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 Wood effect tiles just gone down in price - £5 per pack @ Wickes
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Wood effect tiles just gone down in price - £5 per pack @ Wickes

£5 Wickes18 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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18 Aug 17
Just checked these out in store and bought them. We're £14 then down to £8, went to buy today and gone down to a fiver a pack. Good looking tile and good price. Available online and in store with free delivery though not at weekends. Ends Tuesday
All comments (63)
18 Aug 17 #1
They look really good!
18 Aug 17 #2
I believe they also have tile effect wood flooring. I don't understand why. Wouldn't you just buy wood if you want wood effect and buy tiles if you want tile effect.
johnszi23 to Riaow
18 Aug 17 #5
Maybe in bathroom you don't want wood...
Krizzo3 to Riaow
18 Aug 17 #9
when you want tiles badly but the floor is too flexible to take tiles and you are morbidly obese?

‌ :grin:
shatteredneon to Riaow
18 Aug 17 #11
Under floor heating doesn't work very well through a timber floor. Most new build house have underfloor heating throughout the ground floor, hence the demand for wood effect tiles.
Krizzo3 to shatteredneon
18 Aug 17 #13
Guy mentioned tile effect laminate, not wood effect ceramic tile :smile:
Regprentice to Riaow
19 Aug 17 #24
Ive just spent two days replacing 4 floorboards. Lifting old boards, Sanding, colour matching , varnishing, filling gaps. It was a real pita and hasnt come out particularly well from a colour matching pov.

I can imagine why people would want tiles to look like wood but not give the hassle of wood.
Krizzo3 to Regprentice
19 Aug 17 #25
My uncle lived in a house where kitchen had wooden floor (most used place in the house), new house they are building has underfloor heating and wood alike tiles :grin: Auntie had enough of hassle with spills, wet dogs, kids etc.
18 Aug 17 #3
How do I lay them ? :disappointed:
18 Aug 17 #4
good deal
18 Aug 17 #6
Laid loads of these they look great staggered with charcoal grout . Remember you need flexible adhesive and they are porcelain so a decent cutter is essential and or a diamond wet wheel .
moley to luckylad57
19 Aug 17 #16
diamond grinder ok ????
Krizzo3 to moley
19 Aug 17 #17
Lots of dust but it can sure be done
moley to Krizzo3
19 Aug 17 #28
Thanks will be cutting outside
18 Aug 17 #7
they are very good both bathrooms and dining room done with these very very please with the results and agree with lucky lad there charcoal grout deffo and they are very tough tiles you will need a very decent cutter :muscle:
ws007 to biglol1979
20 Aug 17 #53
hi, sorry to be cheeky any chance of a pic of your bathroom with these tiles?
was thinking of doing my bathroom with these but misses thinks they will be to dark.
18 Aug 17 #8
£5 a metre is a bargain. These look good . And less maintenance than real wood . And will last years longer if laid correctly
cptaylor26 to yozzman1234
19 Aug 17 #27
Can they be used in a wet room?
18 Aug 17 #10
Do these really look good? Zero reviews on the wickes website!
18 Aug 17 #12
Going to be fun carrying 30 packs tomorrow
18 Aug 17 #14
fake view make them better
19 Aug 17 #15
they were £6 a pack week before last + 15% of had mine deliverd yesterday great for kitchens and bathrooms (we had a leak under the sink so the £300 kitchen laminate lasted less than a year) just gotta get all the old crap off the floor underneath now and self level it nut going to be worth it

also about 3% TCB if your buying lots

heat added
19 Aug 17 #18
It is a lovely view. Oak look porcelain. I did not know such a product existed for floors. The description says wall and floor tile. If this was a vinyl tile I'd be in as I need to lay a floor in a utility room.
19 Aug 17 #19
31727837-ZYwA1.jpgI've got these in my kitchen, the wifey loves them, laid them last year and they still look fab, and at this price I might consider getting some more to continue through to hallway
bubblesmoney to Antwon10
19 Aug 17 #29
What grout did you use please?
Antwon10 to bubblesmoney
19 Aug 17 #44
I used a grey grout from screwfix, stuff that you had to mix yourself, it was adhesive too
Daves_mate to Antwon10
19 Aug 17 #36
Hi mate, kinda hard to tell but was wondering what colour grout you've used (the other pic is clearly dark grey but yours doesn't show as much)?
Antwon10 to Daves_mate
19 Aug 17 #43
Hi, ours was a grey floor grout which I got from screwfix, I only used little spacers as have used big spacers before on tiles, and after having numerous spills on it, after cleaning over timethe grout becomes marked and faded.
19 Aug 17 #20
I have these laid brick style hallway kitchen, breakfast room and utility great tiles and much warmer than laminate surprisingly I'm pleased with them
19 Aug 17 #21
bubblesmoney to fruitloop2
19 Aug 17 #30
What grout did you use please?
fruitloop2 to bubblesmoney
19 Aug 17 #32
No idea sorry just know it was light grey I had someone lay it sorry
ran123ran to fruitloop2
19 Aug 17 #42
Is that a pullout under the stair cupboard?
fruitloop2 to ran123ran
20 Aug 17 #46
Hi yes it is my friend made it for me quite simple design but it works and everyone comments on it when they come round
ran123ran to fruitloop2
20 Aug 17 #48
Is it on wheels?
fruitloop2 to ran123ran
20 Aug 17 #49
Yes will post pic later
19 Aug 17 #22
Delivery isn't free at wickes? always sting you for bulk delivery
19 Aug 17 #23
Thanks for posting.
In the process of buying a house and the kitchen flooring needs replacing.
Bought 13 packets which should be enough. Nearest Wicks 4 miles away too :smile:
19 Aug 17 #26
Do these need to be laid on a perfectly level surface, also can they be laid on top of our current foam eva tiles or will compression mean the tiles wont work?
19 Aug 17 #31
Thanks Ordered 29 packs for delivery (free) after checking them out instore.
19 Aug 17 #33
Purchased thanks!
19 Aug 17 #34
Just came back from seeing the tile: the actual tile is very different to the image, and it does not resemble oak. Decided, despite the very tempting price, not to buy it.
wh431 to Helpful
19 Aug 17 #37
Agree. I also saw them in the store and didnt like the look or the finish. Definitely not as good print and finish as the more expensive ones. Tiling arent replaced too often, so may be its better to be 100% happy before buying
19 Aug 17 #35
Thanks, just got 16 packs from Cannock store.

The wood grain effect does look like oak, I've just spent a week installing oak newels and handrails on our staircase so can compare like for like.
19 Aug 17 #38
Just ordered 70 packs
19 Aug 17 #39
You need to lay these on a good base either a solid floor or if floorboards you need to lay 12mm ply seal it and use a flexible adhesive and grout . Laying on top of other tiles is ok if they are ceramic a cement based adhesive will secure them well . Remember to spread the adhesive so that it combs the shortest way across the tile when laid do not dab and dot floor tiles . . Dry grinding will chip the tiles you can buy a cheap d I y wet grinder for 40 quid. They are not easy to cut with a d I y tile cutter . You need a 10 mm scoring wheel . Rubi make the best tile tools . If your solid floor is uneven using a levelling compound and allow to dry .
19 Aug 17 #40
Failing that hire a professional floor layer
19 Aug 17 #41
Waa thinking of getting for kitchen and bathroom but not sure how many boxes i need to buy
Kitchen area is 2.5 m x 2.5 m bathroom is 2m x 1 m.
Please can someone advise how mant to buy including allowance for mistakes as from the post they not easy to cut.
yozzman1234 to ran123ran
20 Aug 17 #47
10 square metres To do both So 10 boxes .
19 Aug 17 #45
Bought 50 packs.
20 Aug 17 #50
Just ordered 20 packs! Couldn't have come through at a better time :grin:
20 Aug 17 #51
Just order some for the hall – thank you!

Does anyone know if this deal for stone-style tiles is also worth going for? Got an ensuite to tile!…230

20 Aug 17 #52
Thanks for posting, we bought a sample box to try in situ earlier than another 24 before closing today.
Had to make two trips getting them home (only 4 miles away) as the car's suspension looked to be struggling at the rear despite loading it fairly evenly.; hardly surprising with nearly 1/2 a ton of weight.

The missus is very happy, many thanks.
21 Aug 17 #54
Thanks OP. Will have a look. Does anyone know if these. are end of line or will they get more stock in, albeit at a higher price?

Whether paint or tiles it is always best to over buy more than you need. You can then touch up or replace later
KerryKnowles-Jones to Proveright
21 Aug 17 #58
As far as I'm aware they are just the offer of the weekend, return to full price Tuesday.
21 Aug 17 #55
I have these porcelain tiles in my kitchen and they look fantastic staggered. The tiles do have a slight curve to them so laying them any other way and the curve might be noticeable. Laid with ivory grout.
KerryKnowles-Jones to ricb761
21 Aug 17 #56
When you say staggered do you mean brick effect or like you would lay wood flooring completely random. I'm unsure which to do. :thinking:
JohnHolloway to KerryKnowles-Jones
22 Aug 17 #59
Brick effect
21 Aug 17 #57
Purchased 35 boxes and can't wait to lay them in the kitchen. Love a bargain as Tile Giant are the same company and are £30 a box in there. Happy days.
24 Aug 17 #60
Hubby thinks it will look nicer without grout I.e will look like an actual wooden floor. Has anyone tried this please?
24 Aug 17 #61
Not advisable pookey1

The tiles may look to all be exactly the same size but they won't be. To start off it will look fine but as you move further away from the first tiles you won't be able to maintain straight edges. Using tile spacers and grout alleviates this and ensures straight lines.

Much better to use a dark grout to blend into the wood floor effect.
26 Aug 17 #62
These are still in stock in many places. Wife is picking some up now.
3 Sep 17 #63
Had a call today was expecting delivery non in stock ordered 2 weeks ago but have been away so couldn't get delivered any quicker :disappointed: gutted
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