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29 Aug 17
Just spotted this and tried it for myself before I posted. ReCore Definitive Edition is glitching on the Xbox Store (console only).

Simply click install to download the game.

Apologies if it doesn't turn out as intended and all that, it's worth a try though :wink:
All comments (163)
29 Aug 17 #1
If you own the original the definitive edition is free
29 Aug 17 #2
Damn it! Stuck at work!
29 Aug 17 #3
You sure it's not the 'Try for free'...?
BuzzDuraband to rofiquel
29 Aug 17 #10
Different button, here is my console...

korny2 to BuzzDuraband
29 Aug 17 #38
Same on pc
kharma45 to korny2
29 Aug 17 #66
Same for me too on PC. Clicked install on both to see what happens.
29 Aug 17 #4
You sure it isn't a trial as they've offered that also?
29 Aug 17 #5
Can someone confirm not the trial
And not the upgrade?
29 Aug 17 #6
I've just downloaded it, wonder if it will let me play? 2GB downloaded so far..
29 Aug 17 #7
Yeah, there's a trial. This game is not free or glitching.
29 Aug 17 #8
Ok I’m installing it and I don’t own the original game .. total file size is 7.61GB
29 Aug 17 #9
It's £14.99 for me
29 Aug 17 #11
There was a separate button for trial. Pressed install and it's downloading as we speak.
29 Aug 17 #12
£14.99 for me
BuzzDuraband to msiddiq1989
29 Aug 17 #13
On the console? It's only happening on the console store.
29 Aug 17 #14
Come on guys. I've put console in the title and the description.
bloooo to BuzzDuraband
29 Aug 17 #19
You expected us to read it?
BuzzDuraband to bloooo
29 Aug 17 #20
‌ :grin: Fair point.
Robot_Rooster to BuzzDuraband
29 Aug 17 #33
Didn't work on my Amstrad, cold.
DexMorgan to BuzzDuraband
29 Aug 17 #61
Can you stack these?
BuzzDuraband to DexMorgan
29 Aug 17 #62
3 years, Dex. You know that.

I've just done it on our second console with a seperate XBLG account that's never had ReCore on it.
29 Aug 17 #15
I'm home in under an hour. Hopefully I can still grab it then! Cheers buzz
29 Aug 17 #16
On the console for me, it had install button then the buy button. Usually the install button only appears if you have bought it, the try for free is usually a different button. Mine has downloaded 40% so far..
29 Aug 17 #17
Yeah people are misleading lol there's 2 different options free trial and install and the install button worked..

I can confirm i don't own the game and this version worked downloading now hopefully works play the heck out of it

Edit ** it shows that you own the trial of the game if you go back onto the game page
29 Aug 17 #18
Download slowed to 46mb so will wait to see if it lets me use it, should do though.
29 Aug 17 #21
Xbox game pass?
29 Aug 17 #22
Working for me right now 500mb in so far downloading for 1 minute
29 Aug 17 #23
Says £14.99 but you can install it without payment.
29 Aug 17 #24
Not working on app or website for me. Saying it's £15 still.
29 Aug 17 #25
Nope, not game pass as I don't have it either. If it works, amazing find Buzz
29 Aug 17 #26
Cheers OP. Installing now. I see the same button as you have. On my first attempt i didn't and that was because I had the trial installed. lol. So need to make sure that is removed first!
29 Aug 17 #27
Thanks op.many thanks
29 Aug 17 #28
It's the same on Windows Store in Windows 10. In the end you are just installing the trial but I could be wrong.
thisisgiftx0x to ahmed123
29 Aug 17 #29
Yeah I think it's the trail as well if you look back on the page it says you own the trail and not the actual game
29 Aug 17 #30
So I wasted my free trial of the game pass could have just played it anyway? FML.
Once installed you should take your console off the network until you finish the game in case they revoke it
willhems to pr3dicta5le
29 Aug 17 #34
I still have my free trial showing. Doesn't appear to be installing that, just the game.
pr3dicta5le to willhems
29 Aug 17 #36
I used the Xbox game pass free trial to play it. It looks like I didn't need to use the free trial and could have saved it for something else
29 Aug 17 #31
Tried on desktop it says 14.99, went on console also says 14.99 but I clicked buy instead taking me to confirm page for me to buy it started installing. So I guess gotta wait till install finishes to whether say games free or not. Thanks op anyway
29 Aug 17 #32
Thank you, downloading on sons Xbox one and my gaming PC.
29 Aug 17 #35
31838955-fpHif.jpg Not much luck.. :disappointed:
29 Aug 17 #37
Just a follow up I didn’t have the game and installed via Xbox console store. The game has loaded fine and it’s not a trial version
willhems to roloboy
29 Aug 17 #39
Same here
thisisgiftx0x to roloboy
29 Aug 17 #40
Same here
29 Aug 17 #41
Thanks mate. Trying now.
29 Aug 17 #42
Logging into the store on mobile it says I now own the trial
29 Aug 17 #43
Downloading now, cheers Buzz, heated.

Although I do expect Microsoft to revoke everyones licence soon.
29 Aug 17 #44
The install button is showing on mine as well as the buy now and free trial button. Downloading it but its showing it as 7.61GB when the game is larger than that. :thinking:
BuzzDuraband to kav12
29 Aug 17 #45
ReCore before the update was only about 6.5GB. So I'm not sure what they've swapped about in the game.
kav12 to BuzzDuraband
29 Aug 17 #47
Probably to do with the whole Xbox One X 4K support
pr3dicta5le to kav12
29 Aug 17 #46
It's not larger than that on xbox, it is about double that on pc though
29 Aug 17 #48
I would suspect that this appears like this for people that had already the trial version installed. And I'm not saying this only because I bought it last night. :kissing_heart:
willhems to momouk78
29 Aug 17 #52
Nope, didn't try the trial
29 Aug 17 #49
Heated Amazing (unintentional) freebie! As it is a play anywhere game this works on the Windows Game Store (provided you have Windows 10 for the store). I currently have it downloading on both Xbox One and PC so I can choose which version I want to play or even play both!

Just hope MS don't decide to pull the license since everything points to this not being intentional and this being a new release game (or at least a enhanced repackaging of an existing one)....
29 Aug 17 #50
We will soon see if we go to play it & get told we have 30 mins reamining of our trial. Fingers crossed it works :ninja:
29 Aug 17 #51
Sounds like a glitch - I imagine when they get wind of it they'll pull it from your games collection like they did with Watchdogs 2 - Definitive Edition
joanddan7 to Ionicsoundwave
29 Aug 17 #72
Yeah, worst case like in that one is that they remove your ability to play it, still not lost anything.

I had that through the glitch.
29 Aug 17 #53
mine just keeps saying pending and isn't downloading
29 Aug 17 #54
Just downloaded using the install button and playing the game now, seems to work fine. Cheers Buzz
29 Aug 17 #55
well i`m playing it now,so it works
29 Aug 17 #56
Sure its not trial, im sure it is
29 Aug 17 #57
Downloading. Will find out shortly if it's a trial or not.
29 Aug 17 #58
Either way if it lets me try the game all is good, bit wary after Mighty No.9 or whatever it was but this looks enjoyable in an EDF way.
29 Aug 17 #59
I can bet it's free for the owners of normal version.

I it showing play for me or buy. And what if more funny I have disc version and it didn't even ask for a disk.
thisisgiftx0x to Admast79
29 Aug 17 #60
It's not I've never owned the copy and playing it right now works all fine
kharma45 to Admast79
29 Aug 17 #63
I don't own it and I have the install option, alongside the buy and trial options. Clicked install and it's downloading.
29 Aug 17 #64
Supposed to be on Xbox Game Pass according to Xbox News…ay/
29 Aug 17 #65
Rainbow Six Siege is also glitching as "install".
korny2 to Cepultura
29 Aug 17 #69
Thanks for that almost finished downloading recore and rainbow 6 pending now I'm in my sons good books :angry:
kharma45 to Cepultura
29 Aug 17 #70
Working for me too. Curious how this will pan out. Could be like IW as painstick says, or it could end up revoked like Watch Dogs 2 was.
Cepultura to kharma45
29 Aug 17 #71
Or maybe like Fallout 4 where they sent out £10 xbox credit right?
paulgardner1970 to Cepultura
29 Aug 17 #74
cool working for me too,anymore out there?lol
29 Aug 17 #67
It's Free if you owned the standard edition. Otherwise it's only the trial that's free.
29 Aug 17 #68
I already own this. Excellent game but suspect this is the same as the Infinite Warfare 'glitch' that was just the free trial. Good luck!
29 Aug 17 #73
Wonder if it's a glitch regarding this?…unt
29 Aug 17 #75
Showing as £15 for me in the xbox Android app
kharma45 to djbe
29 Aug 17 #76
You need to use your console or the Windows Store on PC for the PC version of Recore. The app and website won't show it.
29 Aug 17 #77
Showing up as £14.99 for me, would've been nice for the Whatsapp team to have put this in their last message (or sent it a bit later) but no. They did metion the FREE Knack 2 DEMO though :thinking: cheers for that.....

EDIT: Has anyone actually played it for 60+ minutes yet?
29 Aug 17 #78
Thanks, it's actually the full game, not the trial
29 Aug 17 #79
£14.99, congrats to anyone who got a FULL version free.
29 Aug 17 #80
Working here on Windows 10 :thumbsup:
29 Aug 17 #81
No, i went through the phone
29 Aug 17 #82
If only i could do this from work..
29 Aug 17 #83
It's always amusing to see the lengths people will go to to convince themselves they've got a bargain, completely ignoring the fact there is still a buy button on the page but pointing out the free trial button is still there, willful ignorance.
Enjoy your trial, I downloaded it a while back and didn't like it at all.
29 Aug 17 #84
it legit works! started it up and played it, gonna try rainbow six
29 Aug 17 #85
Thanks Buzz! Downloading now, lets see what happens :raised_hand:
29 Aug 17 #86
works installing now on my pc. As others are saying there was a separate button for install, and a different one for trial.
Total fireside on the pc is 16.87GB so it's awfully large if only a trial!!will update once it's dled.
29 Aug 17 #87
No guarantee that the game pass trial would always be available, I was hanging on to mine too but I bet when I planned to use it for something really good the offer would no longer be there!
29 Aug 17 #88
Are you purchasing on the console?
29 Aug 17 #89
I'm guessing they could still charge £14.99?!
29 Aug 17 #90
I suspect it's a trial and when that period ends you won't be able to play it as the game will look at your account and see you do not "own" it - so will stop it playing
29 Aug 17 #91
I think when this happened with fallout 4, they just revoked licenses for the game so it'll just display the buy from store message.
29 Aug 17 #92
Nope. That would be an unauthorised debit.
29 Aug 17 #93
Good to know that's worse case scenario. I await this message then :thumbsup:
29 Aug 17 #94
They couldn't just charge you for it without your permission, that's theft and also a lawsuit :grin:
29 Aug 17 #95
And started throwing about $10 codes as way of apology :raised_hand:
29 Aug 17 #96
Is it going to work buzz. Downloading it now was just to about to buy but it came up on my phone. Had the trail a while back. Please work please!!!!
29 Aug 17 #97
$10 is useless to me, I would sooner something in pounds :laughing:‌ :kissing_heart:
29 Aug 17 #98
I don't own the original game. I don't have a card registered to my account. I don't have Xbox game pass I don't even have Xbox Live gold. Clicked install on Windows 10 store. Installed (16gb in size). Loaded it up played for 10 minutes and unlocked a few achievements.

Still not sure if it's the full game. No in game option to buy the full game like other trials. Do achievements unlock on demo/trials?
29 Aug 17 #99
Wasn't really a choice. Still, it redeemed as your local currency :thumbsup:
29 Aug 17 #100
Just worked for me at home.

People still trying to say it's the trial - the trail is a different button.

I think most of us have used the Xbox store enough to know the difference.

whatever this turns out to be it's not the usual way to get a trail... it's acting like I own the game
29 Aug 17 #101
From console store got 3 options : install, buy, play free! Pressed install and is installing 7.61 GB.....will see when done!
29 Aug 17 #102
I own the original disk version and after the update it plays without requiring the disk in the drive
29 Aug 17 #103
Just said update on my console about 3am downloaded the title then title changed to definitive edition
29 Aug 17 #104
Just hit install and it's downloading
29 Aug 17 #105
If I get on Xbox will it work on pc later?
29 Aug 17 #106
29 Aug 17 #107
Things like this have been posted before and appears this is like a free play days title, sometimes they are a bit slow to announce after they make it live similar to what is mentioned here…186
29 Aug 17 #108
Playing it now
29 Aug 17 #109
29 Aug 17 #110
29 Aug 17 #111
I've had it running in the other room for a hell of a lot longer than 30 minutes bud.
29 Aug 17 #112
Halo 5 and f1 2015 also downloading fine here.... I don't have the game pass and have used a trial previously during the alpha


The 360 titles are downloading too.... have they given everyone a free trial of game pass or something?
29 Aug 17 #113
Downloading :smile:
29 Aug 17 #114
Installed it on PC using the install button - no the trial. And it now says:"this product is installed. you can play this game for now or buy it to own forever."

Sure sounds like some kind of trial!
29 Aug 17 #115
I've managed to get both recore and rainbow.

Recore didn't work for me at first, I searched rainbow and started to download it, I then checked recore again (just in case) and it was available to just install! :relaxed:‌ :relaxed:‌ :relaxed:
29 Aug 17 #116
That's for the trial
29 Aug 17 #117
It's part of the Xbox Game Pass as well so that very well could be why it showed the install option.
29 Aug 17 #118
Just clicked install and then cancelled once it had downloaded a couple of meg. Would have thought it would have shown up in "My Games and Apps" if it was the full game but sadly not.
29 Aug 17 #119
No luck for me on those
29 Aug 17 #120
If your not subscribed it shouldn't allow you to install though

I'm currently downloading this, halo 5 mad max rainbow six siege f1 2015 and x-com enemy within
29 Aug 17 #121
Already played the trail so after 5 mins did not work?
29 Aug 17 #122
Comes up as purchased on Xbox App, not home to test it.
But heat added for those that got it free, good on ya.
29 Aug 17 #123
I originally owned it on disc but have since sold it. When I installed on the PC I was able to carry on from my save game and have played for more than an hour. I checked my account to see if I ever bought it digitally and I hadn't
29 Aug 17 #124
i thought rainbow six had free play days going until about now?
29 Aug 17 #125
Funny thing is I downloaded it and then tried to load it from my library and it said I didn't own it and to see it in the store. I did and there is a 'Play' button where the install button was. Can anyone else try and load it from their game library and see if they get the same?
29 Aug 17 #126
Nice one. Checked out the likes of xcom and f1 but no such luck for me
29 Aug 17 #127
No install option on my console, just buy.
29 Aug 17 #128
Not showing as Install for me on Recore or R6S. Trial or buy on the former.
29 Aug 17 #129
i just got kicked from the game and asked me to buy or put in disc
29 Aug 17 #130
I recommend people keep trying - the first few times I tried the store page it didn't work, then on the 4th attempt it did.
29 Aug 17 #131
Its included in the game pass so if you have that is available to install. It was announced. That is why I subscribed to it.
29 Aug 17 #132
Yeap, looks like they have corrected the error, just got the same thing, now it no longer starts saying you don't own the app.

It was good while it lasted. lol
29 Aug 17 #133
i dont have the game pass and have never used the trial yet i have installed it :grin:
29 Aug 17 #134
Don't own the game and downloaded, played for about 10 mins then comes up with 30 mins left of trial
29 Aug 17 #135
29 Aug 17 #136
Ive jist had a look through the store and noticed some full games showing as free. Downloading life is strange and tales from the borderlands now. Maybe the free was meant to be with game pass only.
29 Aug 17 #137
Just trials
29 Aug 17 #138
My son been playing for an hour i turned off the WiFi so he can have an evening with it, gathering going back online they probably block the game.
29 Aug 17 #139
Not trials, been playing for the last couple of hours. Looks like a few games went free to play which Xbox are in the midst of fixing.
29 Aug 17 #140
Very strange, I went on the Store and it stated I could buy/game pass/trial etc. Then when I clicked out the store 4 or 5 times and back in I was met with an Install button. Just downloading 7.61gb of it now and will see what happens!
29 Aug 17 #141
those 2 games were free anyway
29 Aug 17 #142
Not all episodes though I'm sure.
29 Aug 17 #143
installed it and it's asking me to insert the disk or buy it to play it now.
29 Aug 17 #144
really? awesome,the rest of the borderlands episodes are showing as £11.99 for me :cry:
29 Aug 17 #145
You should have disconnected from the network you all could have completed itbefore they revoked it
29 Aug 17 #146
the first episode is free
29 Aug 17 #147
Download and when you press play comes up do you own this game or app. If you have the game insert disc now. If you purchased online make sure you're signed in to xbox live ( I am) if you dint have the rights to play it you will need to get it at the xbox store. So didn't work after
29 Aug 17 #148
Every game with gold has said that for mine for months :disappointed: I've been meaning to ask about it
29 Aug 17 #149
*in the voice of south park memberberries*
“Heeeey member when watchdogs 2 was free on the store?” “Yeeeeeee i member”

“Member the license was taken away?”
“Yeaaaaaa i member”

‌ :skull_crossbones:
29 Aug 17 #150
Still working in this household.. Had the screen come up saying "Have you purchased this game" or whatever.. pressed cancel then tried again and it came back on. Still getting my a** handed to me on R6 as I speak.
29 Aug 17 #151
Where is the trial supposed to end? This is my progress so far.

29 Aug 17 #152
Downloaded okay but won’t start / open. Just keep getting a message something went wrong. Oh well
29 Aug 17 #153
Removed from store it seems
29 Aug 17 #154
are the people getting the apparently full game playing on xbox or pc?
29 Aug 17 #155
This whole thing has broken my xbox, it was working before this now it has error e200 when I turn it on. Anyone know where the bind button is on a Xbox one s?
29 Aug 17 #156
Follow up to this. It downloaded fine and doesn’t say it’s a trial, game works fine too..
29 Aug 17 #157
You can do a hard reset by holding down the power button until it turns off.
30 Aug 17 #158
Has it stopped working for anyone else ?
30 Aug 17 #159
Update my xbox does say thou The following service is experiencing issues purchase and content usage lol for me tuesdday about 3am just had an update for the game on xbox one and the cover change from recore to the picture recore Definitive Edition sweey us no problems don't know whats happening with others .Fell for the peeps having issues now with there xbox I'm surprised didn't happen to me now if I had seen the deal and then turned on xbox I know I be having same issues but I was just casually looking threw films and saw the update and thought nice and that was it . Lets hope don't have issue when I try to play the game Trying the game now lets see what happens taking for ever to load up and I swear one of the updates were for quick load times lol i think avutally that was the load times when u die etc never played the game since bought from smiths on de
30 Aug 17 #160
Game is still working for me on PC. In fact, the Windows Store page says "This product is installed."
31 Aug 17 #161
Works perfectly on Windows. Thanks Buzz.
31 Aug 17 #162
Stopped working for me on Xbox. Oh well
31 Aug 17 #163
Yep same stopped working for me too
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3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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