About: When Lara was only 16, she was tutored in archaeology by Professor Werner Von Croy, a world-famous archaeologist. Skip forward now, to find Lara in Egypt, minding her own business until a pool of quicksand pulls her underground, deep into an ancient tomb. Here she unwittingly releases the evil god Set, and for the rest of the game her ultimate aim is to recapture him and return him to his prison.
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation follows her quest through 43 levels, all set in the same underground world, so the story moves as seamlessly and effortlessly as the famous Tomb Raider herself.In Tomb Raider Chronicles, Lara is still missing in Egypt and there is no word about her whereabouts. Fearing the worst, her closest friends arrange a service in her honor and to share their insights about some of Lara’s more mysterious exploits. Tomb Raider Chronicles offers new insights into the past adventures of Lara Croft along with a host of new weapons such as the grappling hook gun and a sniper rifle. If you feel creative and want to make your own adventures, the official Tomb Raider Level Editor is included with the game.
30 Aug 17#8
How do the controls hold up?
baulio to Mitch_s_s
30 Aug 17#9
Baring in mind its an old game with no mouse support, pretty well. Changed the keys to my own preference in the options and it's a lot better than i thought it would be.
Mitch_s_s to baulio
30 Aug 17#10
I've played Tomb Raider on the PSP, and the movement was very wooden
Thought something may have been done to smooth it out a bit
30 Aug 17#3
Not the cheapest its been. Im sure they were 99p each direct from sqeenix last year and i yhink they were in a humble or bundlestars bundle but a decent buy for who doesnt have them.
mixmixi to Toadem
30 Aug 17#4
6 games for £5.80 should work out less than 99p each, unless I am missing something?
30 Aug 17#1
Would anyone have any idea if this is identical to the pc version on steam? I've had some terrible issues running it
mixmixi to Felicitous
30 Aug 17#2
This is the DRM free version not Steam version, if that is any help?
Felicitous to mixmixi
30 Aug 17#5
I meant more running by dosbox/the game build? but thank you for trying ^_^
chezybezy to Felicitous
30 Aug 17#6
The gog version will likely run fine even if it's the same build, they test and tweak so it runs fine. If there is something specific check the games sub forum odds are someone has already asked, if not someone will answer. The support and community is amazing.
lomax to chezybezy
3 Sep 17#11
Nice find. Anyone interested in this might be interested in the remake of Tomb Raider 2 some people made in unreal 4:
This. For older games the gog version is usually the best because they go the extra mile to patch it so it runs on modern systems. For some games they even go so far to include community made fixes prepatched into the installer for things the developer never fixed e.g. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines.
baulio to Felicitous
30 Aug 17#7
Have been playing the first one with absolutely no issues so far. Just all sections of the first area. Runs great IMO
Opening post
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation follows her quest through 43 levels, all set in the same underground world, so the story moves as seamlessly and effortlessly as the famous Tomb Raider herself.In Tomb Raider Chronicles, Lara is still missing in Egypt and there is no word about her whereabouts. Fearing the worst, her closest friends arrange a service in her honor and to share their insights about some of Lara’s more mysterious exploits. Tomb Raider Chronicles offers new insights into the past adventures of Lara Croft along with a host of new weapons such as the grappling hook gun and a sniper rifle. If you feel creative and want to make your own adventures, the official Tomb Raider Level Editor is included with the game.
Thought something may have been done to smooth it out a bit
This. For older games the gog version is usually the best because they go the extra mile to patch it so it runs on modern systems. For some games they even go so far to include community made fixes prepatched into the installer for things the developer never fixed e.g. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines.