug 17 #130
Is that on game or amazon? That was fast blimey!
20 Aug 17 #129
no longer available.
20 Aug 17 #128
Sold out!!!
20 Aug 17 #127
Couldn't agree more. I think forza 7 with 4k textures is going to be 100gb. 2tb really needs to be the minimum, although of course it gives them an excuse to raise the prices. At least we can plug in our externals from xbox ones and they will just work. Looks like via gamescom tonight we will also be able to copy data and settings over easily when upgrading
20 Aug 17 #126
I would pre-order this if there was a must have game for it at launch, but the lineup is pretty dire and unappealing to me.

Will most likely wait until the heavy hitters like Halo 6 release to upgrade from my One S
20 Aug 17 #125
Because 4k Blu rays are doing so well...... actually finding them is difficult and they are massively overpriced. When PS4 pro was announced i was confused why they left the 4k blu ray drive out..... a year further on and its becoming very clear!
20 Aug 17 #124
20 Aug 17 #123
I wonder how many of us have a 4k hdr screen /TV? :smile:
20 Aug 17 #122
As many as they can sell.
20 Aug 17 #121
Someone else brought this up.
20 Aug 17 #120
I'm a lifelong gamer.

Thats why I'll have both.

‌ :wink:
20 Aug 17 #119
I'm only going off what has been said but with the hovis method it's going to be very slick hardware. The bottleneck reduction they've done for starters and coding looks great. Yes it will always be behind the best PCs before it even comes out (at much greater cost). Last of us 2 will hopefully be great but there is no guarantee the rest will all be amazing. Once they release and prove their worth, then you can argue it without much resistance. In the past both have had decent exclusives. Although I've got a PS4, Switch purely for exclusives, I think things like Game Pass and EA access etc offer exceptional value for money on the Xbox but it's each to their own on gaming opinions.
20 Aug 17 #118
Can't believe it's only got a 1TB hard drive, surely a minimum of 2TB should be now fitted. Do the manufacturers not actually know how big some of these games are when installed
20 Aug 17 #117
Just need to borrow your gif, Buzz..


Ta. :grin:
20 Aug 17 #116
Its all about the native 4k gaming really when it comes to this
20 Aug 17 #115
Its likely time limited (all pre orders will be scorpio editions) rather than limited to a specific number
20 Aug 17 #114
Doesn't compare well with the Xbone S though, which also plays 4k blu-rays and you can usually get for £200 with a bunch of games, and it plays everything the X does.
20 Aug 17 #113
How many is it limited to
20 Aug 17 #112
Bargain you of get a copy of GTA 5 thrown in for an extra £175 :dizzy_face:
20 Aug 17 #111
Pretty sure it's the distinct lack of an identity from the system's games lineup. It's not like PS4 Pro is outselling the normal PS4, it's something like 5:1 in standard PS4 favour. Pro is a niche product as it is. I seriously doubt anyone thinks a £450 updated Xbox is the answer to the brand's current difficulties
20 Aug 17 #110
A 1070 equivalent? I doubt it. Xbox has so much less exclusives than PlayStation, would take multiple miracles to get half way there.
20 Aug 17 #109
Dont start that debate as it has been discussed many times before
20 Aug 17 #108
Can't wait to be blown away by Minecraft rendered in 4k and that 4k Blu Ray drive is essential now we're well and truly in the era of streaming media services.

So happy that Microsoft were hit hard this gen with what they tried to pull with the OG Xbone, DRM and Kinect.
20 Aug 17 #107
That's the same reason I have pre ordered this version as it may hold a better price in the future
20 Aug 17 #106
31738351-dTfH9.jpglike i said £399

update i tried to buy it and when it goes to the basket it brings it down to £349.00 whihc i recon is wring since the add states its £399
20 Aug 17 #105
Haha, 4 x the resoution aint slight upgrade :smile:
20 Aug 17 #104
I remember reading an article on Eurogamer stating the Ark game developer likened the Xbox One X to a PC running a gtx 1070 with 16gb ram. If that's remotely the case, then the price point offers exceptional value for money. I've read a lot of articles about how they've created the console which makes for an interesting read. Developers keep heaping praise, stating the console has tons of power and is dead easy to program for. Your 500 quid budget is going to come short when you factor in Windows/case/decent psu/peripherals etc. As well it would likely need an upgrade before the Xbox one X as you would have to cut corners creating bottlenecks.

Your comments before about no Xbox exclusives simply isn't true. Yes ps4 pro have more as we all know but we don't know whether they will all be amazing yet (fingers crossed they are good). Factor in Microsoft having tons of hidden exclusives they haven't shown any of us yet. PS VR hasn't set the world alight. Friends I know who've bought VR have sold it or just don't use it, after the two week wow factor has gone. Watch this space on how Microsoft do with this console.
20 Aug 17 #103
its said 399 when i clicked on it before posting it , so get off your high horse. Thanks for your input :relaxed:…0.6
20 Aug 17 #102
Do people still buy blu rays ?
20 Aug 17 #101
Pre ordered :grin:
20 Aug 17 #100
Sure, but everyone would be able to use M+K. That advantage would pass to all players in a short time. It's only unfair if I have access to a superior tool and you don't.
20 Aug 17 #99
Question is does the Xbox One not sell because it's underpowered or because of the games? I guess we'll find out very soon, but then we might not, as the lure of the PS5 will surely affect sales too.
20 Aug 17 #98
Pre-ordered. People will moan about the price (playstation fanboys especially) but to build an equivalent PC in spec would cost £700+. I have a PS4 pro as well, which is nice.
20 Aug 17 #97
Don't worry if you can't get one…986?

20 Aug 17 #96
20 Aug 17 #95
Quietly removes foot from mouth! :unamused:
20 Aug 17 #94
If they are going to add mouse and keyboard support to the Xbox One X why bother buying one? You may aswell just put your PC under the TV. Consoles are aimed at armchairs gamers, adding mouse and keyboard support would give those who used them MASSIVE advantage over standard controller users especially in shooters as the accuracy would be way higher.
20 Aug 17 #93
He isn't. Looks like MS can't make their mind up.

20 Aug 17 #92
Seriously doubt this machine will sell much at all if the normal Xbox One doesn't sell at less than half the price. Sony can also reduce the cost of the Pro and bundle it when this launches. Only emphasize the gap in price.

I also doubt it will have a long life before it is replaced with a completely new generation of machines. It's not my idea of value. Honestly a £1000 PC would be better value, because it'll be relevant for longer and at least you have a massive back catalogue of thousands of games that work in native 4K instead of just a few dozen on this.
20 Aug 17 #91
Which goes to show that 4K Blu-ray is niche, low volume and still suffers with early adopter tax syndrome.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Hollywood studios would happily subsidise 4K drives in consoles in the hope of selling a significant number of discs.

I wonder how many people are going to bother upgrading to 4K until their current FHD player breaks down!

Support in the Xbox One S must have been a big help for disc sales.
20 Aug 17 #90
You made the comment, I was asking you to clarify the relevance of a 4k drive with PlayStation exclusives (nothing in fact) it's got nothing to do with who does or does not what you said :thumbsup:
20 Aug 17 #89
You can save 4p at ShopTo :grin:…ion
20 Aug 17 #88
Snap done the same and cancel one closer to the time.
20 Aug 17 #87
We don't really know how games will run on this at 4k. Can't really compare it to a PC til we have access to one.
20 Aug 17 #86
Really a 4k capable gaming PC for less than £500?
20 Aug 17 #85
For the same power, less than £500.
20 Aug 17 #84
20 Aug 17 #83
Have they announce any games for it yet?
20 Aug 17 #82
How many hats do you have? :wink:‌ :thumbsup:
20 Aug 17 #81
‌ :grin:
20 Aug 17 #80
I think Microsoft really are missing an obvious trick. My PC is well overdue for an upgrade, and I would happily buy an XboneX as a replacement and never look back if they would have native mouse and keyboard support and have it as a bit more of an open platform.. Until then, no deal.
20 Aug 17 #79
Ordered thanks
20 Aug 17 #78
I am. We shouldn't be waiting a decade for an upgrade, people are happy to spend more to upgrade their phones every year, 5 years is a reasonable length of time for consoles imo.

Also, imagine we had to keep playing games in 720p on our 4K TVs for another 5 years.
20 Aug 17 #77
20% very you first order
20 Aug 17 #76
A dunno, perhaps ask the 23 people who liked the comment?
20 Aug 17 #75
How much is a gaming PC which can run the cross platform games? And 4k games?
20 Aug 17 #74
Pre-order at GAME for £9.00 worth of reward points and free DPD next day delivery. :smile:
20 Aug 17 #73
Why do people just make up things?
CLEARLY £349.99 on the site...…)()
20 Aug 17 #72
Lemme know how that's relevant to the exclusives he mentioned :blush:
20 Aug 17 #71
Or just buy a 360 from CEX
20 Aug 17 #70
I saught of agree with you.
20 Aug 17 #69 449.99
20 Aug 17 #68
Looks like I've stumbled onto the hotukpreorders page by mistake....
20 Aug 17 #67
Or you could just get the Xbox one for under £200 and enjoy the games instead of paying over double just for a slight upgrade in graphics.
20 Aug 17 #66
So microsoft store is wanting £399 for that minecraft special edtion xbox one S or £449 for xbox one x

Looks like i wont be bothering with the minecraft one after all then lol
20 Aug 17 #65
Thanks op just pre-ordered
20 Aug 17 #64
I have a local amazon collection shop literally actoss the road from me. My amazon parcels get delivered there at atound 630am :smile: saves me waiting in all day
20 Aug 17 #63
I pre-ordered, don't even know if I want to get one yet or not but beats avoiding stock shortages later. No payment until dispatch is a no brainer on pre-orders :grin:
20 Aug 17 #62
I'm trying to find out my self thes question. It says You will be charged up to 7 days before the release date on there websight.

So my understanding is they won't apply for money till any time before the 7 days it's realised
20 Aug 17 #61
No, 7 days before dispatch :sunglasses:
20 Aug 17 #60
Graphics make the best game play lol
20 Aug 17 #59
New elite controller with Bluetooth is coming out this year/early next year :grin:
20 Aug 17 #58
I bought it for £360 but figured they will cancel my order sooner or later so I'm happy that I'll definitely have it with Amazon.
20 Aug 17 #57
Pre-ordered, still think they should have flung an Elite controller in and bumped the price to £499.....
20 Aug 17 #56
Everything will be held back by the base PS4 and XB1 anyway.
20 Aug 17 #55
Game take the money at order don't they?
20 Aug 17 #54
will wait for Halo 6
20 Aug 17 #53
I just can't find any enthusiasm for the Pro or the X at the moment. I think it's because I need to see dedicated good games that require and warrant buying a new system to begin with. The 'all games must run on all models' approach has taken the edge off it for me, personally.
20 Aug 17 #52
Let me have a think, ssd versus HDD let's see which one will get loaded quicker. There doesn't seem to be a point in making everything run faster than the storage bus can achieve. I have an ssd as a usb plug in now for my Xbox one and it is only just making fallout 4 playable.
20 Aug 17 #51
What a complete waste of money. :angry:

No exclusives on the console. Far better off buying a gaming PC (and a PS4 Pro if you want a console too). :sunglasses:

Last gen I far preferred the XBox 360 to the PS3. But MS have really done everything possible to turn off gamers.

Sony have simply won by default, rather than because they deserved it - although full credit for PS VR, which is excellent. :party:
20 Aug 17 #50
I did the same... will have to decide which one to cancel...!!
20 Aug 17 #49
Yes lol you get the 4k blu ray then as well :>)
20 Aug 17 #48
Do I sell my PS4 Pro for this.. :unamused:
20 Aug 17 #47
excellent just ordered it along with game will cancel game as prefer to deal with amazon although delivery is crap and game use DPD hmmm
20 Aug 17 #46
If you cant afford it... so be it, If you want the best... Buy It!
20 Aug 17 #45
I am loaded so appreciate the tech, no point in having a £4K Samsung 4K tv if you dont have the tech to go with it!! :sunglasses:
20 Aug 17 #44
Did you have your big boy pants on when you were reading they specs?
You might wanna try again.
20 Aug 17 #43
It is a deal:

an agreement entered into by two or more parties for their mutual benefit, especially in a business or political context. :stuck_out_tongue:
20 Aug 17 #42
No problem glad it will help some out getting the order in just in case they do go out of stock.
20 Aug 17 #41
Assassins creed uses the exact same tech as pro. 1440p as standard upscale to 4K.
20 Aug 17 #40
I reckon this version will be pretty sort after in years to come, maybe even be able to make a profit on release day to which you can put towards the standard Xbox one X.
20 Aug 17 #39
I just read the specs, looks like a lot of waiting for games to load as it's only got a HDD.
20 Aug 17 #17
Its a deal to pre-order before it sells out...
ST3123 to jsansom
20 Aug 17 #29
Hence not a deal at all as a deal implies saving money, this is just the standard price it will be everywhere. Like all the hundreds of annoying Nintendo Switch threads that seem to pop up every other day. Still at least with this you get a LOT more for your money than with the piddly underpowered Switch but still not any kind of deal....
johnwillowlfc to ST3123
20 Aug 17 #38
I agree posts like these should not be posted as deals and should be more of a discussion post to make people aware the pre orders are now live
20 Aug 17 #37
Just in case, I've pre-ordered it on Amazon and Game...
20 Aug 17 #31
Preordered thanks! People are always going to troll but it will be nice to own the most powerful console ever made regardless of what is said. Microsoft have a ton of work going on behind the scenes for new exclusives and games like Sea of Thieves will be a good laugh. I for one prefer the Scorpio name so it will be great to get one badged with it. Anyone worried about payment, Amazon will charge you in November just before it is dispatched. Cuphead to look forward to on 29th Sept as well Xbox peeps!
herby247 to crazyshelby
20 Aug 17 #36
Sept 29th.
20 Aug 17 #1
Holy smokes.. what a waste of money. A PS Pro + a myriad of exclusives beats that any day.
herby247 to Noct
20 Aug 17 #5
Lemme know how that 4K blu ray drive is on that PS4 Pro :blush:
huntrodz to herby247
20 Aug 17 #35
Let me know how those awesome exclusives play on the Scorpio. If I wanted a 4K bluray player I'd just go buy one!!
20 Aug 17 #34
Woohoo ordered! Thanks OP!! :d
20 Aug 17 #14
So will there be special versions of games out for this Xbox only?
herby247 to littlewhitebull456
20 Aug 17 #19
If you don't know the answer to this question, this console is not for you,
pammyndh to littlewhitebull456
20 Aug 17 #23
Nope, it's still an Xbox one. Plays the same games, just a little prettier.
ste1975 to littlewhitebull456
20 Aug 17 #33
A few exclusives will be available in the run up to launch, and in Q1 2018. Plus 100 existing titles are set to be graphically updated when played on the X.
20 Aug 17 #32
Head of Xbox Phil Spencer has went on the record to say the "core" sales of Xbox, will be the Xbox One S, the £220 ish console, that INCLUDES a 4K blu ray player that the £350 PS4 Pro does not!
Microsoft have identified that there is a wealth of player who have high end 4K tv's and want to play their Xbox games on the best definition possible, so they created Xbox One X, to allow people wanting a premium Xbox experience to have the ability to do so.
If you can't afford that then the £220 console is for you.
20 Aug 17 #30
Hopefully closer to time they will announce a free game to go with it, maybe AC Origins??
20 Aug 17 #4
£120 more than the Pro? Wow. Do Microsoft not understand they have to compete on price when they are a mile behind the competition? Would help if they invested in their first party too.
Daytrader to Talib
20 Aug 17 #24
But 120 more than a Pro is worth it, as its so much more powerful.
Illusionary to Talib
20 Aug 17 #28
We've known the price since E3 :wink: I'll not be buying, but understand where they're coming from with the price.

GAME's pre-page is now up too:…578
20 Aug 17 #27
Ordered :smile:
20 Aug 17 #26
Dont usually go for day one launches, but put my pre order in all the same :stuck_out_tongue:
20 Aug 17 #25
The original Day One Edition of the Xbox One was £430 when it came out, is it that a big a jump in price for the tech on offer??
20 Aug 17 #22
Doesn't Super Lucky's Tale (a simple platformer) have issues running on this?
20 Aug 17 #21
I don't care about the derision of the RRP. I just want to play PUBG, and i won't be doing that on my £120 cheaper PS Pro anytime soon will I?
20 Aug 17 #20
So excited!
20 Aug 17 #18
Pre- ordered it, now that leaves me a few months to work on the wife before the bank account takes a hit.
20 Aug 17 #16
This is RRP, not a deal
20 Aug 17 #7
Keeping in mind that a 4K Blu-ray player is normally £200+ alone, it's not badly priced. It's actually cheaper than I thought it would be. I expected £599.
herby247 to pommybear
20 Aug 17 #15
The £449.99 price was revealed at E3 in June!
20 Aug 17 #13
For a top spec console I would have liked a 2tb internal at least personally. Have the top end 4k player.... Hats off. Just falls short with memory (aware of external.... But I'd rather have a big internal). Regardless not voting either way as it's the Base retail price. Hats off for the heads up though.
Personally prefer more exclusives. However assassins creed will look amazing on this.
20 Aug 17 #3
Overpriced much.....!!!??
henryftw to joldfield101
20 Aug 17 #12
SO MUCH!!!!!
20 Aug 17 #11
think i'll just go for the minecraft xbox one s , even though i haven't played minecraft before it looks cool.

i got a pre order for the X just incase, but boy they havent budged on that price have they.
20 Aug 17 #10
I'm not in favour of this mid generation upgrades but people do understand this is a significant upgrade to the orginal one and the type of upgrade the ps4 should have had moving to the Pro
20 Aug 17 #9
Nice deal
20 Aug 17 #8
This will be great for all those xbone exclusives
20 Aug 17 #6
Great deal, bought them all for eBay
20 Aug 17 #2
Crazy pricing - if this is the new standard then pockets will be burned.
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