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 Three - 12m 12GB Advanced Unlimited calls/texts
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Three - 12m 12GB Advanced Unlimited calls/texts

Three24 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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24 Aug 17
Seems 8GB data plans is out, 4GB/12/30 and AYCE data are standard now.

£12 for 12GB & unlimited mins/texts. (£2 DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON ALL CURRENT PLANS - see bottom of deal)

Go Binge…nge

Hotspot of 12GB data & can add 18GB more with a £5 data add on.

[email protected] roaming…ome

Advanced v Essential plans:…ans

For further data, a £5 data add on is available - 18GB- £17 for 30GB - all available for hotspot, a further £5 data add on gives AYCE data for handset use for £22 all in…024

£2 DISCOUNT on all other available plans:
All existing plans are available to payg Three customers with a £2 discount so grab a cheap sim from a shop (or free payg sim…der or totally free 200MB a month Mobile Broadband Reward sim…der) and enter the payg number from the on the sim order process - when you select plan it will ask you for 'current Three number' for the £2 month discount to confirm you are indeed a current Three customer, it will then proceed on with the checkout process. Current customers link…S20
Latest comments (106)
14 Sep 17 #97
Yup. The add ons have stayed the same whilst plans have got cheaper :wink: win/win :smile:
Pspvita to seaniboy
20 Sep 17 #106
New customer 100gb uni mins txt £23pm happy.
14 Sep 17 #95
In theory you could jump from the 30GB at £18 a month and then add £5 for unlimited.
seaniboy to steverearl
14 Sep 17 #96
You are out of contract, I defo would be asking!
steverearl to seaniboy
20 Sep 17 #105
(Sighs) I'll have to try the live chat way and see how I get on...
14 Sep 17 #94
Thank you just wondering whether it's worth the credit check or whether you reckon live chat would knock that price down further.
seaniboy to steverearl
20 Sep 17 #104
Most of us know that lol, but a handy reminder hurt no one ever! Time to regrade!!
14 Sep 17 #92
Yes it does
steverearl to seaniboy
20 Sep 17 #103
Word of warning you can't use the add on for personal hotspot on essential plan grr!
30 Aug 17 #82
Call and ask for PAC on current number (assume minimum term complete), order new contract, submit PAC to another network PAYG sim, then ask for PAC (excuse: poor signal if they ask) and give PACstraight back to the new Three sim/account. Done, jobs a good ane. :thumbsup:
CLEPAU676 to seaniboy
31 Aug 17 #84
This is good
helal94 to seaniboy
7 Sep 17 #89
Do you know if the 18gb add on includes hot spot as well?
steverearl to helal94
20 Sep 17 #102
Just to confirm I've upgraded to a £15 essential deal with 30gb ayce mins and texts.
15 Sep 17 #98
Yay my £11 12GB deal changed over today and my 18GB £5 add on is showing, £16 30GB what a winner :grin:‌ 31995179-kN2Os.jpg
seaniboy to seaniboy
15 Sep 17 #101
I upped from a discounted (£10) £12 4GB Unlimited advanced to 600m, Unlimited texts and 12GB for £11 :smile: £16 for 30GB when needed, the older I get the less I call, the more I internet (the cheap life :wink:
15 Sep 17 #100
Isn't it £12 for 12GB plan and not £11?
15 Sep 17 #99
Just annoying they don't roll on but hey ho.
14 Sep 17 #93
It's a £5 18GB add on taking it to 30GB with a 12GB plan, then a further £5 for AYCE with the 12/18 GB giving 30GB tethering and unlimited handset data. But any 12GB plan will allow this, new customer or changing plan to a base of 12GB allowance inclusion.
13 Sep 17 #91
Could you not upgrade to the 12GB deal and then add on the 30GB then the unlimited data?
7 Sep 17 #90
Thanks for sharing this deal seaniboy. I'm paying £25 /month for AYCE data, 600 mins and unltd. texts on a rolling contract and haven't been happy paying that much over the last few months. Been looking for a good sim-only deal with minimum 30GB data and from reading HUKD and other forums over the last few months it seems like Three couldn't give a poop if you left and asked for a PAC and other networks' offerings have been pretty poor on a minimum 30GB data plan.

Prefer to move over to EE but I think I may have to take up the £16 /month offer for 30GB, AYCE data + texts from Three for additional contracts, and then cancel my existing contract and ask for PAC code for that contract > port it over to a PAYG sim on another network and > then port that number to my new sim-only contract. Bit of a headache :disappointed: Might give EE a ring tomorrow first though to see if they can beat the £16/month deal for 30GB data....
31 Aug 17 #88
Ah! Sorry I read 4G as meaning 4G not 4GB and they were selling you 4G in the upsell :wink: still a decent £15 deal if you use AYCE handset and Go Binge services including via hotspot, including [email protected] Go Binging.

Personally I like choice of large hotspot allowances incase one network has a poor signal I can Three the data via iPhone tethering. I carry a best value payg sim for data for every network, signal over Scotland as a whole can be hit & miss like underpopulated sticks of England/Wales/NI. The few major cities here can be like London too, hit and miss on all networks.
31 Aug 17 #87
No, it was 4gig hotspot
30 Aug 17 #81
See I've got a question. I've also found this "error" in the website using the exact same link..

My question: as I'm an existing customer with three on a 8GB/unl texts & calls (I've already called them & they said lowest they'll give me the 12GB plan that this thread is talking about, is for 14£ so I'm a tad disappointed), if I were to click this link that doesn't ask for an "existing customer number", how would I go about cancelling my current contract I have with three, switching over my number over to the new 12GB contract all the while not allowing them to know my intentions? How would all this work..??
yoghurt to ViolentNinja
31 Aug 17 #85
I rang the other day and they would not offer this for £12. Using the suggestion above I used the App to chat to them about 11pm - they initially said I had to deal with CS about such changes but I pointed out I work nights so their times do not match so they then transferred me via the Chat. Spoke to CS and bluntly asked for this offer for £12 was told Yes! I did this for my son and daughters SIM.

They did also offer unlimited data/texts/calls and 4g hotspot for £15/mth too.
Hope that helps
seaniboy to yoghurt
31 Aug 17 #86
£15 sounds AYCE everything sounds like a great deal, did that include 30GB hotspot ? I would assume so or they didn't say ?

Hopefully I can get a great offer like that come renewal time :grin: - I think I've passed along enough customers with a £2 discount I think I deserve it lol

The Three app Live Chat is fantastic in my opinion, I've spoke to them several times and the service received has always been great :muscle:
30 Aug 17 #83
Correct, 12GB £12, data add-ons are only valid the month billing period they are bought from my3, so add 18GB for £5 and a further £5 add-on gives the original plan/add-on 30GB which can be used for hotspot and AYCE handset data, Go Binge services are unlimited including using Hotspot Wifi to access them (Go Binge and Hotspot access for GoBinge are also available in [email protected] countries)

Simply you have £12 a month plan, data add-ons can be bought as needed via my3 (account) online, 18GB and AYCE, both £5. So yes £22 all in, no commitment with data add-ons, your plan is £12, add data add-ons as needed per billing month, exactly why I got a similar Three plan as my data usage changes depending on location, the 12GB plans offer the best data add-ons.


Page 10:…pdf

If you want the 12GB deal follow the 'get deal' link, if you want £2 off any other plan using a payg Three number follow the link further down in the original deal post :wink:
30 Aug 17 #80
So, if I'm reading this correctly, I could sign up to this plan and add £5 for 1 data upgrade and then add another £5 for a second data upgrade which would get me to AYCE everything for £22 a month based on a twelve month contract?

I could apply an old payg number to get £2 a month off that?

can you chop and change with the data add-ons? If 30gb would suffice one month can you reduce it somehow or is it a once you're in, it you're in it, sort of thing?
How and when do you add the data add-ons? As you order or when you've received it?

looking at this as can't see a better AYCE tariff for around £20(?), unless anyone else does? :wink:
29 Aug 17 #79
That's a great deal for 30GB, Three really are becoming more and more competitive again, for a few years after The One Plan although AYCE handset data was available they were very stingy with data in comparison with what other networks were offering excluding AYCE data, very good to see the gap is widening again like when Three launched and The One Plan era and shook up the market.

I've been on Three a few times over the years but the offers seem to be more competitive than ever with data, The One Plan was never going to be sustained with unlimited data but the last few years the data offers on non AYCE were poor with low data/hotspot, the network certainly has become more rebust and offers are very good.

This priceplan shake up of dropping 8GB and plan pricing is great news all round for current and new customers. Seems staff also have more flexibility with moving current customers plans with more data if willing to sacrifice unlimited minutes, it's a lot easier to track used minutes than data without calling 333 or using my3, people have a rough idea of minutes (unless you yap yap yap yap yap and pay more to Three LOL), I'm definitely much more of a texter and data user than caller these days, calls generally are non personal or calling the old parent when texting isn't appropriate.
29 Aug 17 #78
Not related per se but... Can honestly say the call quality and speed is amazingly superb in comparison to EE here (which makes no sense at all considering EE/Three share base stations and backhaul) I made many complaints to Three years ago about the same issues, Three have ironed out &sorted their network locally whereas EE just ignore long term reported technical issues, and lied they were resolved from 2016.

Three, 2 bars of 4G, indoors, iPhone 6S: 31837031-rb4RN.jpg
29 Aug 17 #77
Just used Live Chat through My3 app at midnight, and I've upgraded from 8GB data with unlimited minutes/texts and tethering to the Advance 600 deal which is 30GB data 600 minutes,unlimited texts, tethering, feel at home and go binge for £1 extra on a rolling 30 day contract. Now paying £14, very happy with that.
27 Aug 17 #76
I can't add a data add-on via my3 whilst awaiting changing plan it only offers Blackberry for £5, I'm almost half way through my 4GB, live chat via the Three app came up trumps (again) when I got 8GB data add-ons for £3 (till my billing date kicks in 18 days time) :thumbsup: Went from circa 2.5GB to 10.5GB :grin:

The Three staff on the Three app Live Chat are great :muscle: try them out :smile:
27 Aug 17 #75

Ok I took a Netflix trial to test last night and streaming or downloading on my iPhone and it didn't use data. :thumbsup:

Spent last night watching Grace & Frankie, these two old biddies had me lmfao :grin:
26 Aug 17 #74
That's what I got :raised_hand: I've unlimited (crape quality) EE £5 sim mins if I run short, but most my regular chat is text now, if the networks weren't so stupid when smartphone tech was taking over and offered unlimited texts as standards they could have made a killing the last few years.
26 Aug 17 #73
After all the messing about I finally got a deal this morning,600 mins, unlimited texts, 12gb data and the binge on the Advanced plan for £11 per month
26 Aug 17 #72
Well spotted! :thumbsup: virtual heat for you jammydav93 :grin:

If you choose 'sims' it makes you enter a existing Three number after choosing plan, if you scroll down to 'Sim Only Voice' 12GB/Unlimited £12 it doesn't ask LOL I've amended the deal info :wink:
26 Aug 17 #71…ers let me buy with £2 discount for the 12GB deal without verifying I was an existing Three number.
25 Aug 17 #70
Or port out to payg elsewhere and back in Mon-Wed and get this deal at £12 :wink:
25 Aug 17 #69
489 degrees :smile: glad people are getting use out of this deal :thumbsup:
25 Aug 17 #68
Port out and back in then, with a payg sim as deal says it will be £12 - networks will soon learn when loads of customers do this it causes them work in PAC staff wages and the costs of setting up new contracts etc for the sake of £24 for a 12 month term.
25 Aug 17 #67
Guess it depends what you pay now for what ?
25 Aug 17 #66
Use the live chat in Three app, I used it at 1am when customer services were closed :wink:
25 Aug 17 #65
Call and ask, I jumped from 4 to 12GB for £1 :wink:
25 Aug 17 #64
You can but try, I didn't expect £11 for 12GB/600, I wanted unlimited/12GB for £12 but saved £1 lol - all good for me :wink:
25 Aug 17 #63
Use it or lose it in billing month it's bought.

Data from Netflix or Go Binge services should not matter if streamed or downloaded in browser/app, its server/ip dependent. I don't have Netflix anymore so not sure if I can download on the iOS app ?
25 Aug 17 #62
Go Binge, hotspot capability & [email protected] roaming :smile:
25 Aug 17 #61
This deal is unlimited mins, as a current customer I only got offered 600 mins. MMS with a smartphone ? Email them or use a messaging app. Roaming always involves incoming call fees, UK or [email protected] countries have no incoming call fees.
25 Aug 17 #60
Depends on what you are looking for, 12GB is £14 for existing customers, £12 for new. Only obvious way to achieve £12 is to port out then back, having used a PAYG SIM to upgrade to SIMO to get 12 for 12.
I've already received my PAC like many above.
25 Aug 17 #59
had a look at the tab small print for their deal, along with what you said, it may affect some people that it's 600mins not all you can eat, picture messages are more expensive, and you pay to receive international calls.
25 Aug 17 #58
My other half was on a £12 deal for just 1gb for years without ever being offered an upgrade, offered here lots of deals on the essential plan but we need the feel at home abroad and they couldn't do anything.

When on the phone it clicked that I could get this deal for both of us by each getting a additional sim card and giving our 30 days notice. Great deal. 3 seemed to think we shouldn't save a few quid a month to avoid the hassle haha

(8gb last week now 12 for same price!)
25 Aug 17 #57
Am I right in thinking this deal is for an add up already sim? So if I want to get a better deal on my existing sim (I do not need another) I am better off ringing and haggling? Thanks
25 Aug 17 #56
rats! just called them they wouldn't budge from 8gb, £12/mth to this. :kissing_heart:
25 Aug 17 #55
Same here, have two expired contracts with them, asked for one of them to be £12 at least, they refused. Offered £30gb essential plan for £15 but was not interested. Git PAC codes sent through.
25 Aug 17 #54
Just got off the phone with Three, 35 mins! They wouldn't budge, best they would offer is £14pm for 12gb. They've texted me my PAC Code...
25 Aug 17 #53
signed up for 8Gb (£12) a few weeks ago. do you think they will price match?
25 Aug 17 #52
went for it. thanks
25 Aug 17 #51
I pay 9 quid for monthly rolling advance plan 4gb, ayce mins and texts. Not sure if they will offer the 12gb for a couple of quid more.
25 Aug 17 #50
Gave them a ring no budging and I ended up leaving with my PAC code. Nothing ventured and all that but may wait until close to the termination date and tell them I changed my mind.
25 Aug 17 #49
Thank you.
25 Aug 17 #48
The add on for AYCE for £5, does that roll over for the next month or if I don't use it I lose it?

And the go binge on netflix, does that include downloading netflix shows are free to or is it just streaming?
25 Aug 17 #47
I'm on EE and out my min contract now so may try and get them to match this or better it.

Good bargaining chip either way for people looking for better deals all round imo
25 Aug 17 #46
There is wifi but it's terrible and constantly knocks you off. I will phone them today and see what happens. Cheers for your help.
25 Aug 17 #45
Perfect, yup you got it! :wink:
thats what I used, my Mobile Broadband 200MB reward sim phone number :thumbsup:
24 Aug 17 #44
I think I've got it. My wife has a three payg sim in the draw as it has 200mb of free data per month (useful for feel at home).
I can use this payg number to get the £2 discount on a new contract with three (and then port my number) and the current three payg sim will still be active.
24 Aug 17 #43
thanks for that mate. these 3 deals are crazy!! the only issue is that they pay change the price of the add on any time but i like your thinking.
by the way, whats the difference between the essential plan and the advanced plan?
24 Aug 17 #42
30GB/Unlimited text&Mins is £41 on EE, unlimited data for (poor quality) Apple Music but that's it! 6 months free AM then it's £9.99 a month.

Even the free EE BT Sports app access (BT own EE) uses your data allowance.

Go Binge would give you free streaming access to Soundcloud - and quality is top notch compared to AM, which like Spotify, Deezer are $ub$cription services. Soundcloud is FREE music with free streaming :wink:…ils

Ask for this Advanced plan I've posted for £12 as a existing customer, it's £14 on the website and includes Go Binge then add 18GB data add-on in every month you need if you still need 30GB, 18GB add-on for £5 = £17 a month for 30GB when needed or £12 for 12GB - either way Go Binge will cut down your data usage as free :wink:
24 Aug 17 #41
No, sorry you misunderstand - you use a Three payg sim number to get the £2 discount a month on a new sim only contract with a new Three temporary number by entering the Three payg phone number as your 'existing customer' proof on your Three sim only contract order to get the £2 a month discount, it asks for a current Three number (enter the payg number) after you choose a plan and try to go to checkout, then you carry on with the checkout process :wink:

You can get a Three payg sim from most newsagents for 50p/£1.

When you receive confirmation of your Three sim only contract temporary 'phone number' or the sim arrives with the new number you can Three on 333 and give them the PAC from T-Mobile to transfer your existing number across on top of the temporary Three number, or submit online as the link I gave you before^ in my last reply to you. They will advise when the number transfer should be complete via calling or via text info if you submit request online.

It is best to do this PAC/number transfer in to Three Mon-Wed as PAC requests later in the week that may have a issue crop up can't be sorted at the weekend, some late Thursday requests can't be fixed on a Fri so it has to wait till Monday. You can submit on Thurs morning but they don't action till late Thursday, that's why I say submit Mon-Wed.

(I've been stuck with two different networks sims before all weekend and neither worked as I submitted PAC on Thurs, it was sorted Monday afternoon after I called in the morning, but what a nightmare having no working sim or my mobile number all weekend!)

Anything else just ask :smile:
24 Aug 17 #40
been with 3 for a year but going to move over to ee. currently paying £22 for unlimited minutes and texts and 30gb of data. got offered the same but for £20 but with additional all you can binge thing where using certain apps like netflix, spotify, deezer etc, when used, the data would not come out of the monthly 30gb, but can use those services on a unlimited basis through data. so if i watched netflix of 4g on 3 on that package, it would not show on my data.
24 Aug 17 #33
The £5 18gb addon, is that something you can buy one month, skip a month or 2 then buy it again or do you have to have it every month once you've initially gone for it?
seaniboy to simate
24 Aug 17 #39
No it's a short term current month boost if you need it, you have to buy it every month if you need it. Which is exactly what I need, some months I'm 3GB others can be upto 25-30GB but I'm sick of paying £X for data each month I don't use, flexibility is key for me & why this deal is great, £17 unlimited and 30GB is a no brainier when £12/12GB is not enough.

page 10 here…pdf
24 Aug 17 #34
How would I go about porting my existing number (currently t-mobile) to this deal.
seaniboy to sparkzilla
24 Aug 17 #36
Order Three sim. Call T-Mobile and ask for a PAC - this code allows you to give Three the power to bring your number across to them…ode

Submit PAC to Three here…ort
sparkzilla to seaniboy
24 Aug 17 #38
Thank you, Do I need to transfer when the three SIM is PAYG or when I've upgraded it to the 12gb contract sim (or does it not matter). Thanks
24 Aug 17 #6
As an existing customer i am unable to upgrade to this plan for £12 they want £14 :disappointed:
foxymeister to bigmike2028
24 Aug 17 #7
I'm in the same boat!!
seaniboy to bigmike2028
24 Aug 17 #19
What plan are you on/cost?
Minimum term finished ?
bigmike2028 to seaniboy
24 Aug 17 #26
I am on the £10 unlimited minutes and texts and 4gb data on the Advanced plan so they would have been making more money of me. I wanted it more for the Netflix binge as I try not to use too much data during the month,I have 2gb to use by Tuesday although come Monday I'll watch uhd videos on YouTube just to use it up. I can give 30 days notice from tomorrow but today there was a charge of about £7.50.
seaniboy to bigmike2028
24 Aug 17 #29
A charge of £7.50 ? what does my3 say about this £7.50 ?
bigmike2028 to seaniboy
24 Aug 17 #31
I cannot find any mention about the cancellation fee but il phone them tomorrow anyway. I don't know why I'm even bothering as I work in nursing homes and struggle for a signal most of the time while my friend sits on his o2 network without issues.
seaniboy to bigmike2028
24 Aug 17 #35
I'd call the "leaving Three" option not billing/customer services. Have you no wifi at work ? That's a poor show really, residents should have access, it's not like it's cheap in nursing homes.
porkscratchin to bigmike2028
24 Aug 17 #20

Do you still have some time left on your contracts ?
Three offers depend on the call handler, the weather outside and the colour socks the person three seats down on the number 7 bus is wearing.
foxymeister to porkscratchin
24 Aug 17 #24
One day fortunately! I'm going to ring them tomorrow. Wish me luck !!
seaniboy to foxymeister
24 Aug 17 #27
You'll be alright mate! Tell them you know what you can get else where on a 30 day sim (research it & 12m if you don't mind a recontract) and ask them to offer ALL plans/discounts have they got available to you since your term is complete have a pen & paper ready to write down and review all offers.

I got about 8 offers to move plan 3 months in - Unlimited/30GB offer was £17 but I use data sporadically some months 2-3GB, 5-8GB some months and others 25-30GB so minimal cost was imperative with £5 data add ons availability so I asked for 12GB minimum deals to get access to the 18GB £5 data add on. Strangely (I guess lower data plans rising in cost recently) I got offered several 8GB plans but recall the 8GB/Unlimited for £13 ?? Which I refused and asked for 12 GB minimum, £15 for 12GB & unlimited mins or £1 more for 600 minutes.

I don't know how many minutes I use on my EE contract because they don't list the use on Unlimited mins plans, snEEky . Apparently you have to call them for that info to work out your average & highest months.

Update us... &
Good luck mucka :wink:
bigmike2028 to porkscratchin
24 Aug 17 #25
I can give my 30 days notice from tomorrow. The girl tried to sell me with how I wouldn't need to go through credit checks again and how great a deal it was.
seaniboy to bigmike2028
24 Aug 17 #28
Choose "wanting to leave Three" when you call from the menu options, I only spoke to customer services today to change plan from 4GB/Unlimited to 12GB/600 for a £1 more. I only wanted to change plans for more data as the data is 3 (ironic lol) times faster than EE.
foxymeister to seaniboy
24 Aug 17 #32
How much are you paying now for 12gb as that is what I'll be asking for tomorrow. Currently paying £17, hoping for £12 on new contract! Thanks
seaniboy to foxymeister
24 Aug 17 #37
£11 - with 600 mins, now only Unlimited mins/12GB 12m is available online for £14
24 Aug 17 #30
My wife's contract has finished last month, called them this evening but they didn't offer anything better than current plans for new customers 12GB for £14, she get PAC without any final offer :disappointed:
24 Aug 17 #8
This could be good... currently paying £12 for 4GB Advanced, but I need more data. Got to ring them anyway, wish me luck :thumbsup:

Heat OP.
seaniboy to slipd
24 Aug 17 #23
Good luck, let us know how you got on :thumbsup:
24 Aug 17 #5
Dont forget Quidco, also you cant do tethering while abroad , and your also limited to 12gb while roaming even tho i have 30gb, just thought id give poeple a heads up if thats what they wanted.
seaniboy to jaddy
24 Aug 17 #22
Says in TCB/Quidco rules do not pay out on existing customer deals, but DO try :wink:
24 Aug 17 #10
Thanks for this, paid 10£ for 4GB AYCE, had a chat with them and got this deal for 11£.
kashta to Jijin2
24 Aug 17 #11
Did you call them or via Web chat? Thanks
Jijin2 to kashta
24 Aug 17 #12
slipd to Jijin2
24 Aug 17 #13
They told me the other day that they don't do any upgrades over chat now... :thinking:
Jijin2 to slipd
24 Aug 17 #16
True, even the popup when you start a chat says that. The first person I spoke with offered 8GB for 13£ and told me she didn't have the authority to offer me more so she passed the ball to someone from the customer relations team. Result:

After this I said I would have really appreciated a little discount so...

31783671-8kpzH.jpg‌ :grin:
seaniboy to Jijin2
24 Aug 17 #17
Ooh what did you get for £11 ?

These recent plan changes seem to have penalised new customers with low data higher plan cost but higher data users plans have came down but not much change at the top 30GB/AYCE
Jijin2 to seaniboy
24 Aug 17 #18
This thread's deal, 12GB AYCE Advanced plan.
seaniboy to Jijin2
24 Aug 17 #21
WOW you got AYCE handset data and 12GB hotspot ? Amazing. Is that unlimited mins ? You got a stonker with AYCE handset data too! Well jealous :thumbsup: Glad you got that after contacting Three reading this deal, bit of nice karma should come my way :wink:

(I speed read your screenshot and missed AYCE!)
24 Aug 17 #4
Anyone know when the £2 a month discount ends? I have a GiffGaff goody bag ending in about 3 weeks and don't really want to start a new contract till that is over
seaniboy to thegamingkinginfo
24 Aug 17 #15
It's a ongoing discount that any Three payg (or contract)number qualifies for.
24 Aug 17 #1
Additional info for anyone on Three 4GB advanced - I upgraded to 12GB/600 mins for £1, with plan changes and cheaper prices and 8GB removed plans from sale, plan changes seem to be more for less. So if you have a 4 or 8GB plan call Three and see what they can offer you data wise for a change of priceplan :thumbsup:
SorJai to seaniboy
24 Aug 17 #3
How much was you paying? :worried:
seaniboy to SorJai
24 Aug 17 #14
4GB/Unlimited £12 with £2 discount so £10, the recent plan changes have seen this for new customers rise to £13 so now £11 for 12m.

£1 more for 3 times the data :grin: I'll just need to watch my 600 minutes and text more as they are unlimited, also means a £5 data add on gets me 18GB not 4GB :grin:

not bad for a additional £9 for the remaining 9 month term :wink:
24 Aug 17 #9
Cheers op, this post spurred me into calling them . I had 12gb , 200 minutes and unlimited texts for £17 . Changed it to 12gb plus go binge and unlimited calls and texts for £14 .
So a £3 saving for more data and unlimited min . Win win .
I was was on my last month of my contract thankfully.
24 Aug 17 #2
Great deal and available to all! Have some Heat!
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
3 stars +143

Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Wrapping paper
3 stars +133

Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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