Hey guys. I've just been reading over on Reddit that the Minecraft: Bedrock Edition is now live.
I've just updated our version to the Bedrock Edition and can confirm the easy steps to take work as intended :).
Must own the Digital Minecraft: Xbox Edition. Disc owners are not supported
Download the XBOX Insider App, and agree to the Terms and Conditions in it
Navigate to Insider content, and select Minecraft Beta
The Xbox Preview Programme is now open to all (for those unaware) and this is where the update is downloaded from :smile:
Main Features:
Infinite Worlds
No Mob Limits
Larger Render Distance
Smoother Graphics
Controller Smoothness is on Par to Legacy Edition
30 Player Per World (But it might lag)
Custom Skins
Personal Servers though Minecraft Realms (11 Total Players Per World)
Community Servers
Able to Transfer your Worlds from Legacy Edition to Bedrock Edition
Command Blocks and Structure Blocks
Dynamic Lighting that is coming this Fall though a Free update
Cross-play with players from other devices(Only for Switch, Iphone, Android, PC, Oculus Rift. No cross-play with Java Edition and PS4)
Modifications/Custom-Add Ons
Mouse and Keyboard Support
Exclusive Game-play Features such as Player's Hand Moving in HUD, Dynamic Animations
Features that Will Not be Present at Launch:
3D Item Drops
Coordinates on Maps
Spectral Arrows
Option To Create Custom Super-Flat Worlds
Option for Amplified Worlds
Legacy Edition Crafting
Removed Features:
Legacy Edition Mini-Games
Mine Cart with Furnace
Credit to The_Taken_Dick at Reddit for the info and instructions :smile:
The Bedrock Edition will release in October 2017. If you owned the Legacy Edition on either Disc or Digital, and played for at least 5 hours on it, the Official release for Bedrock Edition will be FREE to download.
26 Aug 17#22
I have a couple of accounts on my Xbox one. Just make sure you have insider app installed in account that also has minecraft digital linked to it. Worked for me .
26 Aug 17#21
Thanks got it.
Also gives you achievements to unlock over again.
25 Aug 17#20
Nope only Spartan available for me....am I doing something wrong??
25 Aug 17#19
Pocket edition is down to 99p, not sure if sale or new price. Handy if you want test out cross play
25 Aug 17#14
What does this mean: Features not present: Legacy Edition Crafting
?? Eh? no crafting?
GCollinson to bilbob
25 Aug 17#15
I'm guessing that unlike PC (java) version where you have to know what "ingredients" you need, AND what position to put them in the crafting grid, that this is more like the xbox and windows app versions - if you have the items you need, you can just select from the menu icons.
Makes it easier especially when learning, but hard-core pc / java players probably won't be happy at the "dumbing down"...
Got into minecraft to help my young daughters, and it's been good fun!
25 Aug 17#12
- Smoother Graphics
About time! :stuck_out_tongue:
25 Aug 17#11
Looks like you need to 18 to play it as you need to be 18+ to be an insider. :disappointed:
25 Aug 17#9
wtf has happened to minecraft, years ago i played it, was relatively simple, now theres so much crap in it, oh and the fact theres like 50 versions of it and new versions coming out,
UltimatePhoenix to NotoriousC
25 Aug 17#10
Its callled them making ALOT of money doing what others want them doing lol
Jinkz to NotoriousC
25 Aug 17#13
The core game is still there, there's only 2 versions, this new Beta and the now 'old' one which has been renamed to Legacy Edition. You can play on a PC with someone who's playing on an Xbox, or a phone too I believe, and vice versa so they're all compatible.
25 Aug 17#8
What is it?
24 Aug 17#6
I can see only Halo Spartan. Nothing else. I've got digital version installed
Jim_Bob_Beers to meistic
24 Aug 17#7
Mine was the same. Make sure you’ve got the apps up to date including store and insider hub. Mine then appeared under Spartan ssault.
meistic to Jim_Bob_Beers
25 Aug 17#16
Thanks. Refreshed , but only Minecraft Better Together Beta appeared , no Bedrock Edition
mat091084 to meistic
25 Aug 17#17
It's the same one, "Better Together Edition" is the "Bedrock Edition".
meistic to mat091084
25 Aug 17#18
Thank you!
24 Aug 17#4
Not sure what the difference is, but this beta is actually for the Better Together Update.
24 Aug 17#2
Disappointing that it's not available for disc owners especially since I have it (more like the kids have it) on Xbox One, PS4, IPad, Mac and PC
joanddan7 to bwlmog
24 Aug 17#5
Legacy owners disk or digital if they have played over 5 hours will get it free
24 Aug 17#1
Are Fred, Betty and Bam Bam playable? Or they DLC?
Opening post
I've just updated our version to the Bedrock Edition and can confirm the easy steps to take work as intended :).
- Infinite Worlds
- No Mob Limits
- Larger Render Distance
- Smoother Graphics
- Controller Smoothness is on Par to Legacy Edition
- 30 Player Per World (But it might lag)
- Custom Skins
- Personal Servers though Minecraft Realms (11 Total Players Per World)
- Community Servers
- Able to Transfer your Worlds from Legacy Edition to Bedrock Edition
- Command Blocks and Structure Blocks
- Dynamic Lighting that is coming this Fall though a Free update
- Split-Screen
- Cross-play with players from other devices(Only for Switch, Iphone, Android, PC, Oculus Rift. No cross-play with Java Edition and PS4)
- Modifications/Custom-Add Ons
- Mouse and Keyboard Support
- Exclusive Game-play Features such as Player's Hand Moving in HUD, Dynamic Animations
Features that Will Not be Present at Launch:Removed Features:
Credit to The_Taken_Dick at Reddit for the info and instructions :smile:
The Bedrock Edition will release in October 2017. If you owned the Legacy Edition on either Disc or Digital, and played for at least 5 hours on it, the Official release for Bedrock Edition will be FREE to download.
Also gives you achievements to unlock over again.
Features not present:
Legacy Edition Crafting
?? Eh? no crafting?
Makes it easier especially when learning, but hard-core pc / java players probably won't be happy at the "dumbing down"...
Got into minecraft to help my young daughters, and it's been good fun!
About time! :stuck_out_tongue: