Only 9 in stock. Fair price and in excellent condition if you're looking to try.
7y 32d#1
Truly awful game spend your money elsewhere
reckoning to metalmakabre
7y 32d#6
It's not awful it never was.
It was a £20 game max, that's now well worth that price, so for £10 it's a bargain.
7y 32d#2
Worst game I have ever played. And I spent £45 on it when it first released. I've literally done the first mission and never played it again. Good price, but wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
7y 32d#3
I disagree, this is a great game, get hundreds of playing hours too for a fiver!
7y 32d#4
You just need to know what you are in for, this is an MMO. Big multiplayer game, lots of people on it, there's hundreds of quests but there's a fair bit of grind and you need to put in a lot of time.
7y 32d#5
bought this for the wife a few months ago, not my cup of tea (coffee if im honest) but she absolutley loves it heat for the price
7y 32d#7
I don't know why this is getting bad reviews, especially for £5. The game is huge, literally huge that in itself if steal - if you like Skyrim, it's worth a try. But as it's mentioned, it does require a bit of a grind to get into it
Opening post
It was a £20 game max, that's now well worth that price, so for £10 it's a bargain.