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30 Aug 17

Until Wed 13 Sep, we've blagged this cracking 12-month Sim from Three* for £9/mth. New customers (and existing Three customers who want a second line) get unlimited minutes and texts and 4GB of 4G data. It’s on Three’s Advanced Plan, so you also get free roaming in 60 worldwide destinations – so not just the EU. Plus, you also get Three’s ‘Go Binge’ which means you can stream Netflix, TVPlayer, Deezer or SoundCloud on your phone without using up your data.

Given for most 4GB is plenty, and several streaming services don’t use your data, this deal from one of the major networks has a very healthy allowance. One thing on the Go Binge – ads in these services may still use your data, and you still need to pay for a Netflix subscription to access it (see full Go Binge details).

  • 12-month contract.
  • Tethering is permitted within your data allowance.
  • If you exceed your allowance, it's £5 to reset your data.
  • Three may increase the price annually in line with inflation.
  • You'll be credit-checked – see our Credit Scores guide.
All comments (29)
30 Aug 17 #1
Use the link in the description. Been this price but that was for essentials plan. This is the advance plan. Anyone renewing use this with retentions. Many thanks
30 Aug 17 #2
Any advice on how to get retentions to recognise this deal? I've just tried and they are denying that it's available :
Anon32 to ickle_Dave
30 Aug 17 #3
No idea i suppose email them it or sign up and then port your number to o2 or something then port back in
rickj to ickle_Dave
30 Aug 17 #15
Had same problem .A long term customer but 3 India call centres are infuriating.They refused to match a online deal as it was "new customer only".spent 45 mins on phone getting so called special offers which were in fact open to everyone.
Took business to plusnet 5gb 10 a month rolling contract , Great to have UK call centre and far superior UK coverage.
30 Aug 17 #4
how frustrating I took out the essential deal a week ago :disappointed:

is their any way I can change over?
swedishfireball to blinko
30 Aug 17 #5
I did the same and found they reduced prices a week later. Call the renewals team and they should price match.
30 Aug 17 #6
thanks bud I did try it but I realised the offer comes from MSE and I wouldn't be eligible for cashback. So have decided to stick with the essential plan and have £40 cash back being tracked
seaniboy to blinko
31 Aug 17 #19
Moving plans of the same or higher price should not effect cashback, not that Three allow a plans move to a cheaper sim plan within 6 months of a new contract/ minterm.
30 Aug 17 #7
Anyone worked out how to click through tcb and then replace part of the url with the mse deal! I know someone done this with the BT deal! Any guides would be appreciated
30 Aug 17 #8
Bit gutted I'm locked into my overpriced plan til November next year with them :disappointed:
30 Aug 17 #9
My 3 essential plan of 4GB, unlimited texts and calls for £9/month is due to expire on 12th September. Perfect timing and I can move to the Advanced plan for the same price. Added heat :smile:
30 Aug 17 #10
Heat! I got this for £10 with a £2 discount, it's now gone up a £1 with recent plan changes where lower plans got more expensive and higher data plans got more data but cheaper, 4GB Advanced is now £13 so that's a £4 saving a month - £48 for the year! much easier than cashback :thumbsup:
30 Aug 17 #11
So i can call u maybe!
30 Aug 17 #12
Not sure it is worth locking in at 12 months for
seaniboy to adamwilko007
31 Aug 17 #18
I've added to the deal post, how about 12GB for £12 for 12 months ?

This is a good deal for low data users for 'Go Binge' for Netflix, Deezer etc but you are right most people will be covered by 30 day sims from resellers of a few of the big with 4. 4/5GB with large minutes allowance is available circa £10 with no 12 month term so unless unlimited data/Go Binge is of use then it's not a good deal, for others it's great, however like I said 12GB for £3 a month more & Go Binge is a much better deal for higher data users, add in availability of short term month to month (billing cycled) 18GB (30GB total & Hotspot use) and the handset AYCE for £17 & £22 data add-ons and it doesn't come cheaper.

But those low data but high GoBinge services users who want to save £3 a month over the 12GB/12 month term at £36 savings it's a great deal.

I got this plan for £10 a few months back with a £2 a month discount for using my Three payg (back up) number as a current customer. I've just moved to 600 minutes/12GB for £11 a month for the 12GB data (and access to 18GB/AYCE monthly add-ons), my plan change is active on my next billing date. :thumbsup:

Go Binge is the selling point here, the data and higher minutes is easily matched by Three reseller IDmobile or EE's sister +Net mobile.
30 Aug 17 #13
not working for me :disappointed:
seaniboy to silly_entz
30 Aug 17 #14
Click the blue writing at the start of the deal details :thumbsup:
31 Aug 17 #16
What's mse? Why when I click the link is it coming up at £11 I'm thick please help
seaniboy to mackey24680
31 Aug 17 #17

Click the blue writing at the start of the deal details and NOT "get deal" :thumbsup:
31 Aug 17 #20
does not exist
winchman to kris1234
1 Sep 17 #21
Yes it does, don't click on the 'get deal'.
2 Sep 17 #22
I'm currently paying £13pm for 8GB data and AYCE calls and text on a rolling contract so have called up and cancelled in order to get this deal by porting to another number and then porting back. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a cheap PAYG SIM I can use as a number porting stepping stone?
3 Sep 17 #23
I'm a three PAYG 321 customer. I phoned to ask for this deal - never heard of it. Kept saying they can't match 3rd parties and I kept saying the offer is on their website. They think I'm lying. Left it… Got a follow up and had the same conversation - he got annoyed with me in the end as every time he said "they" in relation to the offer, I corrected him - "no it’s not they, it’s you, it's on your website". By now I’d had two chase-up emails from the basket I left on three from the MSE link.

He put me through to "Customer Services" and the lady there was no more informed or acknowledging of the offer, but did offer to match it "as a one-off special". I repeatedly pointed out that it isn’t a one-off and that the email must have gone to 10 million people. So I was told she would put me through to sales and I’d be told it would be £11 but not to worry, she’d change it down afterwards. Only now the price is £13 (I’m not even getting an existing customer discount), but that’s OK, she’ll still knock £4 off for me “as a one-off”. She also offered to credit me £9 to cover the first month – as I was about to walk away.

The Sales guy knew what was going on when I spoke to him, but now I’m getting a new number! They said it should be easy enough for me to phone and get my number swapped over?? Surely I could have just checked out on the MSE offer and been in the same place?

Anyway, long way to go. We’ll see what happens. I’ll probably phone once, and if I have any problems with the number transfer, I’ll just cancel. I’ve spent over an hour on the phone so far.

I intend to stick with 3 in ant event – I travel to the USA a lot and for that to be included for £9/month or the £70-£80 a year I spend on 321 is brilliant….
8 Sep 17 #24
Existing customer, didn't manage to argue for the exact same deal, but because we don't use many minutes I was advised we could have everything on this deal but with 600 minutes rather than AYCE, but for only £7.

That'll do nicely :-)
10 Sep 17 #25
Can I order this through here? As I can't get the £9 p/m deal when looking. Obviously I want this deal and to get my £50 cashback
Anon32 to villians1984
10 Sep 17 #26
I don't think you can do it with cashback its one or the other unless you can click through it then replace the url. Seaniboy can probably do it
villians1984 to Anon32
10 Sep 17 #27
Thanks. I'm looking for a second contract for my son to use. I've also noticed that if I refer a friend we both get a £25 amazon voucher, well I either want this deal as a second contract so does anyone know how I go about it?
16 Sep 17 #28
Back on
19 Sep 17 #29
I couldn't get this to work on my pc... The link worked itd go through and then after lutting in bank details went through saying "your basket is empty"
I then tried on my phone and it worked flawlessly. I am now on this contract and couldn't be happier.
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